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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Redirection operator now supports encoding changes" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$asciiString = "abc"
if ( $IsWindows ) {
$asciiCR = "`r`n"
else {
$asciiCR = [string][char]10
# If Out-File -Encoding happens to have a default, be sure to
# save it away
$SavedValue = $null
$oldDefaultParameterValues = $psDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$psDefaultParameterValues = @{}
AfterAll {
# be sure to tidy up afterwards
$global:psDefaultParameterValues = $oldDefaultParameterValues
BeforeEach {
# start each test with a clean plate!
AfterEach {
# end each test with a clean plate!
It "If encoding is unset, redirection should be UTF8 without bom" {
$asciiString > TESTDRIVE:\file.txt
$bytes = Get-Content -AsByteStream TESTDRIVE:\file.txt
# create the expected - utf8 encoding without a bom
$encoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($false)
# we know that there will be no preamble, so don't provide any bytes
$TXT = $encoding.GetBytes($asciiString)
$CR = $encoding.GetBytes($asciiCR)
$expectedBytes = .{ $TXT; $CR }
$bytes.Count | Should -Be $expectedBytes.count
for($i = 0; $i -lt $bytes.count; $i++) {
$bytes[$i] | Should -Be $expectedBytes[$i]
# $availableEncodings = "unknown","string","unicode","bigendianunicode","utf8","utf7", "utf32","ascii","default","oem"
$availableEncodings = (Get-Command Out-File).Parameters["Encoding"].Attributes.ValidValues
foreach($encoding in $availableEncodings) {
$skipTest = $false
if ($encoding -eq "default") {
# [System.Text.Encoding]::Default is exposed by 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' at
# runtime via reflection. However,it isn't exposed in the reference contract of
# 'System.Text.Encoding', and therefore we cannot use 'Encoding.Default' in our
# code. So we need to skip this encoding in the test.
$skipTest = $true
# some of the encodings accepted by Out-File aren't real,
# and Out-File has its own translation, so we'll
# not do that logic here, but simply ignore those encodings
# as they eventually are translated to "real" encoding
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::$encoding
if ( $enc )
$msg = "Overriding encoding for Out-File is respected for $encoding"
$BOM = $enc.GetPreamble()
$TXT = $enc.GetBytes($asciiString)
$CR = $enc.GetBytes($asciiCR)
$expectedBytes = .{ $BOM; $TXT; $CR }
$psdefaultparameterValues["Out-File:Encoding"] = "$encoding"
$asciiString > TESTDRIVE:/file.txt
$observedBytes = Get-Content -AsByteStream TESTDRIVE:/file.txt
It $msg -Skip:$skipTest {
$observedBytes.Count | Should -Be $expectedBytes.Count
for($i = 0;$i -lt $observedBytes.Count; $i++) {
$observedBytes[$i] | Should -Be $expectedBytes[$i]
Describe "File redirection mixed with Out-Null" -Tags CI {
It "File redirection before Out-Null should work" {
"some text" > $TestDrive\out.txt | Out-Null
Get-Content $TestDrive\out.txt | Should -BeExactly "some text"
Write-Output "some more text" > $TestDrive\out.txt | Out-Null
Get-Content $TestDrive\out.txt | Should -BeExactly "some more text"
Describe "File redirection should have 'DoComplete' called on the underlying pipeline processor" -Tags CI {
It "File redirection should result in the same file as Out-File" {
$object = [pscustomobject] @{ one = 1 }
$redirectFile = Join-Path $TestDrive fileRedirect.txt
$outFile = Join-Path $TestDrive outFile.txt
$object > $redirectFile
$object | Out-File $outFile
$redirectFileContent = Get-Content $redirectFile -Raw
$outFileContent = Get-Content $outFile -Raw
$redirectFileContent | Should -BeExactly $outFileContent
It "File redirection should not mess up the original pipe" {
$outputFile = Join-Path $TestDrive output.txt
$otherStreamFile = Join-Path $TestDrive otherstream.txt
$result = & { $(Get-Command NonExist; 1234) > $outputFile *> $otherStreamFile; "Hello" }
$result | Should -BeExactly "Hello"
$outputContent = Get-Content $outputFile -Raw
$outputContent.Trim() | Should -BeExactly '1234'
$errorContent = Get-Content $otherStreamFile | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
$errorContent = $errorContent -join ""
$errorContent | Should -Match "CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand"