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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# no progress output during these tests
Jameswtruher/travisdailybuild (#2958) * Stifle progress output in build.psm1 for some operations Modify test failure presentation to use platform available XML methods * Add timeout support for returning runtime parsing errors Some of the language/parser tests have been hanging in a non-reproducable manner which causes the CI system to invalidate the entire run. This change adds support for timeout which will fail a test if it runs to long, rather than invalidate the entire run. current behavior is still supported, and is not done in a new session: PS> get-runtimeerror -src '1/' At line:1 char:3 + 1/ + ~ You must provide a value expression following the '/' operator. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression Adding a timeout will do the operation in a async powershell session PS> get-runtimeerror -src '1/' -timeout 5 You must provide a value expression following the '/' operator. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression If the operation takes longer than the supplied timeout, a timeout error will be returned PS> get-runtimeerror -src 'start-sleep 6' -timeout 2 get-runtimeerror : Operation Timed Out ('start-sleep 6') At line:1 char:1 + get-runtimeerror -src 'start-sleep 6' -timeout 2 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Get-RuntimeError * Modify native linux command tests to skip on Windows and pending on Mac * remove verbose and progress output from help tests * Be sure that Feature Counter tests only run on Windows Also, only call add-type in CounterTestHelperFunctions.ps1 if we're going to actually run the tests * do not run any get-computerinfo tests on non-windows systems * suppress progress output from PowerShell Get tests * remove -quiet from API and CRON Builds Travis watches output from the build to ensure that it hasn't hung we need to find a balance between too much output and not enough output. A run which has too much output is killed because it looks like an error loop A run which has too little output is killed because it looks like a hang * Remove commented line in Import-Counter.Tests.ps1 Remove extraneous extra line in PowerShellGet.Tests.ps1 * Change `-as "type"` to `-as [type]` in build.psm1 Alter timeout to 10 seconds to be improve chances of not timing out for runtime parser checks improve logic for counter tests to also skip for IoT * use the existing function of SkipCounterTests rather than duplicate the logic in import-counter.tests.ps1
2017-01-10 23:42:27 +01:00
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$RepositoryName = 'INTGallery'
2018-09-24 23:58:13 +02:00
$SourceLocation = 'https://www.poshtestgallery.com'
$RegisteredINTRepo = $false
$ContosoServer = 'ContosoServer'
$FabrikamServerScript = 'Fabrikam-ServerScript'
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
$Initialized = $false
#region Utility functions
function IsInbox { $PSHOME.EndsWith('\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0', [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) }
function IsWindows { $PSVariable = Get-Variable -Name IsWindows -ErrorAction Ignore; return (-not $PSVariable -or $PSVariable.Value) }
function IsCoreCLR { $PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition') -and $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core' }
#region Install locations for modules and scripts
$script:ProgramFilesPSPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "WindowsPowerShell"
elseif(IsCoreCLR) {
if(IsWindows) {
$script:ProgramFilesPSPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'PowerShell'
else {
$script:ProgramFilesPSPath = Split-Path -Path ([System.Management.Automation.Platform]::SelectProductNameForDirectory('SHARED_MODULES')) -Parent
$script:MyDocumentsFolderPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
$script:MyDocumentsFolderPath = $null
$script:MyDocumentsPSPath = if($script:MyDocumentsFolderPath)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:MyDocumentsFolderPath -ChildPath "WindowsPowerShell"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath "Documents\WindowsPowerShell"
elseif(IsCoreCLR) {
$script:MyDocumentsPSPath = if($script:MyDocumentsFolderPath)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:MyDocumentsFolderPath -ChildPath 'PowerShell'
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $HOME -ChildPath "Documents\PowerShell"
$script:MyDocumentsPSPath = Split-Path -Path ([System.Management.Automation.Platform]::SelectProductNameForDirectory('USER_MODULES')) -Parent
$script:ProgramFilesModulesPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:ProgramFilesPSPath -ChildPath 'Modules'
$script:MyDocumentsModulesPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:MyDocumentsPSPath -ChildPath 'Modules'
$script:ProgramFilesScriptsPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:ProgramFilesPSPath -ChildPath 'Scripts'
$script:MyDocumentsScriptsPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Join-Path -Path $script:MyDocumentsPSPath -ChildPath 'Scripts'
#region Register a test repository
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
function Initialize
# Cleaned up commands whose output to console by deleting or piping to Out-Null
Import-Module PackageManagement
Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable | Out-Null
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
$repo = Get-PSRepository -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object {$_.SourceLocation.StartsWith($SourceLocation, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)}
$script:RepositoryName = $repo.Name
Register-PSRepository -Name $RepositoryName -SourceLocation $SourceLocation -InstallationPolicy Trusted
$script:RegisteredINTRepo = $true
function Remove-InstalledModules
Get-InstalledModule -Name $ContosoServer -AllVersions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | PowerShellGet\Uninstall-Module -Force
Describe "PowerShellGet - Module tests" -tags "Feature" {
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
BeforeAll {
if ($script:Initialized -eq $false) {
$script:Initialized = $true
BeforeEach {
It "Should find a module correctly" {
$psgetModuleInfo = Find-Module -Name $ContosoServer -Repository $RepositoryName
$psgetModuleInfo.Name | Should -Be $ContosoServer
$psgetModuleInfo.Repository | Should -Be $RepositoryName
2018-09-24 23:58:13 +02:00
It "Should install a module correctly to the required location with default CurrentUser scope" {
Install-Module -Name $ContosoServer -Repository $RepositoryName
$installedModuleInfo = Get-InstalledModule -Name $ContosoServer
$installedModuleInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$installedModuleInfo.Name | Should -Be $ContosoServer
$installedModuleInfo.InstalledLocation.StartsWith($script:MyDocumentsModulesPath, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) | Should -BeTrue
$module = Get-Module $ContosoServer -ListAvailable
$module.Name | Should -Be $ContosoServer
$module.ModuleBase | Should -Be $installedModuleInfo.InstalledLocation
AfterAll {
Describe "PowerShellGet - Module tests (Admin)" -Tags @('Feature', 'RequireAdminOnWindows', 'RequireSudoOnUnix') {
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
BeforeAll {
if ($script:Initialized -eq $false) {
$script:Initialized = $true
BeforeEach {
It "Should install a module correctly to the required location with AllUsers scope" {
2018-09-24 23:58:13 +02:00
Install-Module -Name $ContosoServer -Repository $RepositoryName -Scope AllUsers
$installedModuleInfo = Get-InstalledModule -Name $ContosoServer
$installedModuleInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$installedModuleInfo.Name | Should -Be $ContosoServer
$installedModuleInfo.InstalledLocation.StartsWith($script:programFilesModulesPath, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) | Should -BeTrue
$module = Get-Module $ContosoServer -ListAvailable
$module.Name | Should -Be $ContosoServer
$module.ModuleBase | Should -Be $installedModuleInfo.InstalledLocation
AfterAll {
function Remove-InstalledScripts
Get-InstalledScript -Name $FabrikamServerScript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Uninstall-Script -Force
Describe "PowerShellGet - Script tests" -tags "Feature" {
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
BeforeAll {
if ($script:Initialized -eq $false) {
$script:Initialized = $true
BeforeEach {
It "Should find a script correctly" {
$psgetScriptInfo = Find-Script -Name $FabrikamServerScript -Repository $RepositoryName
$psgetScriptInfo.Name | Should -Be $FabrikamServerScript
$psgetScriptInfo.Repository | Should -Be $RepositoryName
2018-09-24 23:58:13 +02:00
It "Should install a script correctly to the required location with default CurrentUser scope" {
Install-Script -Name $FabrikamServerScript -Repository $RepositoryName -NoPathUpdate
$installedScriptInfo = Get-InstalledScript -Name $FabrikamServerScript
$installedScriptInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$installedScriptInfo.Name | Should -Be $FabrikamServerScript
$installedScriptInfo.InstalledLocation.StartsWith($script:MyDocumentsScriptsPath, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) | Should -BeTrue
AfterAll {
Describe "PowerShellGet - Script tests (Admin)" -Tags @('Feature', 'RequireAdminOnWindows', 'RequireSudoOnUnix') {
Move powershell to .NET Core 2.0 (#3556) This change moves powershell to .NET Core 2.0. Major changes are: 1. PowerShell assemblies are now targeting `netcoreapp2.0`. We are using `microsoft.netcore.app-2.0.0-preview1-001913-00`, which is from dotnet-core build 4/4/17. We cannot target `netstandard2.0` because the packages `System.Reflection.Emit` and `System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight`, which are needed for powershell class, cannot be referenced when targeting `netstandard2.0`. 2. Refactor code to remove most CLR stub types and extension types. 3. Update build scripts to enable CI builds. The `-cache` section is specified to depend on `appveyor.yml`, so the cache will be invalidated if `appveyor.yml` is changed. 4. Ship `netcoreapp` reference assemblies with powershell to fix the issues in `Add-Type` (#2764). By default `Add-Type` will reference all those reference assemblies when compiling C# code. If `-ReferenceAssembly` is specified, then we search reference assemblies first, then the framework runtime assemblies, and lastly the loaded assemblies (possibly a third-party one that was already loaded). 5. `dotnet publish` generates executable on Unix platforms, but doesn't set "x" permission and thus it cannot execute. Currently, the "x" permission is set in the build script, `dotnet/cli` issue [#6286](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/6286) is tracking this. 6. Replace the use of some APIs with the ones that take `SecureString`. 7. osx.10.12 is required to update to `netcoreapp2.0` because `dotnet-cli` 2.0.0-preview only works on osx.10.12. 8. Add dependency to `System.ValueTuple` to work around a ambiguous type identity issue in coreclr. The issue is tracked by `dotnet/corefx` [#17797](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/17797). When moving to newer version of `netcoreapp2.0`, we need to verify if this dependency is still needed.
2017-04-17 20:52:38 +02:00
BeforeAll {
if ($script:Initialized -eq $false) {
$script:Initialized = $true
BeforeEach {
It "Should install a script correctly to the required location with AllUsers scope" {
2018-09-24 23:58:13 +02:00
Install-Script -Name $FabrikamServerScript -Repository $RepositoryName -NoPathUpdate -Scope AllUsers
$installedScriptInfo = Get-InstalledScript -Name $FabrikamServerScript
$installedScriptInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$installedScriptInfo.Name | Should -Be $FabrikamServerScript
$installedScriptInfo.InstalledLocation.StartsWith($script:ProgramFilesScriptsPath, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) | Should -BeTrue
AfterAll {
Describe 'PowerShellGet Type tests' -tags @('CI') {
BeforeAll {
Import-Module PowerShellGet -Force
It 'Ensure PowerShellGet Types are available' {
$PowerShellGetNamespace = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PowerShellGet'
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails = @{
InternalWebProxy = @('GetProxy', 'IsBypassed')
if((IsWindows)) {
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA'] = @('cbSize','dwFlags','pvExtraPolicyPara')
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS'] = @('cbSize','dwError','lChainIndex','lElementIndex','pvExtraPolicyStatus')
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['InternalSafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid'] = @('IsInvalid')
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['InternalSafeX509ChainHandle'] = @('CertFreeCertificateChain','ReleaseHandle','InvalidHandle')
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['Win32Helpers'] = @('CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy', 'CertDuplicateCertificateChain', 'IsMicrosoftCertificate')
if('Microsoft.PowerShell.Telemetry.Internal.TelemetryAPI' -as [Type]) {
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails['Telemetry'] = @('TraceMessageArtifactsNotFound', 'TraceMessageNonPSGalleryRegistration')
$PowerShellGetTypeDetails.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$ClassName = $_.Name
$Type = "$PowerShellGetNamespace.$ClassName" -as [Type]
$Type | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should -Be $ClassName
$_.Value | ForEach-Object { $Type.DeclaredMembers.Name -contains $_ | Should -BeTrue }
Get-PSRepository -Name $RepositoryName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-PSRepository