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Describe "Test-ModuleManifest tests" -tags "CI" {
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue testdrive:/module
It "module manifest containing paths with backslashes or forwardslashes are resolved correctly" {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module/foo
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module/bar
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/foo/bar.psm1
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/bar/foo.psm1
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
$fileList = "foo\bar.psm1","bar/foo.psm1"
New-ModuleManifest -NestedModules $fileList -RootModule foo\bar.psm1 -RequiredAssemblies $fileList -Path $testModulePath -TypesToProcess $fileList -FormatsToProcess $fileList -ScriptsToProcess $fileList -FileList $fileList -ModuleList $fileList
Test-Path $testModulePath | Should Be $true
# use -ErrorAction Stop to cause test to fail if Test-ModuleManifest writes to error stream
Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo
It "module manifest containing missing files returns error: <parameter>" -TestCases (
@{parameter = "RequiredAssemblies"; error = "Modules_InvalidRequiredAssembliesInModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "NestedModules"; error = "Modules_InvalidNestedModuleinModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "RequiredModules"; error = "Modules_InvalidRequiredModulesinModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "FileList"; error = "Modules_InvalidFilePathinModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "ModuleList"; error = "Modules_InvalidModuleListinModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "TypesToProcess"; error = "Modules_InvalidManifest"},
@{parameter = "FormatsToProcess"; error = "Modules_InvalidManifest"},
@{parameter = "RootModule"; error = "Modules_InvalidRootModuleInModuleManifest"},
@{parameter = "ScriptsToProcess"; error = "Modules_InvalidManifest"}
) {
param ($parameter, $error)
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module/foo
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/foo/bar.psm1
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
$args = @{$parameter = "doesnotexist.psm1"}
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath @args
[string]$errorId = "$error,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestModuleManifestCommand"
{ Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop } | ShouldBeErrorId $errorId
It "module manifest containing valid unprocessed rootmodule file type succeeds: <rootModuleValue>" -TestCases (
@{rootModuleValue = "foo.psm1"},
@{rootModuleValue = "foo.dll"}
) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/$rootModuleValue
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -RootModule $rootModuleValue
$moduleManifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop
$moduleManifest | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo
$moduleManifest.RootModule | Should Be $rootModuleValue
It "module manifest containing valid processed empty rootmodule file type fails: <rootModuleValue>" -TestCases (
@{rootModuleValue = "foo.cdxml"; error = "System.Xml.XmlException"}, # fails when cmdlet tries to read it as XML
@{rootModuleValue = "foo.xaml"; error = "NotSupported"} # not supported on PowerShell Core
) {
param($rootModuleValue, $error)
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/$rootModuleValue
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -RootModule $rootModuleValue
{ Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop } | ShouldBeErrorId "$error,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestModuleManifestCommand"
It "module manifest containing empty rootmodule succeeds: <rootModuleValue>" -TestCases (
@{rootModuleValue = $null},
@{rootModuleValue = ""}
) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -RootModule $rootModuleValue
$moduleManifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop
$moduleManifest | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo
$moduleManifest.RootModule | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "module manifest containing invalid rootmodule returns error: <rootModuleValue>" -TestCases (
@{rootModuleValue = "foo.psd1"; error = "Modules_InvalidManifest"}
) {
param($rootModuleValue, $error)
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
New-Item -ItemType File -Path testdrive:/module/$rootModuleValue
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -RootModule $rootModuleValue
{ Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop } | ShouldBeErrorId "$error,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestModuleManifestCommand"
It "module manifest containing non-existing rootmodule returns error: <rootModuleValue>" -TestCases (
@{rootModuleValue = "doesnotexist.psm1"; error = "Modules_InvalidRootModuleInModuleManifest"}
) {
param($rootModuleValue, $error)
$testModulePath = "testdrive:/module/test.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path testdrive:/module
New-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -RootModule $rootModuleValue
{ Test-ModuleManifest -Path $testModulePath -ErrorAction Stop } | ShouldBeErrorId "$error,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestModuleManifestCommand"
Describe "Tests for circular references in required modules" -tags "CI" {
function CreateTestModules([string]$RootPath, [string[]]$ModuleNames, [bool]$AddVersion, [bool]$AddGuid, [bool]$AddCircularReference)
$RequiredModulesSpecs = @();
foreach($moduleDir in New-Item $ModuleNames -ItemType Directory -Force)
if ($lastItem)
if ($AddVersion -or $AddGuid) {$RequiredModulesSpecs += $lastItem}
else {$RequiredModulesSpecs += $lastItem.ModuleName}
$ModuleVersion = '3.0'
$GUID = New-Guid
New-ModuleManifest ((join-path $moduleDir.Name $moduleDir.Name) + ".psd1") -RequiredModules $RequiredModulesSpecs -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion -Guid $GUID
$lastItem = @{ ModuleName = $moduleDir.Name}
if ($AddVersion) {$lastItem += @{ ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion}}
if ($AddGuid) {$lastItem += @{ GUID = $GUID}}
if ($AddCircularReference)
# rewrite first module's manifest to have a reference to the last module, i.e. making a circular reference
if ($AddVersion -or $AddGuid)
$firstModuleName = $RequiredModulesSpecs[0].ModuleName
$firstModuleVersion = $RequiredModulesSpecs[0].ModuleVersion
$firstModuleGuid = $RequiredModulesSpecs[0].GUID
$RequiredModulesSpecs = $lastItem
$firstModuleName = $RequiredModulesSpecs[0]
$firstModuleVersion = '3.0' # does not matter - not used in references
$firstModuleGuid = New-Guid # does not matter - not used in references
$RequiredModulesSpecs = $lastItem.ModuleName
New-ModuleManifest ((join-path $firstModuleName $firstModuleName) + ".psd1") -RequiredModules $RequiredModulesSpecs -ModuleVersion $firstModuleVersion -Guid $firstModuleGuid
function TestImportModule([bool]$AddVersion, [bool]$AddGuid, [bool]$AddCircularReference)
$moduleRootPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'TestModules'
New-Item $moduleRootPath -ItemType Directory -Force
Push-Location $moduleRootPath
$moduleCount = 6 # this depth was enough to find a bug in cyclic reference detection product code; greater depth will slow tests down
$ModuleNames = 1..$moduleCount | ForEach-Object {"TestModule$_"}
CreateTestModules $moduleRootPath $ModuleNames $AddVersion $AddGuid $AddCircularReference
$newpath = [system.io.path]::PathSeparator + "$moduleRootPath"
$OriginalPSModulePathLength = $env:PSModulePath.Length
$env:PSModulePath += $newpath
$lastModule = $ModuleNames[$moduleCount - 1]
Import-Module $lastModule -ErrorAction Stop
Get-Module $lastModule | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
Remove-Module $ModuleNames -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.Substring(0,$OriginalPSModulePathLength)
Remove-Item $moduleRootPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "No circular references and RequiredModules field has only module names" {
TestImportModule $false $false $false
It "No circular references and RequiredModules field has module names and versions" {
TestImportModule $true $false $false
It "No circular references and RequiredModules field has module names, versions and GUIDs" {
TestImportModule $true $true $false
It "Add a circular reference to RequiredModules and verify error" {
{ TestImportModule $false $false $true } | ShouldBeErrorId "Modules_InvalidManifest,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand"
Describe "Test-ModuleManifest Performance bug followup" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$TestModulesPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'assets', 'testmodulerunspace')
$UserModulesPath = "$pshome\Modules"
# Install the Test Module
Copy-Item $TestModulesPath\* $UserModulesPath -Recurse -Force
It "Test-ModuleManifest should not load unnessary modules" {
$job = start-job -name "job1" -ScriptBlock {test-modulemanifest "$using:UserModulesPath\ModuleWithDependencies2\2.0\ModuleWithDependencies2.psd1" -verbose} | Wait-Job
$verbose = $job.ChildJobs[0].Verbose.ReadAll()
# Before the fix, all modules under $pshome will be imported and will be far more than 15 verbose messages. However, we cannot fix the number in case verbose message may vary.
$verbose.Count | Should BeLessThan 15
AfterAll {
#clean up the test modules
Remove-Item $UserModulesPath\ModuleWithDependencies2 -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $UserModulesPath\NestedRequiredModule1 -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue