Support building Ubuntu 16.04 packages

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Schwartzmeyer 2016-08-11 13:38:35 -07:00
parent 39184852d9
commit 349491be84

View file

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ try {
if ($IsLinux) {
$LinuxInfo = Get-Content /etc/os-release | ConvertFrom-StringData
$IsUbuntu = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'ubuntu' -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '14.04'
$IsUbuntu = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'ubuntu'
$IsUbuntu14 = $IsUbuntu -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '14.04'
$IsUbuntu16 = $IsUbuntu -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '16.04'
$IsCentOS = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'centos' -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '7'
@ -218,6 +220,7 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
if ($IsOSX) {
# This is the restored library used to build
# This is allowed to fail since the user may have already restored
Write-Warning ".NET Core links the incorrect OpenSSL, correcting NuGet package libraries..."
find $env:HOME/.nuget -name System.Security.Cryptography.Native.dylib | xargs sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
@ -665,27 +668,38 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
if ($IsUbuntu) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "curl", "g++", "cmake", "make"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libicu52", "libunwind8"
$Deps += "libunwind8"
if ($IsUbuntu14) { $Deps += "libicu52" }
elseif ($IsUbuntu16) { $Deps += "libicu55" }
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-dev" }
# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y -qq $Deps
} elseif ($IsCentos) {
} elseif ($IsCentOS) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "curl", "gcc-c++", "cmake", "make"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libicu", "libunwind"
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-devel", "rpmbuild" }
# Install dependencies
sudo yum install -y -q $Deps
} elseif ($IsOSX) {
precheck 'brew' "Bootstrap dependency 'brew' not found, must install Homebrew! See"
# Build tools
$Deps += "curl", "cmake"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "openssl"
# Install dependencies
brew install $Deps
@ -724,6 +738,7 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
if ($IsOSX) {
# This is the library shipped with .NET Core
# This is allowed to fail as the user may have installed other versions of dotnet
Write-Warning ".NET Core links the incorrect OpenSSL, correcting .NET CLI libraries..."
find $env:HOME/.dotnet -name System.Security.Cryptography.Native.dylib | xargs sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
@ -849,7 +864,7 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
} elseif ($IsWindows) {
"msi", "appx"
Write-Warning "-Types was not specified, continuing with $Types"
Write-Warning "-Types was not specified, continuing with $Types!"
switch ($Types) {
@ -906,6 +921,31 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
[int]$Iteration = 1
# Validate platform
$ErrorMessage = "Must be on {0} to build '$Type' packages!"
switch ($Type) {
"deb" {
$WarningMessage = "Building for Ubuntu {0}.04!"
if (!$IsUbuntu) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "Ubuntu")
} elseif ($IsUbuntu14) {
Write-Warning ($WarningMessage -f "14")
} elseif ($IsUbuntu16) {
Write-Warning ($WarningMessage -f "16")
"rpm" {
if (!$IsCentOS) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "CentOS")
"osxpkg" {
if (!$IsOSX) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "OS X")
foreach ($Dependency in "fpm", "ronn") {
if (!(precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Publish")) {
throw "Dependency precheck failed!"
@ -1007,7 +1047,10 @@ It consists of a cross-platform command-line shell and associated scripting lang
$libicu = switch ($Type) {
"deb" { "libicu52" }
"deb" {
if ($IsUbuntu14) { "libicu52" }
elseif ($IsUbuntu16) { "libicu55" }
"rpm" { "libicu" }