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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "ParserTests (admin\monad\tests\monad\src\engine\core\ParserTests.cs)" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$functionDefinitionFile = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "functionDefinition.ps1"
$functionDefinition = @'
function testcmd-parserbvt {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $Property1 = "unset",
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $Property2 = "unset",
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
[string] $Property3 = "unset",
[string]$ReturnType = "default"
begin {}
process {
if ( ! $ReturnType ) {
$ReturnType = "default"
switch ( $ReturnType ) {
"default" {
$result = "$Property1; $Property2; $Property3"
"array" {
$result = 1,2,3
"object" {
$result = new-object psobject
"nestedobject" {
$result = [pscustomobject]@{Name="John";Person=[pscustomobject]@{Name="John";Age=30}}
"struct" {
$result = [pscustomobject]@{Name="John";Age=30}
"mshobject" {
$result = new-object psobject
"nulltostring" {
$result = $null
default {
throw ([invalidoperationexception]::new("ReturnType parameter wasn't of any Expected value!"))
return $result
end {}
$PowerShell = [powershell]::Create()
$PowerShell.AddScript(". $functionDefinitionFile").Invoke()
function ExecuteCommand {
param ([string]$command)
try {
finally {
BeforeEach {
$testfile = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "testfile.ps1"
$shellfile = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "testfile.cmd"
$testfolder1 = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "dir1"
$testfolder2 = Join-Path -Path $testfolder1 -ChildPath "dir2"
if (-not(Test-Path $testfolder1)) {
New-Item $testfolder1 -Type Directory
if (-not(Test-Path $testfolder2)) {
New-Item $testfolder2 -Type Directory
$testdirfile1 = Join-Path -Path $testfolder2 -ChildPath "testdirfile1.txt"
$testdirfile2 = Join-Path -Path $testfolder2 -ChildPath "testdirfile2.txt"
Set-Content -Path $testdirfile1 -Value ""
Set-Content -Path $testdirfile2 -Value ""
AfterEach {
if (Test-Path $testfile) {
Remove-Item $testfile
if (Test-Path $shellfile) {
Remove-Item $shellfile
if (Test-Path $testdirfile1) {
Remove-Item $testdirfile1
if (Test-Path $testdirfile2) {
Remove-Item $testdirfile2
if (Test-Path $testfolder2) {
Remove-Item $testfolder2
if (Test-Path $testfolder1) {
Remove-Item $testfolder1
AfterAll {
if (Test-Path $functionDefinitionFile) {
Remove-Item $functionDefinitionFile
It "Throws a syntax error when parsing a string without a closing quote. (line 164)" {
{ ExecuteCommand '"This is a test' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "Throws an error if an open parenthesis is not closed (line 176)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "(" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "Throws an exception if the the first statement starts with an empty pipe element (line 188)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "| Get-Location" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "Throws an CommandNotFoundException exception if using a label in front of an if statement is not allowed. (line 225)" {
ExecuteCommand ":foo if ($x -eq 3) { 1 }"
$PowerShell.HadErrors | Should -BeTrue
$PowerShell.Streams.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "CommandNotFoundException"
It "Pipe an expression into a value expression. (line 237)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "testcmd-parserbvt | 3" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
{ ExecuteCommand "testcmd-parserbvt | $(1 + 1)" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
{ ExecuteCommand "testcmd-parserbvt | 'abc'" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "Throws when you pipe into a value expression (line 238)" {
{ ExecuteCommand $command } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
} -TestCases @(
@{ Command = '1;2;3|3' }
@{ Command = '1;2;3|$(1+1)' }
@{ Command = "1;2;3|'abc'" }
It "Throws an incomplete parse exception when a comma follows an expression (line 247)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "(1+ 1)," } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "Test that invoke has a higher precedence for a script than for an executable. (line 279)" {
Set-Content -Path $testfile -Value "1"
$result = ExecuteCommand ". $testfile"
$result | Should -Be 1
It "This test will check that a path is correctly interpreted when using '..' and '.' (line 364)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand "Set-Location $TestDrive; Get-ChildItem dir1\.\.\.\..\dir1\.\dir2\..\..\dir1\.\dir2"
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile1.txt"
$result[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile2.txt"
It "This test will check that the parser can handle a mix of forward slashes and back slashes in the path (line 417)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand "Get-ChildItem $TestDrive/dir1/./.\.\../dir1/.\dir2\../..\dir1\.\dir2"
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile1.txt"
$result[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile2.txt"
It "This test checks that the asterisk globs as expected. (line 545)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand "Get-ChildItem $TestDrive/dir1\dir2\*.txt"
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile1.txt"
$result[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile2.txt"
It "This test checks that we can use a range for globbing: [1-2] (line 557)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand "Get-ChildItem $TestDrive/dir1\dir2\testdirfile[1-2].txt"
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile1.txt"
$result[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "testdirfile2.txt"
It "Test that escaping a space just returns that space. (line 593)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"foo` bar"'
$result | Should -BeExactly "foo bar"
It "Test that escaping the character 'e' returns the ESC character (0x1b)." {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`e"'
$result | Should -BeExactly ([char]0x1b)
Context "Test Unicode escape sequences." {
It 'Test that the bracketed Unicode escape sequence `u{0} returns minimum char.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`u{0}"'
[int]$result[0] | Should -Be 0
It 'Test that the bracketed Unicode escape sequence `u{10FFFF} returns maximum surrogate char pair.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`u{10FFFF}"'
[int]$result[0] | Should -BeExactly 0xDBFF # max value for high surrogate of surrogate pair
[int]$result[1] | Should -BeExactly 0xDFFF # max value for low surrogate of surrogate pair
It 'Test that the bracketed Unicode escape sequence `u{a9} returns the © character.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`u{a9}"'
$result | Should -BeExactly '©'
It 'Test that Unicode escape sequence `u{2195} in string returns the ↕ character.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"foo`u{2195}abc"'
$result | Should -BeExactly "foo↕abc"
It 'Test that the bracketed Unicode escape sequence `u{1f44d} returns surrogate pair for emoji 👍 character.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`u{1f44d}"'
$result | Should -BeExactly "👍"
It 'Test that Unicode escape sequence `u{2195} in here string returns the ↕ character.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand ("@`"`n`n" + 'foo`u{2195}abc' + "`n`n`"@")
$result | Should -BeExactly "`nfoo↕abc`n"
It 'Test that Unicode escape sequence in single quoted is not processed.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '''foo`u{2195}abc'''
$result | Should -BeExactly 'foo`u{2195}abc'
It 'Test that Unicode escape sequence in single quoted here string is not processed.' {
$result = ExecuteCommand @"
$result | Should -Match "\r?\nfoo``u\{2195\}abc\r?\n"
It "Test that two consecutive Unicode escape sequences are tokenized correctly." {
$result = ExecuteCommand '"`u{007b}`u{007d}"'
$result | Should -Be '{}'
It "Test that a Unicode escape sequence can be used in a command name." {
function xyzzy`u{2195}($p) { $p }
$cmd = Get-Command xyzzy`u{2195} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$cmd | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$cmd.Name | Should -BeExactly 'xyzzy↕'
xyzzy`u{2195} 42 | Should -Be 42
It "Test that a Unicode escape sequence can be used in a variable name." {
${fooxyzzy`u{2195}} = 42
$var = Get-Variable -Name fooxyzzy* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$var | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$var.Name | Should -BeExactly "fooxyzzy↕"
$var.Value | Should -Be 42
It "Test that a Unicode escape sequence can be used in an argument." {
Write-Output `u{a9}` Acme` Inc | Should -BeExactly "© Acme Inc"
It "Test that escaping any character with no special meaning just returns that char. (line 602)" {
2020-03-24 19:38:45 +01:00
$result = ExecuteCommand '"fo`odbar"'
$result | Should -BeExactly "foodbar"
Context "Test that we support all of the C# escape sequences. We use the ` instead of \. (line 613)" {
# the first two sequences are tricky, because we need to provide something to
# execute without causing an incomplete parse error
It 'C# escape sequence <sequence> is supported using ` instead of \. (line 613)' {
param ( $Sequence, $Expected )
$result = ExecuteCommand $Sequence
$result | Should -BeExactly $Expected
} -TestCases @(
@{ Sequence = "write-output ""`'"""; Expected = [char]39 }
@{ Sequence = 'write-output "`""'; Expected = [char]34 }
# this is a string, of 2 "\", the initial backtick should essentially be ignored
@{ Sequence = '"`\\"'; Expected = '\\' }
# control sequences
@{ Sequence = '"`0"'; Expected = [char]0 } # null
@{ Sequence = '"`a"'; Expected = [char]7 }
@{ Sequence = '"`b"'; Expected = [char]8 } # backspace
@{ Sequence = '"`f"'; Expected = [char]12 } # form
@{ Sequence = '"`n"'; Expected = [char]10 } # newline
@{ Sequence = '"`r"'; Expected = [char]13 } # return
@{ Sequence = '"`t"'; Expected = [char]9 } # tab
@{ Sequence = '"`v"'; Expected = [char]11 }
It "This test checks that array substitution occurs inside double quotes. (line 646)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$MyArray = "a","b"; "Hello $MyArray"'
$result | Should -BeExactly "Hello a b"
It "This tests declaring an array in nested variable tables. (line 761)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$Variable:vtbl1:vtbl2:b=@(5,6); $Variable:vtbl1:vtbl2:b'
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0] | Should -Be 5
$result[1] | Should -Be 6
It "Test a simple multiple assignment. (line 773)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$one, $two = 1, 2, 3; "One = $one"; "Two = $two"'
$result.Count | Should -Be 2
$result[0] | Should -Be "One = 1"
$result[1] | Should -Be "Two = 2 3"
It "Tests script, global and local scopes from a function inside a script. (line 824)" {
$var = "script"
function func {
$var = "local"
'@ | Set-Content -Path $testfile
ExecuteCommand '$var = "global"'
$result = ExecuteCommand $testfile
$result.Count | Should -Be 5
$result[0] | Should -BeExactly "script"
$result[1] | Should -BeExactly "local"
$result[2] | Should -BeExactly "script"
$result[3] | Should -BeExactly "global"
$result[4] | Should -BeExactly "script"
It "Use break inside of a loop that is inside another loop. (line 945)" {
param($Command, $ExpectedResult)
$result = ExecuteCommand $Command
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
} -TestCases @(
Command = '
while ($true) {
while ($true) {
2; break; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
Command = '
for (;;) {
for(;;) {
2; break; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
Command = '
foreach ($a in 1..3) {
foreach ($b in 1..3) {
2; break; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
It "Use break in two loops with same label. (line 967)" {
param($Command, $ExpectedResult)
$result = ExecuteCommand $Command
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
} -TestCases @(
Command = '
:foo while ($true) {
:foo while ($true) {
2; break foo; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
Command = '
:foo for (;;) {
:foo for (;;) {
2; break foo; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
Command = '
:foo foreach($a in 1..3) {
:foo foreach($b in 1..3) {
2; break foo; 3
4; break; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "4"
It "Try continue inside of different loop statements. (line 1039)" {
param($Command, $ExpectedResult)
$result = ExecuteCommand $Command
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
} -TestCases @(
Command = '
$a = 0
while ($a -lt 2) {
ExpectedResult = "0", "1"
Command = '
for ($a = 0; $a -lt 2; $a += 1) {
9; continue; 3
ExpectedResult = "9", "9"
Command = '
foreach ($a in 0, 1) {
$a; continue; 2
ExpectedResult = "0", "1"
It "Use a label to continue an inner loop. (line 1059)" {
param($Command, $ExpectedResult)
$result = ExecuteCommand $Command
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
} -TestCases @(
Command = '
$x = 0
while ($x -lt 1) {
(++$x); $a = 0
:foo while ($a -lt 2) {
$a += 1; $a; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "1", "2", "4"
Command = '
for ($x = 0; $x -lt 1; $x += 1) {
:foo for ($a = 0; $a -lt 2; $a += 1) {
$a; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "0", "1", "4"
Command = '
foreach ($a in 1) {
:foo foreach ($b in 1, 2) {
$b; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "1", "2", "4"
It "Use continue with a label on a nested loop. (line 1059)" {
param($Command, $ExpectedResult)
$result = ExecuteCommand $Command
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult
} -TestCases @(
Command = '
$x = 0
:foo while ($x -lt 2) {
:bar while ($true) {
2; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "0", "2", "1", "2"
Command = '
:foo for ($x = 0; $x -lt 2; $x += 1) {
:bar for (;;) {
2; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "1", "2"
Command = '
:foo foreach ($a in 1..2) {
:bar foreach($b in 1..3) {
2; continue foo; 3
4; continue; 5
ExpectedResult = "1", "2", "1", "2"
It "This test will check that it is a syntax error to use if without a code block. (line 1141)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'if ("true")' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "This test will check that it is a syntax error if the if condition is not complete. (line 1150)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'if (' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "This test will check that it is a syntax error to have an if condition without parentheses. (line 1159)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'if "true" { 1} else {2}' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "This test will check that the parser throws a syntax error when the if condition is missing the closing parentheses. (line 1168)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'if ("true" { 1};' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "This test will check that it is a syntax error to have an else keyword without the corresponding code block. (line 1177)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'if ("true") {1} else' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "This test will check that the parser throws a syntax error when a foreach loop is not complete. (line 1238)" {
{ ExecuteCommand '$count=0; $files = $(Get-ChildItem / -Filter *.txt ); foreach ($i ; $count' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "This test will check that the parser throws a syntax error if the foreach loop is not complete. (line 1248)" {
{ ExecuteCommand '$count=0; $files = $(Get-ChildItem / -Filter *.txt ); foreach ($i in ;$count' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "This will test that the parser throws a syntax error if the foreach loop is missing a closing parentheses. (line 1258)" {
{ ExecuteCommand '$count=0; $files = $(Get-ChildItem / -Filter *.txt ); foreach ($i in $files ;$count' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "Test that if an exception is thrown from the try block it will be caught in the appropropriate catch block and that the finally block will run regardless of whether an exception is thrown. (line 1317)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '
try {
try { throw [ArgumentException]::new() }
catch [System.DivideByZeroException] { }
finally { "Finally" }
catch { $_.Exception.GetType().FullName }
$result | Should -Be "Finally", "System.ArgumentException"
It "Test that a break statement in a finally block results in a ParseException" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'try {} finally { break }' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId ParseException
It "Test that a switch statement with a break in a finally doesn't trigger a parse error" {
ExecuteCommand 'try {"success"} finally {switch (1) {foo {break}}}' | Should -BeExactly 'success'
It "Test that null can be passed to a method that expects a reference type. (line 1439)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$test = "String"; $test.CompareTo($())'
$result | Should -Be 1
It "Tests that command expansion operators can be used as a parameter to an object method. (line 1507)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$test = "String"; $test.SubString($("hello" | foreach-object { $_.length - 2 } ))'
$result | Should -Be "ing"
It "Test that & can be used as a parameter as long as it is quoted. (line 1606)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand 'testcmd-parserbvt `&Get-ChildItem'
$result | Should -Be "&Get-ChildItem; unset; unset"
$result = ExecuteCommand 'testcmd-parserbvt `&*'
$result | Should -Be "&*; unset; unset"
It "Run a command with parameters. (line 1621)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand 'testcmd-parserBVT -Property1 set'
$result | Should -Be "set; unset; unset"
It "Test that typing a number at the command line will return that number. (line 1630)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '3'
$result | Should -Be "3"
$result | Should -BeOfType int
It "This test will check that an msh script can be run without invoking. (line 1641)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand ". $testfile"
$result | Should -Be 1
It "Test that an alias is resolved before a function. (line 1657)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand 'set-alias parserInvokeTest testcmd-parserBVT;function parserInvokeTest { 3 };parserInvokeTest'
$result | Should -Be "unset; unset; unset"
It "Test that functions are resolved before cmdlets. (line 1678)" {
$result_cmdlet = $PowerShell.AddScript('function test-parserfunc { [CmdletBinding()] Param() PROCESS { "cmdlet" } };test-parserfunc').Invoke()
$result_func = ExecuteCommand 'function test-parserfunc { "func" };test-parserfunc'
$result_cmdlet | Should -Be "cmdlet"
$result_func | Should -Be "func"
It "Check that a command that uses shell execute can be run from the command line and that no exception is thrown. (line 1702)" {
if ( $IsLinux -or $IsMacOS ) {
# because we execute on *nix based on executable bit, and the file name doesn't matter
# so we can use the same filename as for windows, just make sure it's executable with chmod
"#!/bin/sh`necho ""Hello World""" | Out-File -encoding ASCII $shellfile
/bin/chmod +x $shellfile
else {
"@echo Hello, I'm a Cmd script!">$shellfile
{ ExecuteCommand "$shellfile" } | Should -Not -Throw
Context "Boolean Tests (starting at line 1723 to line 1772)" {
$testData = @(
@{ Script = '"False"'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if ("A") { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (" ") { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if ("String with spaces") { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if ("DoubleQuoted") { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if ("StringWithNullVar$aEmbedded") { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (0) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = '$a = $(0);if ($a) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = '$obj = testcmd-parserBVT -ReturnType object;if ($obj) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
It "<Script> should return <Expected>" -TestCases $testData {
param ( $Script, $Expected )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $Expected
Context "Comparison operator Tests (starting at line 1785 to line 1842)" {
$testData = @(
@{ Script = 'if (1 -and 1) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (1 -and 0) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if (0 -and 1) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if (0 -and 0) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if (1 -or 1) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (1 -or 0) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (0 -or 1) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = 'if (0 -or 0) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -eq $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -eq $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -ieq $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -ieq $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -le $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -le $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -ile $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -ile $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -ge $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -ge $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -ige $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -ige $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -like $true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if ($false -and $true -like $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = 'if (!$true -and $false) { $true } else { $false }'; Expected = $false }
It "<Script> should return <Expected>" -TestCases $testData {
param ( $Script, $Expected )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $Expected
Context "Arithmetic and String Comparison Tests (starting at line 1848 to line 1943)" {
$testData = @(
@{ Script = '$a=10; if( !$a -eq 10) { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 2 }
@{ Script = "!3"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = '$a=10; if($a -lt 15) { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 1 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ilt 'AAA'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -lt 'AAA'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -clt 'AAA'"; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = '$a=10; if($a -gt 15) { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 2 }
@{ Script = "'AAA' -igt 'aaa'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'AAA' -gt 'aaa'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'AAA' -cgt 'aaa'"; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = '$a=10; if($a -ge 10) { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 1 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ge 'aaa'"; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = '$a=10; if($a -ne 10) { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 2 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ine 'AAA'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ne 'AAA'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -cne 'AAA'"; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = '$a="abc"; if($a -ieq "ABC") { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 1 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ieq 'AAA'"; Expected = $true }
@{ Script = '$a="abc"; if($a -igt "bbc") { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 2 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -igt 'AAA'"; Expected = $false }
@{ Script = '$a="abc"; if($a -ile "bbc") { $a=1 } else {$a=2};$a'; Expected = 1 }
@{ Script = "'aaa' -ile 'AAA'"; Expected = $true }
It "<Script> should return <Expected>" -TestCases $testData {
param ( $Script, $Expected )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $Expected
Context "Comparison Operators with Arrays Tests (starting at line 2015 to line 2178)" {
$testData = @(
@{ Script = "@(3) -eq 3"; Expected = "3" }
@{ Script = "@(4) -eq 3"; Expected = $null }
@{ Script = "@() -eq 3"; Expected = $null }
@{ Script = '$test = 1,2,@(3,4);$test -eq 3'; Expected = $null }
@{ Script = '$test = 1,2,@(3,4);$test -eq 2'; Expected = "2" }
@{ Script = '$test = 1,2,@(3,4);$test -eq 0'; Expected = $null }
It "<Script> should return <Expected>" -TestCases $testData {
param ( $Script, $Expected )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $Expected
It "A simple test for trapping a specific exception. Expected Result: The exception is caught and ignored. (line 2265)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "trap [InvalidCastException] { continue; }; [int] 'abc'" } | Should -Not -Throw
It "Test that assign to input var and use then execute a script block with piped input. (line 2297)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$input = 1,2,3;4,-5,6 | & { $input }'
$result -join "" | Should -Be (4, -5, 6 -join "")
It "Test that pipe objects into a script and use arguments. (line 2313)" {
"`$input; `$args;">$testfile
$result = ExecuteCommand "1,2,3 | $testfile"
$result -join "" | Should -Be (1, 2, 3 -join "")
$result = ExecuteCommand "$testfile 4 -5 6 -blah -- foo -bar"
$result | Should -BeExactly "4", "-5", "6", "-blah", "foo", "-bar"
Context "Numerical Notations Tests (starting at line 2374 to line 2452)" {
$testData = @(
#Standard numeric notation
@{ Script = "0"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "10"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "-10"; ExpectedValue = "-10"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "+10"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = $([int32]::MaxValue); ExpectedValue = $([int32]::MaxValue); ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = $([int32]::MinValue); ExpectedValue = $([int32]::MinValue); ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0.0"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "6.5"; ExpectedValue = "6.5"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "-6.5"; ExpectedValue = "-6.5"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "9.12"; ExpectedValue = "9.12"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = ".01"; ExpectedValue = "0.01"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = $([single]::MinValue); ExpectedValue = $([float]::MinValue).ToString("G7"); ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = $([float]::MaxValue); ExpectedValue = $([float]::MaxValue).ToString("G7"); ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "0e0"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "0e1"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "-0e2"; ExpectedValue = "-0"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "3e0"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "5e-2"; ExpectedValue = "0.05"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "5e2"; ExpectedValue = "500"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "-5e-2"; ExpectedValue = "-0.05"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "-5e2"; ExpectedValue = "-500"; ExpectedType = [double] }
@{ Script = "0x0"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0x12"; ExpectedValue = "18"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "-0x12"; ExpectedValue = "-18"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0x80000000"; ExpectedValue = $([int32]::MinValue); ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0x7fffffff"; ExpectedValue = $([int32]::MaxValue); ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0x100000000"; ExpectedValue = [int64]0x100000000; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0xFF"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "65535"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "16777215"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627775"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "281474976710655"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "72057594037927935"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0b0"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0b10"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "-0b10"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0b1111111111111111"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111111111111111111111111111"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1kb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "1mb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "1gb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [int] }
@{ Script = "1tb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1pb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [long] }
#Decimal notation
@{ Script = "0d"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "100d"; ExpectedValue = "100"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "-100d"; ExpectedValue = "-100"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "+100d"; ExpectedValue = "100"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "0.0d"; ExpectedValue = "0.0"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1.5d"; ExpectedValue = "1.5"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "-1.5d"; ExpectedValue = "-1.5"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "0e0d"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "15e3d"; ExpectedValue = "15000"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "-15e3d"; ExpectedValue = "-15000"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1dkb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1dmb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1dgb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1dtb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
@{ Script = "1dpb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [decimal] }
#SByte Integer notation
@{ Script = "0y"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "10y"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-10y"; ExpectedValue = "-10"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "+10y"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0y"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "3.72y"; ExpectedValue = "4"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-3.72y"; ExpectedValue = "-4"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0e0y"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "3e0y"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-3e0y"; ExpectedValue = "-3"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "3e1y"; ExpectedValue = "30"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-3e1y"; ExpectedValue = "-30"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0x0y"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0x41y"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-0x41y"; ExpectedValue = "-65"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0xFFy"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0b0y"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0b10y"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "-0b10y"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111y"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [sbyte] }
#Short Integer notation
@{ Script = "0s"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "10s"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-10s"; ExpectedValue = "-10"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "+10s"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [short] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0s"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "3.72s"; ExpectedValue = "4"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-3.72s"; ExpectedValue = "-4"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0e0s"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "3e0s"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-3e0s"; ExpectedValue = "-3"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "3e2s"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-3e2s"; ExpectedValue = "-300"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0x0s"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0x41s"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-0x41s"; ExpectedValue = "-65"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFs"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0b0s"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0b10s"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "-0b10s"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111s"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [short] }
@{ Script = "1skb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [short] }
#Long Integer notation
@{ Script = "0l"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "10l"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-10l"; ExpectedValue = "-10"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "+10l"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [long] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0l"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "2.5l"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-2.5l"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0e0l"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "3e0l"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-3e0l"; ExpectedValue = "-3"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "3e2l"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-3e2l"; ExpectedValue = "-300"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0x0l"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0x41l"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-0x41l"; ExpectedValue = "-65"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFl"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0b0l"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0b10l"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "-0b10l"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111l"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1lkb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1lmb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1lgb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1ltb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [long] }
@{ Script = "1lpb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [long] }
Add Binary Parsing Support & Refactor TryGetNumberValue & ScanNumberHelper (#7993) Fixes #7557 * Adds support for binary parsing in format echoing hex: `0b11010110` * Works with all existing type suffixes and multipliers. * Supports arbitrary length parsing with `n` suffix using BigInteger; details below. * Adds `NumberFormat` enum to specify hex/binary/base 10 for the tokenizer, replacing old `bool hex`. * Adds `n` suffix for all numeric literals to support returning value as a `BigInteger` if requested. This bypasses the issue of large literals losing accuracy when they cast through `double`. * Adds tests for all new behaviours. --- ### Binary / Hex Parsing Implementation * Mimics old sign bit behaviour for int and long types. Sign bits accepted for 8 or 16-bit Hex parsing, and 8, 16, 32, 64 for binary. * i.e., `0xFFFFFFFF -eq ([int]-1)` and `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -eq ([long]-1)`, but suffixing `u` creates `int.MaxValue` and `long.MaxValue`, respectively, instead. * Sign bits higher than this are accepted for bigint-suffixed numerals: * Hex: Bigint-suffixed hex treats the high bit of any literal with a length multiple of 8 as the sign bit * Binary: Bigint-suffixed binary accepts sign bits at 96 and 128 chars, and from there on every 8 characters. * Prefixing the literal with a 0 will bypass this and be treated as unsigned, e.g. `0b011111111` * Specifying an `u`nsigned suffix (or combination suffix that includes `u`) ignores sign bits, similar to how parsing a hex string using `[Convert]::ToUint32()` would do so. * Supports negating literals using `-` prefix. This can result in positive numbers due to sign bits being permitted, just like hex literals. --- ### Refactored numeric tokenizer parsing **New flow:** 1. Check for `real` (`.01`, `0.0`, or `0e0` syntaxes) 1. If the decimal suffix is present, TryParse directly into decimal. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 2. TryParse as `Double`, and apply multiplier to value. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 1. Check type suffixes and attempt to cast into appropriate type. This will return `false` if the value exceeds the specified type's bounds. 2. Default to parsing as `double` where no suffix has been applied. 2. Check number format. * If binary, manually parse into BigInteger using optimized helper function to directly construct the BigInteger bytes from the string. * If hex, TryParse into `BigInteger` using some special casing to retain original behaviours in int/long ranges. * If neither binary nor hex, TryParse normally as a `BigInteger`. 3. Apply multiplier value before attempting any casts to ensure type bounds can be appropriately checked without overflows. 4. Check type suffixes. * If a specific type suffix is used, check type bounds and attempt to parse into that type. * If the value exceeds the type's available values, the parse fails. Otherwise, a straight cast is performed. 5. If no suffix is used, the following types are bounds-checked, in order, resulting in the first successful test determining the type of the number. * `int` * `long` * `decimal` (base-10 literals only) * `double` (base-10 literals only) * ~~`BigInteger` for binary or hex literals.~~ If the value is outside `long` range (for hex and binary) or `double` range (for base 10), the parse will fail; higher values must be explicitly requested using the `n`/`N` BigInteger suffix. --- *This is a breaking change* as binary literals are now read as numbers instead of generic tokens which could potentially have been used as function / cmdlet names or file names. Notes: * Binary literal support was approved by the committee in #7557 * ~~The same issue is still under further discussion for underscore support in numeric literals and whether BigInteger parsing ought to be exposed to the user at all.~~ * ~~Supporting underscore literals is a further breaking change causing some generic tokens like `1_000_000` to be read as numerals instead.~~ Per @SteveL-MSFT's [comment](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/7993#issuecomment-442651543) this proposal was rejected. * ~~Removing underscore support or preventing standard parsing from accepting BigInteger ranges is a relatively trivial matter. It is my personal opinion that there is no particular reason *not* to hand the user a BigInteger when they enter a sufficiently large literal, but I will defer to the PowerShell Committee's judgement on this.~~
2019-04-04 00:10:02 +02:00
#BigInteger Integer notation
@{ Script = "0n"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "10n"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "-10n"; ExpectedValue = "-10"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "+10n"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0n"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "2.5n"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "-2.5n"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0e0n"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "3e2n"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "-3e2n"; ExpectedValue = "-300"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0x0n"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0x41n"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "-0x41n"; ExpectedValue = "-65"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0b0n"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0b10n"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "-0b10n"; ExpectedValue = "-2"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111n"; ExpectedValue = "-1"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "1Nkb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "1Nmb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "1Ngb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "1Ntb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
@{ Script = "1Npb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [bigint] }
Add Binary Parsing Support & Refactor TryGetNumberValue & ScanNumberHelper (#7993) Fixes #7557 * Adds support for binary parsing in format echoing hex: `0b11010110` * Works with all existing type suffixes and multipliers. * Supports arbitrary length parsing with `n` suffix using BigInteger; details below. * Adds `NumberFormat` enum to specify hex/binary/base 10 for the tokenizer, replacing old `bool hex`. * Adds `n` suffix for all numeric literals to support returning value as a `BigInteger` if requested. This bypasses the issue of large literals losing accuracy when they cast through `double`. * Adds tests for all new behaviours. --- ### Binary / Hex Parsing Implementation * Mimics old sign bit behaviour for int and long types. Sign bits accepted for 8 or 16-bit Hex parsing, and 8, 16, 32, 64 for binary. * i.e., `0xFFFFFFFF -eq ([int]-1)` and `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -eq ([long]-1)`, but suffixing `u` creates `int.MaxValue` and `long.MaxValue`, respectively, instead. * Sign bits higher than this are accepted for bigint-suffixed numerals: * Hex: Bigint-suffixed hex treats the high bit of any literal with a length multiple of 8 as the sign bit * Binary: Bigint-suffixed binary accepts sign bits at 96 and 128 chars, and from there on every 8 characters. * Prefixing the literal with a 0 will bypass this and be treated as unsigned, e.g. `0b011111111` * Specifying an `u`nsigned suffix (or combination suffix that includes `u`) ignores sign bits, similar to how parsing a hex string using `[Convert]::ToUint32()` would do so. * Supports negating literals using `-` prefix. This can result in positive numbers due to sign bits being permitted, just like hex literals. --- ### Refactored numeric tokenizer parsing **New flow:** 1. Check for `real` (`.01`, `0.0`, or `0e0` syntaxes) 1. If the decimal suffix is present, TryParse directly into decimal. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 2. TryParse as `Double`, and apply multiplier to value. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 1. Check type suffixes and attempt to cast into appropriate type. This will return `false` if the value exceeds the specified type's bounds. 2. Default to parsing as `double` where no suffix has been applied. 2. Check number format. * If binary, manually parse into BigInteger using optimized helper function to directly construct the BigInteger bytes from the string. * If hex, TryParse into `BigInteger` using some special casing to retain original behaviours in int/long ranges. * If neither binary nor hex, TryParse normally as a `BigInteger`. 3. Apply multiplier value before attempting any casts to ensure type bounds can be appropriately checked without overflows. 4. Check type suffixes. * If a specific type suffix is used, check type bounds and attempt to parse into that type. * If the value exceeds the type's available values, the parse fails. Otherwise, a straight cast is performed. 5. If no suffix is used, the following types are bounds-checked, in order, resulting in the first successful test determining the type of the number. * `int` * `long` * `decimal` (base-10 literals only) * `double` (base-10 literals only) * ~~`BigInteger` for binary or hex literals.~~ If the value is outside `long` range (for hex and binary) or `double` range (for base 10), the parse will fail; higher values must be explicitly requested using the `n`/`N` BigInteger suffix. --- *This is a breaking change* as binary literals are now read as numbers instead of generic tokens which could potentially have been used as function / cmdlet names or file names. Notes: * Binary literal support was approved by the committee in #7557 * ~~The same issue is still under further discussion for underscore support in numeric literals and whether BigInteger parsing ought to be exposed to the user at all.~~ * ~~Supporting underscore literals is a further breaking change causing some generic tokens like `1_000_000` to be read as numerals instead.~~ Per @SteveL-MSFT's [comment](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/7993#issuecomment-442651543) this proposal was rejected. * ~~Removing underscore support or preventing standard parsing from accepting BigInteger ranges is a relatively trivial matter. It is my personal opinion that there is no particular reason *not* to hand the user a BigInteger when they enter a sufficiently large literal, but I will defer to the PowerShell Committee's judgement on this.~~
2019-04-04 00:10:02 +02:00
#Unsigned Integer notation
@{ Script = "0u"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "10u"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "+10u"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0u"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "2.5u"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0e0u"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "3e2u"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0x0u"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0x41u"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0xFFu"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "65535"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "16777215"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "$([uint]::MaxValue)"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627775"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "281474976710655"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "72057594037927935"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu"; ExpectedValue = "$([ulong]::MaxValue)"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0b0u"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0b10u"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111u"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0b1111111111111111u"; ExpectedValue = "65535"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111111111111111111111111111u"; ExpectedValue = "4294967295"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u"; ExpectedValue = "18446744073709551615"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ukb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "1umb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "1ugb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [uint] }
@{ Script = "1utb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1upb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
#Byte Integer notation
@{ Script = "0uy"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "10uy"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "+10uy"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0uy"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "3.72uy"; ExpectedValue = "4"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0e0uy"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "3e0uy"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "3e1uy"; ExpectedValue = "30"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0x0uy"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0x41uy"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0xFFuy"; ExpectedValue = [byte]::MaxValue; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0b0uy"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0b10uy"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111uy"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [byte] }
#Unsigned-Short Integer Notation
@{ Script = "0us"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "10us"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "+10us"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0us"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "3.72us"; ExpectedValue = "4"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0e0us"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "3e0us"; ExpectedValue = "3"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "3e2us"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0x0us"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0x41us"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0x41us"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFus"; ExpectedValue = [ushort]::MaxValue; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0b0us"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0b10us"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111us"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
@{ Script = "1uskb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [ushort] }
#Unsigned-Long Integer Notation
@{ Script = "0ul"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "10ul"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "+10ul"; ExpectedValue = "10"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
#Conversion from <Real>
@{ Script = "0.0ul"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "2.5ul"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0e0ul"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "3e2ul"; ExpectedValue = "300"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0x0ul"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0x41ul"; ExpectedValue = "65"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFul"; ExpectedValue = [ulong]::MaxValue; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0b0ul"; ExpectedValue = "0"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0b10ul"; ExpectedValue = "2"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "0b11111111ul"; ExpectedValue = "255"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ulkb"; ExpectedValue = "1024"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ulmb"; ExpectedValue = "1048576"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ulgb"; ExpectedValue = "1073741824"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ultb"; ExpectedValue = "1099511627776"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
@{ Script = "1ulpb"; ExpectedValue = "1125899906842624"; ExpectedType = [ulong] }
It "<Script> should return <ExpectedValue>, with type <ExpectedType>" -TestCases $testData {
param ( $Script, $ExpectedValue, $ExpectedType )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $ExpectedValue
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -BeOfType $ExpectedType
$testInvalidNumerals = @(
Add Binary Parsing Support & Refactor TryGetNumberValue & ScanNumberHelper (#7993) Fixes #7557 * Adds support for binary parsing in format echoing hex: `0b11010110` * Works with all existing type suffixes and multipliers. * Supports arbitrary length parsing with `n` suffix using BigInteger; details below. * Adds `NumberFormat` enum to specify hex/binary/base 10 for the tokenizer, replacing old `bool hex`. * Adds `n` suffix for all numeric literals to support returning value as a `BigInteger` if requested. This bypasses the issue of large literals losing accuracy when they cast through `double`. * Adds tests for all new behaviours. --- ### Binary / Hex Parsing Implementation * Mimics old sign bit behaviour for int and long types. Sign bits accepted for 8 or 16-bit Hex parsing, and 8, 16, 32, 64 for binary. * i.e., `0xFFFFFFFF -eq ([int]-1)` and `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -eq ([long]-1)`, but suffixing `u` creates `int.MaxValue` and `long.MaxValue`, respectively, instead. * Sign bits higher than this are accepted for bigint-suffixed numerals: * Hex: Bigint-suffixed hex treats the high bit of any literal with a length multiple of 8 as the sign bit * Binary: Bigint-suffixed binary accepts sign bits at 96 and 128 chars, and from there on every 8 characters. * Prefixing the literal with a 0 will bypass this and be treated as unsigned, e.g. `0b011111111` * Specifying an `u`nsigned suffix (or combination suffix that includes `u`) ignores sign bits, similar to how parsing a hex string using `[Convert]::ToUint32()` would do so. * Supports negating literals using `-` prefix. This can result in positive numbers due to sign bits being permitted, just like hex literals. --- ### Refactored numeric tokenizer parsing **New flow:** 1. Check for `real` (`.01`, `0.0`, or `0e0` syntaxes) 1. If the decimal suffix is present, TryParse directly into decimal. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 2. TryParse as `Double`, and apply multiplier to value. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 1. Check type suffixes and attempt to cast into appropriate type. This will return `false` if the value exceeds the specified type's bounds. 2. Default to parsing as `double` where no suffix has been applied. 2. Check number format. * If binary, manually parse into BigInteger using optimized helper function to directly construct the BigInteger bytes from the string. * If hex, TryParse into `BigInteger` using some special casing to retain original behaviours in int/long ranges. * If neither binary nor hex, TryParse normally as a `BigInteger`. 3. Apply multiplier value before attempting any casts to ensure type bounds can be appropriately checked without overflows. 4. Check type suffixes. * If a specific type suffix is used, check type bounds and attempt to parse into that type. * If the value exceeds the type's available values, the parse fails. Otherwise, a straight cast is performed. 5. If no suffix is used, the following types are bounds-checked, in order, resulting in the first successful test determining the type of the number. * `int` * `long` * `decimal` (base-10 literals only) * `double` (base-10 literals only) * ~~`BigInteger` for binary or hex literals.~~ If the value is outside `long` range (for hex and binary) or `double` range (for base 10), the parse will fail; higher values must be explicitly requested using the `n`/`N` BigInteger suffix. --- *This is a breaking change* as binary literals are now read as numbers instead of generic tokens which could potentially have been used as function / cmdlet names or file names. Notes: * Binary literal support was approved by the committee in #7557 * ~~The same issue is still under further discussion for underscore support in numeric literals and whether BigInteger parsing ought to be exposed to the user at all.~~ * ~~Supporting underscore literals is a further breaking change causing some generic tokens like `1_000_000` to be read as numerals instead.~~ Per @SteveL-MSFT's [comment](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/7993#issuecomment-442651543) this proposal was rejected. * ~~Removing underscore support or preventing standard parsing from accepting BigInteger ranges is a relatively trivial matter. It is my personal opinion that there is no particular reason *not* to hand the user a BigInteger when they enter a sufficiently large literal, but I will defer to the PowerShell Committee's judgement on this.~~
2019-04-04 00:10:02 +02:00
@{ Script = "16p"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "1_6"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "80x"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "20ux"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "18uu"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "21ss"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100ll"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100Il"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100Is"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100un"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100ln"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100sn"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100In"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "100yu"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "150su"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "160ud"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "160ld"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "160yd"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "160sd"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "160dd"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "10ds"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "10ud"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "16sl"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "188lu"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
@{ Script = "0xFFFFy"; ErrorID = "ParseException" }
@{ Script = "500sgb"; ErrorID = "ParseException" }
@{ Script = "10000usgb"; ErrorID = "ParseException" }
@{ Script = "10000.0usgb"; ErrorID = "ParseException" }
@{ Script = "1uykb"; ErrorID = "ParseException" }
@{ Script = "10_000ul"; ErrorID = "CommandNotFoundException" }
Add Binary Parsing Support & Refactor TryGetNumberValue & ScanNumberHelper (#7993) Fixes #7557 * Adds support for binary parsing in format echoing hex: `0b11010110` * Works with all existing type suffixes and multipliers. * Supports arbitrary length parsing with `n` suffix using BigInteger; details below. * Adds `NumberFormat` enum to specify hex/binary/base 10 for the tokenizer, replacing old `bool hex`. * Adds `n` suffix for all numeric literals to support returning value as a `BigInteger` if requested. This bypasses the issue of large literals losing accuracy when they cast through `double`. * Adds tests for all new behaviours. --- ### Binary / Hex Parsing Implementation * Mimics old sign bit behaviour for int and long types. Sign bits accepted for 8 or 16-bit Hex parsing, and 8, 16, 32, 64 for binary. * i.e., `0xFFFFFFFF -eq ([int]-1)` and `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -eq ([long]-1)`, but suffixing `u` creates `int.MaxValue` and `long.MaxValue`, respectively, instead. * Sign bits higher than this are accepted for bigint-suffixed numerals: * Hex: Bigint-suffixed hex treats the high bit of any literal with a length multiple of 8 as the sign bit * Binary: Bigint-suffixed binary accepts sign bits at 96 and 128 chars, and from there on every 8 characters. * Prefixing the literal with a 0 will bypass this and be treated as unsigned, e.g. `0b011111111` * Specifying an `u`nsigned suffix (or combination suffix that includes `u`) ignores sign bits, similar to how parsing a hex string using `[Convert]::ToUint32()` would do so. * Supports negating literals using `-` prefix. This can result in positive numbers due to sign bits being permitted, just like hex literals. --- ### Refactored numeric tokenizer parsing **New flow:** 1. Check for `real` (`.01`, `0.0`, or `0e0` syntaxes) 1. If the decimal suffix is present, TryParse directly into decimal. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 2. TryParse as `Double`, and apply multiplier to value. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 1. Check type suffixes and attempt to cast into appropriate type. This will return `false` if the value exceeds the specified type's bounds. 2. Default to parsing as `double` where no suffix has been applied. 2. Check number format. * If binary, manually parse into BigInteger using optimized helper function to directly construct the BigInteger bytes from the string. * If hex, TryParse into `BigInteger` using some special casing to retain original behaviours in int/long ranges. * If neither binary nor hex, TryParse normally as a `BigInteger`. 3. Apply multiplier value before attempting any casts to ensure type bounds can be appropriately checked without overflows. 4. Check type suffixes. * If a specific type suffix is used, check type bounds and attempt to parse into that type. * If the value exceeds the type's available values, the parse fails. Otherwise, a straight cast is performed. 5. If no suffix is used, the following types are bounds-checked, in order, resulting in the first successful test determining the type of the number. * `int` * `long` * `decimal` (base-10 literals only) * `double` (base-10 literals only) * ~~`BigInteger` for binary or hex literals.~~ If the value is outside `long` range (for hex and binary) or `double` range (for base 10), the parse will fail; higher values must be explicitly requested using the `n`/`N` BigInteger suffix. --- *This is a breaking change* as binary literals are now read as numbers instead of generic tokens which could potentially have been used as function / cmdlet names or file names. Notes: * Binary literal support was approved by the committee in #7557 * ~~The same issue is still under further discussion for underscore support in numeric literals and whether BigInteger parsing ought to be exposed to the user at all.~~ * ~~Supporting underscore literals is a further breaking change causing some generic tokens like `1_000_000` to be read as numerals instead.~~ Per @SteveL-MSFT's [comment](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/7993#issuecomment-442651543) this proposal was rejected. * ~~Removing underscore support or preventing standard parsing from accepting BigInteger ranges is a relatively trivial matter. It is my personal opinion that there is no particular reason *not* to hand the user a BigInteger when they enter a sufficiently large literal, but I will defer to the PowerShell Committee's judgement on this.~~
2019-04-04 00:10:02 +02:00
It "<Script> should throw an error" -TestCases $testInvalidNumerals {
Add Binary Parsing Support & Refactor TryGetNumberValue & ScanNumberHelper (#7993) Fixes #7557 * Adds support for binary parsing in format echoing hex: `0b11010110` * Works with all existing type suffixes and multipliers. * Supports arbitrary length parsing with `n` suffix using BigInteger; details below. * Adds `NumberFormat` enum to specify hex/binary/base 10 for the tokenizer, replacing old `bool hex`. * Adds `n` suffix for all numeric literals to support returning value as a `BigInteger` if requested. This bypasses the issue of large literals losing accuracy when they cast through `double`. * Adds tests for all new behaviours. --- ### Binary / Hex Parsing Implementation * Mimics old sign bit behaviour for int and long types. Sign bits accepted for 8 or 16-bit Hex parsing, and 8, 16, 32, 64 for binary. * i.e., `0xFFFFFFFF -eq ([int]-1)` and `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -eq ([long]-1)`, but suffixing `u` creates `int.MaxValue` and `long.MaxValue`, respectively, instead. * Sign bits higher than this are accepted for bigint-suffixed numerals: * Hex: Bigint-suffixed hex treats the high bit of any literal with a length multiple of 8 as the sign bit * Binary: Bigint-suffixed binary accepts sign bits at 96 and 128 chars, and from there on every 8 characters. * Prefixing the literal with a 0 will bypass this and be treated as unsigned, e.g. `0b011111111` * Specifying an `u`nsigned suffix (or combination suffix that includes `u`) ignores sign bits, similar to how parsing a hex string using `[Convert]::ToUint32()` would do so. * Supports negating literals using `-` prefix. This can result in positive numbers due to sign bits being permitted, just like hex literals. --- ### Refactored numeric tokenizer parsing **New flow:** 1. Check for `real` (`.01`, `0.0`, or `0e0` syntaxes) 1. If the decimal suffix is present, TryParse directly into decimal. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 2. TryParse as `Double`, and apply multiplier to value. If the TryParse fails, TryGetNumberValue returns `false`. 1. Check type suffixes and attempt to cast into appropriate type. This will return `false` if the value exceeds the specified type's bounds. 2. Default to parsing as `double` where no suffix has been applied. 2. Check number format. * If binary, manually parse into BigInteger using optimized helper function to directly construct the BigInteger bytes from the string. * If hex, TryParse into `BigInteger` using some special casing to retain original behaviours in int/long ranges. * If neither binary nor hex, TryParse normally as a `BigInteger`. 3. Apply multiplier value before attempting any casts to ensure type bounds can be appropriately checked without overflows. 4. Check type suffixes. * If a specific type suffix is used, check type bounds and attempt to parse into that type. * If the value exceeds the type's available values, the parse fails. Otherwise, a straight cast is performed. 5. If no suffix is used, the following types are bounds-checked, in order, resulting in the first successful test determining the type of the number. * `int` * `long` * `decimal` (base-10 literals only) * `double` (base-10 literals only) * ~~`BigInteger` for binary or hex literals.~~ If the value is outside `long` range (for hex and binary) or `double` range (for base 10), the parse will fail; higher values must be explicitly requested using the `n`/`N` BigInteger suffix. --- *This is a breaking change* as binary literals are now read as numbers instead of generic tokens which could potentially have been used as function / cmdlet names or file names. Notes: * Binary literal support was approved by the committee in #7557 * ~~The same issue is still under further discussion for underscore support in numeric literals and whether BigInteger parsing ought to be exposed to the user at all.~~ * ~~Supporting underscore literals is a further breaking change causing some generic tokens like `1_000_000` to be read as numerals instead.~~ Per @SteveL-MSFT's [comment](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/7993#issuecomment-442651543) this proposal was rejected. * ~~Removing underscore support or preventing standard parsing from accepting BigInteger ranges is a relatively trivial matter. It is my personal opinion that there is no particular reason *not* to hand the user a BigInteger when they enter a sufficiently large literal, but I will defer to the PowerShell Committee's judgement on this.~~
2019-04-04 00:10:02 +02:00
param($Script, $ErrorID)
{ [ScriptBlock]::Create($Script).Invoke() } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $ErrorID
It "This is a simple test of the concatenation of two arrays. (line 2460)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '1,2,3 + 4,5,6'
$result -join "" | Should -Be (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -join "")
It "Test that an incomplete parse exception is thrown if the array is unfinished. (line 2473)" {
{ ExecuteCommand '1,2,' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException"
It "Test that the unary comma is not valid in cmdlet parameters. (line 2482)" {
{ ExecuteCommand 'write-output 2,,1' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It 'Test that "$var:" will expand to nothing inside a string. (line 2551)' {
{ ExecuteCommand '"$var:"' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "Tests the assignment to a read-only property (line 2593)" {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$A=$(testcmd-parserBVT -returntype array); $A.rank =5;$A.rank'
$result | Should -Be "1"
It 'Tests accessing using null as index. (line 2648)' {
ExecuteCommand '$A=$(testcmd-parserBVT -returntype array); $A[$NONEXISTING_VARIABLE];'
$PowerShell.HadErrors | Should -BeTrue
$PowerShell.Streams.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "NullArrayIndex"
It 'Tests the parser response to ArrayName[. (line 2678)' {
{ ExecuteCommand '$A=$(testcmd-parserBVT -returntype array); $A[ ;' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It 'Tests the parser response to ArrayName[]. (line 2687)' {
{ ExecuteCommand '$A=$(testcmd-parserBVT -returntype array); $A[] ;' } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "Tests function scopes in a script. (line 2800)" -Pending {
" function global:func { 'global' }; " +
" function func { 'default' }; " +
" local:func; " +
" script:func; " +
" global:func; " | Set-Content -Path $testfile
$result = ExecuteCommand "function func { 'notcalled' };. $testfile"
$result -join "" | Should -Be ("default", "default", "global" -join "")
$result = ExecuteCommand "func"
$result | Should -Be "global"
It 'Test piping arguments to a script block. The objects should be accessible from "$input". (line 2870)' {
ExecuteCommand '$script = { $input }; $results = @(0, 0), -1 | & $script'
$result = ExecuteCommand '$results[0][0]'
$result | Should -Be "0"
$result = ExecuteCommand '$results[0][1]'
$result | Should -Be "0"
$result = ExecuteCommand '$results[1]'
$result | Should -Be "-1"
It 'Test piping null into a scriptblock. The script block should not be passed anything. (line 2903)' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$() | & { $count = 0; foreach ($i in $input) { $count++ }; $count }'
$result | Should -Be "1"
$result = ExecuteCommand '$() | & { $input }'
$result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Test that types in System.dll are found automatically. (line 2951)' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '[ System.IO.FileInfo]'
$result | Should -Be "System.IO.FileInfo"
Context "Mathematical Operations Tests (starting at line 2975 to line 3036)" {
$ArithmeticTests = @(
Script = '$a=6; $a -= 2;$a'
Expected = 4
Script = "20 %
Expected = "2"
Script = "(20 %
6 *
4 +
2 ) /
2 -
Expected = "2"
It "<Script> should return <Expected>" -TestCases $ArithmeticTests {
param ( $Script, $Expected )
ExecuteCommand $Script | Should -Be $Expected
It 'This test will call a cmdlet that returns an array and assigns it to a variable. Then it will concatenate this array with itself and check that what results is an array of double the size of the original. (line 3148)' {
$result = ExecuteCommand '$list=$(testcmd-parserBVT -ReturnType "array"); $list = $list + $list;$list.length'
$result | Should -Be 6
It "A here string must have one line (line 3266)" {
{ ExecuteCommand "@`"`"@" } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException"
It "A here string should not throw on '`$herestr=@`"``n'`"'``n`"@'" {
# Issue #2780
{ ExecuteCommand "`$herestr=@`"`n'`"'`n`"@" } | Should -Not -Throw
$TestErrorMisplacedStatement = @(
@{ script = "Function foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() DynamicParam {} Hi"; name = "function" }
@{ script = "{ begin {} Hi"; name = "script-block" }
@{ script = "begin {} Hi"; name = "script-file" }
It "Throw better error when statement should be put in named blocks - <name>" -TestCases $TestErrorMisplacedStatement {
$err = { ExecuteCommand $script } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "ParseException" -PassThru
$err.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "MissingNamedBlocks"
It "IncompleteParseException should be thrown when only ending curly is missing" {
$err = { ExecuteCommand "Function foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() DynamicParam {} " } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "IncompleteParseException" -PassThru
$err.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "MissingEndCurlyBrace"
Context "#requires nested scan tokenizer tests" {
BeforeAll {
$settings = [System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings]::new()
$settings.AddToHistory = $true
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
AfterAll {
AfterEach {
$TokenResetTests = @(
@{ script = "#requires"; firstToken = $null; lastToken = $null },
@{ script = "#requires -Version 5.0`n10"; firstToken = "10"; lastToken = "10" },
@{ script = "Write-Host 'Hello'`n#requires -Version 5.0`n7"; firstToken = "Write-Host"; lastToken = "7" },
@{ script = "Write-Host 'Hello'`n#requires -Version 5.0"; firstToken = "Write-Host"; lastToken = "Hello" }
It "Correctly resets the first and last tokens in the tokenizer after nested scan in script" -TestCases $TokenResetTests {
param($script, $firstToken, $lastToken)
$tokens = $ps.Invoke(@(), $settings)
$tokens[0] | Should -BeExactly $firstToken
$tokens[1] | Should -BeExactly $lastToken