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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Provider;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands;
using Debug = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
internal class EarlyStartup
internal static void Init()
// Code added here should:
// * run every time we start PowerSHell
// * have high CPU cost
// * be ordered from most expensive to least expensive, or at least needed earliest
// * this method should return quickly, so all work should be run in one or more tasks.
// * code called from here should correctly handle being called twice, in case initialization
// is needed in the main code path before the task completes.
// Code added here should not:
// * count on running - not all hosts will call this method
// * have high disk cost
// We shouldn't create too many tasks.
// This task takes awhile, so it gets it's own task
Task.Run(() =>
// Building the catalog is expensive, so force that to happen early on a background thread, and do so
// on a file we are very likely to read anyway.
var pshome = Utils.GetApplicationBase(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
var unused = SecuritySupport.IsProductBinary(Path.Combine(pshome, "Modules", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.psm1"));
// One other task for other stuff that's faster, but still a little slow.
Task.Run(() =>
// Loading the resources for System.Management.Automation can be expensive, so force that to
// happen early on a background thread.
var unused0 = RunspaceInit.OutputEncodingDescription;
// Amsi initialize can also be a little slow
// This will init some tables and could load some assemblies.
var unused1 = TypeAccelerators.builtinTypeAccelerators;
// This will init some tables and could load some assemblies.
var unused2 = LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerator(null);
/// <summary>
/// Baseclass for defining elements that can be added
/// to an InitialSessionState object.
/// </summary>
public abstract class InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// ctor so that each derived class has a name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
protected InitialSessionStateEntry(string name)
_name = name;
/// <summary>
/// The name of this entry
/// </summary>
public string Name
get { return _name; }
internal set { _name = value; }
private string _name;
/// <summary>
/// The SnapIn to load from initially
/// </summary>
public PSSnapInInfo PSSnapIn
get { return _psSnapIn; }
internal void SetPSSnapIn(PSSnapInInfo psSnapIn)
_psSnapIn = psSnapIn;
private PSSnapInInfo _psSnapIn;
/// <summary>
/// The SnapIn to load from initially
/// </summary>
public PSModuleInfo Module
get { return _module; }
internal void SetModule(PSModuleInfo module)
_module = module;
private PSModuleInfo _module;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object...</returns>
public abstract InitialSessionStateEntry Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Class to constrain session state entries
/// </summary>
public abstract class ConstrainedSessionStateEntry : InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="visibility"></param>
protected ConstrainedSessionStateEntry(string name, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name)
_visibility = visibility;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public SessionStateEntryVisibility Visibility
return _visibility;
set { _visibility = value; }
private SessionStateEntryVisibility _visibility;
/// <summary>
/// Command class so that all the commands can derive off this one.
/// Adds the flexibility of adding addditional derived class,
/// such as ProxyCommand for Exchange.
/// Derived classes - Alias, Application, Cmdlet, Function, Script.
/// </summary>
public abstract class SessionStateCommandEntry : ConstrainedSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Base constructor for all SessionState commands.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
protected SessionStateCommandEntry(string name)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="visibility"></param>
protected internal SessionStateCommandEntry(string name, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name, visibility)
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of the command using an enum
/// instead of requiring a full reflection type check.
/// </summary>
public CommandTypes CommandType
get { return _commandType; }
/// <summary>
/// Is internal so it can be set by the engine code...
/// </summary>
internal CommandTypes _commandType;
/// <summary>
/// Is internal so it can be set by the engine code...
/// This is used to specify whether this command was imported or not
/// If noClobber is specified during Import-Module, it is set to false
/// </summary>
internal bool _isImported = true;
/// <summary>
/// Type file configuration entry...
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateTypeEntry : InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Loads all entries from the types file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName"></param>
public SessionStateTypeEntry(string fileName)
: base(fileName)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || fileName.Trim().Length == 0)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("fileName");
_fileName = fileName.Trim();
/// <summary>
/// Loads all the types specified in the typeTable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeTable"></param>
public SessionStateTypeEntry(TypeTable typeTable)
: base("*")
if (typeTable == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("typeTable");
_typeTable = typeTable;
/// <summary>
/// Loads all entries from the typeData
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeData"></param>
/// <param name="isRemove"></param>
public SessionStateTypeEntry(TypeData typeData, bool isRemove)
: base("*")
if (typeData == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("typeData");
_typeData = typeData;
_isRemove = isRemove;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateTypeEntry entry;
if (_fileName != null)
entry = new SessionStateTypeEntry(_fileName);
else if (_typeTable != null)
entry = new SessionStateTypeEntry(_typeTable);
entry = new SessionStateTypeEntry(_typeData, _isRemove);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// The pathname of the types.ps1xml file. This can be null if
/// TypeTable constructor or TypeData constructor is used.
/// </summary>
public string FileName
get { return _fileName; }
private string _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// The TypeTable specified with constructor. This can be null if
/// FileName constructor or TypeData constructor is used.
/// </summary>
public TypeTable TypeTable
get { return _typeTable; }
private TypeTable _typeTable;
/// <summary>
/// The TypeData we want to update with. This can be null if
/// FileName constructor or TypeTable constructor is used.
/// </summary>
public TypeData TypeData
get { return _typeData; }
private TypeData _typeData;
/// <summary>
/// The operation will be done on the typedata. This is only
/// meaningful when the TypeData constructor is used.
/// </summary>
public bool IsRemove
get { return _isRemove; }
private bool _isRemove;
//So that we can specify the type information on the fly,
//without using Types.ps1xml file
//public SessionStateTypeEntry(string name, xmlreader definition);
//public string Definition { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Format file configuration entry...
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateFormatEntry : InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Loads the entire formats file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName"></param>
public SessionStateFormatEntry(string fileName)
: base("*")
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || fileName.Trim().Length == 0)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("fileName");
_fileName = fileName.Trim();
/// <summary>
/// Loads all the format data specified in the formatTable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formattable"></param>
public SessionStateFormatEntry(FormatTable formattable)
: base("*")
if (formattable == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("formattable");
_formattable = formattable;
/// <summary>
/// Loads all the format data specified in the typeDefinition
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDefinition"></param>
public SessionStateFormatEntry(ExtendedTypeDefinition typeDefinition)
: base("*")
if (typeDefinition == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("typeDefinition");
_typeDefinition = typeDefinition;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateFormatEntry entry;
if (_fileName != null)
entry = new SessionStateFormatEntry(_fileName);
else if (_formattable != null)
entry = new SessionStateFormatEntry(_formattable);
entry = new SessionStateFormatEntry(_typeDefinition);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the format file referenced by this entry...
/// </summary>
public string FileName
get { return _fileName; }
private string _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// The FormatTable specified with constructor. This can be null if
/// FileName constructor is used.
/// </summary>
public FormatTable Formattable
get { return _formattable; }
private FormatTable _formattable;
/// <summary>
/// The FormatData specified with constructor. This can be null if
/// FileName or FormatTable constructor is used
/// </summary>
public ExtendedTypeDefinition FormatData
get { return _typeDefinition; }
private ExtendedTypeDefinition _typeDefinition;
//So that we can specify the format information on the fly,
//without using Format.ps1xml file
//public SessionStateFormatEntry(string name, xmlreader definition);
//public string Definition { get; }
/// <summary>
/// An assembly to load for this sessionstate...
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateAssemblyEntry : InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Create a named entry for the assembly to load with both the
/// name and the path to the assembly as a backup.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the assembly to load</param>
/// <param name="fileName">The path to the assembly to use as an alternative</param>
public SessionStateAssemblyEntry(string name, string fileName)
: base(name)
_fileName = fileName;
/// <summary>
/// Create a named entry for the assembly to load, specifying
/// just the nanme
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the assembly to load</param>
public SessionStateAssemblyEntry(string name)
: base(name)
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateAssemblyEntry entry = new SessionStateAssemblyEntry(Name, _fileName);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// Return the assembly file name...
/// </summary>
public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } }
private string _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// List a cmdlet to add to this session state entry
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateCmdletEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="implementingType"></param>
/// <param name="helpFileName"></param>
public SessionStateCmdletEntry(string name, Type implementingType, string helpFileName)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_implementingType = implementingType;
_helpFileName = helpFileName;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Cmdlet;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="implementingType"></param>
/// <param name="helpFileName"></param>
/// <param name="visibility"></param>
internal SessionStateCmdletEntry(string name, Type implementingType, string helpFileName, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name, visibility)
_implementingType = implementingType;
_helpFileName = helpFileName;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Cmdlet;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateCmdletEntry entry = new SessionStateCmdletEntry(Name, _implementingType, _helpFileName, Visibility);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public Type ImplementingType { get { return _implementingType; } }
private Type _implementingType;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string HelpFileName
get { return _helpFileName; }
private string _helpFileName;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateProviderEntry : ConstrainedSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="implementingType"></param>
/// <param name="helpFileName"></param>
public SessionStateProviderEntry(string name, Type implementingType, string helpFileName)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_implementingType = implementingType;
_helpFileName = helpFileName;
internal SessionStateProviderEntry(string name, Type implementingType, string helpFileName, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name, visibility)
_implementingType = implementingType;
_helpFileName = helpFileName;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateProviderEntry entry = new SessionStateProviderEntry(Name, _implementingType, _helpFileName, this.Visibility);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public Type ImplementingType
get { return _implementingType; }
private Type _implementingType;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string HelpFileName
get { return _helpFileName; }
private string _helpFileName;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateScriptEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// Create a session state command entry instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the script</param>
public SessionStateScriptEntry(string path)
: base(path, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_path = path;
_commandType = CommandTypes.ExternalScript;
/// <summary>
/// Create a session state command entry instance with the specified visiblity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the script</param>
/// <param name="visibility">Visibility of the script.</param>
internal SessionStateScriptEntry(string path, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(path, visibility)
_path = path;
_commandType = CommandTypes.ExternalScript;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateScriptEntry entry = new SessionStateScriptEntry(_path, Visibility);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string Path { get { return _path; } }
private string _path;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateAliasEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// Define an alias entry to add to the initial session state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the aliase</param>
/// <param name="definition">The name of the command it resolves to</param>
public SessionStateAliasEntry(string name, string definition)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Alias;
/// <summary>
/// Define an alias entry to add to the initial session state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the aliase</param>
/// <param name="definition">The name of the command it resolves to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descripion of the purpose of the alias.</param>
public SessionStateAliasEntry(string name, string definition, string description)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Alias;
_description = description;
/// <summary>
/// Define an alias entry to add to the initial session state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the aliase</param>
/// <param name="definition">The name of the command it resolves to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descripion of the purpose of the alias.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options defining the scope visiblity, readonly and constant</param>
public SessionStateAliasEntry(string name, string definition, string description, ScopedItemOptions options)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Alias;
_description = description;
_options = options;
/// <summary>
/// Define an alias entry to add to the initial session state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the aliase</param>
/// <param name="definition">The name of the command it resolves to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descripion of the purpose of the alias.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options defining the scope visiblity, readonly and constant</param>
/// <param name="visibility"></param>
internal SessionStateAliasEntry(string name, string definition, string description,
ScopedItemOptions options, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name, visibility)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Alias;
_description = description;
_options = options;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateAliasEntry entry = new SessionStateAliasEntry(Name, _definition, _description, _options, Visibility);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// The string defining the body of this alias...
/// </summary>
public string Definition { get { return _definition; } }
private string _definition;
/// <summary>
/// A string describing this alias...
/// </summary>
public string Description { get { return _description; } }
private string _description = String.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Options controling scope visiblity and setability for this entry.
/// </summary>
public ScopedItemOptions Options { get { return _options; } }
private ScopedItemOptions _options = ScopedItemOptions.None;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateApplicationEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// Used to define a permitted script in this session state. If the path is
/// "*", then any path is permitted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The full path to the application</param>
public SessionStateApplicationEntry(string path)
: base(path, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_path = path;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Application;
/// <summary>
/// Used to define a permitted script in this session state. If the path is
/// "*", then any path is permitted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The full path to the application</param>
/// <param name="visibility">Sets the external visibilty of the path.</param>
internal SessionStateApplicationEntry(string path, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(path, visibility)
_path = path;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Application;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateApplicationEntry entry = new SessionStateApplicationEntry(_path, Visibility);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// The path to this application...
/// </summary>
public string Path { get { return _path; } }
private string _path;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateFunctionEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// Represents a function definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the function</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the function</param>
/// <param name="options">Options controlling scope-related elements of this object</param>
/// <param name="helpFile">The name of the help file associated with the function</param>
public SessionStateFunctionEntry(string name, string definition, ScopedItemOptions options, string helpFile)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Function;
_options = options;
_scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(_definition);
_scriptBlock.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
_helpFile = helpFile;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a function definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the function</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the function</param>
/// <param name="helpFile">The name of the help file associated with the function</param>
public SessionStateFunctionEntry(string name, string definition, string helpFile)
: this(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None, helpFile)
/// <summary>
/// Represents a function definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the function</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the function</param>
public SessionStateFunctionEntry(string name, string definition)
: this(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None, null)
/// <summary>
/// This is an internal copy constructor.
/// </summary>
internal SessionStateFunctionEntry(string name, string definition, ScopedItemOptions options,
SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility, ScriptBlock scriptBlock, string helpFile)
: base(name, visibility)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Function;
_options = options;
_scriptBlock = scriptBlock;
_helpFile = helpFile;
internal static SessionStateFunctionEntry GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry(string name, string definition)
var sb = ScriptBlock.CreateDelayParsedScriptBlock(definition);
return new SessionStateFunctionEntry(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None,
SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public, sb, null);
internal static SessionStateFunctionEntry GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry(string name, string definition, ScriptBlock sb)
return new SessionStateFunctionEntry(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None,
SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public, sb, null);
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateFunctionEntry entry = new SessionStateFunctionEntry(Name, _definition, _options, Visibility, _scriptBlock, _helpFile);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the name of the help file associated with the function.
/// </summary>
internal void SetHelpFile(string help)
_helpFile = help;
/// <summary>
/// The string to use to define this function...
/// </summary>
public string Definition { get { return _definition; } }
private string _definition;
/// <summary>
/// The script block for this function.
/// </summary>
internal ScriptBlock ScriptBlock {
get { return _scriptBlock; }
set { _scriptBlock = value; }
private ScriptBlock _scriptBlock;
/// <summary>
/// Options controling scope visiblity and setability for this entry.
/// </summary>
public ScopedItemOptions Options { get { return _options; } }
private ScopedItemOptions _options = ScopedItemOptions.None;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the help file associated with the function.
/// </summary>
public string HelpFile
get { return _helpFile; }
private string _helpFile;
#if !CORECLR // Workflow Not Supported On CSS
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateWorkflowEntry : SessionStateCommandEntry
/// <summary>
/// Represents a workflow definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the workflow</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the workflow</param>
/// <param name="options">Options controlling scope-related elements of this object</param>
/// <param name="helpFile">The name of the help file associated with the workflow</param>
public SessionStateWorkflowEntry(string name, string definition, ScopedItemOptions options, string helpFile)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_definition = definition;
_commandType = CommandTypes.Workflow;
_options = options;
_helpFile = helpFile;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a workflow definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the workflow</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the workflow</param>
/// <param name="helpFile">The name of the help file associated with the workflow</param>
public SessionStateWorkflowEntry(string name, string definition, string helpFile)
: this(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None, helpFile)
/// <summary>
/// Represents a workflow definition in an Initial session state object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the workflow</param>
/// <param name="definition">The definition of the workflow</param>
public SessionStateWorkflowEntry(string name, string definition)
: this(name, definition, ScopedItemOptions.None, null)
/// <summary>
/// This is an internal copy constructor.
/// </summary>
internal SessionStateWorkflowEntry(string name, string definition, ScopedItemOptions options, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility, WorkflowInfo workflow, string helpFile)
: base(name, visibility)
_definition = definition;
_options = options;
_workflow = workflow;
_helpFile = helpFile;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
SessionStateWorkflowEntry entry = new SessionStateWorkflowEntry(Name, _definition, _options, Visibility, _workflow, _helpFile);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the name of the help file associated with the function.
/// </summary>
internal void SetHelpFile(string help)
_helpFile = help;
/// <summary>
/// The string to use to define this function...
/// </summary>
public string Definition { get { return _definition; } }
private string _definition;
/// <summary>
/// The script block for this function.
/// </summary>
internal WorkflowInfo WorkflowInfo {
get { return _workflow; }
set { _workflow = value; }
private WorkflowInfo _workflow;
/// <summary>
/// Options controling scope visiblity and setability for this entry.
/// </summary>
public ScopedItemOptions Options { get { return _options; } }
private ScopedItemOptions _options = ScopedItemOptions.None;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the help file associated with the function.
/// </summary>
public string HelpFile
get { return _helpFile; }
private string _helpFile;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SessionStateVariableEntry : ConstrainedSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Is used to define a variable that should be created when
/// the runspace is opened. Note - if this object is cloned,
/// then the clone will contain a reference to the original object
/// not a clone of it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the variable</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set the variable to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descriptive string to attach to the variable.</param>
public SessionStateVariableEntry(string name, object value, string description)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_value = value;
_description = description;
/// <summary>
/// Is used to define a variable that should be created when
/// the runspace is opened. Note - if this object is cloned,
/// then the clone will contain a reference to the original object
/// not a clone of it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the variable</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set the variable to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descriptive string to attach to the variable.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options like readonly, constant, allscope, etc.</param>
public SessionStateVariableEntry(string name, object value, string description, ScopedItemOptions options)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_value = value;
_description = description;
_options = options;
/// <summary>
/// Is used to define a variable that should be created when
/// the runspace is opened. Note - if this object is cloned,
/// then the clone will contain a reference to the original object
/// not a clone of it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the variable</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set the variable to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descriptive string to attach to the variable.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options like readonly, constant, allscope, etc.</param>
/// <param name="attributes">A list of attributes to attach to the variable.</param>
public SessionStateVariableEntry(string name, object value, string description,
ScopedItemOptions options, Collection<Attribute> attributes)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_value = value;
_description = description;
_options = options;
_attributes = attributes;
/// <summary>
/// Is used to define a variable that should be created when
/// the runspace is opened. Note - if this object is cloned,
/// then the clone will contain a reference to the original object
/// not a clone of it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the variable</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set the variable to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descriptive string to attach to the variable.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options like readonly, constant, allscope, etc.</param>
/// <param name="attribute">A single attribute to attach to the variable.</param>
public SessionStateVariableEntry(string name, object value, string description,
ScopedItemOptions options, Attribute attribute)
: base(name, SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
_value = value;
_description = description;
_options = options;
_attributes = new Collection<Attribute>();
/// <summary>
/// Is used to define a variable that should be created when
/// the runspace is opened. Note - if this object is cloned,
/// then the clone will contain a reference to the original object
/// not a clone of it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the variable</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set the variable to</param>
/// <param name="description">A descriptive string to attach to the variable.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options like readonly, constant, allscope, etc.</param>
/// <param name="attributes">A single attribute to attach to the variable.</param>
/// <param name="visibility"></param>
internal SessionStateVariableEntry(string name, object value, string description,
ScopedItemOptions options, Collection<Attribute> attributes, SessionStateEntryVisibility visibility)
: base(name, visibility)
_value = value;
_description = description;
_options = options;
_attributes = attributes;
/// <summary>
/// Shallow-clone this object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public override InitialSessionStateEntry Clone()
// Copy the attribute collection if necessary...
Collection<Attribute> attrs = null;
if (_attributes != null && _attributes.Count > 0)
attrs = new Collection<Attribute>(_attributes);
return new SessionStateVariableEntry(Name, _value, _description, _options, attrs, Visibility);
/// <summary>
/// The value to bind to this variable.
/// </summary>
public object Value { get { return _value; } }
private object _value;
/// <summary>
/// The description associated with this variable.
/// </summary>
public string Description { get { return _description; } }
private string _description = String.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// The options associated with this variable (e.g. readonly, allscope, etc.)
/// </summary>
public ScopedItemOptions Options { get { return _options; } }
private ScopedItemOptions _options = ScopedItemOptions.None;
/// <summary>
/// The attributes that will be attached to this object.
/// </summary>
public Collection<Attribute> Attributes
if (_attributes == null)
_attributes = new Collection<Attribute>();
return _attributes;
private Collection<Attribute> _attributes;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public sealed class InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T> where T : InitialSessionStateEntry
/// <summary>
/// Create an empty collection...
/// </summary>
public InitialSessionStateEntryCollection()
_internalCollection = new Collection<T>();
/// <summary>
/// Create an new collection, copying in the passed items...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items"></param>
public InitialSessionStateEntryCollection(IEnumerable<T> items)
if (items == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
_internalCollection = new Collection<T>();
foreach (T item in items)
/// <summary>
/// Clone this collection
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object</returns>
public InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T> Clone()
InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T> result;
lock (_syncObject)
result = new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T>();
foreach (T item in _internalCollection)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Reset the collection
/// </summary>
public void Reset()
lock (_syncObject)
/// <summary>
/// Returns a count of the number of items in the collection...
/// </summary>
public int Count
get { return _internalCollection.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public T this[int index]
T result;
lock (_syncObject)
result = _internalCollection[index];
return result;
//To find the entries based on name.
//Why collection - Different SnapIn/modules and same entity names.
//If used on command collection entry, then for the same name, one can have multiple output
/// <summary>
/// To find the entries based on name.
/// Why collection - Different SnapIn/modules and same entity names.
/// If used on command collection entry, then for the same name, one can have multiple output
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Collection<T> this[string name]
Collection<T> result = new Collection<T>();
lock (_syncObject)
foreach (T element in _internalCollection)
if (element.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Find entries based on string name which can include wildcards.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal Collection<T> LookUpByName(string name)
if (name == null) { throw new PSArgumentNullException("name"); }
Collection<T> result = new Collection<T>();
WildcardPattern namePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(name, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
lock (_syncObject)
foreach (T element in _internalCollection)
if (namePattern.IsMatch(element.Name))
return result;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
public void RemoveItem(int index)
lock (_syncObject)
/// <summary>
/// Remove a number of items starting at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <param name="count"></param>
public void RemoveItem(int index, int count)
lock (_syncObject)
while (count-- > 0)
/// <summary>
/// Clears the collection...
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
lock (_syncObject)
/// <summary>
/// This overload exists so that we can remove items based on the item name, rather than
/// its position in the collection. The type argument can be null but we'll throw an error if
/// we can't distinguish between multiple entries of the same name but different types
/// and the type hasn't been specified.
/// BUGBUG - brucepay - the throw thing is not implemented yet...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the element to remove</param>
/// <param name="type">The type of object to remove, can be null to remove any type.</param>
public void Remove(string name, object type)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
lock (_syncObject)
Type objType = null;
if (type != null)
objType = type as Type;
if (objType == null)
objType = type.GetType();
// Work backwards through the collection...
for (int i = _internalCollection.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
T element = _internalCollection[i];
if (element == null)
if ((objType == null || element.GetType() == objType) &&
String.Equals(element.Name, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
/// <summary>
/// Add an item to this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item to add...</param>
public void Add(T item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
lock (_syncObject)
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items"></param>
public void Add(IEnumerable<T> items)
if (items == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
lock (_syncObject)
foreach (T element in items)
/// <summary>
/// Get enumerator for this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <!--
/// Enumerator work is not thread safe by default. Any code trying
/// to do enumeration on this collection should lock it first.
/// Need to document this.
/// -->
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _internalCollection.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Get enumerator for this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <!--
/// Enumerator work is not thread safe by default. Any code trying
/// to do enumeration on this collection should lock it first.
/// Need to document this.
/// -->
IEnumerator<T> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
return _internalCollection.GetEnumerator();
private Collection<T> _internalCollection;
//object to use for locking
object _syncObject = new object();
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to define the set of elements that should be
/// present when Session State is created.
/// </summary>
public class InitialSessionState
#region Helper methods for restricting commands needed by implicit and interactive remoting
static private void RemoveDisallowedEntries<T>(InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T> list, List<string> allowedNames, Func<T, string> nameGetter)
where T : InitialSessionStateEntry
List<string> namesToRemove = new List<string>();
foreach (T entry in list)
string entryName = nameGetter(entry);
// if entryName is not present in allowedNames list, then remove it
if (!allowedNames.Exists(allowedName => allowedName.Equals(entryName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
foreach (string nameToRemove in namesToRemove)
list.Remove(nameToRemove, null /* remove any type with this name */);
static private void MakeDisallowedEntriesPrivate<T>(InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<T> list, List<string> allowedNames, Func<T, string> nameGetter)
where T : ConstrainedSessionStateEntry
foreach (T entry in list)
string entryName = nameGetter(entry);
// Aliases to allowed commands are OK
SessionStateAliasEntry aliasEntry = entry as SessionStateAliasEntry;
if(aliasEntry != null)
if(allowedNames.Exists(allowedName => allowedName.Equals(aliasEntry.Definition, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
aliasEntry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public;
// if entryName is not present in allowedNames list, then remove it
if (!allowedNames.Exists(allowedName => allowedName.Equals(entryName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
entry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an initial session state from a PSSC configuration file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the PSSC session configuration file</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateFromSessionConfigurationFile(string path)
return CreateFromSessionConfigurationFile(path, null);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an initial session state from a PSSC configuration file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the PSSC session configuration file</param>
/// <param name="roleVerifier">
/// The verifier that PowerShell should call to determine if groups in the Role entry apply to the
/// target session. If you have a WindowsPrincipal for a user, for example, create a Function that
/// checks windowsPrincipal.IsInRole().
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateFromSessionConfigurationFile(string path, Func<string, bool> roleVerifier)
Remoting.DISCPowerShellConfiguration discConfiguration = new Remoting.DISCPowerShellConfiguration(path, roleVerifier);
return discConfiguration.GetInitialSessionState(null);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="InitialSessionState"/> instance that exposes only the minimal
/// set of commands needed by give set of <paramref name="sessionCapabilities"/>
/// All commands that are not needed are made private in order to minimize the attack surface.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sessionCapabilities">
/// What capabilities the session should have.
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public InitialSessionState CreateRestricted(SessionCapabilities sessionCapabilities)
// only remote server has been requested
if (SessionCapabilities.RemoteServer == sessionCapabilities)
return CreateRestrictedForRemoteServer();
#if CORECLR // Workflow Not Supported On CSS
if ((sessionCapabilities & SessionCapabilities.WorkflowServer) == SessionCapabilities.WorkflowServer)
throw PSTraceSource.NewNotSupportedException(ParserStrings.WorkflowNotSupportedInPowerShellCore);
// only workflow has been requested
if (SessionCapabilities.WorkflowServer == sessionCapabilities)
return CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServerMinimum();
// workflow server with remoting support has been requested
if (sessionCapabilities == (SessionCapabilities.WorkflowServer | SessionCapabilities.RemoteServer))
return CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServer();
if (sessionCapabilities == (SessionCapabilities.WorkflowServer | SessionCapabilities.RemoteServer | SessionCapabilities.Language))
return CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServerWithFullLanguage();
return Create();
static private InitialSessionState CreateRestrictedForRemoteServer()
InitialSessionState iss = Create();
iss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.NoLanguage;
iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;
iss.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger = false;
// Load the default snapins - all commands will be private by default.
Collection<PSSnapInInfo> defaultSnapins = PSSnapInReader.ReadEnginePSSnapIns();
foreach (PSSnapInInfo si in defaultSnapins)
// ImportPSSnapIn always sets "out warning" to "null"; all our internal calls ignore/discard "out warning"
PSSnapInException warning;
iss.ImportPSSnapIn(si, out warning);
// restrict what gets exposed
List<string> allowedCommands = new List<string>();
// required by implicit remoting and interactive remoting
allowedCommands.Add("Select-Object"); // used to serialize exactly the properties that we need (+ at the right depth)
// used if available by implicit remoting
allowedCommands.Add("Get-Help"); // used when displaying help for implicit remoting proxy functions
allowedCommands.Add("Measure-Object"); // used to have nice progress bars when import/export-pssession is running
// required by interactive remoting
allowedCommands.Add("Out-Default"); // appended to every command line
allowedCommands.Add("Exit-PSSession"); // used by the user to exit the sesion
// We don't remove these entries so that they can be called by commands in the runspace.
// Setting them to 'Private' ensures that the user can't call them.
commandEntry => commandEntry.Name);
// Ensure that only PowerShell core formats are included in the restricted session.
List<string> allowedTypes = new List<string>();
typeEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(typeEntry.FileName));
// No providers are visible by default
foreach(SessionStateProviderEntry provider in iss.Providers)
provider.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
// Add built-in variables.
// wrap some commands in a proxy function to restrict their parameters
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, CommandMetadata> proxyFunction in CommandMetadata.GetRestrictedCommands(SessionCapabilities.RemoteServer))
string commandName = proxyFunction.Key;
// make the cmdlet private
Collection<SessionStateCommandEntry> originalCmdlet = iss.Commands[commandName];
Diagnostics.Assert(originalCmdlet != null, "Proxied cmdlets should be imported at this point");
Diagnostics.Assert(originalCmdlet.Count == 1, "Exactly one cmdlet with a given name");
originalCmdlet[0].Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
// and add a public proxy function
string proxyBody = ProxyCommand.Create(proxyFunction.Value, "", false);
iss.Commands.Add(new SessionStateFunctionEntry(commandName, proxyBody));
return iss;
// Porting note: moved to Platform so we have one list to maintain
private static string[] PSCoreFormatFileNames = Platform.FormatFileNames.ToArray();
private static void IncludePowerShellCoreFormats(InitialSessionState iss)
string psHome = Utils.GetApplicationBase(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(psHome))
foreach (var coreFormat in PSCoreFormatFileNames)
iss.Formats.Add(new SessionStateFormatEntry(Path.Combine(psHome, coreFormat)));
#if !CORECLR // Workflow Not Supported On CSS
private static List<string> allowedAliases = new List<string>
static private InitialSessionState CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServer()
InitialSessionState iss = CreateDefault();
iss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.NoLanguage;
iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;
iss.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger = false;
// WIN8:551312 M3P endpoint should have NO application exposed
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry entry in iss.Commands)
if (entry.GetType() == typeof(SessionStateApplicationEntry))
iss.Commands.Remove(entry.Name, entry);
// restrict what gets exposed
List<string> allowedCommands = new List<string> ();
// make all other commands private
commandEntry => commandEntry.Name);
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry entry in iss.Commands)
if (entry.GetType() == typeof(SessionStateAliasEntry))
if(allowedAliases.Contains(entry.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
entry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public;
entry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
// Porting note: copy so it can be modified
List<string> allowedFormats = new List<string>(Platform.FormatFileNames);
formatEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(formatEntry.FileName));
// Porting note: type files were deprecated
List<string> allowedTypes = new List<string>();
typeEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(typeEntry.FileName));
iss.Variables.Clear(); // no variables are needed for workflow server - remove all of them
return iss;
static private InitialSessionState CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServerWithFullLanguage()
InitialSessionState iss = CreateDefault();
iss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;
iss.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger = false;
// WIN8:551312 M3P endpoint should have NO application exposed
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry entry in iss.Commands)
if (entry.GetType() == typeof(SessionStateApplicationEntry))
iss.Commands.Remove(entry.Name, entry);
// restrict what gets exposed
List<string> allowedCommands = new List<string>();
// Exposing Debug cmdlets in only Full language WF server
// because for debugging one needs full language capabilities
// make all other commands private
commandEntry => commandEntry.Name);
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry entry in iss.Commands)
if (entry.GetType() == typeof(SessionStateAliasEntry))
if (allowedAliases.Contains(entry.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
entry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public;
entry.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
// Porting note: copy so it can be modified
List<string> allowedFormats = new List<string>(Platform.FormatFileNames);
formatEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(formatEntry.FileName));
// Porting note: type files were deprecated
List<string> allowedTypes = new List<string>();
typeEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(typeEntry.FileName));
iss.Variables.Clear(); // no variables are needed for workflow server - remove all of them
// set a preference variable to indicate Get-Command should show
// return only loaded public commands
Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable {{"Get-Command:ListImported", true}};
iss.Variables.Add(new SessionStateVariableEntry("PSDefaultParameterValues", parameters, "Default Get-Command Action"));
return iss;
static private InitialSessionState CreateRestrictedForWorkflowServerMinimum()
InitialSessionState iss = CreateDefault();
iss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.NoLanguage;
iss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = true;
iss.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger = false;
// WIN8:551312 M3P endpoint should have NO application exposed
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry entry in iss.Commands)
if (entry.GetType() == typeof(SessionStateApplicationEntry))
iss.Commands.Remove(entry.Name, entry);
// restrict what gets exposed
// required by implicit remoting and interactive remoting
List<string> allowedCommands = new List<string>
// make all other commands private
commandEntry => commandEntry.Name);
List<string> allowedTypes = new List<string>();
typeEntry => IO.Path.GetFileName(typeEntry.FileName));
iss.Variables.Clear(); // no variables are needed for workflow server - remove all of them
// Disable module autodiscovery
SessionStateVariableEntry ssve = new SessionStateVariableEntry("PSDisableModuleAutoDiscovery",
true, "True if we disable module autodiscovery", ScopedItemOptions.Constant);
return iss;
private static readonly string[] JobCmdlets = {
"Get-Job", "Stop-Job", "Wait-Job", "Suspend-Job", "Resume-Job",
"Remove-Job", "Receive-Job"
private static readonly string[] ImplicitRemotingCmdlets = {
"Get-Command", "Select-Object", "Measure-Object",
"Get-Help", "Get-FormatData", "Exit-PSSession",
private static readonly string[] AutoDiscoveryCmdlets = { "Get-Module" };
private static readonly string[] LanguageHelperCmdlets = {
/// <summary>
/// Following cmdlets are needed for debugging support starting WinBlue
/// </summary>
private static readonly string[] DebugCmdlets = {
/// <summary>
/// this cmdlets are exposed due to some bugs. Need to figure out if
/// they are still required
/// </summary>
private static readonly string[] MiscCmdlets = {"Join-Path", "Import-Module"};
private static readonly string[] MiscCommands = { "TabExpansion2" };
private static readonly string[] DefaultTypeFiles = {"types.ps1xml", "typesv3.ps1xml"};
/// <summary>
/// ctor for Custom-Shell - Do we need this?
/// </summary>
protected InitialSessionState()
// Creates an empty EE
/// <summary>
/// Creates an empty InitialSessionState object...
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState Create()
InitialSessionState iss = new InitialSessionState();
//TODO: the following code is probably needed for the hosted constrained runspace
// There are too many things that depend on the built-in variables. At the same time,
// these variables can't be public or they become a security issue.
// This change still needs to be spec-reviewed before turning it on. It also seems to
// be causing test failures - i suspect due to lack test isolation - brucepay Mar 06/2008
#if false
// Add the default variables and make them private...
foreach (SessionStateVariableEntry v in iss.Variables)
v.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
return iss;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the default PowerShell one with default cmdlets, provider etc.
/// BuiltIn functions, aliases need to be available through default
/// InitialSessionstate constructor. Need to have this discussion for packaging as well.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateDefault()
// Read all of the registered PSSnapins
Collection<PSSnapInInfo> defaultSnapins;
PSSnapInException warning;
InitialSessionState ss = new InitialSessionState();
ss.Commands.Add(new SessionStateApplicationEntry("*"));
ss.Commands.Add(new SessionStateScriptEntry("*"));
defaultSnapins = PSSnapInReader.ReadEnginePSSnapIns();
foreach (PSSnapInInfo si in defaultSnapins)
ss.ImportPSSnapIn(si, out warning);
catch (PSSnapInException pse)
throw pse;
// This code is for testing a module-based shell. It is only available when the shell is complied
// in debug mode and is not intended to be a feature.
// July 31 2008 - brucepay
// Only load the core snapins at this point...
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PowerShellMinimal") != null)
if (si.Name.Equals("Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreConsoleHost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Remove duplicated assemblies
HashSet<string> assemblyList = new HashSet<string>();
for (int i = ss.Assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string assembly = ss.Assemblies[i].FileName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly))
if (assemblyList.Contains(assembly))
ss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
ss.AuthorizationManager = new Microsoft.PowerShell.PSAuthorizationManager(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
return ss.Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Creates the default PowerShell one with default cmdlets, provider etc.
/// The default cmdlets, provider, etc are loaded via Modules
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateDefault2()
InitialSessionState ss = new InitialSessionState();
ss.Commands.Add(new SessionStateApplicationEntry("*"));
ss.Commands.Add(new SessionStateScriptEntry("*"));
ss.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
ss.AuthorizationManager = new Microsoft.PowerShell.PSAuthorizationManager(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
return ss.Clone();
internal static bool IsEngineModule(string moduleName)
return EngineModules.Contains(moduleName) || NestedEngineModules.Contains(moduleName);
internal static bool IsNestedEngineModule(string moduleName)
return NestedEngineModules.Contains(moduleName);
internal static bool IsConstantEngineModule(string moduleName)
return ConstantEngineModules.Contains(moduleName) || ConstantEngineNestedModules.Contains(moduleName);
/// <summary>
/// Clone this InitialSessionState object. The collections are
/// recursively cloned as well as the elements in the collections.
/// Note however, that the contents of the individual entries
/// are not deep-cloned. This is only an issue for variable
/// entries which may have reference types. These objects
/// will be added by reference rather than by value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned object.</returns>
public InitialSessionState Clone()
InitialSessionState ss = new InitialSessionState();
foreach(string startupScript in this.StartupScripts)
foreach (string unresolvedCommandsToExpose in this.UnresolvedCommandsToExpose)
foreach (Hashtable dynamicVariableToDefine in this.DynamicVariablesToDefine)
foreach (var pair in this.CommandModifications)
ss.CommandModifications.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
ss.DefaultCommandVisibility = this.DefaultCommandVisibility;
ss.AuthorizationManager = this.AuthorizationManager;
ss.LanguageMode = this.LanguageMode;
ss.TranscriptDirectory = this.TranscriptDirectory;
ss.UserDriveEnabled = this.UserDriveEnabled;
ss.UserDriveUserName = this.UserDriveUserName;
ss.UserDriveMaximumSize = this.UserDriveMaximumSize;
if (this._wasExecutionPolicySet)
ss.ExecutionPolicy = this.ExecutionPolicy;
ss.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger = this.UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger;
ss.ThreadOptions = this.ThreadOptions;
ss.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError = this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError;
#if !CORECLR // No ApartmentState In CoreCLR
ss.ApartmentState = this.ApartmentState;
foreach (ModuleSpecification modSpec in this.ModuleSpecificationsToImport)
foreach (string mod in this.CoreModulesToImport)
ss.DisableFormatUpdates = this.DisableFormatUpdates;
foreach (var s in this.defaultSnapins)
foreach (var s in _importedSnapins)
ss.ImportedSnapins.Add(s.Key, s.Value);
return ss;
/// <summary>
/// Want to get away from SnapIn and console file. Have modules and assemblies instead.
/// Specify the registered SnapIn name or name collection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapInName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState Create(string snapInName)
return new InitialSessionState();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapInNameCollection"></param>
/// <param name="warning"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState Create(string[] snapInNameCollection, out PSConsoleLoadException warning)
warning = null;
return new InitialSessionState();
//This one is for module. Can take only one module, and not collection
//public static InitialSessionState Create(Module);
//Specify the unregistered module/snapIn path or path collection
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapInPath"></param>
/// <param name="warnings"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateFrom(string snapInPath, out PSConsoleLoadException warnings)
warnings = null;
return new InitialSessionState();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapInPathCollection"></param>
/// <param name="warnings"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static InitialSessionState CreateFrom(string[] snapInPathCollection, out PSConsoleLoadException warnings)
warnings = null;
return new InitialSessionState();
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the language mode to be used for this session state instance
/// </summary>
public PSLanguageMode LanguageMode
get { return _languageMode; }
set { _languageMode = value; }
private PSLanguageMode _languageMode = PSLanguageMode.NoLanguage;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the directory to be used for collection session transcripts
/// </summary>
public string TranscriptDirectory
get { return _transcriptDirectory; }
set { _transcriptDirectory = value; }
private string _transcriptDirectory = null;
/// <summary>
/// True when session opted for a User PSDrive.
/// </summary>
internal bool UserDriveEnabled
/// <summary>
/// User name for the user drive. This will be part of the root path
/// for the User PSDrive.
/// </summary>
internal string UserDriveUserName
/// <summary>
/// Optional maximum size value for User drive (in bytes).
/// </summary>
internal long UserDriveMaximumSize
/// <summary>
/// Forces all session script input parameters to have validation.
/// </summary>
internal bool EnforceInputParameterValidation
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the execution policy to be used for this session state instance
/// </summary>
public Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy ExecutionPolicy
get { return _executionPolicy; }
_executionPolicy = value;
_wasExecutionPolicySet = true;
private Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy _executionPolicy = Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy.Default;
private bool _wasExecutionPolicySet = false;
/// <summary>
/// If true the PowerShell debugger will use FullLanguage mode, otherwise it will use the current language mode
/// </summary>
public bool UseFullLanguageModeInDebugger
get { return _useFullLanguageModeInDebugger; }
set { _useFullLanguageModeInDebugger = value; }
private bool _useFullLanguageModeInDebugger = false;
#if !CORECLR // No ApartmentState In CoreCLR
/// <summary>
/// ApartmentState of the thread used to execute commands
/// </summary>
public ApartmentState ApartmentState
get { return this.apartmentState; }
set { this.apartmentState = value; }
private ApartmentState apartmentState = Runspace.DefaultApartmentState;
/// <summary>
/// This property determines whether a new thread is create for each invocation of a command
/// </summary>
public PSThreadOptions ThreadOptions
get { return this.createThreadOptions; }
set { this.createThreadOptions = value; }
private PSThreadOptions createThreadOptions = PSThreadOptions.Default;
/// <summary>
/// If this property is set and there was a runspace creation error, then
/// throw an exception, otherwise just continue creating the runspace even though it may
/// be in an inconsistent state.
/// </summary>
public bool ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError
get { return this.throwOnRunspaceOpenError; }
set { this.throwOnRunspaceOpenError = value; }
private bool throwOnRunspaceOpenError = false;
/// <summary>
/// This property will be set only if we are refreshing the Type/Format settings by calling UpdateTypes/UpdateFormats directly.
/// In this case, we should wait until all type/format entries get processed. After that, if there were errors
/// generated, we throw them as an exception.
/// </summary>
internal bool RefreshTypeAndFormatSetting = false;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the authorization manager to be used for this session state instance.
/// If no authorization manager is specified, then the default authroization manager
/// for PowerShell will be used which checks the ExecutionPolicy before running a command.
/// </summary>
public virtual AuthorizationManager AuthorizationManager
return _authorizationManager;
set { _authorizationManager = value; }
private AuthorizationManager _authorizationManager = new Microsoft.PowerShell.PSAuthorizationManager(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
internal PSHost Host = null;
/// <summary>
/// Add a list of modules to import when the runspace is created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The modules to add</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public void ImportPSModule(string[] name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (string n in name)
_moduleSpecificationsToImport.Add(new ModuleSpecification(n));
/// <summary>
/// Clears ImportPSModule list.
/// </summary>
internal void ClearPSModules()
/// <summary>
/// Add a list of modules to import when the runspace is created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modules">
/// The modules, whose specificiations are specified by <paramref name="modules"/>,
/// to add.
/// </param>
public void ImportPSModule(IEnumerable<ModuleSpecification> modules)
if (modules == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("modules");
foreach (var moduleSpecification in modules)
/// <summary>
/// Imports all the modules from the specified module
/// path by default
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">path from which all modules need
/// to be imported</param>
public void ImportPSModulesFromPath(string path)
string expandedpath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path);
var availableModuleFiles = ModuleUtils.GetDefaultAvailableModuleFiles(expandedpath);
/// <summary>
/// Add a list of core modules to import when the runspace is created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The modules to add</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal void ImportPSCoreModule(string[] name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (string n in name)
/// <summary>
/// Imported modules.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<ModuleSpecification> Modules
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ModuleSpecification>(_moduleSpecificationsToImport);}
internal Collection<ModuleSpecification> ModuleSpecificationsToImport
get { return _moduleSpecificationsToImport; }
private Collection<ModuleSpecification> _moduleSpecificationsToImport = new Collection<ModuleSpecification>();
HashSet<string> _coreModulesToImport = new HashSet<string>();
internal Dictionary<string, PSSnapInInfo> ImportedSnapins
get { return _importedSnapins; }
private Dictionary<string, PSSnapInInfo> _importedSnapins = new Dictionary<string, PSSnapInInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the dictionary of core modules to import on runspace creation...
/// </summary>
internal HashSet<string> CoreModulesToImport
get { return _coreModulesToImport; }
/// <summary>
/// The list of assemblies to load...
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateAssemblyEntry> Assemblies
if (_assemblies == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _assemblies, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateAssemblyEntry>(), null);
return _assemblies;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateAssemblyEntry> _assemblies;
/// <summary>
/// List of types to use for this session state instance...
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateTypeEntry> Types
if (_types == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _types, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateTypeEntry>(), null);
return _types;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateTypeEntry> _types;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateFormatEntry> Formats
if (_formats == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _formats, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateFormatEntry>(), null);
return _formats;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateFormatEntry> _formats;
/// <summary>
/// If set to true, disables any updates to format table. This includes disabling
/// format table updates throught Update-FormatData, Import-Module etc.
/// All the disabling happens silently ie., the user will not get any exception.
/// By default, this is set to False.
/// </summary>
public bool DisableFormatUpdates { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateProviderEntry> Providers
if (_providers == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _providers, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateProviderEntry>(), null);
return _providers;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateProviderEntry> _providers;
/// <summary>
/// List of commands (Alias, Application, Cmdlets, Function, Script) for this entry.
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateCommandEntry> Commands
if (_commands == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _commands, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateCommandEntry>(), null);
return _commands;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateCommandEntry> _commands;
internal SessionStateEntryVisibility DefaultCommandVisibility { get; set; }
internal HashSet<string> UnresolvedCommandsToExpose
if (_unresolvedCommandsToExpose == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _unresolvedCommandsToExpose, new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase), null);
return _unresolvedCommandsToExpose;
private HashSet<string> _unresolvedCommandsToExpose;
internal Dictionary<string, Hashtable> CommandModifications
if (_commandModifications == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _commandModifications, new Dictionary<string, Hashtable>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase), null);
return _commandModifications;
private Dictionary<string, Hashtable> _commandModifications;
internal List<Hashtable> DynamicVariablesToDefine
if (_dynamicVariablesToDefine == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _dynamicVariablesToDefine, new List<Hashtable>(), null);
return _dynamicVariablesToDefine;
private List<Hashtable> _dynamicVariablesToDefine;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry> Variables
if (_variables == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _variables, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry>(), null);
return _variables;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry> _variables;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public virtual InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry> EnvironmentVariables
if (_environmentVariables == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _environmentVariables, new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry>(), null);
return _environmentVariables;
private InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateVariableEntry> _environmentVariables;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public virtual HashSet<String> StartupScripts
if (_startupScripts == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _startupScripts, new HashSet<String>(), null);
return _startupScripts;
private HashSet<String> _startupScripts = new HashSet<string>();
Object _syncObject = new Object();
internal void Bind(ExecutionContext context, bool updateOnly)
Bind(context, updateOnly, null, /*noClobber*/false, /*local*/ false);
internal void Bind(ExecutionContext context, bool updateOnly, PSModuleInfo module, bool noClobber, bool local)
Host = context.EngineHostInterface;
lock (_syncObject)
SessionStateInternal ss = context.EngineSessionState;
// Clear the application and script collections...
if (!updateOnly)
// If the initial session state made some commands private by way of
// VisibleCmdlets / etc., then change the default command visibility for
// the sesssion state so that newly imported modules aren't exposed accidentally.
if (DefaultCommandVisibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private)
ss.DefaultCommandVisibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
// Load assemblies before anything else - we may need to resolve types in the loaded
// assemblies as part of loading formats or types, and that can't be done in parallel.
var actions = new Action[]
() => Bind_UpdateTypes(context, updateOnly),
() => Bind_UpdateFormats(context, updateOnly),
() => Bind_BindCommands(module, noClobber, local, ss),
() => Bind_LoadProviders(ss),
() => Bind_SetVariables(ss),
if (updateOnly)
// We're typically called to import a module. It seems like this could
// still happen in parallel, but calls to WriteError on the wrong thread
// get silently swallowed, so instead just run the actions serially on this thread.
foreach (var action in actions)
catch (AggregateException e)
e = e.Flatten();
foreach (var exception in e.InnerExceptions)
if (this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
// Just throw the first error
throw e.InnerExceptions[0];
catch (Exception e)
if (this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
// Set the language mode
if (!updateOnly)
ss.LanguageMode = LanguageMode;
// Set the execution policy
if (_wasExecutionPolicySet)
string shellId = context.ShellID;
SecuritySupport.SetExecutionPolicy(Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicyScope.Process, ExecutionPolicy, shellId);
SetSessionStateDrive(context, setLocation:false);
private void Bind_SetVariables(SessionStateInternal ss)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadVariablesStart();
// Add all of the variables to session state...
foreach (SessionStateVariableEntry var in Variables)
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadVariablesStop();
private void Bind_SetEnvironment()
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadEnvironmentVariablesStart();
foreach (SessionStateVariableEntry var in EnvironmentVariables)
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(var.Name, var.Value.ToString());
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadEnvironmentVariablesStop();
private void Bind_UpdateTypes(ExecutionContext context, bool updateOnly)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.UpdateTypeTableStart();
this.UpdateTypes(context, updateOnly);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.UpdateTypeTableStop();
private void Bind_UpdateFormats(ExecutionContext context, bool updateOnly)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.UpdateFormatTableStart();
this.UpdateFormats(context, updateOnly);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.UpdateFormatTableStop();
private void Bind_LoadProviders(SessionStateInternal ss)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadProvidersStart();
// Add all of the providers to session state...
foreach (SessionStateProviderEntry provider in Providers)
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadProviderStart(provider.Name);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadProviderStop(provider.Name);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadProvidersStop();
private void Bind_BindCommands(PSModuleInfo module, bool noClobber, bool local, SessionStateInternal ss)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadCommandsStart();
#if !CORECLR // Workflow Not Supported On CSS
InitialSessionState cloneForWorkflowDefinitions = null;
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry cmd in Commands)
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadCommandStart(cmd.Name);
SessionStateCmdletEntry ssce = cmd as SessionStateCmdletEntry;
if (ssce != null)
if (noClobber && ModuleCmdletBase.CommandFound(ssce.Name, ss))
ssce._isImported = false;
ss.AddSessionStateEntry(ssce, local);
SessionStateFunctionEntry ssfe = cmd as SessionStateFunctionEntry;
if (ssfe != null)
SessionStateAliasEntry ssae = cmd as SessionStateAliasEntry;
if (ssae != null)
ss.AddSessionStateEntry(ssae, StringLiterals.Local);
SessionStateApplicationEntry ssappe = cmd as SessionStateApplicationEntry;
if (ssappe != null)
if (ssappe.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
SessionStateScriptEntry ssse = cmd as SessionStateScriptEntry;
if (ssse != null)
if (ssse.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
#if !CORECLR // Workflow Not Supported On CSS
SessionStateWorkflowEntry sswe = cmd as SessionStateWorkflowEntry;
if (sswe != null)
if (cloneForWorkflowDefinitions == null)
cloneForWorkflowDefinitions = this.Clone();
var commandsCopy =
cloneForWorkflowDefinitions.Commands.Where(e => !(e is SessionStateWorkflowEntry))
foreach (var c in commandsCopy)
ss.AddSessionStateEntry(cloneForWorkflowDefinitions, sswe);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadCommandStop(cmd.Name);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadCommandsStop();
private void Bind_LoadAssemblies(ExecutionContext context)
bool etwEnabled = RunspaceEventSource.Log.IsEnabled();
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadAssembliesStart();
// Load the assemblies and initialize the assembly cache...
foreach (SessionStateAssemblyEntry ssae in Assemblies)
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadAssemblyStart(ssae.Name, ssae.FileName);
Exception error = null;
Assembly asm = context.AddAssembly(ssae.Name, ssae.FileName, out error);
if (asm == null || error != null)
// If no module was found but there was no specific error, then
// create a not found error.
if (error == null)
string msg = StringUtil.Format(global::Modules.ModuleAssemblyFound, ssae.Name);
error = new DllNotFoundException(msg);
// If this occurs while loading a module manifest, just
// throw the exception instead of writing it out...
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ModuleBeingProcessed) &&
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
throw error;
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadAssemblyStop(ssae.Name, ssae.FileName);
if (etwEnabled) RunspaceEventSource.Log.LoadAssembliesStop();
internal Exception BindRunspace(Runspace initializedRunspace, PSTraceSource runspaceInitTracer)
// Get initial list of public commands in session.
HashSet<CommandInfo> publicCommands = new HashSet<CommandInfo>();
foreach (CommandInfo sessionCommand in initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands(
"*", CommandTypes.All, true))
if (sessionCommand.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
// If a user has any module with the same name as that of the core module( or nested module inside the core module)
// in his module path, then that will get loaded instead of the actual nested module (from the GAC - in our case)
// Hence, searching only from the system module path while loading the core modules
ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, CoreModulesToImport, ModuleIntrinsics.GetSystemwideModulePath(), publicCommands);
// Win8:328748 - functions defined in global scope end up in a module
// Since we import the core modules, EngineSessionState's module is set to the last imported module. So, if a function is defined in global scope, it ends up in that module.
// Setting the module to null fixes that.
initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.EngineSessionState.Module = null;
// Set the SessionStateDrive here since we have all the provider information at this point
SetSessionStateDrive(initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext, true);
Exception moduleImportException = ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, ModuleSpecificationsToImport, "", publicCommands);
if(moduleImportException != null)
"Runspace open failed while loading module: First error {1}", moduleImportException);
return moduleImportException;
// If we still have unresolved commands after importing specified modules, then try finding associated module for
// each unresolved command and import that module.
string[] foundModuleList = GetModulesForUnResolvedCommands(UnresolvedCommandsToExpose, initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext);
if (foundModuleList.Length > 0)
ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, foundModuleList, "", publicCommands);
// Process User: drive
Exception userDriveException = ProcessUserDrive(initializedRunspace);
if (userDriveException != null)
"Runspace open failed while processing user drive with error {1}", userDriveException);
Exception result = PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(userDriveException, RemotingErrorIdStrings.UserDriveProcessingThrewTerminatingError, userDriveException.Message);
return result;
// Process startup scripts
Exception startupScriptException = ProcessStartupScripts(initializedRunspace);
if (startupScriptException != null)
"Runspace open failed while running startup script: First error {1}", startupScriptException);
Exception result = PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(startupScriptException, RemotingErrorIdStrings.StartupScriptThrewTerminatingError, startupScriptException.Message);
return result;
// Start transcribing
if(! String.IsNullOrEmpty(TranscriptDirectory))
using (PowerShell psToInvoke = PowerShell.Create())
psToInvoke.AddCommand(new Command("Start-Transcript")).AddParameter("OutputDirectory", TranscriptDirectory);
Exception exceptionToReturn = ProcessPowerShellCommand(psToInvoke, initializedRunspace);
if (exceptionToReturn != null)
// ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError handling is done by ProcessPowerShellCommand
return exceptionToReturn;
return null;
private string[] GetModulesForUnResolvedCommands(IEnumerable<string> unresolvedCommands, ExecutionContext context)
Collection<string> modulesToImport = new Collection<string>();
HashSet<string> commandsToResolve = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var unresolvedCommand in unresolvedCommands)
string moduleName;
string command = Utils.ParseCommandName(unresolvedCommand, out moduleName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName))
// Skip fully qualified module names since they are already processed.
if (WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(command))
// Skip names with wild cards.
if (commandsToResolve.Count > 0)
Runspace restoreRunspace = Runspace.DefaultRunspace;
// Create a temporary default runspace for the analysis cache to use.
using (Runspace tempRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
Runspace.DefaultRunspace = tempRunspace;
foreach (var unresolvedCommand in commandsToResolve)
// Use the analysis cache to find the first module containing the unresolved command.
foreach (string modulePath in ModuleUtils.GetDefaultAvailableModuleFiles(true, true, context))
string expandedModulePath = IO.Path.GetFullPath(modulePath);
var exportedCommands = AnalysisCache.GetExportedCommands(expandedModulePath, false, context);
if (exportedCommands != null && exportedCommands.ContainsKey(unresolvedCommand))
Runspace.DefaultRunspace = restoreRunspace;
return modulesToImport.ToArray<string>();
private void ProcessCommandModifications(Runspace initializedRunspace)
foreach(var pair in CommandModifications)
string commandName = pair.Key;
Hashtable commandModification = pair.Value;
CommandInfo existingCommand = initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(commandName, CommandTypes.Cmdlet | CommandTypes.Function);
if(existingCommand == null)
// Could not find the command - just continue, rather than generating an error. This could just be a missing module
// or something similar.
// If we are wrapping a function, rename it.
FunctionInfo commandAsFunction = existingCommand as FunctionInfo;
if(commandAsFunction != null)
string newCommandName = commandAsFunction.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.EngineSessionState.GlobalScope.FunctionTable.Add(newCommandName, commandAsFunction);
existingCommand = initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(newCommandName, CommandTypes.Function);
CommandMetadata metadata = new CommandMetadata(existingCommand);
List<string> unprocessedCommandModifications = new List<string>();
foreach (string commandModificationParameter in commandModification.Keys)
// Visit all parameters of the command we're wrapping
foreach(string existingParameter in metadata.Parameters.Keys.ToArray<string>())
// If it's not allowed, remove it
if(! commandModification.ContainsKey(existingParameter))
// Remember that we've processed this parameter, so that we can add the remainder
// as virtual command modifications over (what we must assume to be) dynamic parameters.
ProcessCommandModification(commandModification, metadata, existingParameter);
// Now, process the command modifications that the user requested (but there was no parameter
// in the cmdlet that matched the requested parameter)
foreach (string unprocessedCommandModification in unprocessedCommandModifications)
ProcessCommandModification(commandModification, metadata, unprocessedCommandModification);
string proxyBody = ProxyCommand.Create(metadata, "", false);
ScriptBlock proxyScriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(proxyBody);
proxyScriptBlock.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
commandName, new FunctionInfo(commandName, proxyScriptBlock, initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext));
/// <summary>
/// Process a command modification for a specific parameter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandModification">The hashtable of command modifications for this command</param>
/// <param name="metadata">The metadata for the command being processed</param>
/// <param name="parameterName">The parameter being modified</param>
private static void ProcessCommandModification(Hashtable commandModification, CommandMetadata metadata, string parameterName)
// If the metadata doesn't actually contain the parameter, then we need to create one.
if(! metadata.Parameters.ContainsKey(parameterName))
metadata.Parameters[parameterName] = new ParameterMetadata(parameterName);
// Add validation attributes
Hashtable parameterValidations = (Hashtable)commandModification[parameterName];
foreach (object parameterValidation in parameterValidations.Keys)
string[] parameterValidationValues =
switch (parameterValidation.ToString())
case "ValidateSet":
ValidateSetAttribute validateSet = new ValidateSetAttribute(parameterValidationValues);
case "ValidatePattern":
string pattern = "^(" + String.Join("|", parameterValidationValues) + ")$";
ValidatePatternAttribute validatePattern = new ValidatePatternAttribute(pattern);
private Exception ProcessDynamicVariables(Runspace initializedRunspace)
foreach (Hashtable variable in DynamicVariablesToDefine)
if (variable.ContainsKey("Name"))
string name = variable["Name"].ToString();
ScriptBlock sb = variable["Value"] as ScriptBlock;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (sb != null))
sb.SessionStateInternal = initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.EngineSessionState;
using (PowerShell psToInvoke = PowerShell.Create())
psToInvoke.AddCommand(new Command("Invoke-Command")).AddParameter("ScriptBlock", sb).AddParameter("NoNewScope");
psToInvoke.AddCommand(new Command("Set-Variable")).AddParameter("Name", name);
Exception exceptionToReturn = ProcessPowerShellCommand(psToInvoke, initializedRunspace);
if (exceptionToReturn != null)
// ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError handling is done by ProcessPowerShellCommand
return exceptionToReturn;
return null;
private Exception ProcessUserDrive(Runspace initializedRunspace)
if (!UserDriveEnabled) { return null; }
Exception ex = null;
List<ProviderInfo> fileSystemProviders = initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.EngineSessionState.Providers["FileSystem"];
if (fileSystemProviders.Count == 0)
throw new PSInvalidOperationException(RemotingErrorIdStrings.UserDriveCannotGetFileSystemProvider);
// Create the User drive path directory in current user local appdata location:
// SystemDrive\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\DriveRoots\[UserName]
// Or for virtual accounts
// WinDir\System32\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\DriveRoots\[UserName]
string directoryName = MakeUserNamePath();
string userDrivePath = Path.Combine(
// Create directory if it doesn't exist.
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(userDrivePath))
// Create the PSDrive.
var newDriveInfo = new PSDriveInfo(
var userDriveInfo = initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.SessionState.Drive.New(newDriveInfo, null);
// Set User drive maximum size. Default maximum size is 50MB
userDriveInfo.MaximumSize = (UserDriveMaximumSize > 0) ? UserDriveMaximumSize : 50000000;
catch (ArgumentNullException e) { ex = e; }
catch (ArgumentException e) { ex = e; }
catch (NotSupportedException e) { ex = e; }
catch (ProviderNotFoundException e) { ex = e; }
catch (ProviderInvocationException e) { ex = e; }
catch (SessionStateOverflowException e) { ex = e; }
catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { ex = e; }
catch (IOException e) { ex = e; }
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) { ex = e; }
return ex;
private string MakeUserNamePath()
// Use the user name passsed to initial session state if avaiable, or
// otherwise use the current user name.
var userName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UserDriveUserName)) ?
this.UserDriveUserName :
// Ensure that user name contains no invalid path characters.
// MSDN indicates that logon names cannot contain any of these invalid characters,
// but this check will ensure safety.
if (userName.IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) > -1)
throw new PSInvalidOperationException(RemotingErrorIdStrings.InvalidUserDriveName);
return userName.Replace("\\", "_");
private Exception ProcessStartupScripts(Runspace initializedRunspace)
foreach (string startupScript in StartupScripts)
using (PowerShell psToInvoke = PowerShell.Create())
psToInvoke.AddCommand(new Command(startupScript, false, false));
Exception exceptionToReturn = ProcessPowerShellCommand(psToInvoke, initializedRunspace);
if (exceptionToReturn != null)
// ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError handling is done by ProcessPowerShellCommand
return exceptionToReturn;
return null;
private Exception ProcessPowerShellCommand(PowerShell psToInvoke, Runspace initializedRunspace)
PSLanguageMode originalLanguageMode = initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode;
initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
psToInvoke.Runspace = initializedRunspace;
foreach(Command command in psToInvoke.Commands.Commands)
command.CommandOrigin = CommandOrigin.Internal;
catch (Exception e)
if (ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
return e;
// Restore the langauge mode, but not if it was altered by the startup script itself.
if(initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage)
initializedRunspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode = originalLanguageMode;
// find out if there are any error records reported. If there is one, report the error..
// this will result in the runspace getting closed/broken.
ArrayList errorList = (ArrayList) initializedRunspace.GetExecutionContext.DollarErrorVariable;
if (errorList.Count > 0)
ErrorRecord lastErrorRecord = errorList[0] as ErrorRecord;
if (lastErrorRecord != null)
return new Exception(lastErrorRecord.ToString());
Exception lastException = errorList[0] as Exception;
if (lastException != null)
return lastException;
return new Exception(errorList[0].ToString());
return null;
private RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException ProcessImportModule(Runspace initializedRunspace, IEnumerable moduleList, string path, HashSet<CommandInfo> publicCommands)
RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException exceptionToReturn = null;
foreach (object module in moduleList)
string moduleName = module as string;
if (null != moduleName)
exceptionToReturn = ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, moduleName, null, path, publicCommands);
ModuleSpecification moduleSpecification = module as ModuleSpecification;
if (null != moduleSpecification)
if ((moduleSpecification.RequiredVersion == null) && (moduleSpecification.Version == null) && (moduleSpecification.MaximumVersion == null) && (moduleSpecification.Guid == null))
// if only name is specified in the module spec, just try import the module
// ie., don't take the performance overhead of calling GetModule.
exceptionToReturn = ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, moduleSpecification.Name, null, path, publicCommands);
Collection<PSModuleInfo> moduleInfos = ModuleCmdletBase.GetModuleIfAvailable(moduleSpecification, initializedRunspace);
if (moduleInfos != null && moduleInfos.Count > 0)
exceptionToReturn = ProcessImportModule(initializedRunspace, moduleSpecification.Name, moduleInfos[0], path, publicCommands);
var version = "";
if (moduleSpecification.RequiredVersion != null)
version = moduleSpecification.RequiredVersion.ToString();
else if (moduleSpecification.Version != null)
version = moduleSpecification.Version.ToString();
if (moduleSpecification.MaximumVersion != null)
version = version + " - " + moduleSpecification.MaximumVersion;
else if (moduleSpecification.MaximumVersion != null)
version = moduleSpecification.MaximumVersion;
string message = StringUtil.Format(global::Modules.RequiredModuleNotFoundWrongGuidVersion,
RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException rome = new RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException(message);
exceptionToReturn = ValidateAndReturnRunspaceOpenModuleLoadException(null, moduleSpecification.Name, rome);
Debug.Assert(false, "ProcessImportModule can import a module using name or module specification.");
if (exceptionToReturn == null)
// Now go through the list of commands not yet resolved to ensure they are public if requested
foreach (string unresolvedCommand in UnresolvedCommandsToExpose.ToArray<string>())
string moduleName;
string commandToMakeVisible = Utils.ParseCommandName(unresolvedCommand, out moduleName);
bool found = false;
foreach (CommandInfo cmd in LookupCommands(commandToMakeVisible, moduleName, initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext))
if (!found) { found = true; }
// Special case for wild card lookups.
// "Import-Module" or "ipmo" cannot be visible when exposing commands via VisibleCmdlets, etc.
if ((cmd.Name.Equals("Import-Module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.ModuleName) && cmd.ModuleName.Equals("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
) ||
cmd.Name.Equals("ipmo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
cmd.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private;
cmd.Visibility = SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public;
// Some CommandInfo derivations throw on the Visibility setter.
catch (PSNotImplementedException) { }
if (found && !WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(commandToMakeVisible))
return exceptionToReturn;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to search for commands matching the provided commandPattern.
/// Supports wild cards and if the commandPattern contains wildcard characters then multiple
/// results can be returned. Otherwise a single (and first) match will be returned.
/// If a moduleName is provided then only commands associated with that module will be returned.
/// Only public commands are searched to start with. If no results are found then a search on
/// internal commands is performed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandPattern"></param>
/// <param name="moduleName"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IEnumerable<CommandInfo> LookupCommands(
string commandPattern,
string moduleName,
ExecutionContext context)
bool isWildCardPattern = WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(commandPattern);
var searchOptions = (isWildCardPattern) ?
SearchResolutionOptions.CommandNameIsPattern | SearchResolutionOptions.ResolveFunctionPatterns | SearchResolutionOptions.SearchAllScopes :
SearchResolutionOptions.ResolveFunctionPatterns | SearchResolutionOptions.SearchAllScopes;
bool found = false;
bool haveModuleName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName);
// Start with public search
CommandOrigin cmdOrigin = CommandOrigin.Runspace;
while (true)
foreach (CommandInfo commandInfo in context.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands(commandPattern, CommandTypes.All, searchOptions, cmdOrigin))
// If module name is provided then use it to restrict returned results.
if (haveModuleName && !moduleName.Equals(commandInfo.ModuleName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (!found) { found = true; }
yield return commandInfo;
// Return first match unless a wild card pattern is submitted.
if (!isWildCardPattern) { break; }
if (found || (cmdOrigin == CommandOrigin.Internal))
// Next try internal search.
cmdOrigin = CommandOrigin.Internal;
/// <summary>
/// if <paramref name="moduleInfoToLoad"/> is null, import module using <paramref name="name"/>. Otherwise,
/// import module using <paramref name="moduleInfoToLoad"/>
/// </summary>
private RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException ProcessImportModule(Runspace initializedRunspace, string name, PSModuleInfo moduleInfoToLoad, string path, HashSet<CommandInfo> publicCommands)
using (PowerShell pse = PowerShell.Create())
CommandInfo c = new CmdletInfo("Import-Module", typeof(ImportModuleCommand), null, null, initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext);
Command cmd = new Command(c);
if (null != moduleInfoToLoad)
cmd.Parameters.Add("ModuleInfo", moduleInfoToLoad);
name = moduleInfoToLoad.Name;
// If FullyQualifiedPath is supplied then use it.
// In this scenario, the FullyQualifiedPath would
// refer to $pshome\Modules location where core
// modules are deployed.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
name = Path.Combine(path, name);
cmd.Parameters.Add("Name", name);
if (! ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
cmd.MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
if (! ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
c = new CmdletInfo("Out-Default", typeof(OutDefaultCommand), null, null, initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext);
pse.AddCommand(new Command(c));
pse.Runspace = initializedRunspace;
// Module import should be run in FullLanguage mode since it is running in
// a trusted context.
var savedLanguageMode = pse.Runspace.ExecutionContext.LanguageMode;
pse.Runspace.ExecutionContext.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
pse.Runspace.ExecutionContext.LanguageMode = savedLanguageMode;
// Lock down the command visibility to respect default command visibility
if (this.DefaultCommandVisibility != SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public)
foreach (CommandInfo importedCommand in initializedRunspace.ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands(
"*", CommandTypes.All, true))
// All commands except for the initial session public commands should be made private.
// Exclude ApplicationInfo/ExternalScriptInfo commands as they throw on the setter (because
// visibility is governed via the ExceutionContext.SessionState lists).
if (!(importedCommand is ApplicationInfo) && !(importedCommand is ExternalScriptInfo) &&
(importedCommand.Visibility != this.DefaultCommandVisibility) &&
importedCommand.Visibility = this.DefaultCommandVisibility;
// Some CommandInfo derivations throw on the Visibility setter.
catch (PSNotImplementedException) { }
// Now see if there were any errors. Because the only way we have to
// return an error at this point is a single exception, we'll take the first
// error and throw it...
return ValidateAndReturnRunspaceOpenModuleLoadException(pse, name, null);
private RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException ValidateAndReturnRunspaceOpenModuleLoadException(PowerShell pse, string moduleName, RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException exception)
// Only throw the exception if ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError is set.
if (ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException rome = null;
if (exception != null)
rome = exception;
else if (pse.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
ErrorRecord er;
Exception firstError;
// Merge errors from pse.Streams and errors
PSDataCollection<ErrorRecord> mergedErrors = new PSDataCollection<ErrorRecord>();
er = pse.Streams.Error[0];
firstError = er.Exception;
foreach (var e in pse.Streams.Error)
rome = new RunspaceOpenModuleLoadException(moduleName, mergedErrors);
if (null != rome)
return rome;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Reinitializes elements of the associated runspace to their initial values.
/// This allows for runspace reuse with minimal chance for contamination.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
internal void ResetRunspaceState(ExecutionContext context)
lock (_syncObject)
SessionStateInternal ss = context.EngineSessionState;
// Reset the global variable table
// Add the built-in variables
foreach (SessionStateVariableEntry e in InitialSessionState.BuiltInVariables)
PSVariable v = new PSVariable(e.Name, e.Value,
e.Options, e.Attributes, e.Description) { Visibility = e.Visibility };
ss.GlobalScope.SetVariable(e.Name, v, false, true, ss, fastPath: true);
// Then re-initialize it with variables to session state...
foreach (SessionStateVariableEntry e in Variables)
PSVariable v = new PSVariable(e.Name, e.Value,
e.Options, e.Attributes, e.Description) { Visibility = e.Visibility };
ss.GlobalScope.SetVariable(e.Name, v, false, true, ss, fastPath: true);
// Reset the path for this runspace.
SetSessionStateDrive(context, true);
// Reset the event, transaction and debug managers.
// Reset tracing/debugging to the off state.
context.PSDebugTraceLevel = 0;
context.PSDebugTraceStep = false;
internal static void SetSessionStateDrive(ExecutionContext context, bool setLocation)
// Set the starting location to the current process working directory
// Ignore any errors as the file system provider may not be loaded or
// a drive with the same name as the real file system drive may not have
// been mounted.
bool proceedWithSetLocation = true;
if (context.EngineSessionState.ProviderCount > 0)
// NTRAID#Windows Out Of Band Releases-908481-2005/07/01-JeffJon
// Make sure we have a CurrentDrive set so that we can deal with
// UNC paths
if (context.EngineSessionState.CurrentDrive == null)
bool fsDriveSet = false;
// Set the current drive to the first FileSystem drive if it exists.
ProviderInfo fsProvider = context.EngineSessionState.GetSingleProvider(context.ProviderNames.FileSystem);
Collection<PSDriveInfo> fsDrives = fsProvider.Drives;
if (fsDrives != null && fsDrives.Count > 0)
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentDrive = fsDrives[0];
fsDriveSet = true;
catch (ProviderNotFoundException)
if (!fsDriveSet)
Collection<PSDriveInfo> allDrives = context.EngineSessionState.Drives(null);
if (allDrives != null && allDrives.Count > 0)
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentDrive = allDrives[0];
ItemNotFoundException itemNotFound =
new ItemNotFoundException(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "PathNotFound", SessionStateStrings.PathNotFound);
proceedWithSetLocation = false;
if (proceedWithSetLocation && setLocation)
CmdletProviderContext providerContext = new CmdletProviderContext(context);
context.EngineSessionState.SetLocation(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), providerContext);
catch (ItemNotFoundException)
// If we can't access the Environment.CurrentDirectory, we may be in an AppContainer. Set the
// default drive to $pshome
System.Diagnostics.Process currentProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
string defaultPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(PsUtils.GetMainModule(currentProcess).FileName);
context.EngineSessionState.SetLocation(defaultPath, providerContext);
catch (Exception e) // swallow all non-severe exceptions
internal static void CreateQuestionVariable(ExecutionContext context)
QuestionMarkVariable qv = new QuestionMarkVariable(context);
context.EngineSessionState.SetVariableAtScope(qv, "global", true, CommandOrigin.Internal);
/// <summary>
/// Remove anything that would have been bound by this ISS instance.
/// At this point, it removes assemblies and cmdlet entries at the top level.
/// It also removes types and formats.
/// The other entry types - functions, variables, aliases
/// are not removed by this function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
internal void Unbind(ExecutionContext context)
lock (_syncObject)
SessionStateInternal ss = context.EngineSessionState;
// Remove the assemblies from the assembly cache...
foreach (SessionStateAssemblyEntry ssae in Assemblies)
// Remove all of the commands from the top-level session state.
foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry cmd in Commands)
SessionStateCmdletEntry ssce = cmd as SessionStateCmdletEntry;
if (ssce != null)
List<CmdletInfo> matches;
if (context.TopLevelSessionState.GetCmdletTable().TryGetValue(ssce.Name, out matches))
// Remove the name from the list...
for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (matches[i].ModuleName.Equals(cmd.PSSnapIn.Name))
string name = matches[i].Name;
context.TopLevelSessionState.RemoveCmdlet(name, i, /*force*/ true);
// And remove the entry if the list is now empty...
if (matches.Count == 0)
context.TopLevelSessionState.RemoveCmdletEntry(ssce.Name, true);
// Remove all of the providers from the top-level provider table.
if (_providers != null && _providers.Count > 0)
Dictionary<string, List<ProviderInfo>> providerTable = context.TopLevelSessionState.Providers;
foreach (SessionStateProviderEntry sspe in _providers)
List<ProviderInfo> pl;
if (providerTable.TryGetValue(sspe.Name, out pl))
Diagnostics.Assert(pl != null, "There should never be a null list of entries in the provider table");
// For each provider with the same name...
for (int i = pl.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ProviderInfo pi = pl[i];
// If it was implemented by this entry, remove it
if (pi.ImplementingType == sspe.ImplementingType)
RemoveAllDrivesForProvider(pi, context.TopLevelSessionState);
// If there are no providers left with this name, remove the key.
if (pl.Count == 0)
List<string> formatFilesToRemove = new List<string>();
if (this.Formats != null)
formatFilesToRemove.AddRange(this.Formats.Select(f => f.FileName));
List<string> typeFilesToRemove = new List<string>();
if (this.Types != null)
typeFilesToRemove.AddRange(this.Types.Select(t => t.FileName));
RemoveTypesAndFormats(context, formatFilesToRemove, typeFilesToRemove);
internal static void RemoveTypesAndFormats(ExecutionContext context, IList<string> formatFilesToRemove, IList<string> typeFilesToRemove)
// The formats and types tables are implemented in such a way that
// we can't simply remove an entry. We need to edit the list, clear the
// exiting composed table and then rebuild the entire table.
if (formatFilesToRemove != null && formatFilesToRemove.Count > 0)
var newFormats = new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateFormatEntry>();
HashSet<string> formatFilesToRemoveSet = new HashSet<string>(formatFilesToRemove, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (SessionStateFormatEntry entry in context.InitialSessionState.Formats)
if (!formatFilesToRemoveSet.Contains(entry.FileName))
context.InitialSessionState.UpdateFormats(context, false);
if (typeFilesToRemove != null && typeFilesToRemove.Count > 0)
// The types table has the same issue as the format table - we need to rebuild the entire table.
var newTypes = new InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateTypeEntry>();
List<string> resolvedTypeFilesToRemove = new List<string>();
foreach (var typeFile in typeFilesToRemove)
resolvedTypeFilesToRemove.Add(ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(typeFile, context) ?? typeFile);
foreach (SessionStateTypeEntry entry in context.InitialSessionState.Types)
if (entry.FileName == null)
// The entry is associated with a TypeData instance
// Resolving the file path because the path to the types file in module manifest is now specified as
// ..\..\types.ps1xml which expands to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\..\..\types.ps1xml
string filePath = ModuleCmdletBase.ResolveRootedFilePath(entry.FileName, context) ?? entry.FileName;
if (!resolvedTypeFilesToRemove.Contains(filePath))
// If there are any types that need to be added to the typetable, update them.
// Else, clear the typetable
if (newTypes.Count > 0)
context.InitialSessionState.UpdateTypes(context, false);
/// <summary>
/// Update the type metadata loaded into this runspace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The execution context for the runspace to update</param>
/// <param name="updateOnly">if true, re-initialize the metadata collection...</param>
internal void UpdateTypes(ExecutionContext context, bool updateOnly)
if (Types.Count == 1)
TypeTable typeTable = Types[0].TypeTable;
if (typeTable != null)
// reuse the TypeTable instance specified in the sste.
// this essentially allows for TypeTable sharing across
// multiple runspaces.
context.TypeTable = typeTable;
if (!updateOnly)
ConcurrentBag<string> errors = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
// Use at most 3 locks (we don't expect contention on that many cores anyways,
// and typically we'll be processing just 2 or 3 files anyway, hence capacity=3.
ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> filesProcessed
= new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>(/*concurrencyLevel*/3, /*capacity*/3, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Parallel.ForEach(Types, sste =>
// foreach (var sste in Types)
if (sste.FileName != null)
if (filesProcessed.TryAdd(sste.FileName, null))
string moduleName = "";
if (sste.PSSnapIn != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sste.PSSnapIn.Name))
moduleName = sste.PSSnapIn.Name;
bool unused;
context.TypeTable.Update(moduleName, sste.FileName, errors,
context.AuthorizationManager, context.EngineHostInterface, out unused);
else if (sste.TypeTable != null)
// We get here only if it's NOT updating the existing type table
// because we cannot do the update with a type table instance
context.TypeTable.Update(sste.TypeData, errors, sste.IsRemove);
// }
if (updateOnly)
// Put the SessionStateTypeEntry into the cache if we are updating the type table
foreach (var sste in Types)
if (errors.Count > 0)
var allErrors = new StringBuilder('\n');
foreach (string error in errors)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
if (this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError || this.RefreshTypeAndFormatSetting)
context.ReportEngineStartupError(ExtendedTypeSystem.TypesXmlError, error);
if (this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError)
string resource = ExtendedTypeSystem.TypesXmlError;
ThrowTypeOrFormatErrors(resource, allErrors.ToString(), "ErrorsUpdatingTypes");
if (this.RefreshTypeAndFormatSetting)
string resource = ExtendedTypeSystem.TypesXmlError;
ThrowTypeOrFormatErrors(resource, allErrors.ToString(), "ErrorsUpdatingTypes");
/// <summary>
/// Update the formatting information for a runspace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The execution context for the runspace to be updated</param>
/// <param name="update">True if we only want to add stuff, false if we want to reinitialize</param>
internal void UpdateFormats(ExecutionContext context, bool update)
if (DisableFormatUpdates || this.Formats.Count == 0)
Collection<PSSnapInTypeAndFormatErrors> entries = new Collection<PSSnapInTypeAndFormatErrors>();
InitialSessionStateEntryCollection<SessionStateFormatEntry> formatsToLoad;
// If we're just updating the current runspace, then we'll add our entries
// to the current list otherwise, we'll build a new list...
if (update && context.InitialSessionState != null)
formatsToLoad = context.InitialSessionState.Formats;
formatsToLoad = this.Formats;
HashSet<string> filesProcessed = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (SessionStateFormatEntry ssfe in formatsToLoad)
string name = ssfe.FileName;
PSSnapInInfo snapin = ssfe.PSSnapIn;
if (snapin != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(snapin.Name))
name = snapin.Name;
if (ssfe.Formattable != null)
if (formatsToLoad.Count == 1)
context.FormatDBManager = ssfe.Formattable.FormatDBManager;
// if a SharedFormatTable is allowed then only one
// entry can be specified.
throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(FormatAndOutXmlLoadingStrings.FormatTableCannotCoExist);
else if(ssfe.FormatData != null)
entries.Add(new PSSnapInTypeAndFormatErrors(name, ssfe.FormatData));
if (!filesProcessed.Contains(ssfe.FileName))
entries.Add(new PSSnapInTypeAndFormatErrors(name, ssfe.FileName));
if (entries.Count > 0)
context.FormatDBManager.UpdateDataBase(entries, context.AuthorizationManager, context.EngineHostInterface, true);
var allErrors = new StringBuilder("\n");
bool hasErrors = false;
// Now see if there were any errors in the format files and report them
// if this is the case...
foreach (PSSnapInTypeAndFormatErrors entry in entries)
if (entry.Errors != null && entry.Errors.Count > 0)
foreach (string error in entry.Errors)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
hasErrors = true;
if (this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError || this.RefreshTypeAndFormatSetting)
context.ReportEngineStartupError(FormatAndOutXmlLoadingStrings.FormatLoadingErrors, error);
if ((this.ThrowOnRunspaceOpenError || this.RefreshTypeAndFormatSetting) && hasErrors)
string resource = FormatAndOutXmlLoadingStrings.FormatLoadingErrors;
ThrowTypeOrFormatErrors(resource, allErrors.ToString(), "ErrorsUpdatingFormats");
private static void ThrowTypeOrFormatErrors(string resourceString, string errorMsg, string errorId)
string message = StringUtil.Format(resourceString, errorMsg);
var ex = new RuntimeException(message);
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// Need to have SnapIn support till we move to modules
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="warning"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public PSSnapInInfo ImportPSSnapIn(string name, out PSSnapInException warning)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
// Check whether the mshsnapin is present in the registry.
// TODO: Note the hard-coded version number here, this was part of the SingleShell
// implementation and should be refactored.
PSSnapInInfo newPSSnapIn = PSSnapInReader.Read("2", name);
if (!Utils.IsPSVersionSupported(newPSSnapIn.PSVersion.ToString()))
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("MshSnapin {0} and current monad engine's versions don't match.", name);
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("mshSnapInID",
// Now actually load the snapin...
PSSnapInInfo snapin = ImportPSSnapIn(newPSSnapIn, out warning);
if (null != snapin)
_importedSnapins.Add(snapin.Name, snapin);
return snapin;
internal PSSnapInInfo ImportCorePSSnapIn()
// Load Microsoft.PowerShell.Core as a snapin
PSSnapInInfo coreSnapin = PSSnapInReader.ReadCoreEngineSnapIn();
PSSnapInException warning;
this.ImportPSSnapIn(coreSnapin, out warning);
catch (PSSnapInException pse)
throw pse;
return coreSnapin;
internal PSSnapInInfo ImportPSSnapIn(PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo, out PSSnapInException warning)
// See if the snapin is already loaded. If has been then there will be an entry in the
// Assemblies list for it already...
bool reload = true;
foreach (SessionStateAssemblyEntry ae in this.Assemblies)
PSSnapInInfo loadedPSSnapInInfo = ae.PSSnapIn;
if (loadedPSSnapInInfo != null)
// See if the assembly-qualified names match and return the existing PSSnapInInfo
// if they do.
string loadedSnapInName = ae.PSSnapIn.AssemblyName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loadedSnapInName)
&& string.Equals(loadedSnapInName, psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
warning = null;
// the previous implementation used to return the
// same loaded snap-in value. This results in the
// commands/types/formats exposed in the snap-in
// to be not populated in the InitialSessionState
// object. This is being fixed
reload = false;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets = null;
Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>> aliases = null;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers = null;
if (psSnapInInfo == null)
ArgumentNullException e = new ArgumentNullException("psSnapInInfo");
throw e;
#if !CORECLR // CustomPSSnapIn Not Supported On CSS.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psSnapInInfo.CustomPSSnapInType))
warning = null;
return psSnapInInfo;
Assembly assembly = null;
string helpFile = null;
if (reload)
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0}", psSnapInInfo.Name);
assembly = PSSnapInHelpers.LoadPSSnapInAssembly(psSnapInInfo, out cmdlets, out providers);
if (assembly == null)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0} failed", psSnapInInfo.Name);
warning = null;
return null; //BUGBUG - should add something to the warnings list here instead of quitting...
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0} succeeded", psSnapInInfo.Name);
PSSnapInHelpers.AnalyzePSSnapInAssembly(assembly, psSnapInInfo.Name, psSnapInInfo, null, true, out cmdlets, out aliases, out providers, out helpFile);
// We skip checking if the file exists when it's in $PSHOME because of magic
// where we have the former contents of those files built into the engine directly.
var psHome = Utils.GetApplicationBase(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID);
foreach (string file in psSnapInInfo.Types)
string path = Path.Combine(psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, file);
if (!string.Equals(psHome, psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& !File.Exists(path))
// Remove the application base directory if assembly doesn't exist in it.
path = file;
SessionStateTypeEntry typeEntry = new SessionStateTypeEntry(path);
foreach (string file in psSnapInInfo.Formats)
string path = Path.Combine(psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, file);
if (!string.Equals(psHome, psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& !File.Exists(path))
path = file;
SessionStateFormatEntry formatEntry = new SessionStateFormatEntry(path);
SessionStateAssemblyEntry assemblyEntry =
new SessionStateAssemblyEntry(psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, psSnapInInfo.AbsoluteModulePath);
// entry from types.ps1xml references a type (Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SecurityDescriptorCommandsBase) in this assembly
if (psSnapInInfo.Name.Equals(CoreSnapin, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
assemblyEntry = new SessionStateAssemblyEntry("Microsoft.PowerShell.Security", null);
if (cmdlets != null)
foreach (SessionStateCmdletEntry cmdlet in cmdlets.Values)
SessionStateCmdletEntry newEntry = (SessionStateCmdletEntry)cmdlet.Clone();
newEntry.Visibility = this.DefaultCommandVisibility;
if (aliases != null)
foreach (var cmdletAliasesEntry in aliases.Values)
foreach (var sessionStateAliasEntry in cmdletAliasesEntry)
sessionStateAliasEntry.Visibility = this.DefaultCommandVisibility;
if (providers != null)
foreach (SessionStateProviderEntry provider in providers.Values)
warning = null;
// Add help file information for built-in functions
if (psSnapInInfo.Name.Equals(CoreSnapin, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (var f in BuiltInFunctions)
Collection<SessionStateCommandEntry> funcList = Commands[f.Name];
foreach (var func in funcList)
if (func is SessionStateFunctionEntry)
((SessionStateFunctionEntry) func).SetHelpFile(helpFile);
return psSnapInInfo;
internal List<PSSnapInInfo> GetPSSnapIn(string psSnapinName)
List<PSSnapInInfo> loadedSnapins = null;
foreach (var defaultSnapin in defaultSnapins)
if (defaultSnapin.Name.Equals(psSnapinName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (loadedSnapins == null)
loadedSnapins = new List<PSSnapInInfo>();
PSSnapInInfo importedSnapin = null;
if (_importedSnapins.TryGetValue(psSnapinName, out importedSnapin))
if (loadedSnapins == null)
loadedSnapins = new List<PSSnapInInfo>();
return loadedSnapins;
#if !CORECLR // CustomPSSnapIn Not Supported On CSS.
/// <summary>
/// This is a "proxy" snapin that loads a subset of cmdlets from another snapin...
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// CustomPSSnapIn derives from System.Configuration.Install, which is not in CoreCLR.
/// So CustomPSSnapIn is not supported on CSS.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="psSnapInInfo">The snapin to examine.</param>
private void LoadCustomPSSnapIn(PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo)
if (psSnapInInfo == null)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(psSnapInInfo.CustomPSSnapInType))
Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets = null;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers = null;
Assembly assembly = null;
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for mshsnapin {0}", psSnapInInfo.Name);
assembly = PSSnapInHelpers.LoadPSSnapInAssembly(psSnapInInfo, out cmdlets, out providers);
if (assembly == null)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Loading assembly for mshsnapin {0} failed", psSnapInInfo.Name);
CustomPSSnapIn customPSSnapIn = null;
Type type = assembly.GetType(psSnapInInfo.CustomPSSnapInType, true);
if (type != null)
customPSSnapIn = (CustomPSSnapIn)assembly.CreateInstance(psSnapInInfo.CustomPSSnapInType);
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for mshsnapin {0} succeeded", psSnapInInfo.Name);
catch (TypeLoadException tle)
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, tle.Message);
catch (ArgumentException ae)
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, ae.Message);
catch (MissingMethodException mme)
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, mme.Message);
catch (InvalidCastException ice)
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, ice.Message);
catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
if (tie.InnerException != null)
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, tie.InnerException.Message);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, tie.Message);
MergeCustomPSSnapIn(psSnapInInfo, customPSSnapIn);
private void MergeCustomPSSnapIn(PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo, CustomPSSnapIn customPSSnapIn)
if (psSnapInInfo == null || customPSSnapIn == null)
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Merging configuration from custom mshsnapin {0}", psSnapInInfo.Name);
if (customPSSnapIn.Cmdlets != null)
foreach (CmdletConfigurationEntry entry in customPSSnapIn.Cmdlets)
SessionStateCmdletEntry cmdlet = new SessionStateCmdletEntry(entry.Name, entry.ImplementingType, entry.HelpFileName);
if (customPSSnapIn.Providers != null)
foreach (ProviderConfigurationEntry entry in customPSSnapIn.Providers)
SessionStateProviderEntry provider = new SessionStateProviderEntry(entry.Name, entry.ImplementingType, entry.HelpFileName);
if (customPSSnapIn.Types != null)
foreach (TypeConfigurationEntry entry in customPSSnapIn.Types)
string path = Path.Combine(psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, entry.FileName);
SessionStateTypeEntry typeEntry = new SessionStateTypeEntry(path);
if (customPSSnapIn.Formats != null)
foreach (FormatConfigurationEntry entry in customPSSnapIn.Formats)
string path = Path.Combine(psSnapInInfo.ApplicationBase, entry.FileName);
SessionStateFormatEntry formatEntry = new SessionStateFormatEntry(path);
SessionStateAssemblyEntry assemblyEntry = new SessionStateAssemblyEntry(psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, psSnapInInfo.AbsoluteModulePath);
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods", MessageId = "System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom")]
internal static Assembly LoadAssemblyFromFile(string fileName)
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0}", fileName);
Assembly assembly = ClrFacade.LoadFrom(fileName);
if (assembly == null)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0} failed", fileName);
return null;
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly for psSnapIn {0} succeeded", fileName);
return assembly;
internal void ImportCmdletsFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, PSModuleInfo module)
if (assembly == null)
ArgumentNullException e = new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
throw e;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets = null;
Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>> aliases = null;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers = null;
string assemblyPath = ClrFacade.GetAssemblyLocation(assembly);
string throwAwayHelpFile = null;
PSSnapInHelpers.AnalyzePSSnapInAssembly(assembly, assemblyPath, null, module, true, out cmdlets, out aliases, out providers, out throwAwayHelpFile);
SessionStateAssemblyEntry assemblyEntry =
new SessionStateAssemblyEntry(assembly.FullName, assemblyPath);
if (cmdlets != null)
foreach (SessionStateCmdletEntry cmdlet in cmdlets.Values)
if (aliases != null)
foreach (var cmdletAliasesEntry in aliases.Values)
foreach (var sessionStateAliasEntry in cmdletAliasesEntry)
if (providers != null)
foreach (SessionStateProviderEntry provider in providers.Values)
// Now define a bunch of functions that describe the rest of the default session state...
internal const string FormatEnumerationLimit = "FormatEnumerationLimit";
internal const int DefaultFormatEnumerationLimit = 4;
/// <summary>
/// This is the default function to use for tab expansion.
/// </summary>
private static string TabExpansionFunctionText = @"
<# Options include:
RelativeFilePaths - [bool]
Always resolve file paths using Resolve-Path -Relative.
The default is to use some heuristics to guess if relative or absolute is better.
To customize your own custom options, pass a hashtable to CompleteInput, e.g.
return [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($inputScript, $cursorColumn,
@{ RelativeFilePaths=$false }
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[string] $inputScript,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[int] $cursorColumn,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $ast,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[System.Management.Automation.Language.Token[]] $tokens,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
[System.Management.Automation.Language.IScriptPosition] $positionOfCursor,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Position = 2)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Position = 3)]
[Hashtable] $options = $null
if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptInputSet')
return [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput(
<#inputScript#> $inputScript,
<#cursorColumn#> $cursorColumn,
<#options#> $options)
return [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput(
<#ast#> $ast,
<#tokens#> $tokens,
<#positionOfCursor#> $positionOfCursor,
<#options#> $options)
/// <summary>
/// This is the default function to use for 'Import System Modules'.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Win8: 320909. Retaining the original definition to ensure backward compatability.
/// </remarks>
private static string ImportSystemModulesText = @"";
/// <summary>
/// This is the default function to use for clear-host. On Windows it rewrites the
/// host, and on Linux, it delegates to the native binary, 'clear'.
/// </summary>
internal static string GetClearHostFunctionText()
if (Platform.IsWindows())
return @"
$RawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
$RawUI.CursorPosition = @{X=0;Y=0}
@{Top = -1; Bottom = -1; Right = -1; Left = -1},
@{Character = ' '; ForegroundColor = $rawui.ForegroundColor; BackgroundColor = $rawui.BackgroundColor})
# .Link
# http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=225747
# .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml
// Porting note: non-Windows platforms use `clear`
return "& (Get-Command -CommandType Application clear).Definition | Select-Object -First 1";
/// <summary>
/// This is the default function to use for man/help. It uses
/// splatting to pass in the parameters.
/// </summary>
internal static string GetHelpPagingFunctionText()
// We used to generate the text for this function so you could add a parameter
// to Get-Help and not worry about adding it here. That was a little slow at
// startup, so it's hard coded, with a test to make sure the parameters match.
return @"
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='AllUsersView', HelpUri='http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113316')]
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='DetailedView', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Examples', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Parameters', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Online', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ShowWindow', Mandatory=$true)]
#Set the outputencoding to Console::OutputEncoding. More.com doesn't work well with Unicode.
Get-Help @PSBoundParameters | more
internal static string GetMkdirFunctionText()
return @"
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='nameSet', Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='pathSet', Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='nameSet', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
begin {
try {
$wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('New-Item', [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
$scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd -Type Directory @PSBoundParameters }
$steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline()
} catch {
process {
try {
} catch {
end {
try {
} catch {
internal static string GetGetVerbText()
return @"
$verb = '*'
begin {
$allVerbs = [System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions]::GetTypeInfo([PSObject]).Assembly.ExportedTypes |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$_.Name -match '^Verbs.'} |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Get-Member -type Properties -static |
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object @{
Expression = {$_.Name}
}, @{
Expression = {
$str = ""$($_.TypeName)""
$str.Substring($str.LastIndexOf('Verbs') + 5)
process {
foreach ($v in $verb) {
$allVerbs | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object { $_.Verb -like $v }
# .Link
# http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=160712
# .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml
internal static string GetOSTFunctionText()
return @"
[ValidateRange(2, 2147483647)]
try {
$PSBoundParameters['Stream'] = $true
$wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Out-String',[System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
$scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters }
$steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin)
} catch {
try {
} catch {
try {
} catch {
.ForwardHelpTargetName Out-String
.ForwardHelpCategory Cmdlet
internal const ActionPreference defaultDebugPreference = ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue;
internal const ActionPreference defaultErrorActionPreference = ActionPreference.Continue;
internal const ActionPreference defaultProgressPreference = ActionPreference.Continue;
internal const ActionPreference defaultVerbosePreference = ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue;
internal const ActionPreference defaultWarningPreference = ActionPreference.Continue;
internal const ActionPreference defaultInformationPreference = ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue;
internal const bool defaultWhatIfPreference = false;
internal const ConfirmImpact defaultConfirmPreference = ConfirmImpact.High;
internal static SessionStateVariableEntry[] BuiltInVariables = new SessionStateVariableEntry[]
// Engine variables that should be precreated before running profile
// Bug fix for Win7:2202228 Engine halts if initial command fulls up variable table
// Anytime a new variable that the engine depends on to run is added, this table
// must be updated...
new SessionStateVariableEntry(SpecialVariables.LastToken, null, String.Empty),
new SessionStateVariableEntry(SpecialVariables.FirstToken, null, String.Empty),
new SessionStateVariableEntry(SpecialVariables.StackTrace, null, String.Empty),
// Variable which controls the encoding for piping data to a NativeCommand
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Text.Encoding))
// Preferences
// NTRAID#Windows Out Of Band Releases-931461-2006/03/13
// ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute is applied to these variables,
// but this only reaches the global variable. If these are
// redefined in script scope etc, the type conversion
// is not applicable.
// Variables typed to ActionPreference
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ConfirmImpact))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ActionPreference))
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
//variable for PSEmailServer
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
// Start: Variables which control remoting behavior
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSessionOption(),
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
new SessionStateVariableEntry(
// End: Variables which control remoting behavior
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new array of alias entries everytime it's called. This
/// can't be static because the elements may be mutated in different session
/// state objects so each session state must have a copy of the entry.
/// </summary>
internal static SessionStateAliasEntry[] BuiltInAliases
return new SessionStateAliasEntry[] {
new SessionStateAliasEntry("foreach",
"ForEach-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("%",
"ForEach-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("where",
"Where-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("?",
"Where-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ac",
"Add-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("clc",
"Clear-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cli",
"Clear-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("clp",
"Clear-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("clv",
"Clear-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("compare",
"Compare-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cpi",
"Copy-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cpp",
"Copy-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cvpa",
"Convert-Path", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("dbp",
"Disable-PSBreakpoint", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("diff",
"Compare-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ebp",
"Enable-PSBreakpoint", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("epal",
"Export-Alias", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("epcsv",
"Export-Csv", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("fc",
"Format-Custom", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("fl",
"Format-List", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ft",
"Format-Table", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("fw",
"Format-Wide", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gal",
"Get-Alias", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gbp",
"Get-PSBreakpoint", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gc",
"Get-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gci",
"Get-ChildItem", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gcm",
"Get-Command", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gdr",
"Get-PSDrive", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gcs",
"Get-PSCallStack", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ghy",
"Get-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gi",
"Get-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gl",
"Get-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gm",
"Get-Member", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gmo",
"Get-Module", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gp",
"Get-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gpv",
"Get-ItemPropertyValue", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gps",
"Get-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("group",
"Group-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gsv",
"Get-Service", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gu",
"Get-Unique", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gv",
"Get-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("iex",
"Invoke-Expression", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ihy",
"Invoke-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ii",
"Invoke-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ipmo",
"Import-Module", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ipal",
"Import-Alias", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ipcsv",
"Import-Csv", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("measure",
"Measure-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("mi",
"Move-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("mp",
"Move-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("nal",
"New-Alias", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ndr",
"New-PSDrive", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ni",
"New-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("nv",
"New-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("nmo",
"New-Module", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("oh",
"Out-Host", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rbp",
"Remove-PSBreakpoint", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rdr",
"Remove-PSDrive", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ri",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rni",
"Rename-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rnp",
"Rename-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rp",
"Remove-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rmo",
"Remove-Module", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rv",
"Remove-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rvpa",
"Resolve-Path", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sal",
"Set-Alias", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sasv",
"Start-Service", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sbp",
"Set-PSBreakpoint", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sc",
"Set-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
// this conflicts with sd.exe, and makes msh unusable by dev.
// new SessionStateAliasEntry("sd",
// "Set-Date", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.Constant | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("select",
"Select-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("si",
"Set-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sl",
"Set-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sleep",
"Start-Sleep", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sort",
"Sort-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sp",
"Set-ItemProperty", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("saps",
"Start-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("start",
"Start-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("spps",
"Stop-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("spsv",
"Stop-Service", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sv",
"Set-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("tee",
"Tee-Object", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("write",
"Write-Output", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
//#if !CORECLR is used to disable aliases for cmdlets which are not available on OneCore
new SessionStateAliasEntry("asnp",
"Add-PSSnapIn", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gsnp",
"Get-PSSnapIn", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gwmi",
"Get-WmiObject", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("irm",
"Invoke-RestMethod", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("iwr",
"Invoke-WebRequest", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("iwmi",
"Invoke-WMIMethod", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ogv",
"Out-GridView", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ise",
"powershell_ise.exe", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rsnp",
"Remove-PSSnapin", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rwmi",
"Remove-WMIObject", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("swmi",
"Set-WMIInstance", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("shcm",
"Show-Command", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("trcm",
"Trace-Command", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("wget",
"Invoke-WebRequest", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("curl",
"Invoke-WebRequest", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("lp",
"Out-Printer", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
// Aliases transferred from the profile
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cat",
"Get-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cd",
"Set-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("clear",
"Clear-Host", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cp",
"Copy-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("h",
"Get-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("history",
"Get-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("kill",
"Stop-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ls",
"Get-ChildItem", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("man",
"help", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("mount",
"New-PSDrive", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("md",
"mkdir", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("mv",
"Move-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("popd",
"Pop-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ps",
"Get-Process", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("pushd",
"Push-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("pwd",
"Get-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("r",
"Invoke-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rm",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rmdir",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("echo",
"Write-Output", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cls",
"Clear-Host", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("chdir",
"Set-Location", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("copy",
"Copy-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("del",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("dir",
"Get-ChildItem", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("erase",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("move",
"Move-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rd",
"Remove-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ren",
"Rename-Item", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("set",
"Set-Variable", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("type",
"Get-Content", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("icm",
"Invoke-Command", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("clhy",
"Clear-History", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
// Job Specific aliases
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gjb",
"Get-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rcjb",
"Receive-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rjb",
"Remove-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sajb",
"Start-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("spjb",
"Stop-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("wjb",
"Wait-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sujb",
"Suspend-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rujb",
"Resume-Job", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
// Remoting Cmdlets Specific aliases
new SessionStateAliasEntry("npssc",
"New-PSSessionConfigurationFile", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("ipsn",
"Import-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("epsn",
"Export-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("cnsn",
"Connect-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("dnsn",
"Disconnect-PSSession","", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("nsn",
"New-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("gsn",
"Get-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rsn",
"Remove-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("etsn",
"Enter-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("rcsn",
"Receive-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
new SessionStateAliasEntry("exsn",
"Exit-PSSession", "", ScopedItemOptions.AllScope),
// Win8: 121662/169179 Add "sls" alias for Select-String cmdlet
// - do not use AllScope - this causes errors in profiles that set this somewhat commonly used alias.
new SessionStateAliasEntry("sls",
"Select-String", "", ScopedItemOptions.None),
internal const string DefaultPromptFunctionText = @"
""PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "";
# .Link
# http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=225750
# .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml
internal const string DefaultMoreFunctionText = @"
$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding
$moreCommand = (Get-Command -CommandType Application more).Definition | Select-Object -First 1
if($paths) {
foreach ($file in $paths)
Get-Content $file | & $moreCommand
} else { $input | & $moreCommand }
internal const string DefaultSetDriveFunctionText = "Set-Location $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name";
internal static ScriptBlock SetDriveScriptBlock = ScriptBlock.CreateDelayParsedScriptBlock(DefaultSetDriveFunctionText);
internal static SessionStateFunctionEntry[] BuiltInFunctions = new SessionStateFunctionEntry[]
// Functions. Only the name and definitions are used
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("prompt", DefaultPromptFunctionText),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("TabExpansion2", TabExpansionFunctionText),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("Clear-Host", GetClearHostFunctionText()),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("more", DefaultMoreFunctionText),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("help", GetHelpPagingFunctionText()),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("mkdir", GetMkdirFunctionText()),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("Get-Verb", GetGetVerbText()),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("oss", GetOSTFunctionText()),
// Default drives
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("A:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("B:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("C:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("D:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("E:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("F:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("G:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("H:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("I:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("J:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("K:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("L:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("M:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("N:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("O:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("P:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("Q:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("R:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("S:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("T:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("U:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("V:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("W:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("X:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("Y:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("Z:", DefaultSetDriveFunctionText, SetDriveScriptBlock),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("cd..", "Set-Location .."),
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("cd\\", "Set-Location \\"),
// Win8: 320909. Retaining the original definition to ensure backward compatability.
SessionStateFunctionEntry.GetDelayParsedFunctionEntry("ImportSystemModules", ImportSystemModulesText),
string.Concat("$null = Read-Host '", CodeGeneration.EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent(RunspaceInit.PauseDefinitionString),"'"))
static internal void RemoveAllDrivesForProvider(ProviderInfo pi, SessionStateInternal ssi)
foreach (PSDriveInfo di in ssi.GetDrivesForProvider(pi.FullName))
ssi.RemoveDrive(di, true, null);
catch (Exception e)
static private PSTraceSource _PSSnapInTracer = PSTraceSource.GetTracer("PSSnapInLoadUnload", "Loading and unloading mshsnapins", false);
internal static string CoreSnapin = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core";
internal static string CoreModule = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core";
internal Collection<PSSnapInInfo> defaultSnapins = new Collection<PSSnapInInfo>();
// The list of engine modules to create warnings when you try to remove them
internal static HashSet<string> EngineModules = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
static internal HashSet<string> NestedEngineModules = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
internal static Dictionary<string, string> EngineModuleNestedModuleMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreConsoleHost", "Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost"},
internal static Dictionary<string, string> NestedModuleEngineModuleMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost", "Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreConsoleHost"},
{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security"},
{ "Microsoft.WSMan.Management", "Microsoft.WSMan.Management"},
// The list of engine modules that we will not allow users to remove
internal static HashSet<string> ConstantEngineModules = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// The list of nested engine modules that we will not allow users to remove
internal static HashSet<string> ConstantEngineNestedModules = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
internal static string GetNestedModuleDllName(string moduleName)
string result = null;
if (!EngineModuleNestedModuleMapping.TryGetValue(moduleName, out result))
result = string.Empty;
return result;
internal void SaveAsConsoleFile(string path)
if (null == path)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("path");
if (!path.EndsWith(StringLiterals.PowerShellConsoleFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("path", ConsoleInfoErrorStrings.BadConsoleExtension);
//ConsoleFileElement will write to file
PSConsoleFileElement.WriteToFile(path, PSVersionInfo.PSVersion, this.ImportedSnapins.Values);
/// <summary>
/// Set of helper methods fro loading assemblies containing cmdlets...
/// </summary>
internal static class PSSnapInHelpers
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods", MessageId = "System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom")]
internal static Assembly LoadPSSnapInAssembly(PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo,
out Dictionary<string,SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets, out Dictionary<string,SessionStateProviderEntry> providers)
Assembly assembly = null;
cmdlets = null;
providers = null;
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly from GAC. Assembly Name: {0}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName);
// WARNING: DUPLICATE CODE see RunspaceConfigForSingleShell
assembly = ClrFacade.Load(new AssemblyName(psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName));
catch (BadImageFormatException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
catch (FileLoadException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
if (assembly != null)
return assembly;
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly from path: {0}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName);
AssemblyName assemblyName = ClrFacade.GetAssemblyName(psSnapInInfo.AbsoluteModulePath);
// Porting note: the snapins still require 'ProcessorArchitecture=MSIL' in
// the strong name, which is not in the strong name of assemblies created
// by dotnet-cli
if (!Platform.IsX() &&
!string.Equals(assemblyName.FullName, psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string message = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleInfoErrorStrings.PSSnapInAssemblyNameMismatch, psSnapInInfo.AbsoluteModulePath, psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, message);
assembly = ClrFacade.LoadFrom(psSnapInInfo.AbsoluteModulePath);
catch (FileLoadException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, e.Message);
catch (BadImageFormatException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, e.Message);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
_PSSnapInTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", psSnapInInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, e.Message);
return assembly;
private static T GetCustomAttribute<T>(TypeInfo decoratedType) where T : Attribute
var attributes = CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes<T>(decoratedType, false);
var customAttrs = attributes.ToArray();
Debug.Assert(customAttrs.Length <= 1, "CmdletAttribute and/or CmdletProviderAttribute cannot normally appear more than once");
return customAttrs.Length == 0 ? null : customAttrs[0];
internal static void AnalyzePSSnapInAssembly(Assembly assembly, string name, PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo, PSModuleInfo moduleInfo, bool isModuleLoad,
out Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets, out Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>> aliases,
out Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers, out string helpFile)
helpFile = null;
if (assembly == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
cmdlets = null;
aliases = null;
providers = null;
// See if this assembly has already been scanned...
Dictionary<string, Tuple<SessionStateCmdletEntry, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>> cachedCmdlets;
if (_cmdletCache.Value.TryGetValue(assembly, out cachedCmdlets))
cmdlets = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry>(_cmdletCache.Value.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
aliases = new Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var pair in cachedCmdlets)
var key = pair.Key;
var entry = pair.Value;
if (entry.Item1.PSSnapIn == null && psSnapInInfo != null)
var newEntry = (SessionStateCmdletEntry)entry.Item1.Clone();
if (newEntry.PSSnapIn != null && psSnapInInfo == null)
cmdlets[key] = newEntry;
if (entry.Item2 != null)
var aliasList = new List<SessionStateAliasEntry>();
foreach (var alias in entry.Item2)
if (alias.PSSnapIn == null && psSnapInInfo != null)
var newAliasEntry = (SessionStateAliasEntry) alias.Clone();
if (newAliasEntry.PSSnapIn != null && psSnapInInfo == null)
aliases[key] = aliasList;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> cachedProviders;
if (_providerCache.Value.TryGetValue(assembly, out cachedProviders))
providers = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>(_providerCache.Value.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var pair in cachedProviders)
var key = pair.Key;
var entry = pair.Value;
if (entry.PSSnapIn == null && psSnapInInfo != null)
var newEntry = (SessionStateProviderEntry)entry.Clone();
if (newEntry.PSSnapIn != null && psSnapInInfo == null)
providers[key] = newEntry;
string assemblyPath = ClrFacade.GetAssemblyLocation(assembly);
Type[] assemblyTypes;
if (cmdlets != null || providers != null)
if (!_assembliesWithModuleInitializerCache.Value.ContainsKey(assembly))
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Returning cached cmdlet and provider entries for {0}", assemblyPath);
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Executing IModuleAssemblyInitializer.Import for {0}", assemblyPath);
assemblyTypes = GetAssemblyTypes(assembly, name);
ExecuteModuleInitializer(assembly, assemblyTypes, isModuleLoad);
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("Analyzing assembly {0} for cmdlet and providers", assemblyPath);
helpFile = GetHelpFile(assemblyPath);
Type randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand = null;
Type randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand = null;
if (psSnapInInfo != null && psSnapInInfo.Name.Equals(InitialSessionState.CoreSnapin, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders(psSnapInInfo, out cmdlets, out providers, helpFile);
// Make sure the pre-built cmdlet and provider tables match what reflection finds. This will help
// avoid issues where you add a cmdlet but forget to update the table in InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders.
Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdletsCheck = null;
Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providersCheck = null;
Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>> aliasesCheck = null;
Type unused1 = null;
Type unused2 = null;
AnalyzeModuleAssemblyWithReflection(assembly, name, psSnapInInfo, moduleInfo, isModuleLoad,
ref cmdletsCheck, ref aliasesCheck, ref providersCheck, helpFile, ref unused1, ref unused2);
Diagnostics.Assert(aliasesCheck == null, "InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders assumes no aliases are defined in System.Management.Automation.dll");
Diagnostics.Assert(providersCheck.Keys.Count == providers.Keys.Count, "new Provider added to System.Management.Automation.dll - update InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders");
foreach (var pair in providersCheck)
SessionStateProviderEntry other;
if (providers.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out other))
Diagnostics.Assert((object)pair.Value.HelpFileName == (object)other.HelpFileName, "Pre-generated Provider help file incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.ImplementingType == other.ImplementingType, "Pre-generated Provider implementing type incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(string.Equals(pair.Value.Name, other.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal), "Pre-generated Provider name incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.PSSnapIn == other.PSSnapIn, "Pre-generated Provider snappin type incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.Module == other.Module, "Pre-generated Provider module incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.Visibility == other.Visibility, "Pre-generated Provider visibility incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Missing provider: " + pair.Key);
Diagnostics.Assert(cmdletsCheck.Keys.Count == cmdlets.Keys.Count, "new Cmdlet added to System.Management.Automation.dll - update InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders");
foreach (var pair in cmdletsCheck)
SessionStateCmdletEntry other;
if (cmdlets.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out other))
Diagnostics.Assert((object)pair.Value.HelpFileName == (object)other.HelpFileName, "Pre-generated Provider help file incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.ImplementingType == other.ImplementingType, "Pre-generated Provider implementing type incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(string.Equals(pair.Value.Name, other.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal), "Pre-generated Provider name incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.PSSnapIn == other.PSSnapIn, "Pre-generated Provider snappin type incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.Module == other.Module, "Pre-generated Provider module incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(pair.Value.Visibility == other.Visibility, "Pre-generated Provider visibility incorrect");
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Pre-generated Cmdlet missing: " + pair.Key);
AnalyzeModuleAssemblyWithReflection(assembly, name, psSnapInInfo, moduleInfo, isModuleLoad,
ref cmdlets, ref aliases, ref providers, helpFile, ref randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand, ref randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand);
// force a LinkDemand check to get an explicit exception if
// Cmdlet[Provider]Attributes are silently swallowed by Type.GetCustomAttributes
// bug Win7:705573
if ((providers == null || providers.Count == 0) && (cmdlets == null || cmdlets.Count == 0))
if (randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand != null)
ConstructorInfo constructor = randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand.GetConstructor(PSTypeExtensions.EmptyTypes);
if (constructor != null)
constructor.Invoke(null); // this is how we artificially force a LinkDemand check
if (randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand != null)
ConstructorInfo constructor = randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand.GetConstructor(PSTypeExtensions.EmptyTypes);
if (constructor != null)
constructor.Invoke(null); // this is how we artificially force a LinkDemand check
catch (TargetInvocationException e)
throw e.InnerException;
// Cache the cmdlet and provider info for this assembly...
// We need to cache a clone of this data *before* the
// module info is set on it since module info can't be shared
// across runspaces. When these entries are hit in the cache,
// copies will be returned to ensure that the cache is never tied to a runspace.
if (cmdlets != null)
var clone = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<SessionStateCmdletEntry, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>>(cmdlets.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
List<SessionStateAliasEntry> aliasesCloneList = null;
foreach (var entry in cmdlets)
List<SessionStateAliasEntry> aliasEntries;
if (aliases != null && aliases.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out aliasEntries))
aliasesCloneList = new List<SessionStateAliasEntry>(aliases.Count);
foreach (var aliasEntry in aliasEntries)
clone[entry.Key] = new Tuple<SessionStateCmdletEntry, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>((SessionStateCmdletEntry)entry.Value.Clone(), aliasesCloneList);
_cmdletCache.Value[assembly] = clone;
if (providers != null)
var clone = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>(providers.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var entry in providers)
clone[entry.Key] = (SessionStateProviderEntry) entry.Value.Clone();
_providerCache.Value[assembly] = providers;
private static void AnalyzeModuleAssemblyWithReflection(Assembly assembly, string name, PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo,
PSModuleInfo moduleInfo, bool isModuleLoad,
ref Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets,
ref Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>> aliases,
ref Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers,
string helpFile,
ref Type randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand,
ref Type randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand)
var assemblyTypes = GetAssemblyTypes(assembly, name);
ExecuteModuleInitializer(assembly, assemblyTypes, isModuleLoad);
foreach (Type type in assemblyTypes)
var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
if (!(typeInfo.IsPublic || typeInfo.IsNestedPublic) || typeInfo.IsAbstract)
// Check for cmdlets
if (IsCmdletClass(type) && HasDefaultConstructor(type))
randomCmdletToCheckLinkDemand = type;
CmdletAttribute cmdletAttribute = GetCustomAttribute<CmdletAttribute>(typeInfo);
if (cmdletAttribute == null)
string cmdletName = GetCmdletName(cmdletAttribute);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletName))
if (cmdlets != null && cmdlets.ContainsKey(cmdletName))
string message = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleInfoErrorStrings.PSSnapInDuplicateCmdlets, cmdletName, name);
throw new PSSnapInException(name, message);
SessionStateCmdletEntry cmdlet = new SessionStateCmdletEntry(cmdletName, type, helpFile);
if (cmdlets == null)
cmdlets = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
cmdlets.Add(cmdletName, cmdlet);
var aliasAttribute = GetCustomAttribute<AliasAttribute>(typeInfo);
if (aliasAttribute != null)
if (aliases == null)
aliases = new Dictionary<string, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var aliasList = new List<SessionStateAliasEntry>();
foreach (var alias in aliasAttribute.AliasNames)
var aliasEntry = new SessionStateAliasEntry(alias, cmdletName, "", ScopedItemOptions.None);
if (psSnapInInfo != null)
aliases.Add(cmdletName, aliasList);
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("{0} from type {1} is added as a cmdlet. ", cmdletName, type.FullName);
// Check for providers
if (IsProviderClass(type) && HasDefaultConstructor(type))
randomProviderToCheckLinkDemand = type;
CmdletProviderAttribute providerAttribute = GetCustomAttribute<CmdletProviderAttribute>(typeInfo);
if (providerAttribute == null)
string providerName = GetProviderName(providerAttribute);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName))
if (providers != null && providers.ContainsKey(providerName))
string message = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleInfoErrorStrings.PSSnapInDuplicateProviders, providerName, psSnapInInfo.Name);
throw new PSSnapInException(psSnapInInfo.Name, message);
SessionStateProviderEntry provider = new SessionStateProviderEntry(providerName, type, helpFile);
// After converting core snapins to load as modules, the providers will have Module property populated
if (moduleInfo != null)
if (providers == null)
providers = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
providers.Add(providerName, provider);
_PSSnapInTracer.WriteLine("{0} from type {1} is added as a provider. ", providerName, type.FullName);
private static void InitializeCoreCmdletsAndProviders(
PSSnapInInfo psSnapInInfo,
out Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry> cmdlets,
out Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry> providers,
string helpFile)
cmdlets = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateCmdletEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{"Add-History", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Add-History", typeof(AddHistoryCommand), helpFile) },
{"Clear-History", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Clear-History", typeof(ClearHistoryCommand), helpFile) },
{"Connect-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Connect-PSSession", typeof(ConnectPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Debug-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Debug-Job", typeof(DebugJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Disable-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Disable-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(DisablePSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Disconnect-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Disconnect-PSSession", typeof(DisconnectPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Enable-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Enable-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(EnablePSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Enter-PSHostProcess", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Enter-PSHostProcess", typeof(EnterPSHostProcessCommand), helpFile) },
{"Enter-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Enter-PSSession", typeof(EnterPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Exit-PSHostProcess", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Exit-PSHostProcess", typeof(ExitPSHostProcessCommand), helpFile) },
{"Exit-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Exit-PSSession", typeof(ExitPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Export-ModuleMember", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Export-ModuleMember", typeof(ExportModuleMemberCommand), helpFile) },
{"ForEach-Object", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("ForEach-Object", typeof(ForEachObjectCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-Command", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-Command", typeof(GetCommandCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-Help", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-Help", typeof(GetHelpCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-History", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-History", typeof(GetHistoryCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-Job", typeof(GetJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-Module", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-Module", typeof(GetModuleCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-PSHostProcessInfo", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-PSHostProcessInfo", typeof(GetPSHostProcessInfoCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-PSSession", typeof(GetPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-PSSessionCapability", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-PSSessionCapability", typeof(GetPSSessionCapabilityCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(GetPSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Import-Module", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Import-Module", typeof(ImportModuleCommand), helpFile) },
{"Invoke-Command", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Invoke-Command", typeof(InvokeCommandCommand), helpFile) },
{"Invoke-History", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Invoke-History", typeof(InvokeHistoryCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-Module", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-Module", typeof(NewModuleCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-ModuleManifest", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-ModuleManifest", typeof(NewModuleManifestCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-PSSession", typeof(NewPSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-PSSessionConfigurationFile", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-PSSessionConfigurationFile", typeof(NewPSSessionConfigurationFileCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-PSSessionOption", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-PSSessionOption", typeof(NewPSSessionOptionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Out-Default", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Out-Default", typeof(OutDefaultCommand), helpFile) },
{"Out-Host", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Out-Host", typeof(OutHostCommand), helpFile) },
{"Out-Null", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Out-Null", typeof(OutNullCommand), helpFile) },
{"Receive-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Receive-Job", typeof(ReceiveJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Receive-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Receive-PSSession", typeof(ReceivePSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Register-ArgumentCompleter", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Register-ArgumentCompleter", typeof(RegisterArgumentCompleterCommand), helpFile) },
{"Register-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Register-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(RegisterPSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Remove-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Remove-Job", typeof(RemoveJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Remove-Module", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Remove-Module", typeof(RemoveModuleCommand), helpFile) },
{"Remove-PSSession", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Remove-PSSession", typeof(RemovePSSessionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Save-Help", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Save-Help", typeof(SaveHelpCommand), helpFile) },
{"Set-PSDebug", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Set-PSDebug", typeof(SetPSDebugCommand), helpFile) },
{"Set-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Set-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(SetPSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Set-StrictMode", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Set-StrictMode", typeof(SetStrictModeCommand), helpFile) },
{"Start-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Start-Job", typeof(StartJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Stop-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Stop-Job", typeof(StopJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Test-ModuleManifest", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Test-ModuleManifest", typeof(TestModuleManifestCommand), helpFile) },
{"Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile", typeof(TestPSSessionConfigurationFileCommand), helpFile) },
{"Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration", typeof(UnregisterPSSessionConfigurationCommand), helpFile) },
{"Update-Help", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Update-Help", typeof(UpdateHelpCommand), helpFile) },
{"Wait-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Wait-Job", typeof(WaitJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Where-Object", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Where-Object", typeof(WhereObjectCommand), helpFile) },
{"Add-PSSnapin", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Add-PSSnapin", typeof(AddPSSnapinCommand), helpFile) },
{"Disable-PSRemoting", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Disable-PSRemoting", typeof(DisablePSRemotingCommand), helpFile) },
{"Enable-PSRemoting", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Enable-PSRemoting", typeof(EnablePSRemotingCommand), helpFile) },
{"Export-Console", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Export-Console", typeof(ExportConsoleCommand), helpFile) },
{"Get-PSSnapin", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Get-PSSnapin", typeof(GetPSSnapinCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-PSRoleCapabilityFile", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-PSRoleCapabilityFile", typeof(NewPSRoleCapabilityFileCommand), helpFile) },
{"New-PSTransportOption", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("New-PSTransportOption", typeof(NewPSTransportOptionCommand), helpFile) },
{"Remove-PSSnapin", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Remove-PSSnapin", typeof(RemovePSSnapinCommand), helpFile) },
{"Resume-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Resume-Job", typeof(ResumeJobCommand), helpFile) },
{"Suspend-Job", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Suspend-Job", typeof(SuspendJobCommand), helpFile) },
// Not exported, but are added via reflection so added here as well, though maybe they shouldn't be
{"Out-LineOutput", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Out-LineOutput", typeof(OutLineOutputCommand), helpFile) },
{"Format-Default", new SessionStateCmdletEntry("Format-Default", typeof(FormatDefaultCommand), helpFile) },
foreach (var val in cmdlets.Values)
providers = new Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "Registry", new SessionStateProviderEntry("Registry", typeof(RegistryProvider), helpFile) },
{ "Alias", new SessionStateProviderEntry("Alias", typeof(AliasProvider), helpFile) },
{ "Environment", new SessionStateProviderEntry("Environment", typeof(EnvironmentProvider), helpFile) },
{ "FileSystem" , new SessionStateProviderEntry("FileSystem", typeof(FileSystemProvider), helpFile) },
{ "Function", new SessionStateProviderEntry("Function", typeof(FunctionProvider), helpFile) },
{ "Variable", new SessionStateProviderEntry("Variable", typeof(VariableProvider), helpFile) },
foreach (var val in providers.Values)
internal static readonly CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>> CreateModuleInitializerInstance =
CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>.Create(PSCreateInstanceBinder.Get(new CallInfo(0), null));
private static void ExecuteModuleInitializer(Assembly assembly, Type[] assemblyTypes, bool isModuleLoad)
for (int i = 0; i < assemblyTypes.Length; i++)
Type type = assemblyTypes[i];
TypeInfo typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
if (!(typeInfo.IsPublic || typeInfo.IsNestedPublic) || typeInfo.IsAbstract) { continue; }
if (isModuleLoad && typeof(IModuleAssemblyInitializer).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type != typeof(IModuleAssemblyInitializer))
_assembliesWithModuleInitializerCache.Value[assembly] = true;
var moduleInitializer = (IModuleAssemblyInitializer) CreateModuleInitializerInstance
CreateModuleInitializerInstance, type);
internal static Type[] GetAssemblyTypes(Assembly assembly, string name)
Type[] assemblyTypes = null;
var exportedTypes = assembly.ExportedTypes;
assemblyTypes = exportedTypes as Type[] ?? exportedTypes.ToArray();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
string message;
message = e.Message;
message += "\nLoader Exceptions: \n";
if (e.LoaderExceptions != null)
foreach (Exception exception in e.LoaderExceptions)
message += "\n" + exception.Message;
throw new PSSnapInException(name, message);
return assemblyTypes;
// cmdletCache holds the list of cmdlets along with its aliases per each assembly.
static private Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, Dictionary<string, Tuple<SessionStateCmdletEntry, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>>>> _cmdletCache =
new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, Dictionary<string, Tuple<SessionStateCmdletEntry, List<SessionStateAliasEntry>>>>>();
static private Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>>> _providerCache =
new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, Dictionary<string, SessionStateProviderEntry>>>();
// Using a ConcurrentDictionary for this so that we can avoid having a private lock variable. We use only the keys for checking.
private static Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, bool>> _assembliesWithModuleInitializerCache = new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, bool>>();
static private string GetCmdletName(CmdletAttribute cmdletAttribute)
string verb = cmdletAttribute.VerbName;
string noun = cmdletAttribute.NounName;
return verb + "-" + noun;
static private string GetProviderName(CmdletProviderAttribute providerAttribute)
return providerAttribute.ProviderName;
static private bool IsCmdletClass(Type type)
if (type == null)
return false;
return type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet));
static private bool IsProviderClass(Type type)
if (type == null)
return false;
return type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Management.Automation.Provider.CmdletProvider));
static internal bool IsModuleAssemblyInitializerClass(Type type)
if (type == null)
return false;
return type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Management.Automation.IModuleAssemblyInitializer));
static private bool HasDefaultConstructor(Type type)
return !(type.GetConstructor(PSTypeExtensions.EmptyTypes) == null);
static private string GetHelpFile(string assemblyPath)
return Path.GetFileName(assemblyPath) + StringLiterals.HelpFileExtension;
static private PSTraceSource _PSSnapInTracer = PSTraceSource.GetTracer("PSSnapInLoadUnload", "Loading and unloading mshsnapins", false);
// Guid is {15d4c170-2f29-5689-a0e2-d95b0c7b4ea0}
[EventSource(Name = "Microsoft-PowerShell-Runspaces")]
internal class RunspaceEventSource : EventSource
internal static RunspaceEventSource Log = new RunspaceEventSource();
public void OpenRunspaceStart() { WriteEvent(1); }
public void OpenRunspaceStop() { WriteEvent(2); }
public void LoadAssembliesStart() { WriteEvent(3); }
public void LoadAssembliesStop() { WriteEvent(4); }
public void UpdateFormatTableStart() { WriteEvent(5); }
public void UpdateFormatTableStop() { WriteEvent(6); }
public void UpdateTypeTableStart() { WriteEvent(7); }
public void UpdateTypeTableStop() { WriteEvent(8); }
public void LoadProvidersStart() { WriteEvent(9); }
public void LoadProvidersStop() { WriteEvent(10); }
public void LoadCommandsStart() { WriteEvent(11); }
public void LoadCommandsStop() { WriteEvent(12); }
public void LoadVariablesStart() { WriteEvent(13); }
public void LoadVariablesStop() { WriteEvent(14); }
public void LoadEnvironmentVariablesStart() { WriteEvent(15); }
public void LoadEnvironmentVariablesStop() { WriteEvent(16); }
public void LoadAssemblyStart(string Name, string FileName) { WriteEvent(17, Name, FileName); }
public void LoadAssemblyStop(string Name, string FileName) { WriteEvent(18, Name, FileName); }
public void ProcessFormatFileStart(string FileName) { WriteEvent(19, FileName); }
public void ProcessFormatFileStop(string FileName) { WriteEvent(20, FileName); }
public void ProcessTypeFileStart(string FileName) { WriteEvent(21, FileName); }
public void ProcessTypeFileStop(string FileName) { WriteEvent(22, FileName); }
public void LoadProviderStart(string Name) { WriteEvent(23, Name); }
public void LoadProviderStop(string Name) { WriteEvent(24, Name); }
public void LoadCommandStart(string Name) { WriteEvent(25, Name); }
public void LoadCommandStop(string Name) { WriteEvent(26, Name); }