Separate Windows PSRP binary build out of Start-PSBuild (#4335)

There are following major changes:
- `Start-PSBootstrap -BuildWindowsNative` installs the native dependencies required for building PSRP binary. Without `-BuildWindowsNative`, it only installs the dotnet-SDK on Windows platform.
- `Start-PSBuild` doesn't build Windows PSRP binary. Instead, `Start-BuildNativeWindowsBinaries` is added to build it. After the build, 3 files (`'pwrshplugin.dll'`, `'pwrshplugin.pdb'`, `'Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1'`) will be bin-placed at `src\powershell-win-core` like before.
- The NuGet package `''` is added to `powershell-core` feed, and we reference it in `powershell-win-core.csproj` to get the Windows PSRP related files. Files (.dll and .pdb) in the package are from the beta.4 release build.
This commit is contained in:
Dongbo Wang 2017-07-25 16:50:27 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0d8eff6446
commit b0efc7c2c2
2 changed files with 232 additions and 260 deletions

View file

@ -89,6 +89,98 @@ function Test-Win10SDK {
return (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\mc.exe")
function Start-BuildNativeWindowsBinaries {
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release')]
[string]$Configuration = 'Release',
[ValidateSet('x64', 'x86')]
[string]$Arch = 'x64'
if (-not $Environment.IsWindows) {
Write-Warning -Message "'Start-BuildNativeWindowsBinaries' is only supported on Windows platforms"
# cmake is needed to build powershell.exe
if (-not (precheck 'cmake' $null)) {
throw 'cmake not found. Run "Start-PSBootstrap -BuildWindowsNative". You can also install it from'
# mc.exe is Message Compiler for native resources
if (-Not (Test-Win10SDK)) {
throw 'Win 10 SDK not found. Run "Start-PSBootstrap -BuildWindowsNative" or install Microsoft Windows 10 SDK from'
$vcPath = (Get-Item(Join-Path -Path "$env:VS140COMNTOOLS" -ChildPath '../../vc')).FullName
$atlMfcIncludePath = Join-Path -Path $vcPath -ChildPath 'atlmfc/include'
# atlbase.h is included in the pwrshplugin project
if ((Test-Path -Path $atlMfcIncludePath\atlbase.h) -eq $false) {
throw "Could not find Visual Studio include file atlbase.h at $atlMfcIncludePath. Please ensure the optional feature 'Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++' is installed."
# vcvarsall.bat is used to setup environment variables
if ((Test-Path -Path $vcPath\vcvarsall.bat) -eq $false) {
throw "Could not find Visual Studio vcvarsall.bat at $vcPath. Please ensure the optional feature 'Common Tools for Visual C++' is installed."
log "Start building native Windows binaries"
try {
Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-native"
# setup cmakeGenerator
if ($Arch -eq 'x86') {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 14 2015'
} else {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64'
# Compile native resources
$currentLocation = Get-Location
@("nativemsh/pwrshplugin") | ForEach-Object {
$nativeResourcesFolder = $_
Get-ChildItem $nativeResourcesFolder -Filter "*.mc" | ForEach-Object {
$command = @"
cmd.exe /C cd /d "$currentLocation" "&" "$($vcPath)\vcvarsall.bat" "$Arch" "&" mc.exe -o -d -c -U "$($_.FullName)" -h "$nativeResourcesFolder" -r "$nativeResourcesFolder"
log " Executing mc.exe Command: $command"
Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression -Command:$command 2>&1 }
# Disabling until I figure out if it is necessary
# $overrideFlags = "-DCMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-native\windows-compiler-override.txt"
$overrideFlags = ""
$location = Get-Location
$command = @"
cmd.exe /C cd /d "$location" "&" "$($vcPath)\vcvarsall.bat" "$Arch" "&" cmake "$overrideFlags" -DBUILD_ONECORE=ON -DBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=$Arch -G "$cmakeGenerator" . "&" msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj "/p:Configuration=$Configuration"
log " Executing Build Command: $command"
Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression -Command:$command }
# Copy the binaries from the local build directory to the packaging directory
$FilesToCopy = @('pwrshplugin.dll', 'pwrshplugin.pdb')
$dstPath = "$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-win-core"
$FilesToCopy | ForEach-Object {
$srcPath = Join-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path (Get-Location) "bin") $Configuration) "CoreClr/$_"
log " Copying $srcPath to $dstPath"
Copy-Item $srcPath $dstPath
# Place the remoting configuration script in the same directory
# as the binary so it will get published.
Copy-Item .\Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1 $dstPath
} finally {
function Start-PSBuild {
@ -195,11 +287,23 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
# Add .NET CLI tools to PATH
# verify we have all tools in place to do the build
# Verify we have all tools in place to do the build
$precheck = precheck 'dotnet' "Build dependency 'dotnet' not found in PATH. Run Start-PSBootstrap. Also see:"
if ($Environment.IsLinux -or $Environment.IsOSX) {
foreach ($Dependency in 'cmake', 'make', 'g++') {
$precheck = $precheck -and (precheck $Dependency "Build dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run 'Start-PSBootstrap'.")
# Abort if any precheck failed
if (-not $precheck) {
# Verify if the dotnet in-use is the required version
$dotnetCLIInstalledVersion = (dotnet --version)
If ( $dotnetCLIInstalledVersion -ne $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion ) {
If ($dotnetCLIInstalledVersion -ne $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion) {
Write-Warning @"
The currently installed .NET Command Line Tools is not the required version.
@ -218,48 +322,6 @@ Fix steps:
if ($Environment.IsWindows) {
# cmake is needed to build powershell.exe
$precheck = $precheck -and (precheck 'cmake' 'cmake not found. Run "Start-PSBootstrap -BuildNative". You can also install it from')
#mc.exe is Message Compiler for native resources
if (-Not (Test-Win10SDK)) {
throw 'Win 10 SDK not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap or install Microsoft Windows 10 SDK from'
$vcPath = (Get-Item(Join-Path -Path "$env:VS140COMNTOOLS" -ChildPath '../../vc')).FullName
$atlMfcIncludePath = Join-Path -Path $vcPath -ChildPath 'atlmfc/include'
# atlbase.h is included in the pwrshplugin project
if ((Test-Path -Path $atlMfcIncludePath\atlbase.h) -eq $false) {
throw "Could not find Visual Studio include file atlbase.h at $atlMfcIncludePath. Please ensure the optional feature 'Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++' is installed."
# vcvarsall.bat is used to setup environment variables
if ((Test-Path -Path $vcPath\vcvarsall.bat) -eq $false) {
throw "Could not find Visual Studio vcvarsall.bat at $vcPath. Please ensure the optional feature 'Common Tools for Visual C++' is installed."
# setup msbuild configuration
if ($Configuration -eq 'Debug' -or $Configuration -eq 'Release') {
$msbuildConfiguration = $Configuration
} else {
$msbuildConfiguration = 'Release'
} elseif ($Environment.IsLinux -or $Environment.IsOSX) {
foreach ($Dependency in 'cmake', 'make', 'g++') {
$precheck = $precheck -and (precheck $Dependency "Build dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run 'Start-PSBootstrap -BuildNative'.")
# Abort if any precheck failed
if (-not $precheck) {
# set output options
$OptionsArguments = @{
@ -348,98 +410,6 @@ Fix steps:
if (-not (Test-Path $Lib)) {
throw "Compilation of $Lib failed"
} elseif ($Environment.IsWindows -and (-not $SMAOnly)) {
log "Start building native Windows binaries"
try {
Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-native"
$NativeHostArch = "x64"
if ($script:Options.Runtime -match "-x86")
$NativeHostArch = "x86"
# setup cmakeGenerator
if ($NativeHostArch -eq 'x86') {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 14 2015'
} else {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64'
# Compile native resources
$currentLocation = Get-Location
@("nativemsh/pwrshplugin") | ForEach-Object {
$nativeResourcesFolder = $_
Get-ChildItem $nativeResourcesFolder -Filter "*.mc" | ForEach-Object {
$command = @"
cmd.exe /C cd /d "$currentLocation" "&" "$($vcPath)\vcvarsall.bat" "$NativeHostArch" "&" mc.exe -o -d -c -U "$($_.FullName)" -h "$nativeResourcesFolder" -r "$nativeResourcesFolder"
log " Executing mc.exe Command: $command"
Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression -Command:$command 2>&1 }
function Build-NativeWindowsBinaries {
# Describes wither it should build the CoreCLR or FullCLR version
[ValidateSet("ON", "OFF")]
# Array of file names to copy from the local build directory to the packaging directory
# Disabling until I figure out if it is necessary
# $overrideFlags = "-DCMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=$PSScriptRoot\src\powershell-native\windows-compiler-override.txt"
$overrideFlags = ""
$location = Get-Location
$command = @"
cmd.exe /C cd /d "$location" "&" "$($vcPath)\vcvarsall.bat" "$NativeHostArch" "&" cmake "$overrideFlags" -DBUILD_ONECORE=$OneCoreValue -DBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=$NativeHostArch -G "$cmakeGenerator" . "&" msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj "/p:Configuration=$msbuildConfiguration"
log " Executing Build Command: $command"
Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression -Command:$command }
$clrTarget = "FullClr"
if ($OneCoreValue -eq "ON")
$clrTarget = "CoreClr"
# Copy the binaries from the local build directory to the packaging directory
$dstPath = ($script:Options).Top
$FilesToCopy | ForEach-Object {
$srcPath = Join-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path (Get-Location) "bin") $msbuildConfiguration) "$clrTarget/$_"
log " Copying $srcPath to $dstPath"
Copy-Item $srcPath $dstPath
if ($FullCLR) {
$fullBinaries = @(
Build-NativeWindowsBinaries "OFF" $fullBinaries
$coreClrBinaries = @(
Build-NativeWindowsBinaries "ON" $coreClrBinaries
# Place the remoting configuration script in the same directory
# as the binary so it will get published.
Copy-Item .\Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1 ($script:Options).Top
} finally {
# handle TypeGen
@ -1123,6 +1093,7 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
[string]$Version = $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion,
@ -1130,14 +1101,14 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
Push-Location $PSScriptRoot/tools
# This allows sudo install to be optional; needed when running in containers / as root
# Note that when it is null, Invoke-Expression (but not &) must be used to interpolate properly
$sudo = if (!$NoSudo) { "sudo" }
try {
# Update googletest submodule for linux native cmake
if ($Environment.IsLinux -or $Environment.IsOSX) {
# This allows sudo install to be optional; needed when running in containers / as root
# Note that when it is null, Invoke-Expression (but not &) must be used to interpolate properly
$sudo = if (!$NoSudo) { "sudo" }
try {
# Update googletest submodule for linux native cmake
Push-Location $PSScriptRoot
$Submodule = "$PSScriptRoot/src/libpsl-native/test/googletest"
Remove-Item -Path $Submodule -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
@ -1145,78 +1116,79 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
} finally {
# Install ours and .NET's dependencies
$Deps = @()
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "curl", "g++", "cmake", "make"
# Install ours and .NET's dependencies
$Deps = @()
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "curl", "g++", "cmake", "make"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libunwind8"
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu14) { $Deps += "libicu52" }
elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu16) { $Deps += "libicu55" }
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libunwind8"
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu14) { $Deps += "libicu52" }
elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu16) { $Deps += "libicu55" }
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-dev", "groff" }
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-dev", "groff" }
# Install dependencies
Start-NativeExecution {
Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get update -qq"
Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get install -y -qq $Deps"
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "which", "curl", "gcc-c++", "cmake", "make"
# Install dependencies
Start-NativeExecution {
Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get update -qq"
Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get install -y -qq $Deps"
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
# Build tools
$Deps += "which", "curl", "gcc-c++", "cmake", "make"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libicu", "libunwind"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "libicu", "libunwind"
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-devel", "rpm-build", "groff" }
# Packaging tools
if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-devel", "rpm-build", "groff" }
$PackageManager = Get-RedHatPackageManager
$PackageManager = Get-RedHatPackageManager
$baseCommand = "$sudo $PackageManager"
$baseCommand = "$sudo $PackageManager"
# On OpenSUSE 13.2 container, sudo does not exist, so don't use it if not needed
$baseCommand = $PackageManager
# On OpenSUSE 13.2 container, sudo does not exist, so don't use it if not needed
$baseCommand = $PackageManager
# Install dependencies
Start-NativeExecution {
Invoke-Expression "$baseCommand $Deps"
} elseif ($Environment.IsOSX) {
precheck 'brew' "Bootstrap dependency 'brew' not found, must install Homebrew! See"
# Build tools
$Deps += "cmake"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "openssl"
# Install dependencies
# ignore exitcode, because they may be already installed
Start-NativeExecution { brew install $Deps } -IgnoreExitcode
# Install patched version of curl
Start-NativeExecution { brew install curl --with-openssl } -IgnoreExitcode
# Install dependencies
Start-NativeExecution {
Invoke-Expression "$baseCommand $Deps"
} elseif ($Environment.IsOSX) {
precheck 'brew' "Bootstrap dependency 'brew' not found, must install Homebrew! See"
# Build tools
$Deps += "cmake"
# .NET Core required runtime libraries
$Deps += "openssl"
# Install dependencies
# ignore exitcode, because they may be already installed
Start-NativeExecution { brew install $Deps } -IgnoreExitcode
# Install patched version of curl
Start-NativeExecution { brew install curl --with-openssl } -IgnoreExitcode
# Install [fpm]( and [ronn](
if ($Package) {
try {
# We cannot guess if the user wants to run gem install as root
Start-NativeExecution { gem install fpm ronn }
} catch {
Write-Warning "Installation of fpm and ronn gems failed! Must resolve manually."
# Install [fpm]( and [ronn](
if ($Package) {
try {
# We cannot guess if the user wants to run gem install as root
Start-NativeExecution { gem install fpm ronn }
} catch {
Write-Warning "Installation of fpm and ronn gems failed! Must resolve manually."
# Install dotnet-SDK
$dotNetExists = precheck 'dotnet' $null
$dotNetVersion = [string]::Empty
if($dotNetExists) {
@ -1237,78 +1209,80 @@ function Start-PSBootstrap {
$DotnetArguments = @{ Channel=$Channel; Version=$Version; NoSudo=$NoSudo }
Install-Dotnet @DotnetArguments
else {
log "dotnet is already installed. Skipping installation."
# Install for Windows
# Install Windows dependencies if `-Package` or `-BuildWindowsNative` is specified
if ($Environment.IsWindows) {
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
if ($BuildWindowsNative) {
log "Install Windows dependencies for building PSRP plugin"
$cmakePresent = precheck 'cmake' $null
$sdkPresent = Test-Win10SDK
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
$cmakePresent = precheck 'cmake' $null
$sdkPresent = Test-Win10SDK
if(precheck 'choco' $null) {
log "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation."
elseif(($cmakePresent -eq $false) -or ($sdkPresent -eq $false)) {
log "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey."
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Install chocolatey via")) {
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower()))) {
log "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable"
$env:Path += ";$chocolateyPath"
$newMachineEnvironmentPath += ";$chocolateyPath"
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
if(precheck 'choco' $null) {
log "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation."
elseif(($cmakePresent -eq $false) -or ($sdkPresent -eq $false)) {
log "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey."
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Install chocolatey via")) {
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower()))) {
log "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable"
$env:Path += ";$chocolateyPath"
$newMachineEnvironmentPath += ";$chocolateyPath"
} else {
log "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable"
} else {
log "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable"
Write-Error "Chocolatey is required to install missing dependencies. Please install it from manually. Alternatively, install cmake and Windows 10 SDK."
} else {
Write-Error "Chocolatey is required to install missing dependencies. Please install it from manually. Alternatively, install cmake and Windows 10 SDK."
return $null
log "Skipping installation of chocolatey, cause both cmake and Win 10 SDK are present."
} else {
log "Skipping installation of chocolatey, cause both cmake and Win 10 SDK are present."
# Install cmake
$cmakePath = "${env:ProgramFiles}\CMake\bin"
if($cmakePresent) {
log "Cmake is already installed. Skipping installation."
} else {
log "Cmake not present. Installing cmake."
Start-NativeExecution { choco install cmake -y --version 3.6.0 }
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($cmakePath.ToLower()))) {
log "Adding $cmakePath to Path environment variable"
$env:Path += ";$cmakePath"
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = "$cmakePath;$newMachineEnvironmentPath"
# Install cmake
$cmakePath = "${env:ProgramFiles}\CMake\bin"
if($cmakePresent) {
log "Cmake is already installed. Skipping installation."
} else {
log "$cmakePath already present in Path environment variable"
log "Cmake not present. Installing cmake."
Start-NativeExecution { choco install cmake -y --version 3.6.0 }
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($cmakePath.ToLower()))) {
log "Adding $cmakePath to Path environment variable"
$env:Path += ";$cmakePath"
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = "$cmakePath;$newMachineEnvironmentPath"
} else {
log "$cmakePath already present in Path environment variable"
# Install Windows 10 SDK
$packageName = "windows-sdk-10.0"
if (-not $sdkPresent) {
log "Windows 10 SDK not present. Installing $packageName."
Start-NativeExecution { choco install windows-sdk-10.0 -y }
} else {
log "Windows 10 SDK present. Skipping installation."
# Update path machine environment variable
if ($newMachineEnvironmentPath -ne $machinePath) {
log "Updating Path machine environment variable"
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update Path machine environment variable to $newMachineEnvironmentPath")) {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $newMachineEnvironmentPath, 'MACHINE')
# Install Windows 10 SDK
$packageName = "windows-sdk-10.0"
if (-not $sdkPresent) {
log "Windows 10 SDK not present. Installing $packageName."
Start-NativeExecution { choco install windows-sdk-10.0 -y }
} else {
log "Windows 10 SDK present. Skipping installation."
# Update path machine environment variable
if ($newMachineEnvironmentPath -ne $machinePath) {
log "Updating Path machine environment variable"
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update Path machine environment variable to $newMachineEnvironmentPath")) {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $newMachineEnvironmentPath, 'MACHINE')
} finally {
@ -1884,7 +1858,7 @@ function script:logerror([string]$message) {
function script:precheck([string]$command, [string]$missedMessage) {
$c = Get-Command $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $c) {
if ($null -ne $missedMessage)
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($missedMessage))
Write-Warning $missedMessage

View file

@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
<Content Include="pwrshplugin.dll;pwrshplugin.pdb;Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1">
@ -40,6 +37,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="PSDesiredStateConfiguration" Version="1.0.0-alpha01" />
<PackageReference Include="PowerShellHelpFiles" Version="1.0.0-alpha01" />
<PackageReference Include="" Version="6.0.0-beta.1" />