SAL annotation updates & fix warnings (#5617)

Various SAL annotations were either incorrect or not backed up by code. This PR address these issues.

NOTE: By default, Start-BuildNativeWindowsBinaries does not enable code analysis and issues detected by SAL annotations are not reported. To identify these issues, run Start-BuildNativeWindowsBinaries to generate the solution and vcxproj files. Launch a Visual Studio developer prompt, cd to src\powershell-native and run msbuild manually.

> msbuild PowerShellNative.sln /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /p:Platform=x64

The following changes address all code analysis warnings:

- GetRegistryInfo in NativeMsh had incorrect out annotations, remove __opt
- Fix handling of various out parameters - check for non-null and initialize
- Update and Align SAL annotations for GetFormattedErrorMessage overloads
- Allow PluginException to accept NULL message.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Travison 2018-01-05 16:53:27 -08:00 committed by Travis Plunk
parent 22f47295f4
commit da5d897823
8 changed files with 101 additions and 49 deletions

View file

@ -78,25 +78,27 @@ namespace NativeMsh
// Note: During successful calls the following values must be freed by the caller:
// pwszMonadVersion
// pwszRuntimeVersion
// pwzsRegKeyValue
// pwszRegKeyValue
// The caller must take care to check to see if they must be freed during error scenarios
// because the function may fail after allocating one or more strings.
_Success_(return == 0)
unsigned int GetRegistryInfo(
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__inout_ecount(1) int * lpMonadMajorVersion,
int monadMinorVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
LPCWSTR lpszRegKeyNameToRead,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwzsRegKeyValue);
__out PWSTR * pwszRegKeyValue);
_Success_(return == 0)
unsigned int GetRegistryInfo(
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__inout_ecount(1) int * lpMonadMajorVersion,
int monadMinorVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszConsoleHostAssemblyName);
__out PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszConsoleHostAssemblyName);
unsigned int LaunchCoreCLR(
ClrHostWrapper* hostWrapper,

View file

@ -1238,18 +1238,19 @@ namespace NativeMsh
// Note: During successful calls the following values must be freed by the caller:
// pwszMonadVersion
// pwszRuntimeVersion
// pwzsRegKeyValue
// pwszRegKeyValue
// The caller must take care to check to see if they must be freed during error scenarios
// because the function may fail after allocating one or more strings.
_Success_(return == 0)
unsigned int PwrshCommon::GetRegistryInfo(
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__inout_ecount(1) int * lpMonadMajorVersion,
int monadMinorVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
LPCWSTR lpszRegKeyNameToRead,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwzsRegKeyValue)
__out PWSTR * pwszRegKeyValue)
HKEY hEngineKey = NULL;
bool bEngineKeyOpened = true;
@ -1257,12 +1258,27 @@ namespace NativeMsh
wchar_t * wszMshEngineRegKeyPath = NULL;
LPWSTR wszFullMonadVersion = NULL;
if (NULL != pwszRegKeyValue)
*pwszRegKeyValue = NULL;
if (NULL != pwszRuntimeVersion)
*pwszRuntimeVersion = NULL;
if (NULL != pwszMonadVersion)
*pwszMonadVersion = NULL;
if (NULL == pwszMonadVersion ||
NULL == lpMonadMajorVersion ||
NULL == pwszRuntimeVersion ||
NULL == pwzsRegKeyValue)
NULL == pwszRegKeyValue)
@ -1315,7 +1331,7 @@ namespace NativeMsh
LPCWSTR wszRequestedRegValueName = lpszRegKeyNameToRead;
if (!this->RegQueryREG_SZValue(hEngineKey, wszRequestedRegValueName,
wszMshEngineRegKeyPath, pwzsRegKeyValue))
wszMshEngineRegKeyPath, pwszRegKeyValue))
@ -1361,12 +1377,13 @@ namespace NativeMsh
return exitCode;
_Success_(return == 0)
unsigned int PwrshCommon::GetRegistryInfo(
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszMonadVersion,
__inout_ecount(1) int * lpMonadMajorVersion,
int monadMinorVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__deref_out_opt PWSTR * pwszConsoleHostAssemblyName)
__out PWSTR * pwszRuntimeVersion,
__out PWSTR * pwszConsoleHostAssemblyName)
return GetRegistryInfo(pwszMonadVersion,

View file

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ int __cdecl wmain(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[])
if (debug)
::wprintf(L" Attach the debugger to powershell.exe and press any key to continue\n");
(void) ::getchar();
if (helpRequested)

View file

@ -31,15 +31,18 @@ LPCWSTR g_MAIN_BINARY_NAME = L"pwrshplugin.dll";
// the caller should free pwszErrorMessage using LocalFree().
// returns: If the function succeeds the return value is the number of CHARs stored int the output
// buffer, excluding the terminating null character. If the function fails the return value is zero.
#pragma prefast(push)
#pragma prefast (disable: 28196)
DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__deref_out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, va_list* arguments)
#pragma prefast(pop)
_Success_(return > 0)
DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, va_list* arguments)
DWORD dwLength = 0;
LPWSTR wszSystemErrorMessage = NULL;
if (NULL == pwszErrorMessage)
*pwszErrorMessage = NULL;
if (NULL == g_hResourceInstance)
@ -51,8 +54,6 @@ DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__deref_out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMes
LPWSTR wszSystemErrorMessage = NULL;
//string function
dwLength = FormatMessageW(
@ -62,28 +63,36 @@ DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__deref_out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMes
if (dwLength > 0)
if (dwLength == 0)
*pwszErrorMessage = new WCHAR[dwLength + 1];
if (NULL != *pwszErrorMessage)
//string function
if (FAILED(StringCchCopyW(*pwszErrorMessage, dwLength + 1, wszSystemErrorMessage)))
dwLength = 0;
delete [] (*pwszErrorMessage);
*pwszErrorMessage = NULL;
*pwszErrorMessage = new WCHAR[dwLength + 1];
if (*pwszErrorMessage == NULL)
dwLength = 0;
if (FAILED(StringCchCopyW(*pwszErrorMessage, dwLength + 1, wszSystemErrorMessage)))
dwLength = 0;
delete [] (*pwszErrorMessage);
*pwszErrorMessage = NULL;
if (NULL != wszSystemErrorMessage)
return dwLength;
DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__deref_out PZPWSTR pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, ...)
DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, ...)
DWORD result = 0;
@ -307,12 +316,19 @@ DWORD ReportOperationComplete(WSMAN_PLUGIN_REQUEST *requestDetails, DWORD errorC
PWSTR pwszErrorMessage = NULL;
GetFormattedErrorMessage(&pwszErrorMessage, errorCode);
result = WSManPluginOperationComplete(requestDetails, 0, errorCode, pwszErrorMessage);
if (NULL != pwszErrorMessage)
if (GetFormattedErrorMessage(&pwszErrorMessage, errorCode) == 0)
/* if an error message could not be loaded, generate a fallback
message to provide a level of diagnosability.
WCHAR szFallbackMessageMessage[64] = L"\0";
swprintf_s(szFallbackMessageMessage, _countof(szFallbackMessageMessage), L"ReportOperationComplete: %d", errorCode);
result = WSManPluginOperationComplete(requestDetails, 0, errorCode, szFallbackMessageMessage);
result = WSManPluginOperationComplete(requestDetails, 0, errorCode, pwszErrorMessage);
delete[] pwszErrorMessage;

View file

@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
const int EXIT_CODE_BAD_INPUT = 100;
extern DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__deref_out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, ...);
extern DWORD GetFormattedErrorMessage(__out PWSTR * pwszErrorMessage, DWORD dwMessageId, ...);
extern unsigned int ConstructPowerShellVersion(int iPSMajorVersion, int iPSMinorVersion, __deref_out_opt PWSTR *pwszMonadVersion);

View file

@ -270,7 +270,10 @@ unsigned int PowerShellClrWorker::LoadWorkerCallbackPtrs(
GetFormattedErrorMessage(&msg, exitCode);
/* NOTE: don't use a string literal for a fallback; PlugInException expects msg to allocated
and will free it but also supports NULL.
(void) GetFormattedErrorMessage(&msg, exitCode);
*pPluginException = new PlugInException(exitCode, msg);
return exitCode;

View file

@ -490,6 +490,11 @@ private:
iMajorVersion = iVPSMajorVersion;
if (NULL != wszMgdPlugInFileName)
*wszMgdPlugInFileName = NULL;
exitCode = ConstructPowerShellVersion(iVPSMajorVersion, iVPSMinorVersion, &wszMonadVersion);
if (EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS != exitCode)
@ -561,10 +566,19 @@ private:
_In_ PWSTR wszMgdPlugInFileName,
_In_ PWSTR wszVCLRVersion, // Conditionally set to wszCLRVersion on success
_In_ PWSTR wszVAppBase, // Conditionally set to wszAppBase on success
__out_opt PlugInException** pPluginException )
__out PlugInException** pPluginException )
unsigned int exitCode = EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS;
if (NULL != pPluginException)
*pPluginException = NULL;
if (bIsPluginLoaded)
@ -577,8 +591,6 @@ private:
*pPluginException = NULL;
// Setting global AppBase and CLR Version
wszCLRVersion = wszVCLRVersion;
wszAppBase = wszVAppBase;
@ -768,7 +780,9 @@ private:
GetFormattedErrorMessage(&msg, g_OPTION_SET_NOT_COMPLY, g_BUILD_VERSION);
(void) GetFormattedErrorMessage(&msg, g_OPTION_SET_NOT_COMPLY, g_BUILD_VERSION);
/* NOTE: Passing possible NULL msg. PlugInExpecption requires allocated
or NULL. Literal strings are not supported. */
throw new PlugInException(exitCode, msg);

View file

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
// the memory.
PWSTR extendedErrorInformation;
PlugInException(DWORD msgId, __in PWSTR msg)
PlugInException(DWORD msgId, __in_opt PWSTR msg)
dwMessageId = msgId;
extendedErrorInformation = msg;