Refactor options into New-PSOptions

Deduction of PowerShell output path is now done in `New-PSOptions`,
which returns a hash table representing the build options, so that it
can be done outside of `Start-PSBuild`.

`Start-PSBuild` saves the options it creates as a script-local variable,

`Get-PSOutput` will either unwrap the an options hash table parameter,
the script local options hash table, or use the default options.

Thus, if `Start-PSBuild` hasn't been run, it can be used to get the
output path given non-default options like this:

Get-PSOutput -Options (New-PSOptions -Publish)

Or simply call `Get-PSOutput` to get the best-guess default path.

Note that because ValidateSet does not support the use of constant
variables, the set of runtimes has to be duplicated, and an empty
runtime is supported.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Schwartzmeyer 2016-04-14 15:06:14 -07:00
parent e8ed0b45d7
commit 94e5469458

View file

@ -92,69 +92,28 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
if (-not $Runtime) {
$Runtime = dotnet --info | % {
if ($_ -match "RID") {
$_ -split "\s+" | Select-Object -Last 1
if (-not $Runtime) {
Write-Warning "Could not determine Runtime Identifier, please update dotnet"
$precheck = $false
} else {
log "Runtime not specified, using $Runtime"
# Abort if any precheck failed
if (-not $precheck) {
# define key build variables
if ($FullCLR) {
$Top = "$PSScriptRoot\src\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost"
$Framework = 'net451'
} else {
$Top = "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreConsoleHost"
$Framework = 'netstandardapp1.5'
if ($IsLinux -or $IsOSX) {
$Configuration = "Linux"
$Executable = "powershell"
} else {
$Configuration = "Debug"
$Executable = "powershell.exe"
# set output options
$OptionsArguments = @{Publish=$Publish; FullCLR=$FullCLR; Runtime=$Runtime}
$script:Options = New-PSOptions @OptionsArguments
# setup arguments
$Arguments = @()
if ($Publish) {
$Arguments += "publish"
} else {
$Arguments += "build"
$Arguments += "--framework", $Framework
$Arguments += "--configuration", $Configuration
$Arguments += "--runtime", $Runtime
# Build the Output path in script scope
$script:Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Top, "bin", $Configuration, $Framework)
# FullCLR only builds a library, so there is no runtime component
if (-not $FullCLR) {
$script:Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($script:Output, $Runtime)
# Publish injects the publish directory
if ($Publish) {
$script:Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($script:Output, "publish")
$script:Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($script:Output, $Executable)
Write-Verbose "script:Output is $script:Output"
$Arguments += "--configuration", $Options.Configuration
$Arguments += "--framework", $Options.Framework
$Arguments += "--runtime", $Options.Runtime
# handle Restore
if ($Restore -or -not (Test-Path "$Top/project.lock.json")) {
if ($Restore -or -not (Test-Path "$($Options.Top)/project.lock.json")) {
log "Run dotnet restore"
$RestoreArguments = @("--verbosity")
@ -178,7 +137,7 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
$Native = "$PSScriptRoot/src/libpsl-native"
$Lib = "$Top/libpsl-native.$Ext"
$Lib = "$($Options.Top)/libpsl-native.$Ext"
log "Start building $Lib"
try {
@ -197,7 +156,7 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
log "Start building native powershell.exe"
try {
Push-Location .\src\powershell-native
Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-native"
if ($cmakeGenerator) {
cmake -G $cmakeGenerator .
@ -215,9 +174,9 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
try {
# Relative paths do not work well if cwd is not changed to project
log "Run `dotnet build $Arguments` from $pwd"
Push-Location $Top
Push-Location $Options.Top
dotnet $Arguments
log "PowerShell output: $script:Output"
log "PowerShell output: $($Options.Output)"
} finally {
@ -225,13 +184,110 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
function Get-PSOutput {
if (-not $Output) {
throw '$script:Output is not defined, run Start-PSBuild'
function New-PSOptions {
[ValidateSet("Linux", "Debug", "Release")]
[ValidateSet("netstandardapp1.5", "net451")]
# These are duplicated from Start-PSBuild
# We do not use ValidateScript since we want tab completion
$Top = if ($FullCLR) {
} else {
Write-Verbose "Top project directory is $Top"
if (-not $Configuration) {
$Configuration = if ($IsLinux -or $IsOSX) {
} elseif ($IsWindows) {
log "Using configuration '$Configuration'"
if (-not $Framework) {
$Framework = if ($FullCLR) {
} else {
log "Using framework '$Framework'"
if (-not $Runtime) {
$Runtime = dotnet --info | % {
if ($_ -match "RID") {
$_ -split "\s+" | Select-Object -Last 1
if (-not $Runtime) {
Throw "Could not determine Runtime Identifier, please update dotnet"
} else {
log "Using runtime '$Runtime'"
$Executable = if ($IsLinux -or $IsOSX) {
} elseif ($IsWindows) {
# Build the Output path in script scope
$Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Top, "bin", $Configuration, $Framework)
# FullCLR only builds a library, so there is no runtime component
if (-not $FullCLR) {
$Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Output, $Runtime)
# Publish injects the publish directory
if ($Publish) {
$Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Output, "publish")
$Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Output, $Executable)
return @{ Top = $Top;
Configuration = $Configuration;
Framework = $Framework;
Runtime = $Runtime;
Output = $Output }
function Get-PSOutput {
if ($Options) {
return $Options.Output
} elseif ($script:Options) {
return $script:Options.Output
} else {
return (New-PSOptions).Output