Merge pull request 148 from dev/188-get-content-add-tests into develop

This commit is contained in:
Zach Folwick 2015-10-02 03:32:10 +00:00
commit 8d6828cb66

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@ -1,26 +1,104 @@
Describe "Test-Get-Content" { Describe "Test-Get-Content" {
$testString = "This is a test content for a file"
$nl = "`n"
$firstline = "Here's a first line "
$secondline = " here's a second line"
$thirdline = "more text"
$fourthline = "just to make sure"
$fifthline = "there's plenty to work with"
$testString2 = $firstline + $nl + $secondline + $nl + $thirdline + $nl + $fourthline + $nl + $fifthline
$testPath = "/tmp/testfile1"
$testPath2 = "/tmp/testfile2"
BeforeEach {
New-Item -Path $testPath -Force -Value $testString
New-Item -Path $testPath2 -Force -Value $testString2
It "Should throw an error on a directory " { It "Should throw an error on a directory " {
# also tests that -erroraction SilentlyContinue will work. # also tests that -erroraction SilentlyContinue will work.
Get-Content . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw Get-Content . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
cat . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
gc . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
type . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
} }
It "Should deliver an array object when listing a file" { It "Should return an Object when listing only a single line" {
(Get-Content -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array" (Get-Content -Path $testPath).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Object"
(Get-Content -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1)[0] |Should be "Describe `"Test-Get-Content`" `{" }
(gc -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array" It "Should deliver an array object when listing a file with multiple lines" {
(gc -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1)[0] |Should be "Describe `"Test-Get-Content`" `{" (Get-Content -Path $testPath2).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array"
(type -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array" It "Should return the correct information from a file" {
(type -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1)[0] |Should be "Describe `"Test-Get-Content`" `{" (Get-Content -Path $testPath) | Should Be $testString
(cat -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array" It "Should be able to call using the cat alias" {
(cat -Path ./Test-Get-Content.Tests.ps1)[0] |Should be "Describe `"Test-Get-Content`" `{" { cat -Path $testPath } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to call using the gc alias" {
{ gc -Path $testPath } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to call using the type alias" {
{ type -Path $testPath } | Should Not Throw
It "Should return the same values for aliases" {
$getContentAlias = Get-Content -Path $testPath
$gcAlias = gc -Path $testPath
$catAlias = cat -Path $testPath
$typeAlias = type -Path $testPath
$getContentAlias | Should Be $gcAlias
$getContentAlias | Should Be $catAlias
$getContentAlias | Should Be $typeAlias
It "Should be able to return a specific line from a file" {
(Get-Content -Path $testPath2)[1] | Should be $secondline
It "Should be able to specify the number of lines to get the content of using the TotalCount switch" {
$returnArray = (cat -Path $testPath2 -TotalCount 2)
$returnArray[0] | Should Be $firstline
$returnArray[1] | Should Be $secondline
It "Should be able to specify the number of lines to get the content of using the Head switch" {
$returnArray = (cat -Path $testPath2 -Head 2)
$returnArray[0] | Should Be $firstline
$returnArray[1] | Should Be $secondline
It "Should be able to specify the number of lines to get the content of using the First switch" {
$returnArray = (cat -Path $testPath2 -First 2)
$returnArray[0] | Should Be $firstline
$returnArray[1] | Should Be $secondline
It "Should return the last line of a file using the Tail switch" {
Get-Content -Path $testPath -Tail 1 | Should Be $testString
It "Should return the last lines of a file using the Last alias" {
Get-Content -Path $testPath2 -Last 1 | Should Be $fifthline
It "Should be able to get content within a different drive" {
pushd env:
$expectedoutput = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
{ Get-Content PATH } | Should Not Throw
Get-Content PATH | Should Be $expectedoutput
} }
} }