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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Out-Default Tests" -Tag CI {
BeforeAll {
# due to https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3405, `Out-Default -Transcript` emits output to pipeline
# as running in Pester effectively wraps everything in parenthesis, workaround is to use another powershell
# to run the test script passed as a string
$powershell = "$PSHOME/pwsh"
It "'Out-Default -Transcript' shows up in transcript, but not host" {
$script = @"
`$null = Start-Transcript -Path "$testdrive\transcript.txt";
'hello' | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Out-Default -Transcript;
`$null = Stop-Transcript
& $powershell -noprofile -command $script | Should -BeExactly 'bye'
"TestDrive:\transcript.txt" | Should -FileContentMatch 'hello'
It "Out-Default reverts transcription state when used more than once in a pipeline" {
& $powershell -noprofile -command "Out-Default -Transcript | Out-Default -Transcript; 'Hello'" | Should -BeExactly "Hello"
It "Out-Default reverts transcription state when exception occurs in pipeline" {
& $powershell -noprofile -command "try { & { throw } | Out-Default -Transcript } catch {}; 'Hello'" | Should -BeExactly "Hello"
It "Out-Default reverts transcription state even if Dispose() isn't called" {
$script = @"
`$sp = {Out-Default -Transcript}.GetSteppablePipeline();
`$sp = `$null;
& $powershell -noprofile -command $script | Should -BeExactly 'hello'