Update readme for Docker build environment

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Schwartzmeyer 2015-07-06 11:56:29 -07:00
parent c58871711c
commit 0a13d8d21d
2 changed files with 111 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,108 @@ These instructions assume Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the same as our dependency, [CoreCLR
[CoreCLR]: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr
[build CoreCLR]: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/linux-instructions.md
### Installing dependencies
### Obtain the source code
#### Install source control tools
- [Git][], the version control system
- Node.js, to run the Visual Studio Online `mshttps` Git remote helper
- `smbclient`, to obtain mshttps
- `ntpdate`, to update the system time
sudo apt-get install git nodejs nodejs-legacy smbclient ntpdate
#### Setup Git
The user name and email must be set to do just about anything with Git.
git config --global user.name "First Last"
git config --global user.email "alias@microsoft.com"
#### Setup Visual Studio Online
Teach Git to use the `mshttps` protocol for Visual Studio Online. The URL mapping (and `mshttps` itself) is needed for the two factor authentication that internal VSO imposes.
git config --global url.mshttps://msostc.visualstudio.com/.insteadof https://msostc.visualstudio.com/
git config --global url.mshttps://microsoft.visualstudio.com/.insteadof https://microsoft.visualstudio.com/
Download `mshttps` using SMB from a Windows share.
> Alternatively you can get `git-remote-mshttps.tar.gz` on Windows and upload it to your Linux machine.
smbclient --user=domain\\username --directory=drops\\RemoteHelper.NodeJS\\latest \\\\gitdrop\\ProjectJ -c "get git-remote-mshttps.tar.gz"
> If the file transfer fails with `tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME`, use `nslookup gitdrop` to obtain its canonical name (currently `osgbldarcfs02.redmond.corp.microsoft.com`) and use it instead.
Install `mshttps`, and update the system time (necessary for authentication with VSO).
sudo tar -xvf git-remote-mshttps.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-remote-mshttps
sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov
#### Download source code
Clone our [monad-linux][] source from Visual Studio Online. We use the `develop` branch, and several submodules, necessitating the arguments.
git clone -b develop --recursive https://msostc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/PS/_git/monad-linux
[monad-linux]: https://msostc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/PS/_git/monad-linux
### Setup build environment
If you use Docker, this part is already done for you; just prefix your build commands with `./build.sh`. But you do need Docker.
#### Use Docker
Setting up Docker has been made as simple as running a script.
wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
To make Docker work better on Ubuntu, you should also setup a [Docker group][].
sudo usermod -aG docker <your local user>
Then log out and back in. This eliminates the need to `sudo` before every Docker command.
Check the official [installation documentation][] first if you have problems setting it up.
[Docker group]: https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/#create-a-docker-group
[installation documentation]: https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/
##### Technical info
We have an [automated build repository][] on the Docker Hub that provisions an image from this [Dockerfile][]. This image contains all the necessary build dependencies, and is based on Ubuntu 14.04.
Using this image amounts to running an ephemeral container with the local source code mounted as a shared volume, which is precisely what `build.sh` does (as well as pass on command-line arguments). If the `andschwa/magrathea` image is not already present, it is automatically pulled from the Hub.
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume /absolute/path/to/monad-linux/:/opt/monad --workdir /opt/monad/scripts andschwa/magrathea make run
It is run interactively with a tty, and so acts as if a shell had been opened to the container. The actual compilation takes place in the mounted volume, that is, the host machine's local source code repository. The magic of Docker is that the compilation processes take place in the context of the container, and so have all the dependencies satisfied. To prevent literring the host with containers, it is automatically removed when it exits; this is not a problem because all side effects happen on the host's file system, and similarly creating the container requires very minimal overhead.
[automated build repository]: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/andschwa/magrathea/
[Dockerfile]: https://github.com/andschwa/docker-magrathea/blob/master/Dockerfile
#### Manually install dependencies
> Skip this section if you installed Docker.
Setup the Mono package [repository][] because Ubuntu's Mono packages are out of date.
@ -19,19 +120,15 @@ sudo apt-get update
Install necessary packages.
- [Git][], the version control system
- [Mono][], the C# compiler for Linux
- Nuget, the C# package manager
- libunwind8, used to determine the call-chain
- GCC and G++, for compiling C and C++ native code
- [GNU Make][], for building `monad-linux`
- [CMake][], for building `src/monad-native`
- Node.js, to run the Visual Studio Online mshttps Git remote helper
- smbclient, to obtain mshttps
- ntpdate, to update the system time
sudo apt-get install git mono-devel nuget libunwind8 gcc g++ make cmake nodejs nodejs-legacy smbclient ntpdate
sudo apt-get install mono-devel nuget libunwind8 gcc g++ make cmake
[repository]: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux/#debian-ubuntu-and-derivatives
@ -40,39 +137,12 @@ sudo apt-get install git mono-devel nuget libunwind8 gcc g++ make cmake nodejs n
[GNU Make]: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html
[CMake]: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.12/cmake.html
### Obtaining sources
The user name and email must be set to do just about anything with Git. The URL mapping (and mshttps itself) is needed for the two factor authentication that internal VSO imposes.
git config --global user.name "First Last"
git config --global user.email "alias@microsoft.com"
git config --global url.mshttps://msostc.visualstudio.com/.insteadof https://msostc.visualstudio.com/
git config --global url.mshttps://microsoft.visualstudio.com/.insteadof https://microsoft.visualstudio.com/
Install VSO's Git mshttps remote helper, and update the system time (necessary for authentication with VSO).
smbclient --user=domain\\username --directory=drops\\RemoteHelper.NodeJS\\latest \\\\gitdrop\\ProjectJ -c "get git-remote-mshttps.tar.gz"
sudo tar -xvf git-remote-mshttps.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-remote-mshttps
sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov
> If the file transfer fails with `tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME`, use `nslookup gitdrop` to obtain its canonical name (currently `osgbldarcfs02.redmond.corp.microsoft.com`) and use it instead.
Clone our [monad-linux][] source from Visual Studio Online. We use the `develop` branch, and several submodules, necessitating the arguments.
git clone -b develop --recursive https://msostc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/PS/_git/monad-linux
[monad-linux]: https://msostc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/PS/_git/monad-linux
### Building
1. `cd scripts` since it contains the `Makefile`
If you're using the Docker container, just prefix all build steps like so: `./build.sh make test`
1. `cd scripts` since it contains the `Makefile` and `build.sh`
2. `make prepare` will use Nuget to download several dependencies
3. `make all` will build PowerShell for Linux
4. `make run` will execute a demo, `"a","b","c","a","a" | Select-Object -Unique`
@ -83,6 +153,6 @@ git clone -b develop --recursive https://msostc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollecti
## TODO: Unit tests
## TODO: Docker setup
## TODO: Docker shell-in-a-box
## TODO: Architecture

scripts/build.sh Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Docker requires the volume path to be absolute... so we resolve it ourselves.
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $(dirname $(pwd))/:/opt/monad --workdir /opt/monad/scripts andschwa/magrathea $@