-refactor Apache demo completely

-bug fix in SystemD (json) demo
-Move demos to self-contained folders
This commit is contained in:
opquad@live.com 2016-07-25 13:51:37 -07:00
parent af90f38f64
commit 4f2f0bb02c
7 changed files with 204 additions and 173 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
#Region utility functions
Function GetApacheCmd{
if (Test-Path "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"
}elseif(Test-Path "/usr/sbin/httpd"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/httpd"
Write-Error "Unable to find httpd or apache2ctl program. Unable to continue"
exit -1
Function GetApacheVHostDir{
if (Test-Path "/etc/httpd/conf.d"){
$VHostsDirectory = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/"
if (Test-Path "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled"){
$VHostsDirectory = "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled"
$VHostsDirectory = $null
Function CleanInputString([string]$inputStr){
$outputStr = $inputStr.Trim().Replace('`n','').Replace('\n','')
#EndRegion utilty functions
#Region Class specifications
Class ApacheVirtualHost{
[string]$VirtualHostIPAddress = "*"
[string]$VirtualHostPort = "80"
#region class constructors
#region class methods
if (!(Test-Path $this.DocumentRoot)){ New-Item -type Directory $this.DocumentRoot }
$VHostsDirectory = GetApacheVHostDir
if (!(Test-Path $VHostsDirectory)){
Write-Error "Specified virtual hosts directory does not exist: $VHostsDirectory"
exit 1
$vHostDef = "<VirtualHost $this.VirtualHostIPAddress:$this.VirtualHostPort >`n"
$vHostDef += "DocumentRoot " + $this.DocumentRoot + "`n"
ForEach ($Alias in $this.ServerAliases){
$vHostDef += "ServerAlias " + $Alias + "`n"
if ($this.ServerAdmin.Length -gt 1){$vHostDef += "ServerAdmin " + $this.ServerAdmin +"`n"}
if ($this.CustomLogPath -like "*/*"){$vHostDef += "CustomLog " + $this.CustomLogPath +"`n"}
if ($this.ErrorLogPath -like "*/*"){$vHostDef += "ErrorLog " + $this.ErrorLogpath +"`n"}
$vHostDef += "</VirtualHost>"
$filName = $ConfigurationFile
$VhostDef |out-file "${VHostsDirectory}/${filName}" -Force -Encoding:ascii
Write-Information "Restarting Apache HTTP Server"
#EndRegion Class Specifications
Function New-ApacheVHost {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$ServerName,
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$DocumentRoot,
$newVHost = [ApacheVirtualHost]::new()
$newVHost.ServerName = $ServerName
$newVHost.DocumentRoot = $DocumentRoot
$newVHost.ServerAliases = $ServerAliases
if ($VirtualHostIPAddress){$newVHost.VirtualHostIPAddress = $VirtualHostIPAddress}
if ($VirtualHostPort){$newVHost.VirtualHostPort = $VirtualHostPort}
$newVHost.ServerAdmin = $ServerAdmin
$newVHost.CustomLogPath = $CustomLogPath
$newVHost.ErrorLogPath = $ErrorLogPath
Function Get-ApacheVHost{
$cmd = GetApacheCmd
$Vhosts = @()
$res = & $cmd -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
ForEach ($line in $res){
$ServerName = $null
if ($line -like "*:*.conf*"){
#$vhobject = New-VHostObj
$RMatch = $line -match "(?<Listen>.*:[0-9]*)(?<ServerName>.*)\((?<ConfFile>.*)\)"
$ListenAddress = $Matches.Listen.trim()
$ServerName = $Matches.ServerName.trim()
$ConfFile = $Matches.ConfFile.trim()
if ($line.trim().split()[0] -like "*:*"){
$ListenAddress = $line.trim().split()[0]
}elseif($line -like "*.conf*"){
if ($line -like "*default*"){
$ServerName = "_Default"
$ConfFile = $line.trim().split()[3].split(":")[0].Replace('(','')
}elseif($line -like "*namevhost*"){
$ServerName = $line.trim().split()[3]
$ConfFile = $line.trim().split()[4].split(":")[0].Replace('(','')
if ($ServerName -ne $null){
$vHost = [ApacheVirtualHost]::New
$vHost.ServerName = $ServerName
$vHost.ConfFile = $ConfFile
$vHost.VirtualHostIPAddress = $ListenAddress.Split(":")[0]
$vHost.VirtualHostPort = $ListenAddress.Split(":")[1]
$Vhosts += $vHost
Return $Vhosts
Function Restart-ApacheHTTPServer{
if ($Graceful -eq $null){$Graceful = $fase}
$cmd = GetApacheCmd
if ($Graceful){
& $cmd -k graceful
& $cmd -k restart

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
ipmo Apache
#list Apache Modules
Get-ApacheModules |Where {$_.Module -like "*proxy*"}|Sort-Object Module
#Graceful restart of Apache
Restart-ApacheHTTPServer -graceful
#Enumerate current virtual hosts (web sites)
#Add a new virtual host
New-ApacheVHost -ServerName "mytestserver" -DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mystestserver -VirtualHostIPAddress * -VirtualHostPort 8090
#Enumerate new set of virtual hosts

demos/Apache/readme.md Normal file
View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Function Get-SystemDJournal {
param (
$cmd = "journalctl"
$Result = & $cmd $journalctlParameters -o json --no-pager
$JSONResult = $Result|ConvertFrom-JSON

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#list recent journal events
Get-SystemDJournal -args "-xe"
#Drill into SystemD unit messages
Get-SystemDJournal -args "-xe" |where {$_._SYSTEMD_UNIT -like "*.service"} |ft _SYSTEMD_UNIT, MESSAGE |select-object -first 10

demos/SystemD/readme.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#Journalctl (JSON parsing) demo
-SystemD-based system (RHEL/CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04)
-Privileges (launch powershell with sudo)

View file

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
$moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Function New-ApacheVHost {
param (
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$ServerName,
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$DocumentRoot,
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$VirtualHostIPAddress,
[parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$VirtualHostPort,
if ($VHostsDirectory -notlike "*/*"){
#Try to find default
if (Test-Path "/etc/httpd/conf.d"){
$VHostsDirectory = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/"
if (Test-Path "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled"){
$VHostsDirectory = "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled"
if (!(Test-Path $VHostsDirectory)){
Write-Error "Specified virtual hosts directory does not exist: $VHostsDirectory"
exit 1
$vHostDef = "<VirtualHost "
if ($VirtualHostIPAddress -ne $null){
$vHostDef += $VirtualHostIPAddress
if ($VirtualHostPort -ne $null){
$vHostDef += ":$VirtualHostPort"
$vHostDef += ">"
$vHostDef += "`n"
$vHostDef += "DocumentRoot " + $DocumentRoot + "`n"
$vHostDef += "ServerName " + $ServerName + "`n"
if ($ServerAliases -ne $null){
ForEach ($Alias in $ServerAliases){
$vHostDef += "ServerAlias " + $Alias + "`n"
if ($ServerAdmin.Length -gt 1){
$vHostDef += "ServerAdmin " + $ServerAdmin +"`n"
if ($CustomLogPath -like "*/*"){
$vHostDef += "CustomLog " + $CustomLogPath +"`n"
if ($ErrorLogPath -like "*/*"){
$vHostDef += "ErrorLog " + $ErrorLogpath +"`n"
$vHostDef += "</VirtualHost>"
$filName = $ServerName + ".conf"
Write-Output "Writing $filName to $VHostsDirectory"
$VhostDef |out-file "$VHostsDirectory/$filName" -Force -Encoding:ascii
if (Test-Path "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"
}elseif(Test-Path "/usr/sbin/httpd"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/httpd"
$cmd += " -k restart"
write-output "Restarting Apache HTTP daemon"
Invoke-expression $cmd
Function Get-ApacheVHosts{
$cmd = $null
if (Test-Path "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"
}elseif(Test-Path "/usr/sbin/httpd"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/httpd"
function New-VHostObj {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
if ($cmd -eq $null){
Write-Error "Unable to find httpd/apache2ctl command"
exit -1
$cmd = $cmd += " -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS"
$Vhosts = @()
$res = Invoke-expression $cmd
ForEach ($line in $res){
if ($line -like "*.conf*"){
$vhobject = New-VHostObj
$RMatch = $line -match "(?<Listen>.*:[0-9]*)(?<ServerName>.*)\((?<ConfFile>.*)\)"
$VHostProps = $matches
$vhobject |Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "ServerName" -value $matches.ServerName.Trim()
$vhobject |Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "ListenAddress" -value $matches.Listen.Trim()
$vhobject |Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "ConfFile" -value $matches.ConfFile.Trim()
$Vhosts += $vhobject
Return $Vhosts
Function Restart-ApacheHTTPServer{
if ($Graceful -eq $null){$Graceful = $fase}
$cmd = $null
if (Test-Path "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"
}elseif(Test-Path "/usr/sbin/httpd"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/httpd"
if ($cmd -eq $null){
Write-Error "Unable to find httpd/apache2ctl command"
exit -1
if ($Graceful){
$cmd = $cmd += " -k graceful"
$cmd = $cmd += " -k restart"
Invoke-Expression $Cmd
Function Get-ApacheModules{
$cmd = $null
if (Test-Path "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"
}elseif(Test-Path "/usr/sbin/httpd"){
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/httpd"
if ($cmd -eq $null){
Write-Error "Unable to find httpd/apache2ctl command"
exit -1
$cmd = $cmd += " -M |grep -v Loaded"
$ApacheModules = @()
function New-ModuleObj {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
$Results = Invoke-Expression $cmd
Foreach ($mod in $Results){
$modObj = New-ModuleObj
$modObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Module" -value $mod.trim()
$ApacheModules += $modObj
Return $ApacheModules