Added tests to close code coverage in CIM area (#2528)

* Added tests to close code coverage in CIM area

Added CimAdapter.Tests for adaptation layer (code cribbed from BVT tests)
Added SessionOption.Tests.ps1 (Code cribbed from BVT tests)
Modified CimClass tests by adding more tests
Added CimSession.Tests for basic tests of New-CimSession cmdlet
Added CimInstance.Tests for basic tests of Get-CimInstance

* Add CI tags to tests

* unify test execution to use try/catch for marking tests as skipped

moved test which retrieves cimclass via method to feature as it is not
a common operation, this test can take some time as well
This commit is contained in:
James Truher [MSFT] 2016-11-17 11:46:07 -08:00 committed by Jason Shirk
parent 3363b248a0
commit 3f99de5784
5 changed files with 272 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues['it:pending'] = $true
Describe "CimInstance cmdlet tests" -Tag @("CI") {
BeforeAll {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) { return }
$instance = get-ciminstance cim_computersystem
It "CimClass property should not be null" {
# we can't use equals here as on windows cimclassname
# is win32_computersystem, but that's not likely to be the
# case on non-Windows systems
$instance.cimClass.CimClassName | should match _computersystem
It "Property access should be case insensitive" {
foreach($property in $ {
$pUpper = $property.ToUpper()
$pLower = $property.ToLower()
[string]$pLowerValue = $pinstance.$pLower -join ","
[string]$pUpperValue = $pinstance.$pUpper -join ","
$pLowerValue | should be $pUpperValue
It "GetCimSessionInstanceId method invocation should return data" {
$instance.GetCimSessionInstanceId() | Should BeOfType "Guid"
It "should produce an error for a non-existing classname" {
try {
get-ciminstance -classname thisnameshouldnotexist -ea stop
throw "expected error did not occur"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "HRESULT 0x80041010,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand"
finally {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues['it:pending'] = $true
Describe "New-CimSession" -Tag @("CI") {
BeforeAll {
$sessions = @()
AfterEach {
try {
$sessions | remove-cimsession
finally {
$sessions = @()
It "A cim session can be created" {
$sessionName = [guid]::NewGuid()
$session = New-CimSession -ComputerName . -name $sessionName
$sessions += $session
$session.Name | Should be $sessionName
$session.InstanceId | should BeOfType "System.Guid"
It "A Cim session can be retrieved" {
$sessionName = [guid]::NewGuid()
$session = New-CimSession -ComputerName . -name $sessionName
$sessions += $session
(get-cimsession -Name $sessionName).InstanceId | should be $session.InstanceId
(get-cimsession -Id $session.Id).InstanceId | should be $session.InstanceId
(get-cimsession -InstanceId $session.InstanceId).InstanceId | should be $session.InstanceId
It "A cim session can be removed" {
$sessionName = [guid]::NewGuid()
$session = New-CimSession -ComputerName . -name $sessionName
$sessions += $session
$session.Name | Should be $sessionName
$session | Remove-CimSession
Get-CimSession $session.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | should BeNullOrEmpty
finally {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,44 @@
Describe 'Get-CimClass' -tags "CI" { try {
# Get-CimClass works only on windows # Get-CimClass works only on windows right now
It 'can get CIM_Error CIM class' -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
Get-CimClass -ClassName CIM_Error | Should Not Be $null $PSDefaultParameterValues['it:pending'] = $true
} }
Describe 'Get-CimClass' -tags "CI" {
It 'can get CIM_Error CIM class' {
Get-CimClass -ClassName CIM_Error | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'can get class when namespace is specified' {
Get-CimClass -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem -Namespace root/cimv2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'produces an error when a non-existent class is used' {
try {
Get-CimClass -ClassName thisclasstypedoesnotexist -ea stop
throw "Expected error did not occur"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "HRESULT 0x80041002,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimClassCommand"
It 'produces an error when an improper namespace is used' {
try {
Get-CimClass -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem -Namespace badnamespace -ea stop
throw "Expected error did not occur"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "HRESULT 0x8004100e,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimClassCommand"
# feature tests
Describe 'Get-CimClass' -tags @("Feature") {
It 'can retrieve a class when a method is provided' {
Get-CimClass -MethodName Reboot | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
finally {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
function getIndex
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $strings.Count; $i++) {
if ($strings[$i] -like $pattern) {
return $i
return -1
try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:pending"] = $true
Describe "CIM Objects are adapted properly" -Tag @("CI") {
BeforeAll {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$p = get-ciminstance win32_process |Select-object -first 1
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?Win32_Process"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_Process"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_LogicalElement"
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*root?cimv2?CIM_ManagedSystemElement"
$indexOf_className_Win32Process = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#Win32_Process"
$indexOf_className_CimProcess = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_Process"
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_LogicalElement"
$indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement = getIndex $p.PSTypeNames "*#CIM_ManagedSystemElement"
AfterAll {
It "Namespace-qualified Win32_Process is present" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_Process is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_LogicalElement is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Namespace-qualified CIM_ManagedSystemElement is present" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of Win32_Process is present" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_className_Win32Process |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_Process is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimProcess |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_LogicalElement is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Classname of CIM_ManagedSystemElement is present" {
$indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement |Should not Be (-1)
It "Win32_Process comes after CIM_Process (namespace qualified)" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_Win32Process |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess
It "CIM_Process comes after CIM_LogicalElement (namespace qualified)" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimProcess |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement
It "CIM_LogicalElement comes after CIM_ManagedSystemElement (namespace qualified)" {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimLogicalElement |should belessthan $indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement
It "Win32_Process comes after CIM_Process (classname only)" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_className_Win32Process |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimProcess
It "CIM_Process comes after CIM_LogicalElement (classname only)" {
$indexOf_className_CimProcess |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement
It "CIM_LogicalElement comes after CIM_ManagedSystemElement (classname only)" {
$indexOf_className_CimLogicalElement |should belessthan $indexOf_className_CimManagedSystemElement
It "Namespace qualified PSTypenames comes after class-only PSTypeNames" -skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$indexOf_namespaceQualified_CimManagedSystemElement |should belessthan $indexOf_className_Win32Process
finally {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues['it:skip'] = $true
Describe " WSMan SessionOption object" -Tag @("CI") {
It "The SessionOption type exists" {
"Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SessionOption" -as "Type" | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "The SessionOption type can be created" {
$result = [Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SessionOption]::new()
$result | should BeOfType "Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SessionOption"
It "The SessionOption type has the proper properties when created with the default constructor" {
$result = [Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SessionOption]::new()
$result.SkipCACheck | should be $False
$result.SkipCNCheck | should be $False
$result.SkipRevocationCheck | should be $False
$result.UseEncryption | should be $True
$result.UseUtf16 | should be $False
$result.ProxyAuthentication | should be 0
$result.SPNPort | should be 0
$result.OperationTimeout | should be 0
$result.ProxyCredential | should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.ProxyAccessType | should be ProxyIEConfig
It "The values of SessionOption may be set" {
$result = [Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SessionOption]::new()
$result.SkipCACheck = $true
$result.SkipCNCheck = $true
$result.SkipRevocationCheck = $true
$result.UseUtf16 = $True
$result.UseEncryption = $false
$result.ProxyAuthentication = "Negotiate"
$result.SPNPort = 10
$result.OperationTimeout = 10
$result.ProxyAccessType = "ProxyAutoDetect"
$result.ProxyCredential = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("user","pass")
$result.SkipCACheck | should be $true
$result.SkipCNCheck | should be $true
$result.SkipRevocationCheck | should be $true
$result.UseEncryption | should be $False
$result.UseUtf16 | should be $True
$result.ProxyAuthentication | should be "Negotiate"
$result.SPNPort | should be 10
$result.OperationTimeout | should be 10
$result.ProxyCredential | should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$result.ProxyAccessType | should be "ProxyAutoDetect"
finally {