Merge pull request 122 from dev/112-split-path-pester into develop

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Zach Folwick 2015-08-29 03:14:38 +00:00
commit a1e3981b6e

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@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
Describe "Test-Split-Path" {
1. Split-Path - FUT
2. ForEach
3. Object piping
4. ls/Get-ChildItem - filter output of ls
It "Should return a string object when invoked" {
( Split-Path . ).GetType().Name | Should Be "String"
( Split-Path . -Leaf ).GetType().Name | Should Be "String"
@ -15,22 +7,80 @@
It "Should return the name of the drive when the qualifier switch is used" {
Split-Path / -Qualifier | Should Be "/"
Split-Path /usr/bin -Qualifier | Should Be "/"
It "Should return the parent folder name when the leaf switch is used" {
Split-Path . -Leaf | Should be "pester-tests"
It "Should error when using the qualifier switch for a windows path while on a nonwindows machine" {
# ErrorAction SilentlyContinue merely suppresses the error from the console.
# Throwing exceptions still seen by Pester.
Split-Path "C:\Users" -Qualifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should error when no directory separator characters are used with a qualifier" {
Split-Path "abadTest" -Qualifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should return the path when the noqualifier switch is used on a Linux system" {
{ Split-Path /usr/bin -NoQualifier } | Should Not Throw
Split-Path /usr/bin -NoQualifier | Should Be "/usr/bin"
It "Should return the base name when the leaf switch is used" {
Split-Path /usr/bin -Leaf | Should be "bin"
Split-Path /usr/local/bin -Leaf | Should be "bin"
Split-Path usr/bin -Leaf | Should be "bin"
Split-Path ./bin -Leaf | Should be "bin"
Split-Path bin -Leaf | Should be "bin"
It "Should be able to accept regular expression input and output an array for multiple objects" {
(Split-Path *Get*.ps1 -Leaf -Resolve).GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array"
$testDir = "./tmp"
Remove-Item $testDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$testFile1 = "testfile1.ps1"
$testFile2 = "testfile2.ps1"
$testFilePath1 = $testDir + "/" + $testFile1
$testFilePath2 = $testDir + "/" + $testFile2
New-Item -ItemType file -Path $testFilePath1, $testFilePath2 -Force
Test-Path $testFilePath1 | Should Be $true
Test-Path $testFilePath2 | Should Be $true
$actual = ( Split-Path $testDir/*file*.ps1 -Leaf -Resolve ) | Sort-Object
$actual.GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array"
$actual[0] | Should Be $testFile1
$actual[1] | Should Be $testFile2
Remove-Item $testDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Test-Path $testDir | Should Be $false
It "Should be able to tell if a given path is an absolute path" {
( Split-Path /usr/bin -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $true
( Split-Path .. -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
( Split-Path /usr/.. -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $true
( Split-Path /usr/../ -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $true
( Split-Path ../ -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
( Split-Path . -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
( Split-Path ~/ -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
( Split-Path ~/.. -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
( Split-Path ~/../.. -IsAbsolute ) | Should be $false
It "Should support piping" {
("." | Split-Path -leaf) | Should Be "pester-tests"
( "/usr/bin" | Split-Path ) | Should Be "/usr"
It "Should return the path up to the parent of the directory when Parent switch is used" {
Split-Path "/usr/bin" -Parent | Should Be "/usr"
Split-Path "/usr/local/bin" -Parent | Should Be "/usr/local"
Split-Path "usr/local/bin" -Parent | Should Be "usr/local"
It "Should throw if a parameterSetName is incorrect" {
{ Split-Path "/usr/bin/" -Parentaoeu } | Should Throw "A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name"