Packaging: Try to make New-Unix package more readable (#5625)

* refactor start-pspackage into functions

* [Package] Added instrumentation

* [Package] update change log

* [Package] Fix distribution parameter in get-dependecies

* [Package] fix dependencies

* [Package] fix issues with validate script
This commit is contained in:
Travis Plunk 2017-12-07 10:48:00 -08:00
parent 6c373905da
commit dcbb3a5299
2 changed files with 395 additions and 205 deletions

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- Remove Pester as a module include with the PowerShell Packages. - Remove Pester as a module include with the PowerShell Packages.
In the future, you should be able to add it by running `Install-Module Pester`. (#5623, #5631) In the future, you should be able to add it by running `Install-Module Pester`. (#5623, #5631)
- Make Travis CI use `libcurl+openssl+gssapi` (#5629, @markekraus) - Make Travis CI use `libcurl+openssl+gssapi` (#5629, @markekraus)
- Refactor `New-UnixPackaging` into functions to make the large function more readable. (#5625)
## v6.0.0-rc - 2017-11-16 ## v6.0.0-rc - 2017-11-16

View file

@ -582,28 +582,8 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
} }
} }
foreach ($Dependency in "fpm", "ronn") { # Verify depenecies are installed and in the path
if (!(precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) { Test-Dependencies
# These tools are not added to the path automatically on OpenSUSE 13.2
# try adding them to the path and re-tesing first
[string] $gemsPath = $null
[string] $depenencyPath = $null
$gemsPath = Get-ChildItem -Path /usr/lib64/ruby/gems | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if($gemsPath) {
$depenencyPath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $gemsPath -ChildPath "gems" -AdditionalChildPath $Dependency) -Recurse | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DirectoryName
$originalPath = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = $ENV:PATH +":" + $depenencyPath
if((precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) {
else {
$env:PATH = $originalPath
throw "Dependency precheck failed!"
$Description = $packagingStrings.Description $Description = $packagingStrings.Description
@ -633,11 +613,345 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
} elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) { } elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
"/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/bin"
} }
$linkSource = "/tmp/pwsh"
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create package file system")) if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create package file system"))
{ {
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "/tmp/pwsh" -Target "$Destination/pwsh" >$null New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $linkSource -Target "$Destination/pwsh" >$null
# Generate After Install and After Remove scripts
$AfterScriptInfo = New-AfterScripts
# there is a weird bug in fpm
# if the target of the powershell symlink exists, `fpm` aborts
# with a `utime` error on macOS.
# so we move it to make symlink broken
$symlink_dest = "$Destination/pwsh"
$hack_dest = "./_fpm_symlink_hack_powershell"
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if (Test-Path $symlink_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $symlink_dest to $hack_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Move-Item $symlink_dest $hack_dest
# Generate gzip of man file
$ManGzipInfo = New-ManGzip
# Change permissions for packaging
Start-NativeExecution {
find $Staging -type d | xargs chmod 755
find $Staging -type f | xargs chmod 644
chmod 644 $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile
chmod 755 "$Staging/pwsh" # only the executable should be executable
# Add macOS powershell launcher
if($Type -eq "osxpkg")
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add macOS launch application"))
# Generate launcher app folder
$appsfolder = New-MacOSLauncher -Version $Version
$Arguments += "$appsfolder=/"
$packageDependenciesParams = @{}
# Setup package dependencies
$Dependencies = @(Get-PackageDependencies @packageDependenciesParams)
$Arguments = Get-FpmArguments `
-Name $Name `
-Version $Version `
-Iteration $Iteration `
-Description $Description `
-Type $Type `
-Dependencies $Dependencies `
-AfterInstallScript $AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript `
-AfterRemoveScript $AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript `
-Staging $Staging `
-Destination $Destination `
-ManGzipFile $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile `
-ManDestination $ManGzipInfo.ManFile `
-LinkSource $LinkSource `
-LinkDestination $Link
# Build package
try {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create $type package")) {
$Output = Start-NativeExecution { fpm $Arguments }
} finally {
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Cleanup macOS launcher"))
# this is continuation of a fpm hack for a weird bug
if (Test-Path $hack_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $hack_dest to $symlink_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Move-Item $hack_dest $symlink_dest
if ($AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript
if ($AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript
Remove-Item -Path $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Magic to get path output
$createdPackage = Get-Item (Join-Path $PWD (($Output[-1] -split ":path=>")[-1] -replace '["{}]'))
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Fix package name"))
# Add the OS information to the macOS package file name.
$packageExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($createdPackage.Name)
$packageNameWithoutExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($createdPackage.Name)
$newPackageName = "{0}-{1}{2}" -f $packageNameWithoutExt, $script:Options.Runtime, $packageExt
$newPackagePath = Join-Path $createdPackage.DirectoryName $newPackageName
# -Force is not deleting the NewName if it exists, so delete it if it does
if ($Force -and (Test-Path -Path $newPackagePath))
Remove-Item -Force $newPackagePath
$createdPackage = Rename-Item -Path $createdPackage.FullName -NewName $newPackagePath -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
if (Test-Path $createdPackage)
Write-Verbose "Created package: $createdPackage" -Verbose
return $createdPackage
throw "Failed to create $createdPackage"
function Get-FpmArguments
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package Version')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package description')]
# From start-PSPackage without modification, already validated
# Values: deb, rpm, osxpkg
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Installer Type')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Staging folder for installation files')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Install path on target machine')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='The built and gzipped man file.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='The destination of the man file')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Symlink to powershell executable')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Destination for symlink to powershell executable')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Packages required to install this package. Not applicable for MacOS.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and $_.Count -eq 0)
throw "Must not be null or empty on this environment."
return $true
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Script to run after the package installation.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and !$_)
throw "Must not be null on this environment."
return $true
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Script to run after the package removal.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and !$_)
throw "Must not be null on this environment."
return $true
$Arguments = @(
"--force", "--verbose",
"--name", $Name,
"--version", $Version,
"--iteration", $Iteration,
"--maintainer", "PowerShell Team <>",
"--vendor", "Microsoft Corporation",
"--url", "",
"--license", "MIT License",
"--description", $Description,
"--category", "shells",
"-t", $Type,
"-s", "dir"
if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Arguments += @("--rpm-dist", "rhel.7")
$Arguments += @("--rpm-os", "linux")
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
$Arguments += @("--osxpkg-identifier-prefix", "")
foreach ($Dependency in $Dependencies) {
$Arguments += @("--depends", $Dependency)
if ($AfterInstallScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-install", $AfterInstallScript)
if ($AfterRemoveScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-remove", $AfterRemoveScript)
$Arguments += @(
return $Arguments
function Test-Distribution
if ( ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian) -and !$Distribution )
throw "$Distribution is required for a Debian based distribution."
if($Script:DebianDistributions -notcontains $Distribution)
throw "$Distribution should be one of the following: $Script:DebianDistributions"
return $true
function Get-PackageDependencies
[ValidateScript({Test-Distribution -Distribution $_})]
End {
# These should match those in the Dockerfiles, but exclude tools like Git, which, and curl
$Dependencies = @()
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian) {
$Dependencies = @(
switch ($Distribution) {
"ubuntu.14.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"ubuntu.16.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu55") }
"ubuntu.17.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu57") }
"debian.8" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"debian.9" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.2", "libicu57") }
default { throw "Debian distro '$Distribution' is not supported." }
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Dependencies = @(
return $Dependencies
function Test-Dependencies
foreach ($Dependency in "fpm", "ronn") {
if (!(precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) {
# These tools are not added to the path automatically on OpenSUSE 13.2
# try adding them to the path and re-tesing first
[string] $gemsPath = $null
[string] $depenencyPath = $null
$gemsPath = Get-ChildItem -Path /usr/lib64/ruby/gems | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if($gemsPath) {
$depenencyPath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $gemsPath -ChildPath "gems" -AdditionalChildPath $Dependency) -Recurse | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DirectoryName
$originalPath = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = $ENV:PATH +":" + $depenencyPath
if((precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) {
else {
$env:PATH = $originalPath
throw "Dependency precheck failed!"
function New-AfterScripts
if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) { if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
# add two symbolic links to system shared libraries that is dependent on to handle # add two symbolic links to system shared libraries that is dependent on to handle
# platform specific changes. This is the only set of platforms needed for this currently # platform specific changes. This is the only set of platforms needed for this currently
@ -658,20 +972,14 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
$packagingStrings.UbuntuAfterRemoveScript -f "$Link/pwsh" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterRemoveScript -Encoding ascii $packagingStrings.UbuntuAfterRemoveScript -f "$Link/pwsh" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterRemoveScript -Encoding ascii
} }
return [PSCustomObject] @{
# there is a weird bug in fpm AfterInstallScript = $AfterInstallScript
# if the target of the powershell symlink exists, `fpm` aborts AfterRemoveScript = $AfterRemoveScript
# with a `utime` error on macOS.
# so we move it to make symlink broken
$symlink_dest = "$Destination/pwsh"
$hack_dest = "./_fpm_symlink_hack_powershell"
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if (Test-Path $symlink_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $symlink_dest to $hack_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Move-Item $symlink_dest $hack_dest
} }
} }
function New-ManGzip
# run ronn to convert man page to roff # run ronn to convert man page to roff
$RonnFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "/../../assets/pwsh.1.ronn" $RonnFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "/../../assets/pwsh.1.ronn"
$RoffFile = $RonnFile -replace "\.ronn$" $RoffFile = $RonnFile -replace "\.ronn$"
@ -686,88 +994,18 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
$ManFile = Join-Path "/usr/local/share/man/man1" (Split-Path -Leaf $GzipFile) $ManFile = Join-Path "/usr/local/share/man/man1" (Split-Path -Leaf $GzipFile)
# Change permissions for packaging return [PSCustomObject ] @{
Start-NativeExecution { GZipFile = $GzipFile
find $Staging -type d | xargs chmod 755 ManFile = $ManFile
find $Staging -type f | xargs chmod 644
chmod 644 $GzipFile
chmod 755 "$Staging/pwsh" # only the executable should be executable
} }
} }
function New-MacOSLauncher
# Setup package dependencies
# These should match those in the Dockerfiles, but exclude tools like Git, which, and curl
$Dependencies = @()
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian) {
$Dependencies = @(
switch ($DebDistro) {
"ubuntu.14.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"ubuntu.16.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu55") }
"ubuntu.17.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu57") }
"debian.8" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"debian.9" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.2", "libicu57") }
default { throw "Debian distro '$DebDistro' is not supported." }
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Dependencies = @(
$Arguments = @(
"--force", "--verbose",
"--name", $Name,
"--version", $Version,
"--iteration", $Iteration,
"--maintainer", "PowerShell Team <>",
"--vendor", "Microsoft Corporation",
"--url", "",
"--license", "MIT License",
"--description", $Description,
"--category", "shells",
"-t", $Type,
"-s", "dir"
if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Arguments += @("--rpm-dist", "rhel.7")
$Arguments += @("--rpm-os", "linux")
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
$Arguments += @("--osxpkg-identifier-prefix", "")
foreach ($Dependency in $Dependencies) {
$Arguments += @("--depends", $Dependency)
if ($AfterInstallScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-install", $AfterInstallScript)
if ($AfterRemoveScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-remove", $AfterRemoveScript)
$Arguments += @(
# Add macOS powershell launcher
if($Type -eq "osxpkg")
{ {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add macOS launch application")) { param(
# Define folder for launch application. # Define folder for launch application.
$macosapp = "$PSScriptRoot/macos/launcher/ROOT/Applications/" $macosapp = "$PSScriptRoot/macos/launcher/ROOT/Applications/"
@ -807,18 +1045,11 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
# Add app folder to fpm paths. # Add app folder to fpm paths.
$appsfolder = (Resolve-Path -Path "$macosapp/..").Path $appsfolder = (Resolve-Path -Path "$macosapp/..").Path
$Arguments += "$appsfolder=/"
} return $appsfolder
} }
# Build package function Clear-MacOSLauncher
try {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create $type package")) {
$Output = Start-NativeExecution { fpm $Arguments }
} finally {
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Cleanup macOS launcher"))
{ {
# This is needed to prevent installer from picking up # This is needed to prevent installer from picking up
# the launcher app in the build structure and updating # the launcher app in the build structure and updating
@ -840,48 +1071,6 @@ function New-UnixPackage {
} }
} }
# this is continuation of a fpm hack for a weird bug
if (Test-Path $hack_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $hack_dest to $symlink_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Move-Item $hack_dest $symlink_dest
if ($AfterInstallScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterInstallScript
if ($AfterRemoveScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterRemoveScript
Remove-Item -Path $GzipFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Magic to get path output
$createdPackage = Get-Item (Join-Path $PWD (($Output[-1] -split ":path=>")[-1] -replace '["{}]'))
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Fix package name"))
# Add the OS information to the macOS package file name.
$packageExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($createdPackage.Name)
$packageNameWithoutExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($createdPackage.Name)
$newPackageName = "{0}-{1}{2}" -f $packageNameWithoutExt, $script:Options.Runtime, $packageExt
$newPackagePath = Join-Path $createdPackage.DirectoryName $newPackageName
$createdPackage = Rename-Item $createdPackage.FullName $newPackagePath -PassThru -Force:$Force
if (Test-Path $createdPackage)
return $createdPackage
throw "Failed to create $createdPackage"
function New-StagingFolder function New-StagingFolder
{ {
param( param(