Add Unit Test For Write Command

This commit is contained in:
TingLiu6 2016-04-27 01:08:53 -07:00 committed by JumpingYang001
parent 52d747e56b
commit 97c00e6343
3 changed files with 52 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Describe "Write-Debug DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
function unittest-writedebugline
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "foo"
Write-Host "hello" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Cyan
Write-Debug "this is a test"
It "Write-Debug Test" {
$o = "this is a test"
{ Write-Debug $o } | Should Not Throw
It "Write-Debug Test2" {
{ $debugpreference='continue'; Write-Debug 'hello' } | Should Not Throw
$debugpreference ='SilentlyContinue'
It "Write-Debug Test3" {
{ unittest-writedebugline } | Should Not Throw

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@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Describe "Write-Error DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$Error[0].InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty
# Skip with issue #846
It "Should be works with all parameters" -Pending {
#Blocked by issue #846
It "Should be works with all parameters" -Pending {
$exception = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentNullException -ArgumentList paramname
Write-Error -Message myerrortext -Exception $exception -ErrorId myerrorid -Category syntaxerror -TargetObject TargetObject -CategoryActivity myactivity -CategoryReason myreason -CategoryTargetName mytargetname -CategoryTargetType mytargettype -RecommendedAction myrecommendedaction -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Error[0] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ Describe "Write-Error DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$Error[0].InvocationInfo | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$Error[0].InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty
#Blocked by issue #846
It "Should be works with all parameters" -Pending {
write-error -Activity fooAct -Reason fooReason -TargetName fooTargetName -TargetType fooTargetType -Message fooMessage
$Error[0].CategoryInfo.Activity | Should Be 'fooAct'
$Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason | Should Be 'fooReason'
$Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetName | Should Be 'fooTargetName'
$Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetType | Should Be 'fooTargetType'
$Error[0].CategoryInfo.GetMessage() | Should Be 'NotSpecified: (fooTargetName:fooTargetType) [fooAct], fooReason'
Describe "Write-Error" {

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@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
Describe "Write-Output DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
It "Simple Write Object Test" {
$objectWritten = 1, 2.2, @("John", "Smith", 10), "abc"
$results = Write-Output $objectWritten
$results.Length | Should Be $objectWritten.Length
$results[0] | Should Be $objectWritten[0]
$results[1] | Should Be $objectWritten[1]
$results[2] | Should Be $objectWritten[2]
$results[2] -is [System.Array] | Should Be $true
$results[3] | Should Be $objectWritten[3]
$results[3] -is [System.String] | Should Be $true
Describe "Write-Output" {
$testString = $testString
Context "Input Tests" {