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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
## SSH Remoting cmdlet tests
Describe "SSHTransport switch parameter value" -Tags 'Feature' {
BeforeAll {
$TestCasesSSHTransport = @(
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -HostName localhost -UserName UserA -SSHTransport:$false}; testName = 'New-PSSession SSHTransport parameter cannot have false value'}
@{scriptBlock = {Enter-PSSession -HostName localhost -UserName UserA -SSHTransport:$false}; testName = 'Enter-PSSession SSHTransport parameter cannot have false value'}
@{scriptBlock = {Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {"Hello"} -HostName localhost -UserName UserA -SSHTransport:$false}; testName = 'Invoke-Command SSHTransport parameter cannot have false value'}
It "<testName>" -TestCases $TestCasesSSHTransport {
& $scriptBlock
throw "Parameter argument should not be valid"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Match "ParameterArgumentValidationError"
Describe "SSHConnection parameter hashtable error conditions" -Tags 'Feature' {
BeforeAll {
$TestCasesSSHConnection = @(
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ ComputerName = "localhost"; "" = "noParameter" }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parameter hashtable cannot contain empty parameter names'}
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ HostName = $null }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parameter hashtable cannot contain empty parameter values'}
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ ComputerName = "localhost"; UnknownParameter = "Hello" }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parameter hashtable cannot contain unknown parameter names'}
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ UserName = "UserName"; KeyFilePath = "path" }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parmeter hashtable must contain the ComputerName parameter'}
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ ComputerName = "computerA"; hostname = "computerB" }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parameter hashtable cannot contain both ComputerName and HostName parameters' }
@{scriptBlock = {New-PSSession -SSHConnection @{ keyfilepath = "pathA"; IdentityFilePath = "pathB" }}; testName = 'SSHConnection parameter hashtable cannot contain both KeyFilePath and IdentityFilePath parameters' }
It "<testName>" -TestCases $TestCasesSSHConnection {
param ($scriptBlock)
& $scriptBlock
throw "Parameter set should not be valid"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Match "Argument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewPSSessionCommand"