Add test to verify filesystem provider isn't used when accessing root path in psdrive (#7173)

* add test to verify filesystem isn't used when not in filesystem drive
This commit is contained in:
Steve Lee 2018-07-11 14:10:29 -07:00 committed by Aditya Patwardhan
parent 040c494f94
commit e5e1c53084

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@ -54,6 +54,22 @@ Describe "Set-Location" -Tags "CI" {
$(Get-Location).Path | Should -BeExactly $testPath.FullName
It "Should not use filesystem root folder if not in filesystem provider" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
# find filesystem root folder that doesn't exist in HKCU:
$foundFolder = $false
foreach ($folder in Get-ChildItem "${env:SystemDrive}\" -Directory) {
if (-Not (Test-Path "HKCU:\$($folder.Name)")) {
$testFolder = $folder.Name
$foundFolder = $true
$foundFolder | Should -BeTrue
Set-Location HKCU:\
{ Set-Location ([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + $testFolder) -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand"
Context 'Set-Location with no arguments' {
It 'Should go to $env:HOME when Set-Location run with no arguments from FileSystem provider' {