change order of try-catch-finally and split out arm runs (#16252)

This commit is contained in:
Travis Plunk 2021-10-15 11:43:18 -07:00 committed by Dongbo Wang
parent b6f24cf69d
commit c3444b931c
3 changed files with 67 additions and 82 deletions

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ parameters:
default: 'Hosted VS2017'
- name: jobName
default: 'win_packaging'
- name: runtimePrefix
default: 'win7'
- name: architecture
default: 'x64'
- name: channel
@ -40,6 +42,12 @@ jobs:
displayName: Capture environment
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- pwsh: |
displayName: Capture PowerShell Version Table
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- template: /tools/releaseBuild/azureDevOps/templates/insert-nuget-config-azfeed.yml
- pwsh: |
@ -52,7 +60,7 @@ jobs:
- pwsh: |
Import-Module .\tools\ci.psm1
Invoke-CIFinish -Runtime win7-${{ parameters.architecture }} -channel ${{ }} -Stage Build
Invoke-CIFinish -Runtime ${{ parameters.runtimePrefix }}-${{ parameters.architecture }} -channel ${{ }} -Stage Build
displayName: Build
workingDirectory: $(repoPath)
@ -65,6 +73,6 @@ jobs:
- pwsh: |
Import-Module .\tools\ci.psm1
Invoke-CIFinish -Runtime win7-${{ parameters.architecture }} -channel ${{ }} -Stage Package
Invoke-CIFinish -Runtime ${{ parameters.runtimePrefix }}-${{ parameters.architecture }} -channel ${{ }} -Stage Package
displayName: Package and Test
workingDirectory: $(repoPath)

View file

@ -93,3 +93,13 @@ stages:
channel: preview
architecture: x86
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
channel: preview
architecture: arm
runtimePrefix: win
- template: templates/windows-packaging.yml
channel: preview
architecture: arm64
runtimePrefix: win

View file

@ -463,9 +463,8 @@ function Invoke-CIFinish
$previewPrefix = $previewVersion[0]
$previewLabel = $previewVersion[1].replace('.','')
$previewLabel= "daily{0}" -f $previewLabel
if (Test-DailyBuild) {
$previewLabel = "daily{0}" -f $previewLabel
$prereleaseIteration = (get-date).Day
@ -477,8 +476,7 @@ function Invoke-CIFinish
$filter = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $options.Output) -ChildPath '*.pdb'
Write-Verbose "Removing symbol files from $filter" -Verbose
Remove-Item $filter -Force -Recurse
else {
} else {
$releaseTag = Get-ReleaseTag
$releaseTagParts = $releaseTag.split('.')
$preReleaseVersion = $releaseTagParts[0]+ ".9.9"
@ -496,106 +494,81 @@ function Invoke-CIFinish
$vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=CI_FINISH_RELASETAG]$preReleaseVersion"
Write-Verbose -Message "$vstsCommandString" -Verbose
Write-Host -Object "##$vstsCommandString"
$armBuildFolder = "${env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY}/releaseArm32"
# produce win-arm and win-arm64 packages if it is a daily build
Start-PSBuild -Restore -Runtime win-arm -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -output $armBuildFolder -PSOptionsPath "${armBuildFolder}-meta/psoptions.json" -Crossgen
$options = Get-PSOptions
# Remove symbol files.
$filter = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $options.Output) -ChildPath '*.pdb'
Write-Verbose "Removing symbol files from $filter" -Verbose
Remove-Item $filter -Force -Recurse
$armBuildFolder = "${env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY}/releaseArm64"
Start-PSBuild -Restore -Runtime win-arm64 -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -output $armBuildFolder -PSOptionsPath "${armBuildFolder}-meta/psoptions.json" -Crossgen
$options = Get-PSOptions
# Remove symbol files.
$filter = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $options.Output) -ChildPath '*.pdb'
Write-Verbose "Removing symbol files from $filter" -Verbose
Remove-Item $filter -Force -Recurse
if ($Stage -contains "Package") {
Restore-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath "${buildFolder}-meta/psoptions.json"
Restore-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath "${buildFolder}/psoptions.json"
$preReleaseVersion = $env:CI_FINISH_RELASETAG
# Build packages $preReleaseVersion = "$previewPrefix-$previewLabel.$prereleaseIteration"
$packages = Start-PSPackage -Type msi, nupkg, zip, zip-pdb -ReleaseTag $preReleaseVersion -SkipReleaseChecks -WindowsRuntime $Runtime
switch -regex ($Runtime){
default {
$runPackageTest = $true
$packageTypes = 'msi', 'nupkg', 'zip', 'zip-pdb', 'msix'
'win-arm.*' {
$runPackageTest = $false
$packageTypes = 'zip', 'zip-pdb', 'msix'
$packages = Start-PSPackage -Type $packageTypes -ReleaseTag $preReleaseVersion -SkipReleaseChecks -WindowsRuntime $Runtime
foreach ($package in $packages) {
if (Test-Path $package -ErrorAction Ignore)
if (Test-Path $package -ErrorAction Ignore) {
Write-Log "Package found: $package"
} else {
Write-Warning -Message "Package NOT found: $package"
if($package -is [string])
if ($package -is [string]) {
$null = $artifacts.Add($package)
elseif($package -is [pscustomobject] -and $package.psobject.Properties['msi'])
} elseif ($package -is [pscustomobject] -and $package.psobject.Properties['msi']) {
$null = $artifacts.Add($package.msi)
$null = $artifacts.Add($package.wixpdb)
# the packaging tests find the MSI package using env:PSMsiX64Path
$env:PSMsiX64Path = $artifacts | Where-Object { $_.EndsWith(".msi")}
$architechture = $Runtime.Split('-')[1]
$exePath = New-ExePackage -ProductVersion ($preReleaseVersion -replace '^v') -ProductTargetArchitecture $architechture -MsiLocationPath $env:PSMsiX64Path
Write-Verbose "exe Path: $exePath" -Verbose
$env:PSExePath = $exePath
$env:PSMsiChannel = $Channel
$env:PSMsiRuntime = $Runtime
if ($runPackageTest) {
# the packaging tests find the MSI package using env:PSMsiX64Path
$env:PSMsiX64Path = $artifacts | Where-Object { $_.EndsWith(".msi")}
$architechture = $Runtime.Split('-')[1]
$exePath = New-ExePackage -ProductVersion ($preReleaseVersion -replace '^v') -ProductTargetArchitecture $architechture -MsiLocationPath $env:PSMsiX64Path
Write-Verbose "exe Path: $exePath" -Verbose
$env:PSExePath = $exePath
$env:PSMsiChannel = $Channel
$env:PSMsiRuntime = $Runtime
# Install the latest Pester and import it
$maximumPesterVersion = '4.99'
Install-Module Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck -MaximumVersion $maximumPesterVersion
Import-Module Pester -Force -MaximumVersion $maximumPesterVersion
# Install the latest Pester and import it
$maximumPesterVersion = '4.99'
Install-Module Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck -MaximumVersion $maximumPesterVersion
Import-Module Pester -Force -MaximumVersion $maximumPesterVersion
$testResultPath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "win-package-$channel-$runtime.xml"
$testResultPath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "win-package-$channel-$runtime.xml"
# start the packaging tests and get the results
$packagingTestResult = Invoke-Pester -Script (Join-Path $repoRoot '.\test\packaging\windows\') -PassThru -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $testResultPath
# start the packaging tests and get the results
$packagingTestResult = Invoke-Pester -Script (Join-Path $repoRoot '.\test\packaging\windows\') -PassThru -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $testResultPath
Publish-TestResults -Title "win-package-$channel-$runtime" -Path $testResultPath
Publish-TestResults -Title "win-package-$channel-$runtime" -Path $testResultPath
# fail the CI job if the tests failed, or nothing passed
if(-not $packagingTestResult -is [pscustomobject] -or $packagingTestResult.FailedCount -ne 0 -or $packagingTestResult.PassedCount -eq 0)
throw "Packaging tests failed ($($packagingTestResult.FailedCount) failed/$($packagingTestResult.PassedCount) passed)"
# fail the CI job if the tests failed, or nothing passed
if (-not $packagingTestResult -is [pscustomobject] -or $packagingTestResult.FailedCount -ne 0 -or $packagingTestResult.PassedCount -eq 0) {
throw "Packaging tests failed ($($packagingTestResult.FailedCount) failed/$($packagingTestResult.PassedCount) passed)"
# only publish assembly nuget packages if it is a daily build and tests passed
if (Test-DailyBuild) {
$nugetArtifacts = Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\packaging\nugetOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Filter *.nupkg | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
if ($nugetArtifacts) {
# produce win-arm and win-arm64 packages if it is a daily build
$armBuildFolder = "${env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY}/releaseArm32"
Restore-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath "${armBuildFolder}-meta/psoptions.json"
$arm32Package = Start-PSPackage -Type zip -WindowsRuntime win-arm -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -SkipReleaseChecks
$armBuildFolder = "${env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY}/releaseArm64"
Restore-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath "${armBuildFolder}-meta/psoptions.json"
$arm64Package = Start-PSPackage -Type zip -WindowsRuntime win-arm64 -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -SkipReleaseChecks
finally {
} catch {
Get-Error -InputObject $_
} finally {
$pushedAllArtifacts = $true
$artifacts | ForEach-Object {
@ -612,12 +585,6 @@ function Invoke-CIFinish
throw "Some artifacts did not exist!"
Write-Host -Foreground Red $_
Write-Host -Foreground Red $_.ScriptStackTrace
throw $_
# Bootstrap script for Linux and macOS