Update comments for Export-Alias Pester unit test

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JumpingYang001 2016-04-07 19:51:28 -07:00
parent 04f3936b6b
commit 108bcbf860

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Describe "Export-Alias DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$testAliasDirectory = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath ExportAliasTestDirectory
$testAliases = "TestAliases"
$fulltestpath = Join-Path -Path $($testAliasDirectory) -ChildPath $($testAliases)
$fulltestpath = Join-Path -Path $testAliasDirectory -ChildPath $testAliases
BeforeEach {
New-Item -Path $testAliasDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force
@ -90,25 +90,17 @@ Describe "Export-Alias DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$fulltestpath| Should ContainExactly '"abcd02","efgh02","","None"'
It "Export-Alias for Force ReadOnly Test for linux" -Skip:$IsWindows {
It "Export-Alias for Force ReadOnly Test" {
Export-Alias $fulltestpath abcd01
chmod 444 $fulltestpath
Export-Alias $fulltestpath abcd02
if ( $IsWindows )
attrib +r $fulltestpath
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "FileOpenFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ExportAliasCommand"
chmod 444 $fulltestpath
Export-Alias $fulltestpath abcd03 -force
$fulltestpath| Should Not ContainExactly '"abcd01","efgh01","","None"'
$fulltestpath| Should Not ContainExactly '"abcd02","efgh02","","None"'
$fulltestpath| Should ContainExactly '"abcd03","efgh03","","None"'
chmod 777 $fulltestpath
It "Export-Alias for Force ReadOnly Test for windows" -Skip:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {
Export-Alias $fulltestpath abcd01
attrib +r $fulltestpath
Export-Alias $fulltestpath abcd02
@ -119,14 +111,23 @@ Describe "Export-Alias DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$fulltestpath| Should Not ContainExactly '"abcd01","efgh01","","None"'
$fulltestpath| Should Not ContainExactly '"abcd02","efgh02","","None"'
$fulltestpath| Should ContainExactly '"abcd03","efgh03","","None"'
attrib -r $fulltestpath
if ( $IsWindows )
attrib -r $fulltestpath
chmod 777 $fulltestpath
Describe "Export-Alias" {
$testAliasDirectory = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath ExportAliasTestDirectory
$testAliases = "TestAliases"
$fulltestpath = Join-Path -Path $($testAliasDirectory) -ChildPath $($testAliases)
$fulltestpath = Join-Path -Path $testAliasDirectory -ChildPath $testAliases
BeforeEach {
New-Item -Path $testAliasDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ Describe "Export-Alias" {
Test-Path $fulltestpath | Should Be $true
$actual = Get-Content $fulltestpath | Sort
$expected = $(Get-Command -CommandType Alias)
$expected = Get-Command -CommandType Alias
for ( $i=0; $i -lt $expected.Length; $i++)