Remove PSMI (#5075)

This commit is contained in:
Dongbo Wang 2017-10-10 11:31:59 -07:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent a1b7f8be3e
commit 983409f80e
7 changed files with 0 additions and 1251 deletions

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
namespace System.Management.Automation
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal struct PSNegotiationData
/// <summary>
/// PowerShell version
/// </summary>
internal string PSVersion;
internal static class PSNegotiationHandler
internal static CimInstance CreatePSNegotiationData(Version powerShellVersion)
CimInstance c = InternalMISerializer.CreateCimInstance("PS_NegotiationData");
CimProperty versionproperty = InternalMISerializer.CreateCimProperty("PSVersion", powerShellVersion.ToString(), Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.String);
return c;

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Represents a System.Management.Automation.PowerShell object
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal struct PSPowerShellPipeline
internal Boolean IsNested;
internal Boolean NoInput;
internal Boolean AddToHistory;
internal uint ApartmentState;
/// <summary>
/// Instance Id
/// </summary>
internal string InstanceId;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
internal IntPtr Commands;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a System.Management.Automation.Command object
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal struct PS_Command
/// <summary>
/// Command Text
/// </summary>
internal string CommandText;
internal Boolean IsScript;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
internal IntPtr Parameters;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.CommandParameter object
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal struct PS_Parameter
/// <summary>
/// Parameter Name
/// </summary>
internal string Name;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
internal IntPtr Value;

View file

@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Management.Automation.Tracing;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// This internal helper class provides methods for serializing mshObject.
/// </summary>
internal class InternalMISerializer
//TODO, insivara : Is this the correct namespace
private const string PowerShellRemotingProviderNamespace = "root/Microsoft/Windows/Powershellv4";
#region Constructor
//TODO, insivara : Depth implementation will come in a later checkin
private int _depth;
internal InternalMISerializer(int depth)
_depth = depth;
// TODO, insivara : Revisit this
_typeTable = new TypeTable();
#endregion Constructor
#region Properties
internal CimInstance CimInstance { get; set; }
/// Used by Remoting infrastructure. This TypeTable instance
/// will be used by Serializer if ExecutionContext is not
/// available (to get the ExecutionContext's TypeTable)
private TypeTable _typeTable;
private Collection<CollectionEntry<PSPropertyInfo>> _allPropertiesCollection;
private Collection<CollectionEntry<PSPropertyInfo>> AllPropertiesCollection
get {
return _allPropertiesCollection ??
(_allPropertiesCollection = PSObject.GetPropertyCollection(PSMemberViewTypes.All, _typeTable));
// Similar to the property by the same name in serialization.cs
private bool? _canUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner;
private bool CanUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner
// can use default runspace in a thread safe manner only if
// 1. we have a default runspace
// 2. we recognize the type of current runspace and current pipeline
// 3. the pipeline executes on the same thread as this method
// we don't return "true" for
// 1. we have a default runspace
// 2. no currently executing pipeline
// to avoid a race condition where a pipeline is started
// after this property getter did all the checks
if (!_canUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner.HasValue)
_canUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner = false;
RunspaceBase runspace = Runspace.DefaultRunspace as RunspaceBase;
if (runspace != null)
Pipeline currentPipeline = runspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
LocalPipeline localPipeline = currentPipeline as LocalPipeline;
if ((localPipeline != null) && (localPipeline.NestedPipelineExecutionThread != null))
_canUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner =
== Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
return _canUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner.Value;
#endregion Properties
internal CimInstance Serialize(object o)
return CreateCimInstanceForOneTopLevelObject(o);
/// <summary>
/// This writes one object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// source to be serialized.
/// </param>
internal CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForOneTopLevelObject
object source
CimInstance result;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(source, null, _depth, out result);
return result;
private void CreateCimInstanceForOneObject
object source,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
// To avoid compiler error
result = CreateNullCimInstance();
Dbg.Assert(depth >= 0, "depth should always be greater or equal to zero");
if (source == null)
//TODO, insivara : Return Null CimInstance
if (HandlePrimitiveKnownTypeByConvertingToPSObject(source, property, depth, out result))
if (HandleKnownContainerTypes(source, property, depth, out result))
HandleComplexTypePSObject(source, property, depth, out result);
//TODO, insivara : Depth implementation
/// <summary>
/// Handles primitive known type by first converting it to a PSObject.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="property"></param>
/// <param name="depth"></param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool HandlePrimitiveKnownTypeByConvertingToPSObject(
object source,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
// To avoid compiler error
result = CreateNullCimInstance();
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
//Check if source is of primitive known type
MITypeSerializationInfo pktInfo = KnownMITypes.GetTypeSerializationInfo(source.GetType());
if (pktInfo != null)
PSObject pktInfoPSObject = PSObject.AsPSObject(source);
return HandlePrimitiveKnownTypePSObject(pktInfoPSObject, property, depth, out result);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Serializes PSObject whose base objects are of primitive known type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="property"></param>
/// <param name="depth"></param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
/// <returns>
/// true if source is handled, else false.
/// </returns>
private bool HandlePrimitiveKnownTypePSObject
object source,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
// To avoid compiler error
result = CreateNullCimInstance();
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
bool sourceHandled = false;
PSObject moSource = source as PSObject;
if (moSource != null && !moSource.immediateBaseObjectIsEmpty)
//Check if baseObject is primitive known type
object baseObject = moSource.ImmediateBaseObject;
MITypeSerializationInfo pktInfo = KnownMITypes.GetTypeSerializationInfo(baseObject.GetType());
if (pktInfo != null)
CreateCimInstanceForPrimitiveTypePSObject(moSource, baseObject, pktInfo, property, depth, out result);
sourceHandled = true;
return sourceHandled;
private bool HandleKnownContainerTypes
object source,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
result = CreateNullCimInstance();
ContainerType ct = ContainerType.None;
PSObject mshSource = source as PSObject;
IEnumerable enumerable = null;
IDictionary dictionary = null;
//If passed in object is PSObject with no baseobject, return false.
if (mshSource != null && mshSource.immediateBaseObjectIsEmpty)
return false;
//Check if source (or baseobject in mshSource) is known container type
SerializationUtilities.GetKnownContainerTypeInfo(mshSource != null ? mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject : source, out ct,
out dictionary, out enumerable);
if (ct == ContainerType.None)
return false;
result = CreateCimInstanceForPSObject(cimClassName: "PS_Object",
psObj: mshSource ?? PSObject.AsPSObject(source),
writeToString: false);
List<CimInstance> listOfCimInstances = null;
switch (ct)
case ContainerType.Dictionary:
WriteDictionary(dictionary, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
case ContainerType.Stack:
WriteEnumerable(enumerable, property, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
case ContainerType.Queue:
WriteEnumerable(enumerable, property, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
case ContainerType.List:
WriteEnumerable(enumerable, property, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
case ContainerType.Enumerable:
WriteEnumerable(enumerable, property, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
Dbg.Assert(false, "All containers should be handled in the switch");
CimInstance[] instanceArray = listOfCimInstances.ToArray();
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", instanceArray, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.InstanceArray, CimFlags.Property);
return true;
private void HandleComplexTypePSObject
object source,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
List<CimInstance> listOfCimInstancesProperties = null;
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
PSObject mshSource = PSObject.AsPSObject(source);
// Figure out what kind of object we are dealing with
bool isErrorRecord = false;
bool isInformationalRecord = false;
bool isEnum = false;
bool isPSObject = false;
//TODO, insivara : To be implemented
//bool isCimInstance = false;
if (!mshSource.immediateBaseObjectIsEmpty)
ErrorRecord errorRecord = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject as ErrorRecord;
if (errorRecord == null)
InformationalRecord informationalRecord = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject as InformationalRecord;
if (informationalRecord == null)
isEnum = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject is Enum;
isPSObject = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject is PSObject;
isInformationalRecord = true;
isErrorRecord = true;
bool writeToString = true;
if (mshSource.ToStringFromDeserialization == null)
// continue to write ToString from deserialized objects, but...
if (mshSource.immediateBaseObjectIsEmpty) // ... don't write ToString for property bags
writeToString = false;
// This will create a CimInstance for PS_Object and populate the typenames.
result = CreateCimInstanceForPSObject(cimClassName: "PS_Object",
psObj: mshSource,
writeToString: writeToString);
PSMemberInfoInternalCollection<PSPropertyInfo> specificPropertiesToSerialize =
SerializationUtilities.GetSpecificPropertiesToSerialize(mshSource, AllPropertiesCollection, _typeTable);
if (isEnum)
CimInstance enumCimInstance = CreateCimInstanceForEnum(mshSource, depth, property != null);
CimProperty p = CimProperty.Create("Value", enumCimInstance,
else if (isPSObject)
CimInstance psObjectCimInstance;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject, property, depth, out psObjectCimInstance);
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", psObjectCimInstance,
else if (isErrorRecord || isInformationalRecord)
// nothing to do
CreateCimInstanceForPSObjectProperties(mshSource, depth, specificPropertiesToSerialize, out listOfCimInstancesProperties);
//TODO, insivara : Implement serialization of CimInstance
//if (isCimInstance)
// CimInstance cimInstance = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject as CimInstance;
// PrepareCimInstanceForSerialization(mshSource, cimInstance);
//TODO, insivara : ExtendedProperties implementation will be done in a subsequent checkin
//SerializeExtendedProperties(mshSource, depth, specificPropertiesToSerialize, out listOfCimInstancesExtendedProperties);
if (listOfCimInstancesProperties != null && listOfCimInstancesProperties.Count > 0)
CimInstance[] referenceArray = listOfCimInstancesProperties.ToArray();
CimProperty properties = CimProperty.Create("Properties", referenceArray,
/// <summary>
/// Serializes an PSObject whose baseobject is of primitive type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// source from which notes are written
/// </param>
/// <param name="primitive">
/// primitive object which is written as base object. In most cases it
/// is same source.ImmediateBaseObject. When PSObject is serialized as string,
/// </param>
/// <param name="pktInfo">
/// TypeSerializationInfo for the primitive.
/// </param>
/// <param name="property"></param>
/// <param name="depth"></param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
private void CreateCimInstanceForPrimitiveTypePSObject
PSObject source,
object primitive,
MITypeSerializationInfo pktInfo,
string property,
int depth,
out CimInstance result
// To avoid compiler error
result = CreateNullCimInstance();
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "Caller should validate source != null");
string toStringValue = SerializationUtilities.GetToStringForPrimitiveObject(source);
bool hasModifiedTypesCollection = false;
//hasModifiedTypesCollection = PSObjectHasModifiedTypesCollection(source);
bool hasNotes = false;
//hasNotes = PSObjectHasNotes(source);
bool hasModifiedToString = (toStringValue != null);
if (hasNotes || hasModifiedTypesCollection || hasModifiedToString)
// source,
// primitive,
// hasModifiedTypesCollection,
// toStringValue,
// pktInfo,
// streamName,
// property,
// depth);
if (primitive != null)
CreateCimInstanceForOnePrimitiveKnownType(this, property, primitive, pktInfo, out result);
//TODO, insivara : Return Null CimInstance
/// <summary>
/// Writes an item or property in Monad namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serializer">The serializer to which the object is serialized.</param>
/// <param name="property">name of property. Pass null for item</param>
/// <param name="source">object to be written</param>
/// <param name="entry">serialization information about source</param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
private static void CreateCimInstanceForOnePrimitiveKnownType
InternalMISerializer serializer,
string property,
object source,
MITypeSerializationInfo entry,
out CimInstance result
Dbg.Assert(serializer != null, "caller should have validated the information");
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should have validated the information");
Dbg.Assert(entry != null, "caller should have validated the information");
if (entry != null && entry.Serializer == null)
// we are not using GetToString, because we assume that
// ToString() for primitive types never throws
string value = Convert.ToString(source, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Dbg.Assert(value != null, "ToString shouldn't return null for primitive types");
result = CreateRawStringCimInstance(property, value, entry);
result = entry.Serializer(property, source, entry);
#region membersets
#endregion membersets
#region properties
#endregion properties
# region enumerable and dictionary
/// <summary>
/// Serializes IEnumerable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enumerable">
/// enumerable which is serialized
/// </param>
/// <param name="property"></param>
/// <param name="enumerableInstances">
/// </param>
/// <param name="depth"></param>
private void WriteEnumerable
IEnumerable enumerable,
string property,
int depth,
out List<CimInstance> enumerableInstances
enumerableInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
Dbg.Assert(enumerable != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
IEnumerator enumerator = null;
enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
catch (System.NotSupportedException)
//ignore exceptions thrown when the enumerator doesn't support Reset() method as in win8:948569
catch (Exception exception)
// Catch-all OK. This is a third-party call-out.
PSEventId.Serializer_EnumerationFailed, PSOpcode.Exception, PSTask.Serialization,
PSKeyword.Serializer | PSKeyword.UseAlwaysAnalytic,
enumerator = null;
if (enumerator != null)
while (true)
object item = null;
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
item = enumerator.Current;
catch (Exception exception)
// Catch-all OK. This is a third-party call-out.
PSEventId.Serializer_EnumerationFailed, PSOpcode.Exception, PSTask.Serialization,
PSKeyword.Serializer | PSKeyword.UseAlwaysAnalytic,
CimInstance enumerableInstance;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(item, property, depth, out enumerableInstance);
private void WriteDictionary(IDictionary dictionary, int depth, out List<CimInstance> listOfCimInstances)
listOfCimInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
Dbg.Assert(dictionary != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
IDictionaryEnumerator dictionaryEnum = null;
dictionaryEnum = dictionary.GetEnumerator();
catch (Exception exception) // ignore non-severe exceptions
// Catch-all OK. This is a third-party call-out.
PSEventId.Serializer_EnumerationFailed, PSOpcode.Exception, PSTask.Serialization,
PSKeyword.Serializer | PSKeyword.UseAlwaysAnalytic,
if (dictionaryEnum != null)
while (true)
object key = null;
object value = null;
if (!dictionaryEnum.MoveNext())
key = dictionaryEnum.Key;
value = dictionaryEnum.Value;
catch (Exception exception)
// Catch-all OK. This is a third-party call-out.
PSEventId.Serializer_EnumerationFailed, PSOpcode.Exception, PSTask.Serialization,
PSKeyword.Serializer | PSKeyword.UseAlwaysAnalytic,
Dbg.Assert(key != null, "Dictionary keys should never be null");
if (key == null) break;
CimInstance dictionaryEntryInstance = CreateCimInstanceForDictionaryEntry(key, value, depth);
private CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForDictionaryEntry(object key, object value, int depth)
//TODO, insivara: Update class name here
CimInstance dictionaryEntryCimInstance = CreateCimInstance("PSObject_DictionaryEntry");
CimInstance keyCimInstance, valueCimInstance;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(key, null, depth, out keyCimInstance);
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(value, null, depth, out valueCimInstance);
CimProperty keyProperty = CimProperty.Create("Key", keyCimInstance,
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", valueCimInstance,
return dictionaryEntryCimInstance;
#endregion enumerable and dictionary
# region Serialization Delegates
/// <summary>
/// Creates CimInstance for a primitive type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">name of property. pass null for item</param>
/// <param name="source">value</param>
/// <param name="entry">serialization information about source</param>
internal static CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForPrimitiveType(string property, object source, MITypeSerializationInfo entry)
CimInstance c;
if (property != null)
c = CreateCimInstanceWhenPropertyNameExists(property, source, entry);
c = CreateCimInstance(entry.CimClassName);
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", source, entry.CimType, CimFlags.Property);
return c;
/// <summary>
/// Creates CimInstance for a string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">name of property. pass null for item</param>
/// <param name="source">string value to write</param>
/// <param name="entry">serialization information about source</param>
internal static CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForString(string property, object source, MITypeSerializationInfo entry)
CimInstance c;
String value = InternalSerializer.EncodeString((String)source);
if (property != null)
c = CreateCimInstanceWhenPropertyNameExists(property, value, entry);
c = CreateCimInstance(entry.CimClassName);
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", value, entry.CimType, CimFlags.Property);
return c;
#region Serialization Helper Methods
private static CimProperty CreateTypeNamesProperty(IEnumerable<string> types)
return CimProperty.Create("TypeNames", types, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.StringArray, CimFlags.Property);
internal static CimProperty CreateCimProperty(string propertyName, object propertyValue, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType cimType)
return CimProperty.Create(propertyName, propertyValue, cimType, CimFlags.Property);
internal static CimInstance CreateCimInstance(string cimClassName)
CimInstance cimInstance = new CimInstance(cimClassName, PowerShellRemotingProviderNamespace);
return cimInstance;
internal static CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForPSObject(string cimClassName, PSObject psObj, bool writeToString)
CimInstance cimInstance = new CimInstance(cimClassName, PowerShellRemotingProviderNamespace);
CimProperty typeProperty = CreateTypeNamesProperty(psObj.TypeNames);
if (writeToString)
CimProperty toStringProperty = CimProperty.Create("ToString",
return cimInstance;
private static CimInstance CreateRawStringCimInstance(string property, string value, MITypeSerializationInfo entry)
CimInstance c;
if (property != null)
c = CreateCimInstanceWhenPropertyNameExists(property, value, entry);
c = CreateCimInstance(entry.CimClassName);
CimProperty p1 = CimProperty.Create("Value", value, entry.CimType, CimFlags.Property);
return c;
private static CimInstance CreateCimInstanceWhenPropertyNameExists(string property, object source, MITypeSerializationInfo entry)
CimInstance innerInstance = CreateCimInstance(entry.CimClassName);
CimProperty valueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", source, entry.CimType, CimFlags.Property);
CimInstance c = CreateCimInstance("PS_ObjectProperty");
CimProperty name = CimProperty.Create("Name", property,
CimProperty outerInstanceValueProperty = CimProperty.Create("Value", innerInstance,
return c;
private CimInstance CreateCimInstanceForEnum(PSObject mshSource, int depth, bool serializeAsString)
CimInstance enumCimInstance = null;
object baseObject = mshSource.ImmediateBaseObject;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(source: System.Convert.ChangeType(baseObject, Enum.GetUnderlyingType(baseObject.GetType()), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
property: null,
depth: depth,
result: out enumCimInstance);
return enumCimInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Serializes properties of PSObject
/// </summary>
private void CreateCimInstanceForPSObjectProperties
PSObject source,
int depth,
IEnumerable<PSPropertyInfo> specificPropertiesToSerialize,
out List<CimInstance> listOfCimInstances
listOfCimInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
Dbg.Assert(source != null, "caller should validate the information");
//TODO, insivara : Depth implementation will come later
if (specificPropertiesToSerialize != null)
SerializeProperties(specificPropertiesToSerialize, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
if (source.ShouldSerializeAdapter())
IEnumerable<PSPropertyInfo> adapterCollection = null;
adapterCollection = source.GetAdaptedProperties();
if (adapterCollection != null)
SerializeProperties(adapterCollection, depth, out listOfCimInstances);
/// <summary>
/// Serializes properties from collection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyCollection">
/// Collection of properties to serialize
/// </param>
/// <param name="depth">
/// depth to which each property should be
/// serialized
/// </param>
/// <param name="listOfCimInstances">
/// list of CimInstances for the properties
/// serialized
/// </param>
private void SerializeProperties
IEnumerable<PSPropertyInfo> propertyCollection,
int depth,
out List<CimInstance> listOfCimInstances
listOfCimInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
Dbg.Assert(propertyCollection != null, "caller should validate the parameter");
foreach (PSMemberInfo info in propertyCollection)
PSProperty prop = info as PSProperty;
if (prop == null)
bool success;
object value = SerializationUtilities.GetPropertyValueInThreadSafeManner(prop, this.CanUseDefaultRunspaceInThreadSafeManner, out success);
if (success)
CimInstance propertyInstance = null;
CreateCimInstanceForOneObject(value, prop.Name, depth, out propertyInstance);
private static CimInstance CreateNullCimInstance()
return new CimInstance("Null");

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// A class for identifying types which are treated as Known Cim Type by Monad.
/// A KnownMIType is guranteed to be available on machine on which monad is
/// running.
/// </summary>
internal static class KnownMITypes
/// <summary>
/// Static constructor
/// </summary>
static KnownMITypes()
for (int i = 0; i < s_typeSerializationInfo.Length; i++)
s_knownTableKeyType.Add(s_typeSerializationInfo[i].Type.FullName, s_typeSerializationInfo[i]);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type serialization information about a type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type for which information is retrieved</param>
/// <returns>TypeSerializationInfo for the type, null if it doesn't exist</returns>
internal static MITypeSerializationInfo GetTypeSerializationInfo(Type type)
MITypeSerializationInfo temp = null;
s_knownTableKeyType.TryGetValue(type.FullName, out temp);
return temp;
#region private_fields
/// <summary>
/// Array of known types.
/// </summary>
private static readonly MITypeSerializationInfo[] s_typeSerializationInfo = new MITypeSerializationInfo[]
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Boolean),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Byte),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Char),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Double),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Guid),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Int16),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Int32),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Int64),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(SByte),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(String),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(UInt16),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(UInt32),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(UInt64),
new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Decimal),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(DateTime),
// InternalSerializer.WriteDateTime),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Single),
// InternalSerializer.WriteSingle),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(ScriptBlock),
// InternalSerializer.WriteScriptBlock),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(TimeSpan),
// InternalSerializer.WriteTimeSpan),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(Uri),
// InternalSerializer.WriteUri),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(byte[]),
// InternalSerializer.WriteByteArray),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(System.Version),
// InternalMISerializer.WriteVersion),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(ProgressRecord),
// InternalSerializer.WriteProgressRecord),
//new MITypeSerializationInfo(typeof(SecureString),
// InternalSerializer.WriteSecureString),
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary of knowntypes.
/// Key is Type.FullName and value is Type object.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<string, MITypeSerializationInfo> s_knownTableKeyType = new Dictionary<string, MITypeSerializationInfo>();
#endregion private_fields

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Management.Automation
internal class MISerializer
internal InternalMISerializer internalSerializer;
public MISerializer(int depth)
internalSerializer = new InternalMISerializer(depth);
public CimInstance Serialize(object source)
return internalSerializer.Serialize(source);

View file

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// A delegate for serializing known type
/// </summary>
internal delegate CimInstance MITypeSerializerDelegate(
string property, object source, MITypeSerializationInfo entry);
/// <summary>
/// This class contains serialization information about a type.
/// </summary>
internal class MITypeSerializationInfo
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type for which this entry is created</param>
/// <param name="serializer">TypeSerializerDelegate for serializing the type</param>
/// <param name="cimClassName">The CimClass name whose instance needs to be created for this type</param>
internal MITypeSerializationInfo(Type type, MITypeSerializerDelegate serializer,
string cimClassName)
Type = type;
Serializer = serializer;
CimType = CimConverter.GetCimType(type);
CimClassName = cimClassName;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type for which this entry is created</param>
/// <param name="serializer">TypeSerializerDelegate for serializing the type</param>
/// <param name="cimType">CimType corresponding to the .NET type </param>
/// For some .NET types (Guid, Decimal, etc.), there are no equivalent Cim Types. So, we serialize them as string
/// <param name="cimClassName">The CimClass name whose instance needs to be created for this type</param>
internal MITypeSerializationInfo(Type type, MITypeSerializerDelegate serializer,
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType cimType, string cimClassName) : this(type, serializer, cimClassName)
CimType = cimType;
#region properties
/// <summary>
/// Get the type for which this TypeSerializationInfo is created.
/// </summary>
internal Type Type { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the delegate to serialize this type
/// </summary>
internal MITypeSerializerDelegate Serializer { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The CimType corresponding to the .NET type
/// </summary>
internal Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType CimType { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The CimClass name whose instance needs to be created for this type
/// </summary>
internal String CimClassName { get; }
#endregion properties
#region private
#endregion private

View file

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using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// This class provides public functionality for serializing a PSObject to a CimInstance
/// </summary>
internal class PSMISerializer
//TODO, insivara : Depth implementation will be added subsequently
/// <summary>
/// Default depth of serialization
/// </summary>
private static int s_mshDefaultMISerializationDepth = 1;
internal PSMISerializer()
/// <summary>
/// Serializes an object into CimInstance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The input object to serialize. Serializes to a default depth of 1</param>
/// <returns>The serialized object, as CimInstance</returns>n
public static CimInstance Serialize(Object source)
return Serialize(source, s_mshDefaultMISerializationDepth);
/// <summary>
/// Serializes an object into CimInstance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The input object to serialize. Serializes to a default depth of 1</param>
/// <param name="serializationDepth">The input object to serialize. Serializes to a default depth of 1</param>
/// <returns>The serialized object, as CimInstance</returns>n
public static CimInstance Serialize(Object source, int serializationDepth)
MISerializer serializer = new MISerializer(serializationDepth);
return serializer.Serialize(source);