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2016-08-02 15:15:36 +02:00
Working with PowerShell Objects
When cmdlets are executed in PowerShell, the output is an Object, as opposed to only returning text.
This provides the ability to store information as properties.
As a result, handling large amounts of data and getting only specific properties is a trivial task.
As a simple example, the following function retrieves information about storage Devices on a Linux or MacOS operating system platform.
This is accomplished by parsing the output of an existing command, *parted -l* in administrative context, and creating an object from the raw text by using the *New-Object* cmdlet.
Function Get-DiskInfo {
2016-08-02 15:38:45 +02:00
$disks = sudo parted -l | Select-String "Disk /dev/sd*" -Context 1,0
2016-08-02 15:15:36 +02:00
$diskinfo = @()
foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$diskline1 = $disk.ToString().Split("`n")[0].ToString().Replace(' Model: ','')
$diskline2 = $disk.ToString().Split("`n")[1].ToString().Replace('> Disk ','')
$i = New-Object psobject -Property @{'Friendly Name' = $diskline1; Device=$diskline2.Split(': ')[0]; 'Total Size'=$diskline2.Split(':')[1]}
$diskinfo += $i
Execute the function and store the results as a variable.
Now retrieve the value of the variable.
The results are formatted as a table with the default view.
*Note: in this example, the disks are virtual disks in a Microsoft Azure virtual machine.*
PS /home/psuser> $d = Get-DiskInfo
[sudo] password for psuser:
PS /home/psuser> $d
Friendly Name Total Size Device
------------- ---------- ------
Msft Virtual Disk (scsi) 31.5GB /dev/sda
Msft Virtual Disk (scsi) 145GB /dev/sdb
Passing the variable down the pipeline to *Get-Member* reveals available methods and properties.
This is because the value of *d$* is not just text output.
The value is actually an array of .Net objects with methods and properties.
The properties include Device, Friendly Name, and Total Size.
PS /home/psuser> $d | Get-Member
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
Device NoteProperty string Device=/dev/sda
Friendly Name NoteProperty string Friendly Name=Msft Virtual Disk (scsi)
Total Size NoteProperty string Total Size= 31.5GB
To confirm, we can call the GetType() method interactively from the console.
PS /home/psuser> $d.GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
To index in to the array and return only specific objects, use the square brackets.
PS /home/psuser> $d[0]
Friendly Name Total Size Device
------------- ---------- ------
Msft Virtual Disk (scsi) 31.5GB /dev/sda
PS /home/psuser> $d[0].GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True False PSCustomObject System.Object
To return a specific property, the property name can be called interactively from the console.
PS /home/psuser> $d.Device
To output a view of the information other than default, such as a view with only specific properties selected, pass the value to the *Select-Object* cmdlet.
PS /home/psuser> $d | Select-Object Device, 'Total Size'
Device Total Size
------ ----------
/dev/sda 31.5GB
/dev/sdb 145GB
Finally, the example below demonstrates use of the *ForEach-Object* cmdlet to iterate through the array and manipulate the value of a specific property of each object.
In this case the Total Size property, which was given in Gigabytes, is changed to Megabytes.
Alternatively, index in to a position in the array as shown below in the third example.
PS /home/psuser> $d | ForEach-Object 'Total Size'
PS /home/psuser> $d | ForEach-Object {$_.'Total Size' / 1MB}
PS /home/psuser> $d[1].'Total Size' / 1MB