Added tests for hashtabletoPSCustomObjectConversion, OutErrorVairable tests (#2160)

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Yanbing 2016-09-12 18:29:55 -07:00 committed by Sergei Vorobev
parent a4b7db7277
commit fd4552bfb8
2 changed files with 519 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Describe "Tests for hashtable to PSCustomObject conversion" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
class SampleClass5 {
SampleClass5([int]$x) { $this.a = $x }
SampleClass5([hashtable]$h) { $this.a = 100; $this.b = 100 }
$testdata = @(
@{ Name = 'New-Object cmdlet should accept empty hashtable or $null as Property argument';
Cmd = "new-object psobject -property `$null";
ExpectedType = 'System.Management.automation.psobject'
@{ Name = 'Hashtable conversion to PSCustomObject succeeds (Insertion Order is not retained)';
Cmd = "[pscustomobject][hashtable]`@{one=1;two=2}";
ExpectedType = 'System.Management.automation.psobject'
@{ Name = 'Hashtable(Stored in a variable) conversion to PSCustomObject succeeds (Insertion Order is not retained)';
Cmd = "`$ht = @{one=1;two=2};[pscustomobject]`$ht";
ExpectedType = 'System.Management.automation.psobject'
It 'Type Validation: <Name>' -TestCases:$testdata {
param ($Name, $Cmd, $ExpectedType)
Invoke-expression $Cmd -OutVariable a
$a = Get-Variable -Name a -ValueOnly
$a | should BeOfType $ExpectedType
It 'Hashtable conversion to PSCustomObject retains insertion order of hashtable keys when passed a hashliteral' {
$x = [pscustomobject]@{one=1;two=2}
$x | should BeOfType "System.Management.automation.psobject"
$p = 0
# Checks if the first property is One
$x.psobject.Properties | foreach-object `
if ($p -eq 0)
$_.Name | Should Be 'one'
It 'Conversion of Ordered hashtable to PSCustomObject should succeed' {
$x = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{one=1;two=2}
$x | should BeOfType "System.Management.automation.psobject"
$p = 0
# Checks if the first property is One
$x.psobject.Properties | foreach-object `
if ($p -eq 0)
$_.Name | Should Be 'one'
$testdata1 = @(
@{ Name = 'Creating an object of an existing type from hashtable should throw error when setting non-existent properties';
Cmd = "[System.MAnagement.Automation.Host.Coordinates]`@{blah=10;Y=5 }";
ErrorID = 'ObjectCreationError';
InnerException = $true
@{ Name = 'Creating an object of an existing type from hashtable should throw error when setting incompatible values for properties';
Cmd = "[System.MAnagement.Automation.Host.Coordinates]`@{X='foo';Y=5}";
ErrorID = 'ObjectCreationError';
InnerException = $true
@{ Name = 'Conversion from PSCustomObject to hashtable should fail';
Cmd = "[hashtable][pscustomobject]`@{one=1;two=2}";
ErrorID ='InvalidCastConstructorException';
InnerException = $true
Name = 'New-Object cmdlet should throw terminating errors when user specifies a non-existent property or tries to assign incompatible values';
Cmd = "New-Object -TypeName System.MAnagement.Automation.Host.Coordinates -Property `@{xx=10;y=5}";
ErrorID ='InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand'
It '<Name>' -TestCases:$testData1 {
param ($Name, $Cmd, $ErrorID, $InnerException)
Invoke-Expression $Cmd
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
} catch {
$_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be $ErrorID
else {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be $ErrorID
It 'Creating an object of an existing type from hashtable should succeed' {
$result = [System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates]@{X=10;Y=33}
$result.X | should be 10
It 'Creating an object of an existing type from hashtable should call the constructor taking a hashtable if such a constructor exists in the type' {
$x = [SampleClass5]@{a=10;b=5}
$x.a | Should Be '100'
It 'Add a new type name to PSTypeNames property' {
$obj = [PSCustomObject] @{pstypename = 'Mytype'}
$obj.PSTypeNames[0] | Should Be 'Mytype'
It 'Add an existing type name to PSTypeNames property' {
$obj = [PSCustomObject] @{pstypename = 'System.Object'}
$obj.PSTypeNames.Count | Should Be 3
$obj.PSTypeNames[0] | Should Be 'System.Object'

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@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
Describe "Tests OutVariable only" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function get-foo1
function get-foo2
function get-bar
get-foo1 -outVariable script:a
$testdata = @(
@{ Name = 'Updating OutVariable Case 1: pipe string';
Command = "get-foo1";
OutVariable = 'a';
Expected = 'foo'
@{ Name = 'Updating OutVariable Case 2: $pscmdlet.writeobject';
Command = "get-foo2";
OutVariable = 'a';
Expected = 'foo'
@{ Name = 'Appending OutVariable Case 1: pipe string';
Command = "get-foo1";
OutVariable = 'a';
PreSet = 'a','b';
Expected = @("a", "b", "foo")
@{ Name = 'Appending OutVariable Case 2: $pscmdlet.writeobject';
Command = "get-foo2";
OutVariable = 'a';
PreSet = 'a','b';
Expected = @("a", "b", "foo")
It 'Test: <Name>' -TestCases $testdata {
param ( $Name, $Command, $OutVariable, $PreSet, $Expected )
if($PreSet -ne $null)
Set-Variable -Name $OutVariable -Value $PreSet
& $Command -OutVariable +$OutVariable > $null
& $Command -OutVariable $OutVariable > $null
$a = Get-Variable -ValueOnly $OutVariable
$a | Should Be $Expected
It 'Nested OutVariable' {
get-bar -outVariable b > $null
$script:a | Should Be 'foo'
$b | Should Be @("bar", "foo")
Describe "Test ErrorVariable only" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function get-foo1
write-error "foo"
function get-foo2
function get-bar
write-error "bar"
get-foo1 -errorVariable script:a
$testdata1 = @(
@{ Name = 'Updating ErrorVariable Case 1: write-error';
Command = "get-foo1";
ErrorVariable = 'a';
Expected = 'foo'
@{ Name = 'Updating ErrorVariable Case 2: $pscmdlet.WriteError';
Command = "get-foo1";
ErrorVariable = 'a';
Expected = 'foo'
@{ Name = 'Appending ErrorVariable Case 1: pipe string';
Command = "get-foo1";
ErrorVariable = 'a';
PreSet = @('a','b');
Expected = @("a", "b", "foo")
It '<Name>' -TestCases $testdata1 {
param ( $Name, $Command, $ErrorVariable, $PreSet, $Expected )
if($PreSet -ne $null)
Set-Variable -Name $ErrorVariable -Value $PreSet
& $Command -ErrorVariable +$ErrorVariable 2> $null
& $Command -ErrorVariable $ErrorVariable 2> $null
$a = (Get-Variable -ValueOnly $ErrorVariable) | % {$_.ToString()}
$a | should be $Expected
It 'Appending ErrorVariable Case 2: $pscmdlet.writeerror' {
write-error "foo" -errorVariable script:foo 2> $null
$a = 'a','b'
get-foo2 -errorVariable +a 2> $null
$a.count | Should Be 3
$a| % {$_.ToString()} | Should Be @('a', 'b', 'foo')
It 'Nested ErrorVariable' {
get-bar -errorVariable b 2> $null
$script:a | Should be 'foo'
$b | Should be @("bar","foo")
It 'Nested ErrorVariable with redirection' {
get-bar -errorVariable b 2>&1 > $null
$script:a | Should be 'foo'
$b | Should be @("bar", "foo")
Describe "Update both OutVariable and ErrorVariable" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function get-foo
write-output "foo-output"
write-error "foo-error"
function get-foo1
write-error "foo"
function get-foo2
function get-bar
write-error "bar"
get-foo1 -errorVariable script:a
function get-foo3
write-output "foo-output-1"
write-error "foo-error"
function get-bar2
write-output "bar-output-1"
write-error "bar-error"
get-foo3 -OutVariable script:foo_out -errorVariable script:foo_err
It 'Update OutVariable and ErrorVariable' {
get-foo3 -OutVariable out -errorVariable err 2> $null > $null
$out | Should be @("foo-output-0", "foo-output-1")
$err | Should be "foo-error"
It 'Update OutVariable and ErrorVariable' {
get-bar2 -OutVariable script:bar_out -errorVariable script:bar_err 2> $null > $null
$foo_out | Should be @("foo-output-0", "foo-output-1")
$foo_err | Should be 'foo-error'
$bar_out | Should be @("bar-output-0", "bar-output-1", "foo-output-0", "foo-output-1")
$bar_err | Should be @("bar-error", "foo-error")
It 'Verify that exceptions are added to the ErrorVariable' {
function get-foo4
write-error "foo-error"
throw "foo-exception"
get-foo4 -errorVariable err 2> $null
$err | Should be @("foo-error", "foo-exception")
It 'Error variable in multi-command pipeline' {
function get-foo5
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $foo)
write-output $foo
write-error $foo
(get-foo5 "foo-message" -ev foo_err1 -ov foo_out1 | get-foo5 -ev foo_err2 -ov foo_out2 | get-foo5 -ev foo_err3 -ov foo_out3) 2>&1 > $null
$foo_out1 | Should be "foo-message"
$foo_out2 | Should be "foo-message"
$foo_out3 | Should be "foo-message"
$foo_err1 | Should be "foo-message"
$foo_err2 | Should be "foo-message"
$foo_err3 | Should be "foo-message"
Context 'Error variable in multi-command pipeline (with native cmdlet)' {
(get-foo -ev foo_err | get-item -ev get_item_err ) 2>&1 > $null
$foo_err | Should Be "foo-error"
It '$get_item_err.count' { $get_item_err.count | Should Be 1 }
It '$get_item_err[0].exception' { $get_item_err[0].exception.GetType() | Should Be 'System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException' }
It 'Multi-command pipeline with nested commands' {
function get-bar3
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $i)
write-error 'bar-error'
write-output 'bar-output'
(get-foo -errorVariable foo_err | get-bar3 -errorVariable bar_err) 2>&1 > $null
$foo_err | Should be 'foo-error'
$bar_err | Should be @("bar-error", "foo-error")
It 'multi-command pipeline with nested commands' {
function get-foo6
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $i)
write-error "foo-error"
write-output $i
function get-bar4
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $i)
write-error "bar-error"
get-foo6 "foo-output" -errorVariable script:foo_err1 | get-foo6 -errorVariable script:foo_err2
get-bar4 -errorVariable script:bar_err 2>&1 > $null
$script:foo_err1 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:foo_err2 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:bar_err | Should be @("bar-error", "foo-error")
It 'Nested output variables' {
function get-foo7
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string] $output)
write-error "foo-error"
function get-bar5
write-error "bar-error"
get-foo7 "foo-output" -ev script:foo_err1 -ov script:foo_out1 | get-foo7 -ev script:foo_err2 -ov script:foo_out2
get-foo7 "foo-output" -ev script:foo_err3 -ov script:foo_out3 | get-foo7 -ev script:foo_err4 -ov script:foo_out4
get-bar5 -ev script:bar_err -ov script:bar_out 2>&1 > $null
$script:foo_out1 | Should be "foo-output"
$script:foo_err1 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:foo_out2 | Should be "foo-output"
$script:foo_err2 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:foo_out3 | Should be "foo-output"
$script:foo_err3 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:foo_out4 | Should be "foo-output"
$script:foo_err4 | Should be "foo-error"
$script:bar_out | Should be @("bar-output", "foo-output", "foo-output")
$script:bar_err | Should be @("bar-error", "foo-error", "foo-error")