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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$powershellexe = (get-process -id $PID).mainmodule.filename
Describe "Clone array" -Tags "CI" {
It "Cast in target expr" {
(([int[]](42)).clone()) | Should -Be 42
(([int[]](1..5)).clone()).Length | Should -Be 5
(([int[]](1..5)).clone()).GetType() | Should -Be ([int[]])
It "Cast not in target expr" {
$e = [int[]](42)
$e.Clone() | Should -Be 42
$e = [int[]](1..5)
$e.Clone().Length | Should -Be 5
$e.Clone().GetType() | Should -Be ([int[]])
Describe "Set fields through PSMemberInfo" -Tags "CI" {
Add-Type @"
public struct AStruct { public string s; }
It "via cast" {
([AStruct]@{s = "abc" }).s | Should -BeExactly "abc"
It "via new-object" {
(new-object AStruct -prop @{s="abc"}).s | Should -BeExactly "abc"
It "via PSObject" {
$x = [AStruct]::new()
$x.psobject.properties['s'].Value = 'abc'
$x.s | Should -Be "abc"
Describe "MSFT:3309783" -Tags "CI" {
It "Run in another process" {
# For a reliable test, we must run this in a new process because an earlier binding in this process
# could mask the bug/fix.
& $powershellexe -noprofile -command "[psobject] | ForEach-Object FullName" | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.PSObject
It "Run in current process" {
# For good measure, do the same thing in this process
[psobject] | ForEach-Object FullName | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.PSObject
It "Pipe objects derived from PSObject" {
# Related - make sure we can still pipe objects derived from PSObject
class MyPsObj : PSObject
MyPsObj($obj) : base($obj) { }
[string] ToString() {
# Don't change access via .psobject, that was also a bug.
return "MyObj: " + $this.psobject.BaseObject
[MyPsObj]::new("abc").psobject.ToString() | Should -Be "MyObj: abc"
[MyPsObj]::new("def") | Out-String | ForEach-Object Trim | Should -Be "MyObj: def"
Describe "ScriptBlockAst.GetScriptBlock throws on error" -Tags "CI" {
$e = $null
It "with parse error" {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput('function ', [ref]$null, [ref]$e)
{ $ast.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
It "with semantic errors" {
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput('function foo{param()begin{}end{[ref][ref]1}dynamicparam{}}', [ref]$null, [ref]$e)
{ $ast.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
{ $ast.EndBlock.Statements[0].Body.GetScriptBlock() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PSInvalidOperationException"
Describe "Hashtable key property syntax" -Tags "CI" {
$script = @'
# First create a hashtable wrapped in PSObject
$hash = New-Object hashtable
$key = [ConsoleColor]::Red
$null = $hash.$key
$hash = @{}
$hash.$key = 'Hello'
# works in PS 2,3,4. Fails in PS 5:
It "In current process" {
# Run in current process, but something that ran earlier could influence
# the result
Invoke-Expression $script | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'
It "In different process" {
# So also run in a fresh process
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($script)
& $powershellexe -noprofile -encodedCommand ([Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)) | Should -BeExactly 'Hello'
Describe "Assign automatic variables" -Tags "CI" {
$autos = '_', 'args', 'this', 'input', 'pscmdlet', 'psboundparameters', 'myinvocation', 'psscriptroot', 'pscommandpath'
foreach ($auto in $autos)
It "Assign auto w/ invalid type constraint - $auto" {
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[datetime]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[datetime]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[runspace]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[runspace]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[notexist]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
{ . ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[notexist]`$$auto = 1")) } | Should -Throw $auto
foreach ($auto in $autos)
It "Assign auto w/o type constraint - $auto" {
& ([ScriptBlock]::Create("`$$auto = 1; `$$auto")) | Should -Be 1
. ([ScriptBlock]::Create("`$$auto = 1; `$$auto")) | Should -Be 1
It "Assign auto w/ correct type constraint" {
& { [object]$_ = 1; $_ } | Should -Be 1
& { [object[]]$args = 1; $args } | Should -Be 1
& { [object]$this = 1; $this } | Should -Be 1
& { [object]$input = 1; $input } | Should -Be 1
# Can't test PSCmdlet or PSBoundParameters, they use an internal type
& { [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo]$myInvocation = $myInvocation; $myInvocation.Line } | Should -Match Automation.InvocationInfo
& { [string]$PSScriptRoot = 'abc'; $PSScriptRoot } | Should -BeExactly 'abc'
& { [string]$PSCommandPath = 'abc'; $PSCommandPath } | Should -BeExactly 'abc'
Describe "Assign readonly/constant variables" -Tags "CI" {
$testCase = @(
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $? = 1 }; name = '$? = 1' }
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $HOME = 1 }; name = '$HOME = 1' }
@{ sb_wo_conversion = { $PID = 1 }; name = '$PID = 1' }
It "Assign readonly/constant variables w/o type constraint - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
{ & $sb_wo_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
{ . $sb_wo_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
$testCase = @(
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$? = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$? = 1' }
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$HOME = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$HOME = 1' }
@{ sb_w_conversion = { [datetime]$PID = 1 }; name = '[datetime]$PID = 1' }
It "Assign readonly/constant variables w/ type constraint - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
{ & $sb_w_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
{ . $sb_w_conversion } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "VariableNotWritable"
Describe "Attribute error position" -Tags "CI" {
It "Ambiguous overloads" {
$e = {
& {
} | Should -Throw -PassThru -ErrorId 'MethodCountCouldNotFindBest'
$e.InvocationInfo.Line | Should -Match ValidateNotNull
Describe "Multiple alias attributes" -Tags "CI" {
It "basic test" {
function foo {
foo -aa 1 | Should -Be 1
foo -bb 2 | Should -Be 2
foo -cc 3 | Should -Be 3
Describe "Members of System.Type" -Tags "CI" {
It "Members in public classes derived from System.Type should be found" {
class MyType : System.Collections.IEnumerable
[System.Collections.IEnumerator] GetEnumerator() { return $null }
[type] | Get-Member ImplementedInterfaces | Should -Be 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[type] ImplementedInterfaces {get;}'
[MyType].ImplementedInterfaces | Should -Be System.Collections.IEnumerable
Describe "Hash expression with if statement as value" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
# With no extra new lines after if-statement
$hash1 = @{
a = if (1) {'a'}
b = 'b'
c = if (0) {2} elseif (1) {'c'}
d = 'd'
e = if (0) {2} elseif (0) {2} else {'e'}
f = 'f'
g = if (0) {2} else {'g'}
h = 'h'
# With extra new lines after if-statement
$hash2 = @{
a = if (1) {'a'}
b = 'b'
c = if (0) {2} elseif (1) {'c'}
d = 'd'
e = if (0) {2} elseif (0) {2} else {'e'}
f = 'f'
g = if (0) {2} else {'g'}
h = 'h'
# With expanded if-statement
$hash3 = @{
a = if (1)
b = 'b'
c = if (0)
elseif (1)
d = 'd'
e = if (0)
elseif (0)
f = 'f'
g = if (0)
h = 'h'
$testCases = @(
@{ name = "No extra new lines"; hash = $hash1 }
@{ name = "With extra new lines"; hash = $hash2 }
@{ name = "With expanded if-statement"; hash = $hash3 }
It "Key-value pairs after an if-statement-value in a HashExpression should continue to be parsed - <name>" -TestCases $testCases {
$hash['a'] | Should -BeExactly 'a'
$hash['b'] | Should -BeExactly 'b'
$hash['c'] | Should -BeExactly 'c'
$hash['d'] | Should -BeExactly 'd'
$hash['e'] | Should -BeExactly 'e'
$hash['f'] | Should -BeExactly 'f'
$hash['g'] | Should -BeExactly 'g'
$hash['h'] | Should -BeExactly 'h'