Improve test coverage for CDXML cmdlet infrastructure (#4537)

Create custom CIM classes (via MOF) and CDXML cmdlets against the new CIM class
Create tests for CRUD operations for CDXML cmdlets
Coverage for Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization namespace is nearly 50%
This commit is contained in:
James Truher [MSFT] 2017-08-16 16:33:53 -07:00 committed by Dongbo Wang
parent 75a294993c
commit 0d1e1919f2
5 changed files with 478 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
$script:CimClassName = "PSCore_CimTest1"
$script:CimNamespace = "root/default"
$script:moduleDir = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath assets -AdditionalChildPath CimTest
$script:deleteMof = Join-Path -Path $moduleDir -ChildPath DeleteCimTest.mof
$script:createMof = Join-Path -Path $moduleDir -ChildPath CreateCimTest.mof
$CimCmdletArgs = @{
Namespace = ${script:CimNamespace}
ClassName = ${script:CimClassName}
ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue"
$script:ItSkipOrPending = @{}
function Test-CimTestClass {
$null -eq (Get-CimClass @CimCmdletArgs)
function Test-CimTestInstance {
$null -eq (Get-CimInstance @CimCmdletArgs)
Describe "Cdxml cmdlets are supported" -Tag CI,RequireAdminOnWindows {
BeforeAll {
$skipNotWindows = ! $IsWindows
if ( $skipNotWindows ) {
$script:ItSkipOrPending = @{ Skip = $true }
# if MofComp does not exist, we shouldn't bother moving forward
# there is a possibility that we could be on Windows, but MofComp
# isn't present, in any event we will mark these tests as skipped
# since the environment won't support loading the test classes
if ( (Get-Command -ea SilentlyContinue Mofcomp.exe) -eq $null ) {
$script:ItSkipOrPending = @{ Skip = $true }
# start from a clean slate, remove the instances and the
# classes if they exist
if ( Test-CimTestClass ) {
if ( Test-CimTestInstance ) {
Get-CimInstance @CimCmdletArgs | Remove-CimInstance
# if there's a failure with mofcomp then we will have trouble
# executing the tests. Keep track of the exit code
$result = MofComp.exe $deleteMof
$script:MofCompReturnCode = $LASTEXITCODE
if ( $script:MofCompReturnCode -ne 0 ) {
# create the class and instances
# and track the exitcode for the compilation of the mof file
# if there's a problem, there's no reason to keep going
$result = MofComp.exe ${script:createMof}
$script:MofCompReturnCode = $LASTEXITCODE
if ( $script:MofCompReturnCode -ne 0 ) {
# now load the cdxml module
if ( Get-Module CimTest ) {
Remove-Module -force CimTest
Import-Module -force ${script:ModuleDir}
AfterAll {
if ( $skipNotWindows ) {
if ( get-module CimTest ) {
Remove-Module CimTest -Force
$null = MofComp.exe $deleteMof
if ( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
Write-Warning "Could not remove PSCore_CimTest class"
BeforeEach {
If ( $script:MofCompReturnCode -ne 0 ) {
throw "MofComp.exe failed with exit code $MofCompReturnCode"
Context "Module level tests" {
It "The CimTest module should have been loaded" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = Get-Module CimTest
$result.ModuleBase | should be ${script:ModuleDir}
It "The CimTest module should have the proper cmdlets" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = Get-Command -Module CimTest
$result.Count | Should Be 4
($result.Name | sort-object ) -join "," | Should Be "Get-CimTest,New-CimTest,Remove-CimTest,Set-CimTest"
Context "Get-CimTest cmdlet" {
It "The Get-CimTest cmdlet should return 4 objects" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = Get-CimTest
$result.Count | should be 4
($ |sort-object) -join "," | should be "1,2,3,4"
It "The Get-CimTest cmdlet should retrieve an object via id" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = Get-CimTest -id 1
@($result).Count | should be 1
$result.field1 | Should be "instance 1"
It "The Get-CimTest cmdlet should retrieve an object by piped id" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = 1,2,4 | foreach-object { [pscustomobject]@{ id = $_ } } | Get-CimTest
@($result).Count | should be 3
( $ | sort-object ) -join "," | Should be "1,2,4"
It "The Get-CimTest cmdlet should return the proper error if the instance does not exist" @ItSkipOrPending {
{ Get-CimTest -ea stop -id "ThisIdDoesNotExist" } | ShouldBeErrorId "CmdletizationQuery_NotFound_Id,Get-CimTest"
It "The Get-CimTest cmdlet should work as a job" @ItSkipOrPending {
try {
$job = Get-CimTest -AsJob
$result = $null
# wait up to 10 seconds, then the test will fail
# we need to wait long enough, but not too long
# the time can be adjusted
$null = Wait-Job -Job $job -timeout 10
$result = $job | Receive-Job
$result.Count | should be 4
( $ | sort-object ) -join "," | Should be "1,2,3,4"
finally {
if ( $job ) {
$job | Remove-Job -force
It "Should be possible to invoke a method on an object returned by Get-CimTest" @ItSkipOrPending {
$result = Get-CimTest | Select-Object -first 1
$result.GetCimSessionInstanceId() | Should BeOfType [guid]
Context "Remove-CimTest cmdlet" {
BeforeEach {
Get-CimTest | Remove-CimTest
1..4 | Foreach-Object { New-CimInstance -namespace root/default -class PSCore_Test1 -property @{
id = "$_"
field1 = "field $_"
field2 = 10 * $_
It "The Remote-CimTest cmdlet should remove objects by id" @ItSkipOrPending {
Remove-CimTest -id 1
$result = Get-CimTest
$result.Count | should be 3
($ |sort-object) -join "," | should be "2,3,4"
It "The Remove-CimTest cmdlet should remove piped objects" @ItSkipOrPending {
Get-CimTest -id 2 | Remove-CimTest
$result = Get-CimTest
@($result).Count | should be 3
($ |sort-object) -join "," | should be "1,3,4"
It "The Remove-CimTest cmdlet should work as a job" @ItSkipOrPending {
try {
$job = Get-CimTest -id 3 | Remove-CimTest -asjob
$result = $null
# wait up to 10 seconds, then the test will fail
# we need to wait long enough, but not too long
# the time can be adjusted
$null = Wait-Job -Job $job -Timeout 10
$result = Get-CimTest
@($result).Count | should be 3
($ |sort-object) -join "," | should be "1,2,4"
finally {
if ( $job ) {
$job | Remove-Job -force
Context "New-CimTest operations" {
It "Should create a new instance" @ItSkipOrPending {
$instanceArgs = @{
id = "telephone"
field1 = "television"
field2 = 0
New-CimTest @instanceArgs
$result = Get-CimInstance -namespace root/default -class PSCore_Test1 | Where-Object {$ -eq "telephone"}
$result.field2 | should be 0
$result.field1 | Should be $instanceArgs.field1
It "Should return the proper error if called with an improper value" @ItSkipOrPending {
$instanceArgs = @{
Id = "error validation"
field1 = "a string"
field2 = "a bad string" # this needs to be an int
{ New-CimTest @instanceArgs } | ShouldBeErrorId "ParameterArgumentTransformationError,New-CimTest"
# just make sure that it wasn't added
Get-CimTest -id $instanceArgs.Id -ea SilentlyContinue | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should support -whatif" @ItSkipOrPending {
$instanceArgs = @{
Id = "1000"
field1 = "a string"
field2 = 111
Whatif = $true
New-CimTest @instanceArgs
Get-CimTest -id $instanceArgs.Id -ea SilentlyContinue | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Set-CimTest operations" {
It "Should set properties on an instance" @ItSkipOrPending {
$instanceArgs = @{
id = "updateTest1"
field1 = "updatevalue"
field2 = 100
$newValues = @{
id = "updateTest1"
field2 = 22
field1 = "newvalue"
New-CimTest @instanceArgs
$result = Get-CimTest -id $
$result.field2 | should be $instanceArgs.field2
$result.field1 | Should be $instanceArgs.field1
Set-CimTest @newValues
$result = Get-CimTest -id $
$result.field1 | Should be $newValues.field1
$result.field2 | should be $newValues.field2
It "Should set properties on an instance via pipeline" @ItSkipOrPending {
$instanceArgs = @{
id = "updateTest2"
field1 = "updatevalue"
field2 = 100
New-CimTest @instanceArgs
$result = Get-CimTest -id $
$result.field2 | should be $instanceArgs.field2
$result.field1 | Should be $instanceArgs.field1
$result.field1 = "yet another value"
$result.field2 = 33
$result | Set-CimTest
$result = Get-CimTest -id $
$result.field1 | Should be "yet another value"
$result.field2 | should be 33

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
GUID = '41486F7D-842F-40F1-ACE4-8405F9C2ED9B'
Author="Microsoft Corporation"
CompanyName="Microsoft Corporation"
Copyright="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
ModuleVersion = ''
PowerShellVersion = '3.0'
FormatsToProcess = @()
TypesToProcess = @()
NestedModules = @( 'CimTest.cdxml')
AliasesToExport = @()
CmdletsToExport = @()
FunctionsToExport = @( 'Get-CimTest', 'Remove-CimTest', 'New-CimTest', 'Set-CimTest' )

View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
<PowerShellMetadata xmlns="">
<Class ClassName="ROOT/default/PSCore_Test1">
// Get-CimTest
<GetCmdletParameters DefaultCmdletParameterSet="Id">
<Property PropertyName="Id">
<Type PSType="System.String" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true" CmdletParameterSets="Id" />
<CmdletMetadata Verb="Remove" ConfirmImpact="Medium" />
<Method MethodName="cim:DeleteInstance">
<Parameter ParameterName="cim:operationOption:SourceCaller" DefaultValue="Microsoft.PowerShell">
<Type PSType="System.String" />
<GetCmdletParameters DefaultCmdletParameterSet="Id">
<Property PropertyName="Id">
<Type PSType="System.String" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata Position="0" IsMandatory="true" ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true" CmdletParameterSets="Id" />
<!-- Set-CimTest -->
<CmdletMetadata Verb="Set" ConfirmImpact="Medium" HelpUri="" Aliases="scimt"/>
<Method MethodName="cim:ModifyInstance">
<Parameter ParameterName="field1">
<Type PSType="string" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true">
<AllowEmptyString />
<ValidateNotNull />
<Parameter ParameterName="field2">
<Type PSType="Uint32" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true">
<ValidateNotNull />
<ValidateNotNullOrEmpty />
<Property PropertyName="Id">
<Type PSType="string" />
<RegularQuery AllowGlobbing="false">
<CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="true" Position="1" ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true" CmdletParameterSets="Query">
<ValidateNotNull />
<ValidateNotNullOrEmpty />
<CmdletMetadata Verb="New" ConfirmImpact="Medium" />
<Method MethodName="cim:CreateInstance">
<Parameter ParameterName="Id">
<Type PSType="string" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata PSName="Id" />
<Parameter ParameterName="field1">
<Type PSType="string" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata PSName="field1" />
<Parameter ParameterName="field2">
<Type PSType="int32" />
<CmdletParameterMetadata PSName="field2" />
<Data Name="ClientSideShouldProcess" />
<Enum EnumName="CimTest.field2enum" UnderlyingType="System.Int32">
<Value Name="Default" Value="0" />
<Value Name="Value1" Value="1" />
<Value Name="Value2" Value="2" />
<Value Name="Value3" Value="3" />
<Value Name="Value4" Value="4" />
<Value Name="Value5" Value="5" />
<Value Name="Value6" Value="6" />

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
class PSCore_subclass
[key] string id;
string subfield1;
sint32 subfield2;
instance of PSCore_subclass
id = "s1";
subfield1 = "sub thing";
subfield2 = 100;
[HasClassRefs, Association]
class PSCore_Association
[key, classref{ "PSCore_Test1", "PSCore_Test2" }]
object ref ep1;
[key] object ref ep2;
class PSCore_Test2
[key] string id;
string field1;
sint32 field2;
class PSCore_Test1
[key] string id;
string field1;
sint32 field2;
PSCore_subclass subclass;
instance of PSCore_Test1
id = "1";
field1 = "instance 1";
field2 = -1;
subclass = instance of PSCore_subclass{Id="10";subfield1="yup";subfield2=200;};
instance of PSCore_Test1
id = "2";
field1 = "instance 2";
field2 = -2;
instance of PSCore_Test1
id = "3";
field1 = "instance 3";
field2 = -3;
instance of PSCore_Test1
id = "4";
field1 = "instance 4";
field2 = -4;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\default")
#pragma deleteclass("PSCore_Test1", NOFAIL)
#pragma deleteclass("PSCore_Test2", NOFAIL)
#pragma deleteclass("PSCore_subclass", NOFAIL)
#pragma deleteclass("PSCore_Association", NOFAIL)