Merge pull request #1565 from PowerShell/ParameterBindingTest

Add Pester Test for ParameterBindingTests2.cs
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Jason Shirk 2016-08-05 08:41:15 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 48cf1b5489

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@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
Describe "Parameter Binding Tests" -Tags "CI" {
It "Should throw a parameter binding exception when two parameters have the same position" {
function test-PositionalBinding1 {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)] [int]$Parameter1 = 0,
[Parameter(Position = 0)] [int]$Parameter2 = 0
Process {
return $true
test-PositionalBinding1 1
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "AmbiguousPositionalParameterNoName,test-PositionalBinding1"
It "a mandatory parameter can't be passed a null if it doesn't have AllowNullAttribute" {
function test-allownullattributes {
param (
[string]$Parameter1 = "default1",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Parameter2 = "default2",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Parameter3 = "default3",
[AllowNull()] [int]$Parameter4 = 0,
[AllowEmptyString()][int]$Parameter5 = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$ShowMe = 0
Process {
switch ( $ShowMe )
1 {
return $Parameter1
2 {
return $Parameter2
3 {
return $Parameter3
4 {
return $Parameter4
5 {
return $Parameter5
test-allownullattributes -Parameter2 1 -Parameter3 $null -ShowMe 1
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,test-allownullattributes"
$_.CategoryInfo | Should match "ParameterBindingValidationException"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Parameter3"
It "can't pass an argument that looks like a boolean parameter to a named string parameter" {
function test-namedwithboolishargument {
param (
[bool] $Parameter1 = $false,
[Parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$Parameter2 = ""
Process {
return $Parameter2
test-namedwithboolishargument -Parameter2 -Parameter1
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "MissingArgument,test-namedwithboolishargument"
$_.CategoryInfo | Should match "ParameterBindingException"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Parameter2"
It "Verify that a SwitchParameter's IsPresent member is false if the parameter is not specified" {
function test-singleswitchparameter {
param (
Process {
return $Parameter1.IsPresent
$result = test-singleswitchparameter
$result | Should Be $false
It "Verify that a bool parameter returns proper value" {
function test-singleboolparameter {
param (
[bool]$Parameter1 = $false
Process {
return $Parameter1
$result1 = test-singleboolparameter
$result1 | Should Be $false
$result2 = test-singleboolparameter -Parameter1:1
$result2 | Should Be $true
It "Should throw a exception when passing a string that can't be parsed by Int" {
function test-singleintparameter {
param (
[int]$Parameter1 = 0
Process {
return $Parameter1
test-singleintparameter -Parameter1 'dookie'
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "ParameterArgumentTransformationError,test-singleintparameter"
$_.CategoryInfo | Should match "ParameterBindingArgumentTransformationException"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Input string was not in a correct format"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Parameter1"
It "Verify that WhatIf is available when SupportShouldProcess is true" {
function test-supportsshouldprocess2 {
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
Param ()
Process {
return 1
$result = test-supportsshouldprocess2 -Whatif
$result | Should Be 1
It "Verify that ValueFromPipeline takes precedence over ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName without type coercion" {
function test-bindingorder2 {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "one")] [string]$Parameter1 = "",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = "two")] [int]$Length = 0
Process {
return "$Parameter1 - $Length"
$result = '0123' | test-bindingorder2
$result | Should Be "0123 - 0"
It "Verify that a ScriptBlock object can be delay-bound to a parameter of type FileInfo with pipeline input" {
function test-scriptblockbindingfrompipeline {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$Parameter1
Process {
return $Parameter1.Name
$testFile = Join-Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "testfile.txt"
New-Item -Path $testFile -ItemType file -Force
$result = Get-Item $testFile | test-scriptblockbindingfrompipeline -Parameter1 {$_}
$result | Should Be "testfile.txt"
It "Verify that a dynamic parameter named WhatIf doesn't conflict if SupportsShouldProcess is false" {
function test-dynamicparameters3 {
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "one")] [int]$Parameter1 = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "two")] [int]$Parameter2 = 0,
[int]$WhatIf = 0
{ test-dynamicparameters3 -Parameter1 1 } | Should Not Throw
It "Verify that an int can be bound to a parameter of type Array" {
function test-collectionbinding1 {
param (
[array]$Parameter1 = "",
[int[]]$Parameter2 = ""
Process {
$result = ""
if($Parameter1 -ne $null)
$result += " P1"
foreach ($object in $Parameter1)
$result = $result + ":" + $object.GetType().Name + "," + $object
if($Parameter2 -ne $null)
$result += " P2"
foreach ($object in $Parameter2)
$result = $result + ":" + $object.GetType().Name + "," + $object
return $result.Trim()
$result = test-collectionbinding1 -Parameter1 1
$result | Should Be "P1:Int32,1"
It "Verify that a dynamic parameter and an alias can't have the same name" {
function test-nameconflicts6 {
param (
[int]$Parameter1 = 0,
[int]$Parameter2 = 0
test-nameconflicts6 -Parameter2 1
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "ParameterNameConflictsWithAlias"
$_.CategoryInfo | Should match "MetadataException"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Parameter1"
$_.Exception.Message | should match "Parameter2"