Have console host not enter command prompt mode when using Read-Host -Prompt (#9743)

`Read-Host` calls into `$Host.UI.Prompt()`.  However, this method is also used when the host prompts for mandatory parameters that aren't provided.  The method expects to be called when given a `FieldDescription` and if the input starts with `!` it enters `CommandPromptMode`.  In this mode, you can type `!?` to request help, for example.  However this mode is not something you can use via `Read-Host` (only if calling `$Host.UI.Prompt()` directly passing in a well constructed `FieldDescription`).  When using `Read-Host -Prompt`, the cmdlet creates a `FieldDescription` where the name is the prompt and the rest of the properties are empty.

The fix is that if `Label` is empty, we can assume it's being called from `Read-Host` rather than being called to prompt for a mandatory parameter and thus not enter `CommandPromptMode`.
This commit is contained in:
Steve Lee 2019-06-09 16:55:11 +02:00 committed by Dongbo Wang
parent cd63d132f7
commit 89db7505d6
2 changed files with 18 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.PowerShell
if (rawInputString.StartsWith(PromptCommandPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.Label) && rawInputString.StartsWith(PromptCommandPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
processedInputString = PromptCommandMode(rawInputString, desc, out inputDone);

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@ -9,28 +9,44 @@ Describe "Read-Host Test" -tag "CI" {
$ps.Runspace = $rs
AfterEach {
AfterAll {
It "Read-Host returns expected string" {
$result = $ps.AddCommand("Read-Host").Invoke()
$result | Should -Be $th.UI.ReadLineData
It "Read-Host sets the prompt correctly" {
$result = $ps.AddScript("Read-Host -prompt myprompt").Invoke()
$prompt = $th.ui.streams.prompt[0]
$prompt | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$prompt.split(":")[-1] | Should -Be myprompt
It "Read-Host returns a secure string when using -AsSecureString parameter" {
$result = $ps.AddScript("Read-Host -AsSecureString").Invoke() | select-object -first 1
$result | Should -BeOfType SecureString
[pscredential]::New("foo",$result).GetNEtworkCredential().Password | Should -BeExactly TEST
[pscredential]::New("foo",$result).GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should -BeExactly TEST
It "Read-Host doesn't enter command prompt mode" {
$result = "!1" | pwsh -NoProfile -c "Read-host -Prompt 'foo'"
if ($IsWindows) {
# Windows write to console directly so can't capture prompt in stdout
$expected = @('!1','!1')
else {
$expected = @('foo: !1','!1')
$result | should -BeExactly $expected