Adding test coverage for Variable provider

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Chris Ubben 2016-09-19 14:25:39 -07:00 committed by Mike Richmond
parent 3700d108b3
commit 9885917481

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Describe "Validate basic Variable provider cmdlets" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testVarName = "MyTestVarThatWontConflict"
$testVarValue = 1234
$testVarDescription = "This is a test variable for provider test purposes."
BeforeEach {
New-Variable -Name $testVarName -Value $testVarValue -Description $testVarDescription
AfterEach {
Remove-Variable -Name $testVarName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verify Get-Item" {
$result = Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}"
$result.Name | Should Be $testVarName
$result.Value | Should Be $testVarValue
It "Verify New-Item" {
$result = New-Item -Name "MyTestVariable" -Value 5 -Path "Variable:"
$result.Name | Should Be "MyTestVariable"
$result.Value | Should Be 5
It "Verify Clear-Item" {
$valueBefore = (Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}").Value
Clear-Item "Variable:${testVarName}"
$valueAfter = (Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}").Value
$valueBefore | Should Be $testVarValue
$valueAfter | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Verify Copy-Item" {
Copy-Item -Path "Variable:${testVarName}" -Destination "Variable:${testVarName}_Copy"
$original = Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}"
$copy = Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}_Copy"
$original.Name | Should Be $testVarName
$copy.Name | Should Be "${testVarName}_Copy"
$original.Value | Should Be $copy.Value
It "Verify Remove-Item" {
$existsBefore = Test-Path "Variable:${testVarName}"
Remove-Item -Path "Variable:${testVarName}"
$existsAfter = Test-Path "Variable:${testVarName}"
$existsBefore | Should Be $true
$existsAfter | Should Be $false
It "Verify Rename-Item" {
$existsBefore = Test-Path "Variable:${testVarName}"
Rename-Item -Path "Variable:${testVarName}" -NewName "${testVarName}_Rename"
$existsAfter = Test-Path "Variable:${testVarName}"
$result = Get-Item "Variable:${testVarName}_Rename"
$existsBefore | Should Be $true
$existsAfter | Should Be $false
$result.Name | Should Be "${testVarName}_Rename"
$result.Value | Should Be $testVarValue
Describe "Validate basic negative test cases for Variable provider cmdlets" -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$testVarName = "MyTestVarThatWontConflict"
$testVarValue = 1234
$testVarDescription = "This is a test variable for provider test purposes."
BeforeEach {
New-Variable -Name $testVarName -Value $testVarValue -Description $testVarDescription
AfterEach {
Remove-Variable -Name $testVarName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verify Negative New-Item" {
try {
New-Item -Name $testVarName -Value 5 -Path "Variable:" -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "Argument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand" }
It "Verify Negative Move-Item" {
$alreadyExistsVar = 2
try {
Move-Item -Path "Variable:${testVarName}" -Destination "Variable:alreadyExistsVar" -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "GetDynamicParametersException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand" }
It "Verify Negative Invoke-Item" {
try {
Invoke-Item -Path "Variable:${testVarName}" -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeItemCommand" }
It "Verify Negative Get-ItemPropertyValue" {
try {
Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "Variable:" -Name $testVarName -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPropertyValueCommand" }
Describe "Validate special variables" -Tags "CI" {
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable.PSEdition" {
$PSVersionTable["PSEdition"] | Should Be "Core"