made changes based off of feedback

This commit is contained in:
Aaron 2015-09-11 11:43:50 -07:00
parent 807b47a8ce
commit 7790be0601

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Describe ".\Test-Select-String" {
Describe "Test-Select-String" {
Context "String actions" {
$testInputOne = "Hello","HELLO", "Goodbye"
$testInputOne = "Hello","HELLO","Goodbye"
$testInputTwo = "Hello","HELLO"
It "Should be called with out error" {
It "Should be called with out errors" {
{ $testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" } | Should Not Throw
@ -12,49 +12,70 @@
It "Should return an array data type when multiple matches are found" {
# Array is case insensitive
( $testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO").GetType().BaseType | Should Be Array
It "Should return an array of matches when multiple matches are found" {
$testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" | Should Be "HELLO", "Hello"
$a = $testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO"
$b = $testInputOne | sls -Pattern "HELLO"
$a | Should Be $b
It "Should return an object type when one match is found" {
# look into the aliases for the switches. ca for case-sensitive, n for notmatch, etc
( $testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" -CaseSensitive).GetType().BaseType | Should Be System.Object
It "Should return MatchInfo type" {
( $testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" -CaseSensitive).GetType().Name | Should Be MatchInfo
It "Should use the ca alias for casesenstive" {
$a = $testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" -CaseSensitive
$b = $testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" -ca
$a | Should Be $b
It "Should only return the case sensitive match when the casesensitive switch is used" {
$testInputTwo | Select-String -Pattern "HELLO" -CaseSensitive | Should Be "HELLO"
It "Should accept a collection of strings from the input object"{
It "Should accept a collection of strings from the input object" {
{ Select-String -InputObject "Some stuff", "Other stuff" -Pattern "Other" } | Should Not Throw
It "Should return System.Object when the input object switch is used on a collection"{
It "Should return System.Object when the input object switch is used on a collection" {
( Select-String -InputObject "Some stuff", "Other stuff" -Pattern "Other" ).GetType().BaseType | Should Be System.Object
It "Should return null or empty when the input object switch is used on a collection and the pattern does not exist"{
It "Should return null or empty when the input object switch is used on a collection and the pattern does not exist" {
Select-String -InputObject "Some stuff", "Other stuff" -Pattern "Neither" | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should return a bool type when the quiet switch is used"{
It "Should return a bool type when the quiet switch is used" {
($testInputTwo | Select-String -Quiet "HELLO" -CaseSensitive).GetType() | Should Be bool
It "Should be true when select string returns a positive result when the quiet switch is used"{
($testInputTwo | Select-String -Quiet "HELLO" -CaseSensitive) | Should Be TRUE
It "Should be true when select string returns a positive result when the quiet switch is used" {
($testInputTwo | Select-String -Quiet "HELLO" -CaseSensitive) | Should Be $true
It "Should be empty when select string does not return a result when the quiet switch is used"{
It "Should be empty when select string does not return a result when the quiet switch is used" {
$testInputTwo | Select-String -Quiet "Goodbye" | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should return an array of non matching strings when the switch of NotMatch is used and the string do not match"{
It "Should return an array of non matching strings when the switch of NotMatch is used and the string do not match" {
$testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "Goodbye" -NotMatch | Should Be "HELLO", "Hello"
It "Should return the same as NotMatch" {
$a = $testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "Goodbye" -NotMatch
$b = $testInputOne | Select-String -Pattern "Goodbye" -n
$a | Should Be $b
Context "Filesytem actions" {
@ -63,10 +84,14 @@
New-Item $testInputFile -Itemtype "file" -Force -Value "This is a text string, and another string`nThis is the second line`nThis is the third line`nThis is the fourth line`nNo matches"
It "Should return an object when a match is found is the file on only one line"{
It "Should return an object when a match is found is the file on only one line" {
(Select-String $testInputFile -Pattern "string").GetType().BaseType | Should be System.Object
It "Should return an array when a match is found is the file on several lines" {
(Select-String $testInputFile -Pattern "in").GetType().BaseType | Should be array
It "Should return the name of the file and the string that 'string' is found if there is only one lines that has a match" {
$expected = $testInputFile + ":1:This is a text string, and another string"
@ -79,22 +104,17 @@
Select-String $testInputFile -Pattern "second"| Should Be $expected
#this should probably go up near the one that returns 'object' when only a single match is found
It "Should return an array when a match is found is the file on several lines"{
(Select-String $testInputFile -Pattern "in").GetType().BaseType | Should be array
It "Should return all strings where 'in' is found in testfile1 pattern switch is not required" {
$expected1 = $testInputFile + ":1:This is a text string, and another string"
$expected2 = $testInputFile + ":2:This is the second line"
$expected3 = $testInputFile + ":3:This is the third line"
$expected4 = $testInputFile + ":4:This is the fourth line"
$expected1 = "This is a text string, and another string"
$expected2 = "This is the second line"
$expected3 = "This is the third line"
$expected4 = "This is the fourth line"
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[0] | Should Be $expected1
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[1] | Should Be $expected2
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[2] | Should Be $expected3
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[3] | Should Be $expected4
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[4] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[0].Line | Should Be $expected1
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[1].Line | Should Be $expected2
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[2].Line | Should Be $expected3
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[3].Line | Should Be $expected4
(Select-String in $testInputFile)[4].Line | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should return empty because 'for' is not found in testfile1 " {
@ -115,29 +135,29 @@
(Select-String is $testInputFile -CaseSensitive).count| Should Be 4
It "Should return the third line in testfile1 when a relative path is used"{
It "Should return the third line in testfile1 when a relative path is used" {
$expected = "/tmp/testfile1.txt:3:This is the third line"
Select-String third /tmp/../tmp/testfile1.txt | Should Match $expected
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a relative path is used"{
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a relative path is used" {
$testDirectory = "/tmp/"
$expected = "/tmp/testfile1.txt:5:No matches"
pushd $testDirectory
Select-String matches $testDirectory/testfile1.txt | Should Match $expected
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a regular expression is used"{
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a regular expression is used" {
$expected = "/tmp/testfile1.txt:5:No matches"
Select-String 'matc*' $testInputFile -CaseSensitive | Should Match $expected
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a regular expression is used, using the alias for casesensitive"{
It "Should return the fourth line in testfile1 when a regular expression is used, using the alias for casesensitive" {
$expected = "/tmp/testfile1.txt:5:No matches"
Select-String 'matc*' $testInputFile -ca | Should Match $expected