Add more tab completion tests (#4356)

* Add more TabCompletion tests

* Minor changes

* Add some more tests

* Add more tab completion tests

* Fix errors

* Add more test coverage

* Add 'AfterEach { Pop-Location }'

* Enable DSC resource name completion and address comments

* use both '/' and '\' in the path for completion

* Use a separate test for '\' and '/'
This commit is contained in:
Dongbo Wang 2017-08-03 15:26:20 -07:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent fbe547e4ab
commit 6d32293437
2 changed files with 639 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -1321,9 +1321,6 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
List<CompletionResult> results = null;
matched = false;
#if CORECLR // Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration is not in CORE CLR
results = new List<CompletionResult>();
IEnumerable<DynamicKeyword> keywords = configureAst.DefinedKeywords.Where(
k => // Node is special case, legal in both Resource and Meta configuration
String.Compare(k.Keyword, @"Node", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
@ -1369,7 +1366,6 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
return results;

View file

@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ Describe "TabCompletion" -Tags CI {
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should be 'Foreach('
It "Should complete Magic where" {
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript '(1..10).wh' -cursorColumn '(1..10).wh'.Length
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should be 'Where('
It 'Should complete types' {
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript '[pscu' -cursorColumn '[pscu'.Length
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should be 'pscustomobject'
@ -200,4 +205,638 @@ Describe "TabCompletion" -Tags CI {
$completionText = $res.CompletionMatches.CompletionText | Sort-Object
$completionText -join ' '| Should Be 'blg csv tsv'
Context "File name completion" {
BeforeAll {
$tempDir = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "baseDir"
$oneSubDir = Join-Path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath "oneSubDir"
$oneSubDirPrime = Join-Path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath "prime"
$twoSubDir = Join-Path -Path $oneSubDir -ChildPath "twoSubDir"
$separator = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
New-Item -Path $tempDir -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
New-Item -Path $oneSubDir -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
New-Item -Path $oneSubDirPrime -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
New-Item -Path $twoSubDir -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = "ab"; name = "abc"; localExpected = ".${separator}abc"; oneSubExpected = "..${separator}abc"; twoSubExpected = "..${separator}..${separator}abc" }
@{ inputStr = "asaasas"; name = "asaasas!popee"; localExpected = ".${separator}asaasas!popee"; oneSubExpected = "..${separator}asaasas!popee"; twoSubExpected = "..${separator}..${separator}asaasas!popee" }
@{ inputStr = "asaasa"; name = "asaasas!popee"; localExpected = ".${separator}asaasas!popee"; oneSubExpected = "..${separator}asaasas!popee"; twoSubExpected = "..${separator}..${separator}asaasas!popee" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbbbbbbb"; name = 'bbbbbbbbbb`'; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbbbbbbbb``'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbbbbbbbb``'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbbbbbbbb``'" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbbbbbb"; name = "bbbbbbbbb#"; localExpected = ".${separator}bbbbbbbbb#"; oneSubExpected = "..${separator}bbbbbbbbb#"; twoSubExpected = "..${separator}..${separator}bbbbbbbbb#" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbbbbb"; name = "bbbbbbbb{"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbbbbbb{'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbbbbbb{'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbbbbbb{'" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbbbb"; name = "bbbbbbb}"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbbbbb}'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbbbbb}'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbbbbb}'" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbbb"; name = "bbbbbb("; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbbbb('"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbbbb('"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbbbb('" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbbb"; name = "bbbbb)"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbbb)'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbbb)'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbbb)'" }
@{ inputStr = "bbbb"; name = "bbbb$"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbbb$'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbbb$'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbbb$'" }
@{ inputStr = "bbb"; name = "bbb'"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bbb'''"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bbb'''"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bbb'''" }
@{ inputStr = "bb"; name = "bb,"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}bb,'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}bb,'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}bb,'" }
@{ inputStr = "b"; name = "b;"; localExpected = "& '.${separator}b;'"; oneSubExpected = "& '..${separator}b;'"; twoSubExpected = "& '..${separator}..${separator}b;'" }
try {
Push-Location -Path $tempDir
foreach ($entry in $testCases) {
New-Item -Path $tempDir -Name $ -ItemType File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null
} finally {
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $tempDir -Recurse -Force
AfterEach {
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($inputStr, $localExpected)
Push-Location -Path $tempDir
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $localExpected
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete with relative path '..\'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($inputStr, $oneSubExpected)
Push-Location -Path $oneSubDir
$inputStr = "..\${inputStr}"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $oneSubExpected
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete with relative path '..\..\'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($inputStr, $twoSubExpected)
Push-Location -Path $twoSubDir
$inputStr = "../../${inputStr}"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $twoSubExpected
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete with relative path '..\..\..\ba*\'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($inputStr, $twoSubExpected)
Push-Location -Path $twoSubDir
$inputStr = "..\..\..\ba*\${inputStr}"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $twoSubExpected
It "Test relative path" {
Push-Location -Path $oneSubDir
$beforeTab = "twoSubDir/../../pri"
$afterTab = "..${separator}prime"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
It "Test path with both '\' and '/'" {
Push-Location -Path $twoSubDir
$beforeTab = "..\../..\ba*/ab"
$afterTab = "..${separator}..${separator}abc"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
Context "Cmdlet name completion" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = "get-c*item"; expected = "get-childitem" }
@{ inputStr = "set-alia?"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "s*-alias"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "se*-alias"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "set-al"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "set-a?i"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "set-?lias"; expected = "set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "get-*ditem"; expected = "get-childitem" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-c*item"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-childitem" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alia?"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\s*-alias"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\se*-alias"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-al"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-a?i"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-?lias"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\set-alias" }
@{ inputStr = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-*ditem"; expected = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-childitem" }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
Context "Miscellaneous completion tests" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = "get-childitem -"; expected = "-Path"; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "get-childitem -Fil"; expected = "-Filter"; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$arg'; expected = '$args'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$args.'; expected = 'Count'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$host.UI.Ra'; expected = 'RawUI'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$host.UI.WriteD'; expected = 'WriteDebugLine('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$MaximumHistoryCount.'; expected = 'CompareTo('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$A=[datetime]::now;$A.'; expected = 'Date'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$x= gps powershell;$x.*pm'; expected = 'NPM'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'function write-output {param($abcd) $abcd};Write-Output -a'; expected = '-abcd'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'function write-output {param($abcd) $abcd};Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Output -'; expected = '-InputObject'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[math]::Co'; expected = 'Cos('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[math]::PI.GetT'; expected = 'GetType('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[math]'; expected = '::E'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[math].'; expected = 'Assembly'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[math].G'; expected = 'GenericParameterAttributes'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[Environment+specialfolder]::App'; expected = 'ApplicationData'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'icm {get-pro'; expected = 'Get-Process'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'write-ouput (get-pro'; expected = 'Get-Process'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'iex "get-pro'; expected = '"Get-Process"'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$variab'; expected = '$variableA'; setup = { $variableB = 2; $variableA = 1 } }
@{ inputStr = 'a -'; expected = '-keys'; setup = { function a {param($keys) $a} } }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Content -Li'; expected = '-LiteralPath'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'New-Item -W'; expected = '-WhatIf'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Alias gs'; expected = 'gsn'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Alias -Definition cd'; expected = 'cd..'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'remove-psdrive fun'; expected = 'Function'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'new-psdrive -PSProvider fi'; expected = 'FileSystem'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-PSDrive -PSProvider En'; expected = 'Environment'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'remove-psdrive fun'; expected = 'Function'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'get-psprovider ali'; expected = 'Alias'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-PSDrive -PSProvider Variable '; expected = 'Variable'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Command Get-Chil'; expected = 'Get-ChildItem'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Variable psver'; expected = 'PSVersionTable'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Help *child'; expected = 'Get-ChildItem'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Trace-Command e'; expected = 'ETS'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-TraceSource e'; expected = 'ETS'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[int]:: max'; expected = 'MaxValue'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '"string". l*'; expected = 'Length'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '("a" * 5).e'; expected = 'EndsWith('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '([string][int]1).e'; expected = 'EndsWith('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '(++$i).c'; expected = 'CompareTo('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '"a".Length.c'; expected = 'CompareTo('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@(1, "a").c'; expected = 'Count'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '{1}.is'; expected = 'IsConfiguration'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@{ }.'; expected = 'Count'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@{abc=1}.a'; expected = 'Add('; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$a.f'; expected = "'fo-o'"; setup = { $a = @{'fo-o'='bar'} } }
@{ inputStr = 'dir | % { $_.Full'; expected = 'FullName'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@{a=$(exit)}.Ke'; expected = 'Keys'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@{$(exit)=1}.Va'; expected = 'Values'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'switch -'; expected = '-CaseSensitive'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gm -t'; expected = '-Type'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'foo -aa -aa'; expected = '-aaa'; setup = { function foo {param($a, $aa, $aaa)} } }
@{ inputStr = 'switch ( gps -'; expected = '-Name'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'set-executionpolicy '; expected = 'AllSigned'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Set-ExecutionPolicy -exe: b'; expected = 'Bypass'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Set-ExecutionPolicy -exe:b'; expected = 'Bypass'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy:'; expected = 'AllSigned'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Set-ExecutionPolicy by -for:'; expected = '$true'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Import-Csv -Encoding '; expected = 'ASCII'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Process | % ModuleM'; expected = 'ModuleMemorySize'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Process | % {$_.MainModule} | % Com'; expected = 'Company'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Process | % MainModule | % Com'; expected = 'Company'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$p = Get-Process; $p | % ModuleM'; expected = 'ModuleMemorySize'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gmo Microsoft.PowerShell.U'; expected = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'rmo Microsoft.PowerShell.U'; expected = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gcm -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.U'; expected = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gmo -list PackageM'; expected = 'PackageManagement'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gcm -Module PackageManagement Find-Pac'; expected = 'Find-Package'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'ipmo PackageM'; expected = 'PackageManagement'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Process powersh'; expected = 'powershell'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "function bar { [OutputType('System.IO.FileInfo')][OutputType('System.Diagnostics.Process')]param() }; bar | ? { `$_.ProcessN"; expected = 'ProcessName'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "function bar { [OutputType('System.IO.FileInfo')][OutputType('System.Diagnostics.Process')]param() }; bar | ? { `$_.LastAc"; expected = 'LastAccessTime'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "& 'get-comm"; expected = "'Get-Command'"; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'alias:dir'; expected = Join-Path 'Alias:' 'dir'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gc alias::ipm'; expected = 'Alias::ipmo'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'gc enVironment::psmod'; expected = 'enVironment::PSModulePath'; setup = $null }
## tab completion safe expression evaluator tests
@{ inputStr = '@{a=$(exit)}.Ke'; expected = 'Keys'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '@{$(exit)=1}.Ke'; expected = 'Keys'; setup = $null }
## tab completion variable names
@{ inputStr = '@PSVer'; expected = '@PSVersionTable'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$global:max'; expected = '$global:MaximumHistoryCount'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$PSMod'; expected = '$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference'; setup = $null }
## tab completion for variable in path
@{ inputStr = 'cd $pshome\Modu'; expected = Join-Path $PSHOME "Modules"; setup = $null }
## tab completion AST-based tests
@{ inputStr = 'get-date | ForEach-Object { $PSItem.h'; expected = 'Hour'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '$a=gps;$a[0].h'; expected = 'Handle'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "`$(1,'a',@{})[-1].k"; expected = 'Keys'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = "`$(1,'a',@{})[1].tri"; expected = 'Trim('; setup = $null }
## tab completion for type names
@{ inputStr = '[ScriptBlockAst'; expected = 'System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockAst'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'New-Object dict'; expected = 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = 'New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[datet'; expected = "'System.Collections.Generic.List[datetime]'"; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.runspacef'; expected = 'System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory'; setup = $null }
@{ inputStr = '[specialfol'; expected = 'System.Environment+SpecialFolder'; setup = $null }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $expected, $setup)
if ($null -ne $setup) { . $setup }
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
It "Tab completion UNC path" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$homeDrive = $env:HOMEDRIVE.Replace(":", "$")
$beforeTab = "\\localhost\$homeDrive\wind"
$afterTab = "& '\\localhost\$homeDrive\Windows'"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
It "Tab completion for registry" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$beforeTab = 'registry::HKEY_l'
$afterTab = 'registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
It "Tab completion for wsman provider" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$beforeTab = 'wsman::localh'
$afterTab = 'wsman::localhost'
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
It "Tab completion for filesystem provider qualified path" {
if ($IsWindows) {
$beforeTab = 'filesystem::{0}\Wind' -f $env:SystemDrive
$afterTab = 'filesystem::{0}\Windows' -f $env:SystemDrive
} else {
$beforeTab = 'filesystem::/us' -f $env:SystemDrive
$afterTab = 'filesystem::/usr' -f $env:SystemDrive
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $beforeTab -cursorColumn $beforeTab.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $afterTab
It "Tab completion dynamic parameter of a custom function" {
function Test-DynamicParam {
PARAM( $DeFirst )
$paramDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
$attributeCollection = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]]::new()
$deSecond = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('DeSecond', [System.Array], $attributeCollection)
$deThird = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('DeThird', [System.Array], $attributeCollection)
$null = $paramDictionary.Add('DeSecond', $deSecond)
$null = $paramDictionary.Add('DeThird', $deThird)
return $paramDictionary
Write-Host 'Hello'
Write-Host $PSBoundParameters
$inputStr = "Test-DynamicParam -D"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 3
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be '-DeFirst'
$res.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be '-DeSecond'
$res.CompletionMatches[2].CompletionText | Should Be '-DeThird'
It "Tab completion dynamic parameter '-CodeSigningCert'" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
try {
Push-Location cert:\
$inputStr = "gci -co"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be '-CodeSigningCert'
} finally {
It "Tab completion for file system takes precedence over functions" {
try {
Push-Location $TestDrive
New-Item -Name myf -ItemType File -Force
function MyFunction { "Hi there" }
$inputStr = "myf"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be (Resolve-Path myf -Relative)
$res.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be "MyFunction"
} finally {
Remove-Item -Path myf -Force
It "Tab completion for validateSet attribute" {
function foo { param([ValidateSet('cat','dog')]$p) }
$inputStr = "foo "
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should be 'cat'
$res.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should be 'dog'
It "Tab completion for enum type parameter of a custom function" {
function baz ([consolecolor]$name, [ValidateSet('cat','dog')]$p){}
$inputStr = "baz -name "
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 16
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be 'Black'
$inputStr = "baz Black "
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should be 'cat'
$res.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should be 'dog'
It "Tab completion for enum members after comma" {
$inputStr = "Get-Command -Type Alias,c"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be 'Cmdlet'
$res.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be 'Configuration'
It "Test [CommandCompletion]::GetNextResult" {
$inputStr = "Get-Command -Type Alias,c"
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$res.GetNextResult($false).CompletionText | Should Be 'Configuration'
$res.GetNextResult($true).CompletionText | Should Be 'Cmdlet'
$res.GetNextResult($true).CompletionText | Should Be 'Configuration'
Context "Folder/File path tab completion with special characters" {
BeforeAll {
$separator = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = "cd My"; expected = "'.${separator}My ``[Path``]'" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-Help '.\My ``[Path``]'\"; expected = "'.${separator}My ``[Path``]${separator}test.ps1'" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-Process >My"; expected = "'.${separator}My ``[Path``]'" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-Process >'.\My ``[Path``]\'"; expected = "'.${separator}My ``[Path``]${separator}test.ps1'" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-Process >${TestDrive}\My"; expected = "'${TestDrive}${separator}My ``[Path``]'" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-Process > '${TestDrive}\My ``[Path``]\'"; expected = "'${TestDrive}${separator}My ``[Path``]${separator}test.ps1'" }
New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\My [Path]" -ItemType Directory > $null
New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\My [Path]\test.ps1" -ItemType File > $null
Push-Location -Path $TestDrive
AfterAll {
It "Complete special relative path '<inputStr>'" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
Context "Local tab completion with AST" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = '$p = Get-Process; $p | % ProcessN '; bareWord = 'ProcessN'; expected = 'ProcessName' }
@{ inputStr = 'function bar { Get-Ali* }'; bareWord = 'Get-Ali*'; expected = 'Get-Alias' }
@{ inputStr = 'function baz ([string]$version, [consolecolor]$name){} baz version bl'; bareWord = 'bl'; expected = 'Black' }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete via AST" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $bareWord, $expected)
$tokens = $null
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($inputStr, [ref] $tokens, [ref]$null)
$elementAst = $ast.Find(
{ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] -and $args[0].Value -eq $bareWord },
$res = TabExpansion2 -ast $ast -tokens $tokens -positionOfCursor $elementAst.Extent.EndScriptPosition
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
Context "User-overridden TabExpansion implementations" {
It "Override TabExpansion with function" {
function TabExpansion ($line, $lastword) {
$inputStr = '$pid.'
$res = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($inputStr, $inputst.Length, $null)
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be 'Overridden-TabExpansion-Function'
It "Override TabExpansion with alias" {
function OverrideTabExpansion ($line, $lastword) {
Set-Alias -Name TabExpansion -Value OverrideTabExpansion
$inputStr = '$pid.'
$res = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($inputStr, $inputst.Length, $null)
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 1
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "Overridden-TabExpansion-Alias"
Context "No tab completion tests" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = 'function new-' }
@{ inputStr = 'filter new-' }
@{ inputStr = '@pid.' }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should not complete to anything" -TestCases $testCases {
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeExactly 0
context "Tab completion error tests" {
BeforeAll {
$ast = {}.Ast;
$tokens = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Token[]]@()
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::MapStringInputToParsedInput('$pid.', 7)}; expected = "PSArgumentException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($null, $null, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $null, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $tokens, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput('$pid.', 7, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput('$pid.', 5, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($null, $null, $null, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $null, $null, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $tokens, $null, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
@{ inputStr = {[System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $tokens, $ast.Extent.EndScriptPosition, $null, $null)}; expected = "PSArgumentNullException" }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should throw in tab completion" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$inputStr | ShouldBeErrorId $expected
Context "DSC tab completion tests" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = 'Configura'; expected = 'Configuration' }
@{ inputStr = '$extension = New-Object [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]; $extension.wh'; expected = "Where(" }
@{ inputStr = '$extension = New-Object [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]; $'; expected = 'ForEach(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration foo { node $SelectedNodes.'; expected = 'Where(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration foo { node $'; expected = 'ForEach(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration foo { node $AllNodes.'; expected = 'Where(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration foo { node $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.'; expected = 'Where(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration foo { node $'; expected = 'ForEach(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { File foo { Destinat'; expected = 'DestinationPath = ' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { File foo { Content'; expected = 'Contents = ' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { Fil'; expected = 'File' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { Import-Dsc'; expected = 'Import-DscResource' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { Import-DscResource -Modu'; expected = '-ModuleName' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { Import-DscResource -ModuleName blah -Modu'; expected = '-ModuleVersion' }
@{ inputStr = 'Configuration bar { Scri'; expected = 'Script' }
@{ inputStr = 'configuration foo { Script ab {Get'; expected = 'GetScript = ' }
@{ inputStr = 'configuration foo { Script ab { '; expected = 'DependsOn = ' }
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete" -TestCases $testCases -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
Context "CIM cmdlet completion tests" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = "Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName Win32_Process -MethodName Crea"; expected = "Create" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName AttachDeb"; expected = "AttachDebugger" }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | ?{ $_.ProcessId -eq $Pid } | Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_Co*uterSyst'; expected = "Win32_ComputerSystem" }
@{ inputStr = "Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Environm"; expected = "Win32_Environment" }
@{ inputStr = "New-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Environm"; expected = "Win32_Environment" }
@{ inputStr = 'New-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | %{ $_.Captio'; expected = "Caption" }
@{ inputStr = "Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName Win32_Environm"; expected = 'Win32_Environment' }
@{ inputStr = "Get-CimClass -ClassName Win32_Environm"; expected = 'Win32_Environment' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName SetPriorit'; expected = 'SetPriority' }
@{ inputStr = 'Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetIPAddress -MethodName Crea'; expected = 'Create' }
@{ inputStr = '$win32_process = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process; $win32_process | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName AttachDe'; expected = 'AttachDebugger' }
@{ inputStr = '$win32_process = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process; Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $win32_process -MethodName AttachDe'; expected = 'AttachDebugger' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | ?{ $_.ProcessId -eq $Pid } | Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_ComputerS'; expected = 'Win32_ComputerSystem' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Interop -ClassName Win32_PowerSupplyP'; expected = 'Win32_PowerSupplyProfile' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance __NAMESP'; expected = '__NAMESPACE' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Int'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Int*ro'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Interop/'; expected = 'root/Interop/ms_409' }
@{ inputStr = 'New-CimInstance -Namespace root/Int'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = 'Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/Int'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimClass -Namespace root/Int'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = 'Register-CimIndicationEvent -Namespace root/Int'; expected = 'root/Interop' }
@{ inputStr = '[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimClass]$c = $null; $c.CimClassNam'; expected = 'CimClassName' }
@{ inputStr = '[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimClass]$c = $null; $c.CimClassName.Substrin'; expected = 'Substring(' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process | %{ $_.ExecutableP'; expected = 'ExecutablePath' }
It "CIM cmdlet input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete" -TestCases $testCases -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$res = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $inputStr -cursorColumn $inputStr.Length
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
Describe "Tab completion tests with remote Runspace" -Tags Feature {
BeforeAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
$session = New-RemoteSession
$powershell = [powershell]::Create()
$powershell.Runspace = $session.Runspace
$testCases = @(
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Proc'; expected = 'Get-Process' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-Process | % ProcessN'; expected = 'ProcessName' }
@{ inputStr = 'Get-ChildItem alias: | % { $_.Defini'; expected = 'Definition' }
$testCasesWithAst = @(
@{ inputStr = '$p = Get-Process; $p | % ProcessN '; bareWord = 'ProcessN'; expected = 'ProcessName' }
@{ inputStr = 'function bar { Get-Ali* }'; bareWord = 'Get-Ali*'; expected = 'Get-Alias' }
@{ inputStr = 'function baz ([string]$version, [consolecolor]$name){} baz version bl'; bareWord = 'bl'; expected = 'Black' }
} else {
$defaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["It:Skip"] = $true
AfterAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
Remove-PSSession $session
} else {
$Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParameterValues
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete in remote runspace" -TestCases $testCases {
param($inputStr, $expected)
$res = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($inputStr, $inputStr.Length, $null, $powershell)
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected
It "Input '<inputStr>' should successfully complete via AST in remote runspace" -TestCases $testCasesWithAst {
param($inputStr, $bareWord, $expected)
$tokens = $null
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($inputStr, [ref] $tokens, [ref]$null)
$elementAst = $ast.Find(
{ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] -and $args[0].Value -eq $bareWord },
$res = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($ast, $tokens, $elementAst.Extent.EndScriptPosition, $null, $powershell)
$res.CompletionMatches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$res.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $expected