Merge Get-TimeZone.Tests.ps1 and Set-TimeZone.Tests.ps1 to TimeZone.Tests.ps1

This commit is contained in:
PowerShell Team 2016-07-06 15:52:18 -07:00 committed by Dongbo Wang
parent c1d9316a3c
commit df15348557
2 changed files with 129 additions and 160 deletions

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@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
# This is a Pester test suite to validate the cmdlets in the TimeZone module
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2016
Script Notes: opportunities for improving this test script
Many of the tests below looking-up timezones by Name do not support localization.
That is, the current tests use us english versions of StandardName and DaylighName for tests.
[snippet] Both StandardName and DaylightName are localized according to the current user default UI language.
if ($IsWindows) {
function Assert-ListsSame
param([object[]] $expected, [object[]] $observed )
$compResult = Compare-Object $observed $expected | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
if ($compResult)
$observedList = ([string]::Join("|",$observed))
$expectedList = ([string]::Join("|",$expected))
$observedList | Should Be $expectedList
Describe "Set-Timezone test case: call by single Id" -tags 'BVT' {
BeforeAll {
$originalTimeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id
AfterAll {
Set-TimeZone -ID $originalTimeZoneId
It "Call Set-TimeZone by Id" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Id $testTimezone.Id
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$testTimezone.Id -eq $observed.Id | Should Be $true
Describe "Set-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
BeforeAll {
$originalTimeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id
AfterAll {
Set-TimeZone -ID $originalTimeZoneId
It "Call Set-TimeZone with invalid Id" {
$exception = $null
try { Set-TimeZone -Id "zzInvalidID" } catch { $exception = $_ }
$exception.FullyQualifiedErrorID | Should Be "TimeZoneNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetTimeZoneCommand"
It "Call Set-TimeZone by Name" {
$origTimeZoneName = (Get-TimeZone).StandardName
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.StandardName -ne $origTimeZoneName)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Name $testTimezone.StandardName
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$testTimezone.StandardName -eq $observed.StandardName | Should Be $true
It "Call Set-TimeZone with invalid Name" {
$exception = $null
try { Set-TimeZone -Name "zzINVALID_Name" } catch { $exception = $_ }
$exception.FullyQualifiedErrorID | Should Be "TimeZoneNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetTimeZoneCommand"
It "Verify that alias 'stz' exists" {
(Get-Alias -Name "stz").Name | Should Be "stz"
It "Call Set-TimeZone from pipeline input object of type TimeZoneInfo" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
$testTimezone | Set-TimeZone
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$observed.ID -eq $testTimezone.Id | Should Be $true
It "Call Set-TimeZone from pipeline input object of type TimeZoneInfo, verify supports whatif" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Id $testTimezone.Id -WhatIf > $null
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$observed.Id -eq $origTimeZoneID | Should Be $true

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
Many of the tests below looking-up timezones by Name do not support localization.
That is, the current tests use us english versions of StandardName and DaylighName for tests.
[snippet] Both StandardName and DaylightName are localized according to the current user default UI language.
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ function Assert-ListsSame
Describe "Get-Timezone test case no switches" -tags 'BVT' {
It "Call without ListAvailable switch returns current TimeZoneInfo" {
$observed = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$observed = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$expected = ([System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local).Id
$observed -eq $expected | Should Be $true
Describe "Get-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
@ -41,65 +41,65 @@ Describe "Get-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
It "Call without ListAvailable switch returns an object of type TimeZoneInfo" {
$result = (Get-TimeZone).GetType().Name
$result | Should Be "TimeZoneInfo"
It "Call WITH ListAvailable switch returns ArrayList of TimeZoneInfo objects where the list is greater than 0 item" {
$list = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$list.Count -gt 0 | Should Be $true
$list.GetType().Name | Should Be "Object[]"
$list[0].GetType().Name | Should Be "TimeZoneInfo"
It "Call with ListAvailable switch returns a list containing TimeZoneInfo.Local" {
$observedIdList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable | select -ExpandProperty Id
$oneExpectedId = ([System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local).Id
$observedIdList -contains $oneExpectedId | Should Be $true
It "Call with ListAvailable switch returns a list containing one returned by Get-TimeZone" {
$observedIdList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable | select -ExpandProperty Id
$oneExpectedId = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$observedIdList -contains $oneExpectedId | Should Be $true
It "Call Get-TimeZone using ID param and single item" {
(Get-TimeZone -Id "Cape Verde Standard Time").Id -eq "Cape Verde Standard Time" | Should Be $true
It "Call Get-TimeZone using ID param and multiple items" {
$idList = @("Cape Verde Standard Time","Morocco Standard Time","Azores Standard Time")
$result = (Get-TimeZone -Id $idList).Id
Assert-ListsSame $result $idList
Assert-ListsSame $result $idList
It "Call Get-TimeZone using ID param and multiple items, where first and third are invalid ids - expect error" {
$null = Get-TimeZone -Id @("Cape Verde Standard","Morocco Standard Time","Azores Standard") `
-ErrorVariable errVar -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$errVar.Count -eq 2 | Should Be $true
$errVar[0].FullyQualifiedErrorID | Should Be "TimeZoneNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetTimeZoneCommand"
It "Call Get-TimeZone using ID param and multiple items, one is wild card but error action ignore works as expected" {
$result = Get-TimeZone -Id @("Cape Verde Standard Time","Morocco Standard Time","*","Azores Standard Time") `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | % Id
$expectedIdList = @("Cape Verde Standard Time","Morocco Standard Time","Azores Standard Time")
Assert-ListsSame $expectedIdList $result
It "Call Get-TimeZone using Name param and singe item" {
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$timezoneName = $timezoneList[0].StandardName
$observed = Get-TimeZone -Name $timezoneName
$observed.StandardName -eq $timezoneName | Should Be $true
It "Call Get-TimeZone using Name param with wild card" {
$result = (Get-TimeZone -Name "Pacific*").Id
$expectedIdList = @("Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)","Pacific Standard Time","Pacific SA Standard Time")
Assert-ListsSame $expectedIdList $result
Assert-ListsSame $expectedIdList $result
It "Verify that alias 'gtz' exists" {
(Get-Alias -Name "gtz").Name | Should Be "gtz"
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ Describe "Get-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
It "Call Get-TimeZone Name parameter from pipeline by value " {
$result = ("Pacific*" | Get-TimeZone).Id
$expectedIdList = @("Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)","Pacific Standard Time","Pacific SA Standard Time")
Assert-ListsSame $expectedIdList $result
Assert-ListsSame $expectedIdList $result
It "Call Get-TimeZone Id parameter from pipeline by ByPropertyName" {
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
@ -118,4 +118,110 @@ Describe "Get-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
Describe "Set-Timezone test case: call by single Id" -tags 'BVT' {
BeforeAll {
$originalTimeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id
AfterAll {
Set-TimeZone -ID $originalTimeZoneId
It "Call Set-TimeZone by Id" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Id $testTimezone.Id
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$testTimezone.Id -eq $observed.Id | Should Be $true
Describe "Set-Timezone test cases" -tags 'Innerloop','RI' {
BeforeAll {
$originalTimeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id
AfterAll {
Set-TimeZone -ID $originalTimeZoneId
It "Call Set-TimeZone with invalid Id" {
$exception = $null
try { Set-TimeZone -Id "zzInvalidID" } catch { $exception = $_ }
$exception.FullyQualifiedErrorID | Should Be "TimeZoneNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetTimeZoneCommand"
It "Call Set-TimeZone by Name" {
$origTimeZoneName = (Get-TimeZone).StandardName
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.StandardName -ne $origTimeZoneName)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Name $testTimezone.StandardName
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$testTimezone.StandardName -eq $observed.StandardName | Should Be $true
It "Call Set-TimeZone with invalid Name" {
$exception = $null
try { Set-TimeZone -Name "zzINVALID_Name" } catch { $exception = $_ }
$exception.FullyQualifiedErrorID | Should Be "TimeZoneNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetTimeZoneCommand"
It "Verify that alias 'stz' exists" {
(Get-Alias -Name "stz").Name | Should Be "stz"
It "Call Set-TimeZone from pipeline input object of type TimeZoneInfo" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
$testTimezone | Set-TimeZone
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$observed.ID -eq $testTimezone.Id | Should Be $true
It "Call Set-TimeZone from pipeline input object of type TimeZoneInfo, verify supports whatif" {
$origTimeZoneID = (Get-TimeZone).Id
$timezoneList = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
$testTimezone = $null
foreach($timezone in $timezoneList)
if ($timezone.Id -ne $origTimeZoneID)
$testTimezone = $timezone
Set-TimeZone -Id $testTimezone.Id -WhatIf > $null
$observed = Get-TimeZone
$observed.Id -eq $origTimeZoneID | Should Be $true