Add test coverage for Command discovery and requires (#2285)

This commit is contained in:
Aditya Patwardhan 2016-09-26 13:36:04 -07:00 committed by Jason Shirk
parent 5d2f52e4e9
commit a27b2303bb
2 changed files with 133 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Describe "Requires tests" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Parser error" {
$testcases = @(
@{command = "#requiresappID`r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "appId with newline"}
@{command = "#requires -version A `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "version as character"}
@{command = "#requires -version 2b `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "alphanumeric version"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1. `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "version with dot"}
@{command = "#requires -version '' `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "empty version"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1.0. `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "version with two dots"}
@{command = "#requires -version 1.A `r`n$foo = 1; $foo" ; testname = "alphanumeric version with dots"}
It "throws ParserException - <testname>" -TestCases $testcases {
throw "'$command' should have thrown ParserError"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParseException"

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Describe "Command Discovery tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
setup -f testscript.ps1 -content "'This script should not run. Running from testscript.ps1'"
setup -f testscripp.ps1 -content "'This script should not run. Running from testscripp.ps1'"
$TestCasesCommandNotFound = @(
@{command = 'CommandThatDoesnotExist' ; testName = 'Non-existent command'}
@{command = 'testscrip?.ps1' ; testName = 'Multiple matches for filename'}
@{command = "demo" + [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar; testName = 'Non existent command with directory separator'}
@{command = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar; testName = 'Directory separator'}
@{command = 'environment::\path'; testName = 'Provider qualified path'}
It "<testName>" -TestCases $TestCasesCommandNotFound {
& $command
throw "Should not have found command: '$command'"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'CommandNotFoundException'
It "Command lookup with duplicate paths" {
$previousPath = $env:PSMODULEPATH
New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\TestFunctionA" -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\\TestFunctionA\TestFunctionA.psm1" -Value "function TestFunctionA {}" | Out-Null
$env:PSMODULEPATH = "$TestDrive" + [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + "$TestDrive"
(Get-command 'TestFunctionA').count | Should Be 1
$env:PSMODULEPATH = $previousPath
It "Alias can be set for a cmdlet" {
Set-Alias 'AliasCommandDiscoveryTest' Get-ChildItem
$commands = (Get-Command 'AliasCommandDiscoveryTest')
$commands.Count | Should Be 1
$aliasResult = $commands -as [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]
$aliasResult | Should BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]
$aliasResult.Name | Should Be 'AliasCommandDiscoveryTest'
It "Cyclic aliases - direct" {
Set-Alias CyclicAliasA CyclicAliasB -Force
Set-Alias CyclicAliasB CyclicAliasA -Force
& CyclicAliasA
throw "Execution should not reach here. '& CyclicAliasA' should have thrown."
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'CommandNotFoundException'
It "Cyclic aliases - indirect" {
Set-Alias CyclicAliasA CyclicAliasB -Force
Set-Alias CyclicAliasB CyclicAliasC -Force
Set-Alias CyclicAliasC CyclicAliasA -Force
& CyclicAliasA
throw "Execution should not reach here. '& CyclicAliasA' should have thrown."
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'CommandNotFoundException'
It "Get-Command should return only CmdletInfo, FunctionInfo, AliasInfo or FilterInfo" {
$commands = Get-Command
$commands.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0
foreach($command in $commands)
$command.GetType().Name | should be @("AliasInfo","FunctionInfo","CmdletInfo","FilterInfo")
It "Non-existent commands with wildcard should not write errors" {
Get-Command "CommandDoesNotExist*" -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ev | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Get- is prepended to commands" {
(& 'location').Path | Should Be (get-location).Path