// // Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Provider; using System.Xml; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; #if CORECLR using System.Xml.XPath; #endif namespace Microsoft.WSMan.Management { #region Set-WsManQuickConfig // /// /// Performs configuration actions to enable the local machine for remote /// management. Steps include: /// 1. Check if WinRM service is running. If not start the WinRM service /// 2. Set the WinRM service type to auto start /// 3. Create a listener to accept request on any IP address. By default /// transport is http /// 4. Enable firewall exception for WS-Management traffic /// [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Set, "WSManQuickConfig", HelpUri = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=141463")] public class SetWSManQuickConfigCommand : PSCmdlet, IDisposable { /// /// The following is the definition of the input parameter "UseSSL". /// Indicates a https listener to be created. If this switch is not specified /// then by default a http listener will be created /// [Parameter] [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "SSL")] public SwitchParameter UseSSL { get { return usessl; } set { usessl = value; } } private SwitchParameter usessl; //helper variable private WSManHelper helper; /// /// Property that sets force parameter. This will allow /// configuring WinRM without prompting the user. /// [Parameter()] public SwitchParameter Force { get { return force; } set { force = value; } } private bool force = false; /// /// Property that will allow configuring WinRM with Public profile exception enabled. /// [Parameter()] public SwitchParameter SkipNetworkProfileCheck { get { return skipNetworkProfileCheck; } set { skipNetworkProfileCheck = value; } } private bool skipNetworkProfileCheck = false; /// /// BeginProcessing method. /// protected override void BeginProcessing() { //If not running elevated, then throw an "elevation required" error message. WSManHelper.ThrowIfNotAdministrator(); helper = new WSManHelper(this); String query = helper.GetResourceMsgFromResourcetext("QuickConfigContinueQuery"); String caption = helper.GetResourceMsgFromResourcetext("QuickConfigContinueCaption"); if (!force && !ShouldContinue(query, caption)) { return; } QuickConfigRemoting(true); QuickConfigRemoting(false); }//End BeginProcessing() #region private private void QuickConfigRemoting(bool serviceonly) { IWSManSession m_SessionObj = null; try { string transport; IWSManEx wsmanObject = (IWSManEx)new WSManClass(); m_SessionObj = (IWSManSession)wsmanObject.CreateSession(null, 0, null); string xpathEnabled = string.Empty; string xpathText = string.Empty; string xpathUpdate = string.Empty; string analysisInputXml = string.Empty; string action = string.Empty; string xpathStatus = string.Empty; string xpathResult = string.Empty; if (!usessl) { transport = "http"; } else { transport = "https"; } if (serviceonly) { analysisInputXml = @""; action = "AnalyzeService"; } else { string openAllProfiles = skipNetworkProfileCheck ? "" : String.Empty; analysisInputXml = @"" + transport + "" + openAllProfiles + ""; action = "Analyze"; } string analysisOutputXml = m_SessionObj.Invoke(action, "winrm/config/service", analysisInputXml, 0); XmlDocument resultopxml = new XmlDocument(); resultopxml.LoadXml(analysisOutputXml); if (serviceonly) { xpathEnabled = "/cfg:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/cfg:RemotingEnabled"; xpathText = "/cfg:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/cfg:Results"; xpathUpdate = "/cfg:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/cfg:EnableService_INPUT"; } else { xpathEnabled = "/cfg:Analyze_OUTPUT/cfg:RemotingEnabled"; xpathText = "/cfg:Analyze_OUTPUT/cfg:Results"; xpathUpdate = "/cfg:Analyze_OUTPUT/cfg:EnableRemoting_INPUT"; } XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(resultopxml.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("cfg", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config/service"); string enabled = resultopxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathEnabled, nsmgr).InnerText; XmlNode sourceAttribute = resultopxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathEnabled, nsmgr).Attributes.GetNamedItem("Source"); string source = null; if (sourceAttribute != null) { source = sourceAttribute.Value; } string rxml = ""; if (enabled.Equals("true")) { string Err_Msg = ""; if (serviceonly) { Err_Msg = WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfigNoServiceChangesNeeded_Message"); } else { Err_Msg = WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfigNoChangesNeeded_Message"); } // ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException(Err_Msg); // ErrorRecord er = new ErrorRecord(e, "InvalidOperation", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); // WriteError(er); WriteObject(Err_Msg); return; } if (!enabled.Equals("false")) { ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException(WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfig_InvalidBool_0_ErrorMessage")); ErrorRecord er = new ErrorRecord(e, "InvalidOperation", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); WriteError(er); return; } string resultAction = resultopxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathText, nsmgr).InnerText; if ( source != null && source.Equals("GPO")) { String Info_Msg = WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfig_RemotingDisabledbyGP_00_ErrorMessage"); Info_Msg += " " + resultAction; ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException(Info_Msg); WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "NotSpecified", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, null)); return; } string inputXml = resultopxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathUpdate, nsmgr).OuterXml; if (resultAction.Equals("") || inputXml.Equals("")) { ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException(WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_ERR_Message") + WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfig_MissingUpdateXml_0_ErrorMessage")); ErrorRecord er = new ErrorRecord(e, "InvalidOperation", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); WriteError(er); return; } if (serviceonly) { action = "EnableService"; } else { action = "EnableRemoting"; } rxml = m_SessionObj.Invoke(action, "winrm/config/service", inputXml, 0); XmlDocument finalxml = new XmlDocument(); finalxml.LoadXml(rxml); if (serviceonly) { xpathStatus = "/cfg:EnableService_OUTPUT/cfg:Status"; xpathResult = "/cfg:EnableService_OUTPUT/cfg:Results"; } else { xpathStatus = "/cfg:EnableRemoting_OUTPUT/cfg:Status"; xpathResult = "/cfg:EnableRemoting_OUTPUT/cfg:Results"; } if (finalxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathStatus, nsmgr).InnerText.ToString().Equals("succeeded")) { if (serviceonly) { WriteObject(WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfigUpdatedService_Message")); } else { WriteObject(WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfigUpdated_Message")); } WriteObject(finalxml.SelectSingleNode(xpathResult, nsmgr).InnerText); } else { helper.AssertError(WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_ERR_Message") + WSManResourceLoader.GetResourceString("L_QuickConfigUpdateFailed_ErrorMessage"), false, null); } } finally { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SessionObj.Error)) { helper.AssertError(m_SessionObj.Error, true, null); } if (m_SessionObj != null) Dispose(m_SessionObj); } } #endregion private #region IDisposable Members /// /// public dispose method /// public void Dispose() { //CleanUp(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// /// public dispose method /// public void Dispose(IWSManSession sessionObject) { sessionObject = null; this.Dispose(); } #endregion IDisposable Members }//End Class #endregion Set-WsManQuickConfig }