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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'ProxyCommand Tests' -Tag 'CI' {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ Name = 'ValidateLengthAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateLength(1, 10)][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateRangeAttribute with Minimum and Maximum'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateRange(1, 10)][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateRangeAttribute with RangeKind'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateRange([System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeKind]::Positive)][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'AllowNullAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[AllowNull()][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'AllowEmptyStringAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[AllowEmptyString()][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'AllowEmptyCollectionAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[AllowEmptyCollection()][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidatePatternAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[ValidatePattern(''.*'')][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateCountAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateCount(1, 10)][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateNotNullAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateNotNull()][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'ValidateSetAttribute with explicit set'; ParamBlock = '[ValidateSet(''1'',''10'')][int]${Parameter}' }
@{ Name = 'PSTypeNameAttribute'; ParamBlock = '[PSTypeName(''TypeName'')][int]${Parameter}' }
Context 'GetParamBlock method' {
AfterAll {
Remove-Item function:testProxyCommandFunction -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It 'Generates a param block when <Name> is used' -TestCases $testCases {
param (
$functionDefinition = 'param ( {0} )' -f $ParamBlock
Set-Item -Path function:testProxyCommandFunction -Value $functionDefinition
$generatedParamBlock = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock(
(Get-Command testProxyCommandFunction)
$generatedParamBlock = $generatedParamBlock -split '\r?\n' -replace '^ *' -join ''
$generatedParamBlock | Should -Be $ParamBlock
It 'Generates a param block when ValidateScriptAttribute is used' {
param (
$functionDefinition = 'param ( [ValidateScript({ $true })][int]${Parameter} )'
Set-Item -Path function:testProxyCommandFunction -Value $functionDefinition
$generatedParamBlock = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock(
(Get-Command testProxyCommandFunction)
$generatedParamBlock = $generatedParamBlock -split '\r?\n' -replace '^ *' -join ''
$generatedParamBlock | Should -Be '[ValidateScript({ $true })][int]${Parameter}'