Merged PR 10531: Update change log for V7.0.0-preview.6 release

Update change log for V7.0.0-preview.6 release
This commit is contained in:
Paul Higinbotham 2019-11-21 22:05:09 +00:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent ac1c4fc197
commit d5c6bdb455
2 changed files with 120 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -528,6 +528,7 @@ preview.2
@ -894,6 +895,9 @@ Orca88
- docs/debugging/

View file

@ -1,5 +1,121 @@
# Changelog
## v7.0.0-preview.6 - 10/21/2019
### Breaking Changes
- Update `Test-Connection` to work more like the one in Windows PowerShell (#10697) (Thanks @vexx32!)
- Preserve `$?` for `ParenExpression`, `SubExpression` and `ArrayExpression` (#11040)
- Set working directory to current directory in `Start-Job` (#10920) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
### Engine Updates and Fixes
- Allow `pwsh` to inherit `$env:PSModulePath` and enable `powershell.exe` to start correctly (#11057)
### Experimental Features
- Provide Unix stat information in filesystem output (#11042)
- Support null-conditional operators `?.` and `?[]` in PowerShell language (#10960)
- Support using non-compatible Windows PowerShell modules in PowerShell Core (#10973)
### Performance
- Avoid using closure in `Parser.SaveError` (#11006)
- Improve the caching when creating new `Regex` instances (#10657) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Improve processing of the PowerShell built-in type data from `types.ps1xml`, `typesV3.ps1xml` and `GetEvent.types.ps1xml` (#10898)
- Update `PSConfiguration.ReadValueFromFile` to make it faster and more memory efficient (#10839)
### General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Add limit check in `Get-WinEvent` (#10648) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Fix command runtime so `StopUpstreamCommandsException` doesn't get populated in `-ErrorVariable` (#10840)
- Set the output encoding to `[Console]::OutputEncoding` for native commands (#10824)
- Support multi-line code blocks in examples (#10776) (Thanks @Greg-Smulko!)
- Add Culture parameter to `Select-String` cmdlet (#10943) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Fix `Start-Job` working directory path with trailing backslash (#11041)
- `ConvertFrom-Json`: Unwrap collections by default (#10861) (Thanks @danstur!)
- Use case-sensitive Hashtable for `Group-Object` cmdlet with `-CaseSensitive` and `-AsHashtable` switches (#11030) (Thanks @vexx32!)
- Handle exception if enumerating files fails when rebuilding path to have correct casing (#11014)
- Fix `ConciseView` to show `Activity` instead of `myCommand` (#11007)
- Allow web cmdlets to ignore HTTP error statuses (#10466) (Thanks @vdamewood!)
- Fix piping of more than one `CommandInfo` to `Get-Command` (#10929)
- Add back `Get-Counter` cmdlet for Windows (#10933)
- Make `ConvertTo-Json` treat `[AutomationNull]::Value` and `[NullString]::Value` as `$null` (#10957)
- Remove brackets from `ipv6` address for SSH remoting (#10968)
- Fix crash if command sent to pwsh is just whitespace (#10977)
- Added cross-platform `Get-Clipboard` and `Set-Clipboard` (#10340)
- Fix setting original path of filesystem object to not have extra trailing slash (#10959)
- Support `$null` for `ConvertTo-Json` (#10947)
- Add back `Out-Printer` command on Windows (#10906)
- Fix `Start-Job -WorkingDirectory` with whitespace (#10951)
- Return default value when getting `null` for a setting in `PSConfiguration.cs` (#10963) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Handle IO exception as non-terminating (#10950)
- Add `GraphicalHost` assembly to enable `Out-GridView`, `Show-Command`, and `Get-Help -ShowWindow` (#10899)
- Take `ComputerName` via pipeline in `Get-HotFix` (#10852) (Thanks @kvprasoon!)
- Fix tab completion for parameters so that it shows common parameters as available (#10850)
- Fix `GetCorrectCasedPath()` to first check if any system file entries is returned before calling `First()` (#10930)
- Set working directory to current directory in `Start-Job` (#10920) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Change `TabExpansion2` to not require `-CursorColumn` and treat as `$InputScript.Length` (#10849)
- Handle case where Host may not return Rows or Columns of screen (#10938)
- Fix use of accent colors for hosts that don't support them (#10937)
- Add back `Update-List` command (#10922)
- Update `FWLink` Id for `Clear-RecycleBin` (#10925)
- During tab completion, skip file if can't read file attributes (#10910)
- Add back `Clear-RecycleBin` for Windows (#10909)
- Add `$env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences` to control whether to have VT escape sequence in output (#10814)
### Code Cleanup
- Cleanup style issues in `Compiler.cs` (#10368) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove the unused type converter for `CommaDelimitedStringCollection` (#11000) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Cleanup style in `InitialSessionState.cs` (#10865) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Code clean up for `PSSession` class (#11001)
- Remove the not-working 'run `Update-Help` from `Get-Help` when `Get-Help` runs for the first time' feature (#10974)
- Fix style issues (#10998) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Cleanup: use the built-in type alias (#10882) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove the unused setting key `ConsolePrompting` and avoid unnecessary string creation when querying `ExecutionPolicy` setting (#10985)
- Disable update notification check for daily builds (#10903) (Thanks @bergmeister!)
- Reinstate debugging API lost in #10338 (#10808)
### Tools
- Add default setting for the `SDKToUse` property so that it builds in VS (#11085)
- `Install-Powershell.ps1`: Add parameter to use MSI installation (#10921) (Thanks @MJECloud!)
- Add basic examples for `install-powershell.ps1` (#10914) (Thanks @kilasuit!)
### Tests
- Fix `stringdata` test to correctly validate keys of hashtables (#10810)
- Unload test modules (#11061) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Increase time between retries of testing URL (#11015)
- Update tests to accurately describe test actions. (#10928) (Thanks @romero126!)
### Build and Packaging Improvements
- Updating links in `` and `metadata.json` for Preview.5 (#10854)
- Select the files for compliance tests which are owned by PowerShell (#10837)
- Allow `win7x86` `msix` package to build. (Internal 10515)
- Allow semantic versions to be passed to `NormalizeVersion` function (#11087)
- Bump .NET core framework to `3.1-preview.3` (#11079)
- Bump `PSReadLine` from `2.0.0-beta5` to `2.0.0-beta6` in /src/Modules (#11078)
- Bump `Newtonsoft.Json` from `12.0.2` to `12.0.3` (#11037) (#11038)
- Add Debian 10, 11 and CentOS 8 packages (#11028)
- Upload `Build-Info` Json file with the `ReleaseDate` field (#10986)
- Bump .NET core framework to `3.1-preview.2` (#10993)
- Enable build of x86 MSIX package (#10934)
- Update the dotnet SDK install script URL in `build.psm1` (#10927)
- Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.17.1` to `0.18.0` (#10887)
- Bump `ThreadJob` from `2.0.1` to `2.0.2` (#10886)
- Update `AppX` Manifest and Packaging module to conform to MS Store requirements (#10878)
### Documentation and Help Content
- Update `` (#11096) (Thanks @mklement0!)
- Fix installation doc links in `` (#11083)
- Adds examples to `install-powershell.ps1` script (#11024) (Thanks @kilasuit!)
- Fix to `Select-String` emphasis and `Import-DscResource` in (#10890)
- Remove the stale link from `` (#10926)
## v7.0.0-preview.5 - 10/23/2019
### Breaking Changes