Merge pull request #1523 from lzybkr/semver

This commit is contained in:
Sergei Vorobev 2016-07-27 18:35:12 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit aa72512c76
8 changed files with 659 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
/// <summary>
/// This class drives the Request class that is an interface exposed from the PackageManagement Platform to the provider to use.
/// </summary>

View file

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider
using System.Reflection;
using System.Management.Automation;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
/// <summary>
/// A Package provider to the PackageManagement Platform.

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.PackageSourceListProvider
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using ErrorCategory = PackageManagement.Internal.ErrorCategory;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
internal static class ExePackageInstaller

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.PackageSourceListProvider
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility;
using ErrorCategory = PackageManagement.Internal.ErrorCategory;
using System.Globalization;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
internal static class NupkgInstaller {

View file

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.PackageSourceListProvider
internal static class JsonParser

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.PackageManagement.PackageSourceListProvider
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Implementation;
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Internal.Api;
using Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility;
using SemanticVersion = Microsoft.PackageManagement.Provider.Utility.SemanticVersion;
public abstract class PackageSourceListRequest : Request {

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace System.Management.Automation
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
static Version _psV4Version = new Version(4, 0);
static Version _psV5Version = new Version(5, 0);
static Version _psV51Version = new Version(5, 1, NTVerpVars.PRODUCTBUILD, NTVerpVars.PRODUCTBUILD_QFE);
static SemanticVersion _psV6Version = new SemanticVersion(6, 0, 0, "alpha");
/// <summary>
/// A constant to track current PowerShell Edition
@ -57,11 +60,11 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
_psVersionTable = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_psVersionTable[PSVersionInfo.PSVersionName] = _psV51Version;
_psVersionTable[PSVersionInfo.PSVersionName] = _psV6Version;
_psVersionTable["PSEdition"] = PSEditionValue;
_psVersionTable["BuildVersion"] = GetBuildVersion();
_psVersionTable["GitCommitId"] = GetCommitInfo();
_psVersionTable["PSCompatibleVersions"] = new Version[] { _psV1Version, _psV2Version, _psV3Version, _psV4Version, _psV5Version, _psV51Version };
_psVersionTable["PSCompatibleVersions"] = new Version[] { _psV1Version, _psV2Version, _psV3Version, _psV4Version, _psV5Version, _psV51Version, _psV6Version };
_psVersionTable[PSVersionInfo.SerializationVersionName] = new Version(InternalSerializer.DefaultVersion);
_psVersionTable[PSVersionInfo.PSRemotingProtocolVersionName] = RemotingConstants.ProtocolVersion;
_psVersionTable[PSVersionInfo.WSManStackVersionName] = GetWSManStackVersion();
@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
return (Version) GetPSVersionTable()[PSVersionInfo.PSVersionName];
return (SemanticVersion) GetPSVersionTable()[PSVersionInfo.PSVersionName];
@ -247,6 +250,10 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
static internal bool IsValidPSVersion(Version version)
if (version.Major == _psV6Version.Major)
return version.Minor == _psV6Version.Minor;
if (version.Major == _psV5Version.Major)
return (version.Minor == _psV5Version.Minor || version.Minor == _psV51Version.Minor);
@ -286,7 +293,460 @@ namespace System.Management.Automation
get { return _psV51Version; }
static internal SemanticVersion PSV6Version
get { return _psV6Version; }
/// <summary>
/// An implementation of semantic versioning (
/// that can be converted to/from <see cref="System.Version"/>.
/// When converting to <see cref="Version"/>, a PSNoteProperty is
/// added to the instance to store the semantic version label so
/// that it can be recovered when creating a new SemanticVersion.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SemanticVersion : IComparable, IComparable<SemanticVersion>, IEquatable<SemanticVersion>
/// <summary>
/// Construct a SemanticVersion from a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">The version to parse</param>
/// <exception cref="PSArgumentException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="ValidationMetadataException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="FormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
public SemanticVersion(string version)
var v = SemanticVersion.Parse(version);
Major = v.Major;
Minor = v.Minor;
Patch = v.Patch;
Label = v.Label;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a SemanticVersion.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="major">The major version</param>
/// <param name="minor">The minor version</param>
/// <param name="patch">The minor version</param>
/// <param name="label">The label for the version</param>
/// <exception cref="PSArgumentException">
/// If <paramref name="major"/>, <paramref name="minor"/>, or <paramref name="patch"/> is less than 0.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="PSArgumentNullException">
/// If <paramref name="label"/> is null or an empty string.
/// </exception>
public SemanticVersion(int major, int minor, int patch, string label)
: this(major, minor, patch)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(label));
Label = label;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a SemanticVersion.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="major">The major version</param>
/// <param name="minor">The minor version</param>
/// <param name="patch">The minor version</param>
/// <exception cref="PSArgumentException">
/// If <paramref name="major"/>, <paramref name="minor"/>, or <paramref name="patch"/> is less than 0.
/// </exception>
public SemanticVersion(int major, int minor, int patch)
if (major < 0) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(major));
if (minor < 0) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(minor));
if (patch < 0) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(patch));
Major = major;
Minor = minor;
Patch = patch;
Label = null;
const string LabelPropertyName = "PSSemanticVersionLabel";
/// <summary>
/// Construct a <see cref="SemanticVersion"/> from a <see cref="Version"/>,
/// copying the NoteProperty storing the label if the expected property exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">The version.</param>
public SemanticVersion(Version version)
if (version.Revision > 0 || version.Build < 0) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(version));
Major = version.Major;
Minor = version.Minor;
Patch = version.Build;
var psobj = new PSObject(version);
var labelNote = psobj.Properties[LabelPropertyName];
if (labelNote != null)
Label = labelNote.Value as string;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a <see cref="SemanticVersion"/> to a <see cref="Version"/>.
/// If there is a <see cref="Label"/>, it is added as a NoteProperty to the
/// result so that you can round trip back to a <see cref="SemanticVersion"/>
/// without losing the label.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="semver"></param>
public static implicit operator Version(SemanticVersion semver)
var result = new Version(semver.Major, semver.Minor, semver.Patch);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(semver.Label))
var psobj = new PSObject(result);
psobj.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty(LabelPropertyName, semver.Label));
return result;
/// <summary>
/// The major version number, never negative.
/// </summary>
public int Major { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The minor version number, never negative.
/// </summary>
public int Minor { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The patch version, -1 if not specified.
/// </summary>
public int Patch { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The last component in a SemanticVersion - may be null if not specified.
/// </summary>
public string Label { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Parse <paramref name="version"/> and return the result if it is a valid <see cref="SemanticVersion"/>, otherwise throws an exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">The string to parse</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="PSArgumentException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="ValidationMetadataException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="FormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
public static SemanticVersion Parse(string version)
if (version == null) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
var r = new VersionResult();
TryParseVersion(version, ref r);
return r._parsedVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Parse <paramref name="version"/> and return true if it is a valid <see cref="SemanticVersion"/>, otherwise return false.
/// No exceptions are raised.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">The string to parse</param>
/// <param name="result">The return value when the string is a valid <see cref="SemanticVersion"/></param>
public static bool TryParse(string version, out SemanticVersion result)
if (version != null)
var r = new VersionResult();
if (TryParseVersion(version, ref r))
result = r._parsedVersion;
return true;
result = null;
return false;
private static bool TryParseVersion(string version, ref VersionResult result)
var dashIndex = version.IndexOf('-');
// Empty label?
if (dashIndex == version.Length - 1)
return false;
var versionSansLabel = (dashIndex < 0) ? version : version.Substring(0, dashIndex);
string[] parsedComponents = versionSansLabel.Split(Utils.Separators.Dot);
if (parsedComponents.Length != 3)
return false;
int major, minor, patch;
if (!TryParseComponent(parsedComponents[0], "major", ref result, out major))
return false;
if (!TryParseComponent(parsedComponents[1], "minor", ref result, out minor))
return false;
if (!TryParseComponent(parsedComponents[2], "patch", ref result, out patch))
return false;
result._parsedVersion = dashIndex < 0
? new SemanticVersion(major, minor, patch)
: new SemanticVersion(major, minor, patch, version.Substring(dashIndex + 1));
return true;
private static bool TryParseComponent(string component, string componentName, ref VersionResult result, out int parsedComponent)
if (!Int32.TryParse(component, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out parsedComponent))
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.FormatException, component);
return false;
if (parsedComponent < 0)
result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, componentName);
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// ToString
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
if (Patch < 0)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label)
? StringUtil.Format("{0}.{1}", Major, Minor)
: StringUtil.Format("{0}.{1}-{2}", Major, Minor, Label);
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label)
? StringUtil.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", Major, Minor, Patch)
: StringUtil.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, Label);
/// <summary>
/// Implement <see cref="IComparable.CompareTo"/>
/// </summary>
public int CompareTo(object version)
if (version == null)
return 1;
var v = version as SemanticVersion;
if (v == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(version));
return CompareTo(v);
/// <summary>
/// Implement <see cref="IComparable{T}.CompareTo"/>
/// </summary>
public int CompareTo(SemanticVersion value)
if ((object)value == null)
return 1;
if (Major != value.Major)
return Major > value.Major ? 1 : -1;
if (Minor != value.Minor)
return Minor > value.Minor ? 1 : -1;
if (Patch != value.Patch)
return Patch > value.Patch ? 1 : -1;
if (Label == null)
return value.Label == null ? 0 : 1;
if (value.Label == null)
return -1;
if (!string.Equals(Label, value.Label, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return string.Compare(Label, value.Label, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Override <see cref="object.Equals(object)"/>
/// </summary>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as SemanticVersion);
/// <summary>
/// Implement <see cref="IEquatable{T}.Equals(T)"/>
/// </summary>
public bool Equals(SemanticVersion other)
return other != null &&
(Major == other.Major) && (Minor == other.Minor) && (Patch == other.Patch) &&
string.Equals(Label, other.Label, StringComparison.Ordinal);
/// <summary>
/// Override <see cref="object.GetHashCode()"/>
/// </summary>
public override int GetHashCode()
return Utils.CombineHashCodes(
Label == null ? 0 : Label.GetHashCode());
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded == operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator ==(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(v1, null)) {
return object.ReferenceEquals(v2, null);
return v1.Equals(v2);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded != operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator !=(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
return !(v1 == v2);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded &lt; operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator <(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
if ((object) v1 == null) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(v1));
return (v1.CompareTo(v2) < 0);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded &lt;= operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator <=(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
if ((object) v1 == null) throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(v1));
return (v1.CompareTo(v2) <= 0);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded &gt; operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator >(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
return (v2 < v1);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded &gt;= operator
/// </summary>
public static bool operator >=(SemanticVersion v1, SemanticVersion v2)
return (v2 <= v1);
internal enum ParseFailureKind
internal struct VersionResult
internal SemanticVersion _parsedVersion;
internal ParseFailureKind _failure;
internal string _exceptionArgument;
internal bool _canThrow;
internal void Init(bool canThrow)
_canThrow = canThrow;
internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure)
SetFailure(failure, String.Empty);
internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, string argument)
_failure = failure;
_exceptionArgument = argument;
if (_canThrow)
throw GetVersionParseException();
internal Exception GetVersionParseException()
switch (_failure)
case ParseFailureKind.ArgumentException:
return PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("version");
case ParseFailureKind.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:
throw new ValidationMetadataException("ValidateRangeTooSmall",
null, Metadata.ValidateRangeSmallerThanMinRangeFailure,
_exceptionArgument, "0");
case ParseFailureKind.FormatException:
// Regenerate the FormatException as would be thrown by Int32.Parse()
Int32.Parse(_exceptionArgument, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
catch (FormatException e)
return e;
catch (OverflowException e)
return e;
return PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("version");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Describe "SemanticVersion api tests" {
Context "constructing valid versions" {
It "string argument constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.2.3-alpha")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 2
$v.Patch | Should Be 3
$v.Label | Should Be "alpha"
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.2.3-alpha"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.0.0")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
# After the above test, we trust the properties and rely on ToString for validation
It "int args constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 0, "beta.1")
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.0-beta.1"
It "version arg constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(1, 2, 3))
$v.ToString() | Should Be '1.2.3'
It "semantic version can round trip through version" {
$v1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 1, "prerelease")
$v2 = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]$v1)
$v2.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.1-prerelease"
Context "Comparisons" {
$v1_0_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v1_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 0)
$v1_1_1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 1)
$v2_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(2, 1, 0)
$v1_0_0_alpha = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "alpha")
$v1_0_0_beta = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "beta")
$testCases = @(
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_1_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v2_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0_beta }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_beta; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
It "less than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -lt $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -lt $lhs | Should Be $false
It "less than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $lhs | Should Be $false
$lhs -le $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -gt $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -gt $lhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$lhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $true
$testCases = @(
@{ operand = $v1_0_0 }
@{ operand = $v1_0_0_alpha }
It "Equality" -TestCases $testCases {
$operand -eq $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $operand | Should Be $false
$null -eq $operand | Should Be $false
$operand -eq $null | Should Be $false
$null -ne $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $null | Should Be $true
It "comparisons with null" {
$v1_0_0 -lt $null | Should Be $false
$null -lt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -le $null | Should Be $false
$null -le $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -gt $null | Should Be $true
$null -gt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
$v1_0_0 -ge $null | Should Be $true
$null -ge $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
Context "error handling" {
# The specific errors aren't too useful here, but noted in comments
# so when we pick up a version of Pester that will let us check FullyQualifiedErrorId,
# it's easier to tweak the tests
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = $null }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = [NullString]::Value }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.0-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0" } # REVIEW - should this be allowed
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1..0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0." }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = ".0.0" }
It "parts of version missing" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-1.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.-1.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-1" }
It "range check of versions" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "aa.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "" }
It "format errors" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
It "Negative version arguments" {
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(-1, 0) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
It "Incompatible version throws" {
# Revision isn't supported
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(0, 0, 0, 4)) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new("")) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
# Build is required
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(1, 2)) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new("1.2")) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException