Adding tests for Remove-Module (#9276)

This commit is contained in:
pougetat 2019-04-22 19:49:58 +02:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent 3e1f630695
commit 0bd93777fc

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@ -1,19 +1,407 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. # Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Remove-Module -Name | -FullyQualifiedName | -ModuleInfo" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Remove-Module -Name "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.0\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\" -Force > $null
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.0\Foo.psd1" -ModuleVersion 1.0
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\Foo.psd1" -ModuleVersion 2.0
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -ModuleVersion 1.0
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz.psd1" -ModuleVersion 1.0
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.0\Foo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\Foo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psm1" > $null
$removeModuleByNameTestCases = @(
# Simple patterns
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Bar"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Foo"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Bar", "Foo"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar", "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = ""}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Foo", "Foo"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Foo", "Foo", "Bar"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar", "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Fo", "Foo"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
# Regex patterns
#@{ PatternsToRemove = "*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = ""} -> this breaks pester for some reason
@{ PatternsToRemove = "B*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar", "Baz"; ShouldBePresent = "Foo", "Foo"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "F*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Foo*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "F*", "Bar"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo", "Bar"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "F*", "F*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "FF*"; ShouldBeRemoved = ""; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"}
$removeModuleByNameErrorTestCases = @(
# Invalid patterns
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Fo"; ShouldBeRemoved = ""; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"}
@{ PatternsToRemove = "Fo", "Ba"; ShouldBeRemoved = ""; ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"}
$removeModuleByFQNTestCases = @(
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; RequiredVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "2.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; RequiredVersion = "2.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"}, @{ModuleName = "Bar"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo", "Bar";
ShouldBePresent = "Baz";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "3.0"}, @{ModuleName = "Bar"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar";
ShouldBePresent = "Baz", "Foo", "Foo";
$removeModuleByFQNErrorTestCases = @(
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Fo"; ModuleVersion = "1.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Foo"; ModuleVersion = "3.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo";
FqnToRemove = @{ModuleName = "Baz"; RequiredVersion = "3.0"};
ShouldBeRemoved = "";
ShouldBePresent = "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo";
BeforeEach {
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\1.0\Foo.psd1" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\2.0\Foo.psd1" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz.psd1" -Force
AfterAll {
Remove-Module -Name "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Remove-Module -Name <PatternsToRemove>" -TestCases $removeModuleByNameTestCases {
param([string[]]$PatternsToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
{ Remove-Module -Name $PatternsToRemove} | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -Name <PatternsToRemove> (Error cases)" -TestCases $removeModuleByNameErrorTestCases {
param([string[]]$PatternsToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
{ Remove-Module -Name $PatternsToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "Modules_NoModulesRemoved,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName <FullyQualifiedName>" -TestCases $removeModuleByFQNTestCases {
param([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]]$FqnToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
{ Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName $FqnToRemove } | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName <FullyQualifiedName> (Error cases)" -TestCases $removeModuleByFQNErrorTestCases {
param([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]]$FqnToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
{ Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName $FqnToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "Modules_NoModulesRemoved,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -ModuleInfo <ModuleInfo>" -TestCases $removeModuleByFQNTestCases {
param([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]]$FqnToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
$modInfo = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $FqnToRemove
{ Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $modInfo } | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -ModuleInfo (removing twice works)" {
(Get-Module -Name "Bar", "Baz", "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar", "Baz", "Foo", "Foo"
$modInfo = Get-Module -Name "Bar"
# Contrary to -Name and -FullyQualifiedName removing a non imported module works using ModuleInfo
{ Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $modInfo } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $modInfo } | Should -Not -Throw
Describe "Remove-Module : module is readOnly | Constant" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Remove-Module -Force -Name "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\" -Force > $null
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_ro.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_rw.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar_rw.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz_const.psd1"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_ro.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_rw.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar_rw.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz_const.psm1" > $null
$removeReadOnlyModulesTestCases = @(
# Simple patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_ro"; ShouldBeRemoved = ""; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar_rw", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz_const", "Foo_ro"}
# Regex patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_*", "Bar_*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar_rw", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz_const", "Foo_ro"}
$removeForceReadOnlyModulesTestCases = @(
# Simple patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_ro"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_ro"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_rw"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz_const"}
# Regex patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_*", "Bar_*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz_const"}
$removeConstantModulesTestCases = @(
# Simple patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Baz_const"; ShouldBeRemoved = ""; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"}
@{ NamesToRemove = "Baz_const", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Bar_rw", "Baz_const"}
# Regex patterns
@{ NamesToRemove = "Foo_*", "Ba*"; ShouldBeRemoved = "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"; ShouldBePresent = "Baz_const"}
AfterAll {
Remove-Module -Force -Name "Foo_*", "Ba*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
BeforeEach {
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_ro.psd1" -Force
(Get-Module -Name "Foo_ro").AccessMode = "readOnly"
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo_rw.psd1" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar_rw.psd1" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz_const.psd1" -Force
(Get-Module -Name "Baz_const").AccessMode = "Constant"
It "Remove-Module (ReadOnly modules): <NamesToRemove>" -TestCases $removeReadOnlyModulesTestCases {
param([string[]]$NamesToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"
{ Remove-Module -Name $NamesToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "Modules_ModuleIsReadOnly,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
{ Remove-Module -Name $NamesToRemove -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -Force (ReadOnly modules): <NamesToRemove>" -TestCases $removeForceReadOnlyModulesTestCases {
param([string[]]$NamesToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar_rw", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"
{ Remove-Module -Force -Name $NamesToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
It "Remove-Module -Force (Constant modules): <NamesToRemove>" -TestCases $removeConstantModulesTestCases {
param([string[]]$NamesToRemove, [string[]]$ShouldBeRemoved, [string[]]$ShouldBePresent)
(Get-Module -Name "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar_rw", "Baz_const", "Foo_ro", "Foo_rw"
{ Remove-Module -Force -Name $NamesToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "Modules_ModuleIsConstant,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
{ Remove-Module -Force -Name $NamesToRemove -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } | Should -Not -Throw
if ($ShouldBeRemoved) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBeRemoved).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
if ($ShouldBePresent) {
(Get-Module -Name $ShouldBePresent).Name | Should -BeExactly $ShouldBePresent
Describe "Remove-Module : module provides the PSDrive for current PS Session" -Tags "CI" {
It "Remove-Module : module provides the PSDrive for current PS Session" {
$module = Get-Module (Join-Path $PSHome "System.Management.Automation.dll") -ListAvailable
{ Remove-Module $module -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "InvalidOperation,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
Describe "Remove-Module : module contains nested modules" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Remove-Module -Force -Name "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\" -Force > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psm1" > $null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Baz\Baz.psm1" > $null
Set-Content -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psm1" -Value "function FooFunc {}"
Set-Content -Path "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psm1" -Value "function BarFunc {}"
It "Remove-Module : module contains nested modules" {
New-ModuleManifest "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -RootModule "./Bar.psm1" -FunctionsToExport "BarFunc"
New-ModuleManifest "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psd1" -NestedModules "../Bar/Bar.psd1" -FunctionsToExport "BarFunc"
Import-Module "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psd1" -Force
(Get-Module -Name "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Foo"
{ Get-Command BarFunc -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Remove-Module -Name "Foo" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Get-Command BarFunc -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw
(Get-Module -Name "Foo").Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Remove-Module : module contains nested modules with circular dependencies" {
New-ModuleManifest "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -RootModule "Bar" -FunctionsToExport "BarFunc" -NestedModules "Bar"
Import-Module "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -Force
(Get-Module -Name "Bar").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar"
{ Get-Command BarFunc -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Remove-Module -Name "Bar" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Get-Command BarFunc -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw
(Get-Module -Name "Bar").Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Remove-Module : modules are required by other modules" {
New-ModuleManifest "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1"
New-ModuleManifest "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psd1" -RequiredModules "Bar"
Import-Module "$testdrive\Modules\Bar\Bar.psd1" -Force
Import-Module "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psd1" -Force
(Get-Module -Name "Bar").Name | Should -BeExactly "Bar"
(Get-Module -Name "Foo").Name | Should -BeExactly "Foo"
{Remove-Module "Foo" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw
Import-Module "$testdrive\Modules\Foo\Foo.psd1" -Force
{ Remove-Module "Bar" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "Modules_ModuleIsRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveModuleCommand"
Describe "Remove-Module core module on module path by name" -Tags "CI" { Describe "Remove-Module core module on module path by name" -Tags "CI" {
$moduleName = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security" $moduleName = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security"
BeforeEach { BeforeEach {
Import-Module -Name $moduleName -Force Import-Module -Name $moduleName -Force
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
} }
It "should be able to remove a module with using Name switch" { It "should be able to remove a module with using Name switch" {
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
{ Remove-Module -Name $moduleName } | Should -Not -Throw { Remove-Module -Name $moduleName } | Should -Not -Throw
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty (Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
} }
It "should be able to remove a module with using ModuleInfo switch" { It "should be able to remove a module with using ModuleInfo switch" {
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeExactly $moduleName
$a = Get-Module -Name $moduleName $a = Get-Module -Name $moduleName
{ Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $a } | Should -Not -Throw { Remove-Module -ModuleInfo $a } | Should -Not -Throw
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty (Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
@ -44,13 +432,11 @@ Describe "Remove-Module custom module with FullyQualifiedName" -Tags "Feature" {
@{ ModPath = "$TestDrive/Modules\$moduleName/$moduleName.psd1" } @{ ModPath = "$TestDrive/Modules\$moduleName/$moduleName.psd1" }
) )
BeforeEach {
Get-Module $moduleName | Remove-Module
It "Removes a module with fully qualified name with path <ModPath>" -TestCases $testCases -Pending { It "Removes a module with fully qualified name with path <ModPath>" -TestCases $testCases -Pending {
param([string]$ModPath) param([string]$ModPath)
Get-Module $moduleName | Remove-Module
$m = Import-Module $modulePath -PassThru $m = Import-Module $modulePath -PassThru
$m.Name | Should -Be $moduleName $m.Name | Should -Be $moduleName