Add source files for coverage run (#4925)

A number of tests require the sources to be present in order to work correctly.
During cleanup be sure to remove any lingering powershell.exe processes because subsequent runs will not be able to update the test binaries.
This commit is contained in:
James Truher [MSFT] 2017-09-27 15:36:21 -07:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent df1993aad0
commit d20d6a606a

View file

@ -196,6 +196,52 @@ try
$openCoverParams.Add('SuppressQuiet', $true)
# grab the commitID, we need this to grab the right sources
$gitCommitId = & "$psBinPath\powershell.exe" -noprofile -command { $PSVersiontable.GitCommitId }
$commitId = $gitCommitId.substring($gitCommitId.LastIndexOf('-g') + 2)
# download the src directory
$gitexe = "C:\Program Files\git\bin\git.exe"
# operations relative to where the test location is.
# some tests rely on source files being available in $outputBaseFolder/test
Push-Location $outputBaseFolder
# clean up partial repo clone before starting
if ( Test-Path "$outputBaseFolder/.git" )
remove-item -force -recurse "${outputBaseFolder}/.git"
if ( Test-Path "$outputBaseFolder/src" )
remove-item -force -recurse "${outputBaseFolder}/src"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "initializing repo in $outputBaseFolder"
& $gitexe init
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'init' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "adding remote"
& $gitexe remote add origin
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'remote add' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "setting sparse-checkout"
& $gitexe config core.sparsecheckout true
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'set sparse-checkout' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "pulling sparse repo"
"src" | out-file -encoding ascii .git\info\sparse-checkout
& $gitexe pull origin master
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'pull' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "checkout commit $commitId"
& $gitexe checkout $commitId
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'checkout' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
$openCoverParams | Out-String | Write-LogPassThru
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Starting test run."
@ -203,7 +249,7 @@ try
Remove-Item $outputLog -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# now invoke opencover
Invoke-OpenCover @openCoverParams
if(Test-Path $outputLog)
@ -213,9 +259,6 @@ try
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Test run done."
$gitCommitId = & "$psBinPath\powershell.exe" -noprofile -command { $PSVersiontable.GitCommitId }
$commitId = $gitCommitId.substring($gitCommitId.LastIndexOf('-g') + 2)
Write-LogPassThru -Message $commitId
$coverallsPath = "$outputBaseFolder\coveralls"
@ -242,10 +285,15 @@ try
& $coverallsExe """$coverallsParams"""
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Uploading to CodeCov"
ConvertTo-CodeCovJson -Path $outputLog -DestinationPath $jsonFile
Push-CodeCovData -file $jsonFile -CommitID $commitId -token $codecovToken -Branch 'master'
if ( test-path $outputLog ) {
ConvertTo-CodeCovJson -Path $outputLog -DestinationPath $jsonFile
Push-CodeCovData -file $jsonFile -CommitID $commitId -token $codecovToken -Branch 'master'
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload complete."
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload complete."
else {
Write-LogPassThru -Message "ERROR: Could not find $outputLog - no upload"
@ -253,6 +301,13 @@ catch
# the powershell execution should be done, be sure that there are no PowerShell test executables running because
# they will cause subsequent coverage runs to behave poorly. Make sure that the path is properly formatted, and
# we need to use like rather than match because on Windows, there will be "\" as path separators which would need
# escaping for -match
$ResolvedPSBinPath = (Resolve-Path ${psbinpath}).Path
Get-Process PowerShell | Where-Object { $_.Path -like "*${ResolvedPSBinPath}*" } | Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction Continue
## See if Azure log directory is mounted
if(Test-Path $azureLogDrive)
@ -268,6 +323,8 @@ finally
Remove-Item -Path $destinationPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-LogPassThru -Message "**** COMPLETE ****"
## Disable the cleanup till we stabilize.
#Remove-Item -recurse -force -path $outputBaseFolder
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionPreference