Add Pester Unit test for Set-Alias

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commit fc0f9c315c

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@ -1,3 +1,88 @@
Describe "Set-Alias DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
It "Set-Alias Invalid Scope Name should throw PSArgumentException"{
try {
Set-Alias -Name "ABCD" -Value "foo" -Scope "bogus"
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "Argument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAliasCommand"
It "Set-Alias ReadOnly Force"{
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "foo" -Option ReadOnly -PassThru:$true
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "foo"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "ReadOnly"
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "foo" -Force:$true -PassThru:$true
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "foo"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
It "Set-Alias Name And Value Valid"{
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "MyCommand"
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "MyCommand"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
It "Set-Alias Name And Value Positional Valid"{
Set-Alias -Name ABCD "foo"
$result=Get-Alias ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "foo"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
It "Set-Alias Description Valid"{
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "MyCommand" -Description "test description"
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "MyCommand"
$result.Description| Should Be "test description"
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
It "Set-Alias Scope Valid"{
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "localfoo" -scope local -PassThru:$true
Set-Alias -Name ABCD -Value "foo1" -scope "1" -PassThru:$true
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "localfoo"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD -scope local
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "localfoo"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
$result=Get-Alias -Name ABCD -scope "1"
$result.Name| Should Be "ABCD"
$result.Definition| Should Be "foo1"
$result.Description| Should Be ""
$result.Options| Should Be "None"
It "Set-Alias Expose Bug 1062958, BugId:905449"{
try {
Set-Alias -Name "ABCD" -Value "foo" -Scope "-1"
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "ArgumentOutOfRange,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAliasCommand"
Describe "Set-Alias" {
Mock Get-Date { return "Friday, October 30, 2015 3:38:08 PM" }
It "Should be able to set alias without error" {