Build self-contained minimal size package for Guest Config team (#14976)

This commit is contained in:
Dongbo Wang 2021-03-12 13:25:30 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent c9d65061af
commit b63639656d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
11 changed files with 270 additions and 112 deletions

View file

@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
# Skips the step where the pwsh that's been built is used to create a configuration
# Useful when changing parsing/compilation, since bugs there can mean we can't get past this step
@ -321,6 +322,17 @@ function Start-PSBuild {
if ("win-arm","win-arm64" -contains $Runtime -and -not $environment.IsWindows) {
throw "Cross compiling for win-arm or win-arm64 is only supported on Windows environment"
if ($ForMinimalSize) {
if ($CrossGen) {
throw "Build for the minimal size requires the minimal disk footprint, so `CrossGen` is not allowed"
if ($Runtime -and "linux-x64", "win7-x64", "osx-x64" -notcontains $Runtime) {
throw "Build for the minimal size is enabled only for following runtimes: 'linux-x64', 'win7-x64', 'osx-x64'"
function Stop-DevPowerShell {
Get-Process pwsh* |
Where-Object {
@ -390,6 +402,7 @@ Fix steps:
$script:Options = New-PSOptions @OptionsArguments
@ -414,7 +427,7 @@ Fix steps:
# Framework Dependent builds do not support ReadyToRun as it needs a specific runtime to optimize for.
# The property is set in Powershell.Common.props file.
# We override the property through the build command line.
if($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') {
if($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -or $ForMinimalSize) {
$Arguments += "/property:PublishReadyToRun=false"
@ -467,18 +480,21 @@ Fix steps:
Push-Location $Options.Top
if ($Options.Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*') {
if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win-arm*') {
$Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=Microsoft.NET.Sdk"
} else {
$Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop"
$sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'
if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win7-*' -and !$ForMinimalSize) {
## WPF/WinForm and the PowerShell GraphicalHost assemblies are included
## when 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop' is used.
$sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop'
$Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=$sdkToUse"
Write-Log -message "Run dotnet $Arguments from $PWD"
Start-NativeExecution { dotnet $Arguments }
Write-Log -message "PowerShell output: $($Options.Output)"
if ($CrossGen) {
## fxdependent package cannot be CrossGen'ed
# fxdependent package cannot be CrossGen'ed
Start-CrossGen -PublishPath $publishPath -Runtime $script:Options.Runtime
Write-Log -message "pwsh.exe with ngen binaries is available at: $($Options.Output)"
@ -651,14 +667,14 @@ function Restore-PSPackage
if ($Force -or (-not (Test-Path "$($Options.Top)/obj/project.assets.json"))) {
$sdkToUse = if (($Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-win-desktop' -or $Options.Runtime -like 'win*')) { # this is fxd or some windows runtime
if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win-arm*') {
} else {
if ($Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-win-desktop') {
$sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop'
else {
$sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'
if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win7-*' -and !$Options.ForMinimalSize) {
$sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop'
} else {
if ($PSModule.IsPresent) {
@ -784,7 +800,9 @@ function New-PSOptions {
# Add .NET CLI tools to PATH
@ -883,7 +901,8 @@ function New-PSOptions {
-Configuration $Configuration `
-PSModuleRestore $PSModuleRestore.IsPresent `
-Framework $Framework `
-Output $Output
-Output $Output `
-ForMinimalSize $ForMinimalSize
# Get the Options of the last build
@ -3018,7 +3037,8 @@ function Restore-PSOptions {
-Configuration $options.Configuration `
-PSModuleRestore $options.PSModuleRestore `
-Framework $options.Framework `
-Output $options.Output
-Output $options.Output `
-ForMinimalSize $options.ForMinimalSize
Set-PSOptions -Options $newOptions
@ -3055,7 +3075,11 @@ function New-PSOptionsObject
return @{
@ -3067,6 +3091,7 @@ function New-PSOptionsObject
Output = $Output
CrossGen = $CrossGen
PSModuleRestore = $PSModuleRestore
ForMinimalSize = $ForMinimalSize

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"sdk": {
"version": "6.0.100-preview.1.21104.4"
"version": "6.0.100-preview.1.21103.13"

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
[string]$Name = "powershell",
# Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, macOS, and Windows packages are supported
[ValidateSet("msix", "deb", "osxpkg", "rpm", "msi", "zip", "zip-pdb", "nupkg", "tar", "tar-arm", "tar-arm64", "tar-alpine", "fxdependent", "fxdependent-win-desktop")]
[ValidateSet("msix", "deb", "osxpkg", "rpm", "msi", "zip", "zip-pdb", "nupkg", "tar", "tar-arm", "tar-arm64", "tar-alpine", "fxdependent", "fxdependent-win-desktop", "min-size")]
# Generate windows downlevel package
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
DynamicParam {
if ("zip" -eq $Type -or "fxdependent" -eq $Type -or "fxdependent-win-desktop" -eq $Type) {
if ($Type -in ('zip', 'min-size') -or $Type -like 'fxdependent*') {
# Add a dynamic parameter '-IncludeSymbols' when the specified package type is 'zip' only.
# The '-IncludeSymbols' parameter can be used to indicate that the package should only contain powershell binaries and symbols.
$ParameterAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute"
@ -105,8 +105,9 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
$actualParams = @()
$crossGenCorrect = $false
if ($Runtime -match "arm") {
# crossgen doesn't support arm32/64
if ($Runtime -match "arm" -or $Type -eq 'min-size') {
## crossgen doesn't support arm32/64;
## For the min-size package, we intentionally avoid crossgen.
$crossGenCorrect = $true
elseif ($Script:Options.CrossGen) {
@ -299,7 +300,37 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
New-PdbZipPackage @Arguments
"min-size" {
# Remove symbol files, xml document files.
Remove-Item "$Source\*.pdb", "$Source\*.xml" -Force
# Add suffix '-gc' because this package is for the Guest Config team.
if ($Environment.IsWindows) {
$Arguments = @{
PackageNameSuffix = "$NameSuffix-gc"
PackageSourcePath = $Source
PackageVersion = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Zip Package")) {
New-ZipPackage @Arguments
elseif ($Environment.IsLinux) {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
PackageNameSuffix = 'gc'
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tar.gz Package")) {
New-TarballPackage @Arguments
{ $_ -like "fxdependent*" } {
## Remove PDBs from package to reduce size.
if(-not $IncludeSymbols.IsPresent) {
@ -317,7 +348,7 @@ function Start-PSPackage {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Zip Package")) {
New-ZipPackage @Arguments
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
} elseif ($Environment.IsLinux) {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ param (
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ function BuildPackages {
Start-PSBuild @buildParams @releaseTagParam
$options = Get-PSOptions
if ($FxDependent) {
Start-PSPackage -Type 'fxdependent' @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
@ -77,6 +79,22 @@ function BuildPackages {
if ($TarX64) { Start-PSPackage -Type tar @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS }
if ($TarMinSize) {
Write-Verbose -Verbose "---- Min-Size ----"
Write-Verbose -Verbose "options.Output: $($options.Output)"
Write-Verbose -Verbose "options.Top $($options.Top)"
$binDir = Join-Path -Path $options.Top -ChildPath 'bin'
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Remove $binDir, to get a clean build for min-size package"
Remove-Item -Path $binDir -Recurse -Force
## Build 'min-size' and create 'tar.gz' package for it.
$buildParams['Crossgen'] = $false
$buildParams['ForMinimalSize'] = $true
Start-PSBuild @buildParams @releaseTagParam
Start-PSPackage -Type min-size @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
if ($TarArm) {
## Build 'linux-arm' and create 'tar.gz' package for it.
## Note that 'linux-arm' can only be built on Ubuntu environment.

View file

@ -12,20 +12,22 @@ param (
[string] $destination = "$env:WORKSPACE",
[ValidateSet("win7-x64", "win7-x86", "win-arm", "win-arm64", "fxdependent", "fxdependent-win-desktop")]
[string]$Runtime = 'win7-x64',
[string] $Runtime = 'win7-x64',
[switch] $ForMinimalSize,
[switch] $Wait,
[string] $ReleaseTag,
[switch] $Symbols,
[string] $BuildZip,
[switch] $ComponentRegistration
@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ if ($memoryMB -lt $requiredMemoryMB)
Write-Verbose "Running with $memoryMB MB memory." -Verbose
Set-Location $location
Import-Module "$location\build.psm1" -Force
@ -93,9 +96,12 @@ try{
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell build for RID: $Runtime and ReleaseTag: $ReleaseTag ..." -Verbose
$buildParams = @{'CrossGen'= $Runtime -notmatch "arm" -and $Runtime -notlike "fxdependent*"}
$buildParams = @{
CrossGen = !$ForMinimalSize -and $Runtime -notmatch "arm" -and $Runtime -notlike "fxdependent*"
ForMinimalSize = $ForMinimalSize
$buildParams['NoPSModuleRestore'] = $true
@ -107,58 +113,62 @@ try{
Start-PSBuild -Clean -Runtime $Runtime -Configuration Release @releaseTagParam @buildParams
if ($Runtime -eq 'fxdependent')
if ($ComponentRegistration)
$pspackageParams = @{'Type'='fxdependent'}
Write-Verbose "Exporting project.assets files ..." -Verbose
$projectAssetsCounter = 1
$projectAssetsFolder = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath 'projectAssets'
$projectAssetsZip = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath ''
Get-ChildItem $location\project.assets.json -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$subfolder = $_.FullName.Replace($location,'')
$itemDestination = Join-Path -Path $projectAssetsFolder -ChildPath $subfolder
New-Item -Path $itemDestination -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $file to $itemDestination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "$itemDestination\" -Force
Compress-Archive -Path $projectAssetsFolder -DestinationPath $projectAssetsZip
Remove-Item -Path $projectAssetsFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif ($Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-win-desktop')
if ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*')
$pspackageParams = @{'Type'='fxdependent-win-desktop'}
$pspackageParams = @{'Type' = $Runtime}
$pspackageParams = @{'Type'='msi'; 'WindowsRuntime'=$Runtime}
## Set the default package type.
$pspackageParams = @{'Type' = 'msi'; 'WindowsRuntime' = $Runtime}
if ($ForMinimalSize)
## Special case for the minimal size self-contained package.
$pspackageParams['Type'] = 'min-size'
if (!$ComponentRegistration.IsPresent -and !$Symbols.IsPresent -and $Runtime -notmatch 'arm' -and $Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*')
if (!$Symbols -and $Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*' -and !$ForMinimalSize)
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell packaging(msi)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
if ($Runtime -notmatch 'arm')
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell packaging(msi)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
if (!$ComponentRegistration.IsPresent -and !$Symbols.IsPresent -and $Runtime -notin 'fxdependent', 'fxdependent-win-desktop')
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell packaging(msix)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
if (!$ComponentRegistration.IsPresent -and $Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*')
if (!$Symbols.IsPresent) {
$pspackageParams['Type'] = 'zip-pdb'
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell symbols packaging(zip)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell packaging(zip)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
Write-Verbose "Exporting packages ..." -Verbose
Get-ChildItem $location\*.msi,$location\*.zip,$location\*.wixpdb,$location\*.msix,$location\*.exe | ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $file to $destination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "$destination\" -Force
elseif (!$ComponentRegistration.IsPresent -and $Runtime -like 'fxdependent*')
if ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -or $ForMinimalSize)
## Add symbols for just like zip package.
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
## Copy the fxdependent Zip package to destination.
@ -170,31 +180,30 @@ try{
Write-Verbose "Exporting project.assets files ..." -Verbose
$projectAssetsCounter = 1
$projectAssetsFolder = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath 'projectAssets'
$projectAssetsZip = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath ''
Get-ChildItem $location\project.assets.json -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$subfolder = $_.FullName.Replace($location,'')
$itemDestination = Join-Path -Path $projectAssetsFolder -ChildPath $subfolder
New-Item -Path $itemDestination -ItemType Directory -Force
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $file to $itemDestination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "$itemDestination\" -Force
if (!$Symbols) {
$pspackageParams['Type'] = 'zip-pdb'
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell symbols packaging(zip)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
Compress-Archive -Path $projectAssetsFolder -DestinationPath $projectAssetsZip
Remove-Item -Path $projectAssetsFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Starting powershell packaging(zip)..." -Verbose
Start-PSPackage @pspackageParams @releaseTagParam
Write-Verbose "Exporting packages ..." -Verbose
Get-ChildItem $location\*.msi,$location\*.zip,$location\*.wixpdb,$location\*.msix,$location\*.exe | ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $file to $destination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "$destination\" -Force
Write-Verbose "Beginning build clean-up..." -Verbose
if ($Wait.IsPresent)
if ($Wait)
$path = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'delete-to-continue.txt'
$null = New-Item -Path $path -ItemType File

View file

@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ stages:
Architecture: x64
- template: templates/windows-hosted-build.yml
Architecture: x64
BuildConfiguration: minSize
- template: templates/windows-hosted-build.yml
Architecture: x86
@ -99,42 +104,49 @@ stages:
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: x64
parentJob: build_windows_x64
parentJob: build_windows_x64_release
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: x64
BuildConfiguration: minSize
parentJob: build_windows_x64_minSize
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: x86
parentJob: build_windows_x86
parentJob: build_windows_x86_release
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: arm
parentJob: build_windows_arm
parentJob: build_windows_arm_release
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: arm64
parentJob: build_windows_arm64
parentJob: build_windows_arm64_release
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: fxdependent
parentJob: build_windows_fxdependent
parentJob: build_windows_fxdependent_release
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
Architecture: fxdependentWinDesktop
parentJob: build_windows_fxdependentWinDesktop
parentJob: build_windows_fxdependentWinDesktop_release
- template: templates/windows-package-signing.yml
- sign_windows_x64
- sign_windows_x86
- sign_windows_arm
- sign_windows_arm64
- sign_windows_fxdependent
- sign_windows_fxdependentWinDesktop
- sign_windows_x64_release
- sign_windows_x64_minSize
- sign_windows_x86_release
- sign_windows_arm_release
- sign_windows_arm64_release
- sign_windows_fxdependent_release
- sign_windows_fxdependentWinDesktop_release
- stage: compliance
dependsOn: ['windows']

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ jobs:
downloadType: specific
itemPattern: '**/*.deb'
downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished'
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'DEB'),succeeded())
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'DEB'), succeeded())
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
displayName: 'Download tar.gz Artifacts copy'
@ -104,13 +104,44 @@ jobs:
itemPattern: '**/*.tar.gz'
downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished'
- powershell: |
Write-Host 'We handle the min-size package only when uploading for deb build.'
Write-Host '- For deb build, the min-size package is moved to a separate folder "finished\minSize",'
Write-Host ' so that the min-size package can be uploaded to a different Az Blob container.'
Write-Host '- For other builds, the min-size package is removed after being downloaded, so that it'
Write-Host ' does not get accidentally uploaded to the wrong Az Blob container.'
$minSizePkg = '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished\release\*-gc.tar.gz'
if (Test-Path -Path $minSizePkg)
if ('$(buildName)' -eq 'DEB')
$minSizeDir = '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished\minSize'
New-Item -Path $minSizeDir -Type Directory -Force > $null
Move-Item -Path $minSizePkg -Destination $minSizeDir
Write-Host "`nCapture the min-size package moved to the target folder."
Get-ChildItem -Path $minSizeDir
Write-Host '$(buildName): Remove the min-size package.'
Remove-Item -Path $minSizePkg -Force
Write-Host 'min-size package not found, so skip this step.'
displayName: 'Move minSize package to separate folder'
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
displayName: 'Download rpm Artifacts copy'
downloadType: specific
itemPattern: '**/*.rpm'
downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\rpm'
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'RPM'),succeeded())
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'RPM'), succeeded())
- template: EsrpScan.yml@ComplianceRepo
@ -145,6 +176,22 @@ jobs:
artifactPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished\release
# requires windows
- task: AzureFileCopy@4
displayName: 'Upload to Azure - min-size package for Guest Config'
SourcePath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished\minSize\*'
azureSubscription: '$(AzureFileCopySubscription)'
Destination: AzureBlob
storage: '$(StorageAccount)'
ContainerName: '$(AzureVersion)-gc'
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'DEB'), succeeded())
- template: upload-final-results.yml
artifactPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\finished\minSize
condition: and(eq(variables['buildName'], 'DEB'), succeeded())
# requires windows
- task: AzureFileCopy@4
displayName: 'Upload to Azure - RPM - Unsigned'

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ steps:
- template: upload-final-results.yml
artifactPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\signed
artifactFilter: PowerShell-${{ parameters.version }}-win-${{ parameters.architecture }}.zip
artifactFilter: PowerShell-${{ parameters.version }}-win-${{ parameters.architecture }}*.zip
- task: AzureFileCopy@4
displayName: 'upload signed zip to Azure - ${{ parameters.architecture }}'
@ -39,6 +39,17 @@ steps:
resourceGroup: '$(StorageResourceGroup)'
condition: succeeded()
- task: AzureFileCopy@4
displayName: 'upload signed min-size package (for Guest Config) to Azure - ${{ parameters.architecture }}'
SourcePath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\signed\PowerShell-${{ parameters.version }}-win-${{ parameters.architecture }}'
azureSubscription: '$(AzureFileCopySubscription)'
Destination: AzureBlob
storage: '$(StorageAccount)'
ContainerName: '$(AzureVersion)-gc'
resourceGroup: '$(StorageResourceGroup)'
condition: and(eq('${{ parameters.architecture }}', 'x64'), succeeded())
- template: upload-final-results.yml
artifactPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\signed

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ parameters:
default: ''
- job: build_windows_${{ parameters.Architecture }}
displayName: Build Windows - ${{ parameters.Architecture }}
- job: build_windows_${{ parameters.Architecture }}_${{ parameters.BuildConfiguration }}
displayName: Build Windows - ${{ parameters.Architecture }} ${{ parameters.BuildConfiguration }}
condition: succeeded()
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.parentJob }}
@ -56,8 +56,13 @@ jobs:
"fxdependentWinDesktop" { "fxdependent-win-desktop" }
tools/releaseBuild/Images/microsoft_powershell_windowsservercore/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -location '$(PowerShellRoot)' -destination '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Symbols_$(Architecture)' -Runtime $runtime -ReleaseTag '$(ReleaseTagVar)' -Symbols
displayName: 'Build Windows Universal - $(Architecture) Symbols zip'
$params = @{}
if ($env:BuildConfiguration -eq 'minSize') {
$params['ForMinimalSize'] = $true
tools/releaseBuild/Images/microsoft_powershell_windowsservercore/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -location '$(PowerShellRoot)' -destination '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Symbols_$(Architecture)' -Runtime $runtime -ReleaseTag '$(ReleaseTagVar)' -Symbols @params
displayName: 'Build Windows Universal - $(Architecture)-$(BuildConfiguration) Symbols zip'
- powershell: |
$packageName = (Get-ChildItem '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Symbols_$(Architecture)').FullName

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ parameters:
default: ''
- job: sign_windows_${{ parameters.Architecture }}
displayName: Package Windows - ${{ parameters.Architecture }}
- job: sign_windows_${{ parameters.Architecture }}_${{ parameters.BuildConfiguration }}
displayName: Package Windows - ${{ parameters.Architecture }} ${{ parameters.BuildConfiguration }}
condition: succeeded()
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.parentJob }}
@ -40,12 +40,8 @@ jobs:
ReleaseTagVar: $(ReleaseTagVar)
- powershell: |
$pkgFilter = if ( '$(Architecture)' -eq 'arm' ) {
else {
$pkgFilter = if ( '$(Architecture)' -eq 'arm' ) { "arm32" } else { '$(Architecture)' }
if ($env:BuildConfiguration -eq 'minSize') { $pkgFilter += '-*' }
$vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=PkgFilter]$pkgFilter"
Write-Host ("sending " + $vstsCommandString)
@ -249,10 +245,14 @@ jobs:
$signedPkg = "$(BuildPackagePath)"
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "signedPkg = $signedPkg"
$(PowerShellRoot)/tools/releaseBuild/Images/microsoft_powershell_windowsservercore/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -BuildZip $signedPkg -location '$(PowerShellRoot)' -destination '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\pkgSigned' -Runtime $runtime -ReleaseTag '$(ReleaseTagVar)'
$params = @{}
if ($env:BuildConfiguration -eq 'minSize') {
$params['ForMinimalSize'] = $true
$(PowerShellRoot)/tools/releaseBuild/Images/microsoft_powershell_windowsservercore/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -BuildZip $signedPkg -location '$(PowerShellRoot)' -destination '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\pkgSigned' -Runtime $runtime -ReleaseTag '$(ReleaseTagVar)' @params
displayName: 'Build Windows Universal - $(Architecture) Package'
- powershell: |

View file

@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"Name": "deb",
"RepoDestinationPath": "/PowerShell",
"BuildCommand": "/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -location _RepoDestinationPath_ -destination _DockerVolume_ -ReleaseTag _ReleaseTag_ -TarX64 -TarArm -TarArm64",
"BuildCommand": "/PowerShellPackage.ps1 -location _RepoDestinationPath_ -destination _DockerVolume_ -ReleaseTag _ReleaseTag_ -TarX64 -TarArm -TarArm64 -TarMinSize",
"DockerFile": "./tools/releaseBuild/Images/microsoft_powershell_ubuntu18.04/Dockerfile",
"AdditionalContextFiles" :[ "./tools/releaseBuild/Images/GenericLinuxFiles/PowerShellPackage.ps1"],
"DockerImageName": "ps-ubunutu-18-04",