try { # Skip all tests on non-windows and non-PowerShellCore and non-elevated platforms. $originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone() $originalWarningPreference = $WarningPreference $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $IsNotSkipped = ($IsWindows -and $IsCoreCLR -and (Test-IsElevated)) $PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = !$IsNotSkipped # # TODO: Enable-PSRemoting should be performed at a higher set up for all tests. # Tests whether PowerShell remoting is enabled for this instance of PowerShell. # If remoting is not enabled, it will enable it and then clean up after all the tests # have executed. # if ($IsNotSkipped) { $endpointName = "PowerShell.$($psversiontable.GitCommitId)" $matchedEndpoint = Get-PSSessionConfiguration $endpointName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($matchedEndpoint -eq $null) { # An endpoint for this instance of PowerShell does not exist. # # -SkipNetworkProfileCheck is used in case Docker or another application # has created a publich virtual network profile on the system Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck $endpointCreated = $true } } try { Describe "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration" -Tags @("CI", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { AfterAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name "ITTask*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration } } It "Register-PSSessionConfiguration -TransportOption" { $ConfigurationName = "ITTask" + (Get-Random -Minimum 10000 -Maximum 99999) $Transport = New-PSTransportOption -MaxSessions 40 -IdleTimeoutSec 3600 $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $ConfigurationName -TransportOption $Transport $result = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $ConfigurationName $result.MaxShells | Should Be 40 $result.IdleTimeoutms | Should Be 3600000 } } Describe "Validate Get-PSSessionConfiguration, Enable-PSSessionConfiguration, Disable-PSSessionConfiguration, Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlets" -Tags @("CI", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { BeforeAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { # Register new session configuration function RegisterNewConfiguration { param ( [string] $Name, [string] $ConfigFilePath, [switch] $Enabled ) $TestConfig = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($TestConfig) { $null = Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name } if($Enabled) { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -Path $ConfigFilePath } else { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -Path $ConfigFilePath -AccessMode Disabled } } # Unregister session configuration function UnregisterPSSessionConfiguration{ param ( [string] $Name ) Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $Name -Force -NoServiceRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # Create new Config File function CreateTestConfigFile { $TestConfigFileLoc = join-path $TestDrive "Remoting" if(-not (Test-path $TestConfigFileLoc)) { $null = New-Item -Path $TestConfigFileLoc -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop } $TestConfigFile = join-path $TestConfigFileLoc "TestConfigFile.pssc" $null = New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path $TestConfigFile -SessionType Default return $TestConfigFile } $LocalConfigFilePath = CreateTestConfigFile $expectedPSVersion = "$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor)" } } Context "Validate Get-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet" { It "Get-PSSessionConfiguration with no parameter" { $Result = Get-PSSessionConfiguration $Result.Name -contains $endpointName | Should Be $true $Result.PSVersion | Should BeExactly $expectedPSVersion } It "Get-PSSessionConfiguration with Name parameter" { $Result = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $endpointName $Result.Name | Should Be $endpointName $Result.PSVersion | Should BeExactly $expectedPSVersion } It "Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name with wildcard character" { $endpointWildcard = "powershell.*" $Result = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $endpointWildcard $Result.Name -contains $endpointName | Should Be $true $Result.PSVersion | Should BeExactly $expectedPSVersion } It "Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name with Non-Existent session configuration" { try { Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name "NonExistantSessionConfiguration" -ErrorAction Stop throw "No Exception!" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException" } } } Context "Validate Enable-PSSessionConfiguration and Disable-PSSessionConfiguration" { function VerifyEnableAndDisablePSSessionConfig { param ( [string] $SessionConfigName, [string] $ConfigFilePath, [Bool] $InitialSessionStateEnabled, [Bool] $FinalSessionStateEnabled, [string] $TestDescription, [bool] $EnablePSSessionConfig ) It "$TestDescription" { RegisterNewConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName -ConfigFilePath $ConfigFilePath -Enabled:$InitialSessionStateEnabled $TestConfigStateBeforeChange = (Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName).Enabled if($EnablePSSessionConfig) { $isSkipNetworkCheck = $true # TODO: Get-NetConnectionProfile is not available during typical PS Core deployments. Once it is, this check should be used. #Get-NetConnectionProfile | Where-Object { $_.NetworkCategory -eq "Public" } | ForEach-Object { $isSkipNetworkCheck = $true } Enable-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName -NoServiceRestart -SkipNetworkProfileCheck:$isSkipNetworkCheck } else { Disable-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName -NoServiceRestart } $TestConfigStateAfterChange = (Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled UnregisterPSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigName $TestConfigStateBeforeChange | Should be "$InitialSessionStateEnabled" $TestConfigStateAfterChange | Should be "$FinalSessionStateEnabled" } } $TestData = @( @{ SessionConfigName = "TestDisablePSSessionConfig" ConfigFilePath = $LocalConfigFilePath InitialSessionStateEnabled = $true FinalSessionStateEnabled = $false TestDescription = "Validate Disable-Configuration cmdlet" EnablePSSessionConfig = $false } @{ SessionConfigName = "TestEnablePSSessionConfig" ConfigFilePath = $LocalConfigFilePath InitialSessionStateEnabled = $false FinalSessionStateEnabled = $true TestDescription = "Validate Enable-Configuration cmdlet" EnablePSSessionConfig = $true } ) foreach ($testcase in $testData) { VerifyEnableAndDisablePSSessionConfig @testcase } } Context "Validate Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet" { BeforeEach { Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name "TestUnregisterPSSessionConfig" } AfterAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -name "TestUnregisterPSSessionConfig" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } } function TestUnRegisterPSSsessionConfiguration { param ($Description, $SessionConfigName, $ExpectedOutput, $ExpectedError) It "$Description" { $Result = [PSObject] @{Output = $true ; Error = $null} $Error.Clear() try { $null = Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -name $SessionConfigName -ErrorAction stop } catch { $Result.Error = $_.Exception } if(-not $Result.Error) { $ValidEndpoints = [PSObject]@(Get-PSSessionConfiguration) foreach ($endpoint in $ValidEndpoints) { # Setting it to false means the unregister was unsuccessful # and there is still an endpoint with name matching the one we wanted to remove. if($ -like $SessionConfigName) { $Result.Output = $false break } } } else { $Result.Output = $false } $Result.Output | Should Match $ExpectedOutput $Result.Error | Should Match $ExpectedError } } $TestData = @( @{ Description = "Validate Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration with -name parameter" SessionConfigName = "TestUnregisterPSSessionConfig" ExpectedOutput = $true ExpectedError = $null } @{ Description = "Validate Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration with name having wildcard character" SessionConfigName = "TestUnregister*" ExpectedOutput = $true ExpectedError = $null } @{ Description = "Validate Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration for non-existant endpoint" SessionConfigName = 'TestInvalidEndPoint' ExpectedOutput = $false ExpectedError = "No session configuration matches criteria `"TestInvalidEndPoint`"." } ) foreach ($TestCase in $TestData) { TestUnRegisterPSSsessionConfiguration @TestCase } } } Describe "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration, Set-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlets" -Tags @("Feature", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { BeforeAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { $expectedPSVersion = "$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor)" function ValidateRemoteEndpoint { param ($TestSessionConfigName, $ScriptToExecute, $ExpectedOutput) $Result = [PSObject]@{Output= $null; Error = $null} try { $sn = New-PSSession . -ConfigurationName $TestSessionConfigName -ErrorAction Stop if($sn) { if($ScriptToExecute) { $Result.Output = invoke-command -Session $Sn -ScriptBlock { param ($scripttoExecute) Invoke-Expression $scripttoExecute} -ArgumentList $ScriptToExecute } else { $Result.Output = $true } } else { throw "Unable to create session $TestSessionConfigName" } } catch { $Result.Error = $_.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId } finally { if ($sn) { Remove-PSSession $sn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $sn = $null } } $Result.Output | Should be $ExpectedOutput $Result.Error | Should be $null } # Create Test Startup Script function CreateStartupScript { $ScriptContent = @" `$script:testvariable = "testValue" "@ $TestScript = join-path $script:TestDir "StartupTestScript.ps1" $null = Set-Content -path $TestScript -Value $ScriptContent return $TestScript } # Create new Config File function CreateTestConfigFile { $TestConfigFile = join-path $script:TestDir "TestConfigFile.pssc" $null = New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path $TestConfigFile -SessionType Default return $TestConfigFile } function CreateTestModule { $ScriptContent = @" function IsTestModuleImported { return `$true } Export-ModuleMember IsTestModuleImported "@ $TestModuleFileLoc = $script:TestDir if(-not (Test-path $TestModuleFileLoc)) { $null = New-Item -Path $TestModuleFileLoc -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop } $TestModuleFile = join-path $TestModuleFileLoc "TestModule.psm1" $null = Set-Content -path $TestModuleFile -Value $ScriptContent return $TestModuleFile } function CreateTestAssembly { $PscConfigDef = @" using System; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces; using System.Management.Automation.Remoting; namespace PowershellTestConfigNamespace { public sealed class PowershellTestConfig : PSSessionConfiguration { /// /// /// /// /// public override InitialSessionState GetInitialSessionState(PSSenderInfo senderInfo) { return InitialSessionState.CreateDefault(); } } } "@ $script:SourceFile = join-path $script:TestAssemblyDir "PowershellTestConfig.cs" $PscConfigDef | out-file $script:SourceFile -Encoding ascii -Force $TestAssemblyName = "TestAssembly.dll" $TestAssemblyPath = join-path $script:TestAssemblyDir $TestAssemblyName Add-Type -path $script:SourceFile -OutputAssembly $TestAssemblyPath return $TestAssemblyName } $script:TestDir = join-path $TestDrive "Remoting" if(-not (Test-Path $script:TestDir)) { $null = New-Item -path $script:TestDir -ItemType Directory } $script:TestAssemblyDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() if(-not (Test-Path $script:TestAssemblyDir)) { $null = New-Item -path $script:TestAssemblyDir -ItemType Directory } $LocalConfigFilePath = CreateTestConfigFile $LocalStartupScriptPath = CreateStartupScript $LocalTestModulePath = CreateTestModule $LocalTestAssemblyName = CreateTestAssembly $LocalTestDir = $script:TestDir } } AfterAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { Remove-Item $LocalTestDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Context "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration" { BeforeAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { $TestSessionConfigName = "TestRegisterPSSesionConfig" Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -Force -NoServiceRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } AfterEach { Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -Force -NoServiceRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration -name -path" { $pssessionthreadoptions = "UseCurrentThread" $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb = 20 $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb = 20 $UseSharedProcess = $true Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -path $LocalConfigFilePath -MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb -MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb -UseSharedProcess:$UseSharedProcess -ThreadOptions $pssessionthreadoptions $Result = [PSObject]@{Session = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName; Culture = (Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\Plugin\$endpointName\lang -ea SilentlyContinue).value} $Result.Session.Name | Should be $TestSessionConfigName $Result.Session.SessionType | Should be "Default" $Result.Session.PSVersion | Should BeExactly $expectedPSVersion $Result.Session.Enabled | Should be $true $Result.Session.lang | Should be $Result.Culture $Result.Session.pssessionthreadoptions | Should be $pssessionthreadoptions $Result.Session.psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb | Should be $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb $Result.Session.psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb | Should be $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb $Result.Session.UseSharedProcess | Should be $UseSharedProcess } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration -PSVersion" { Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -PSVersion 5.1 $Session = Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName $Session.Name | Should be $TestSessionConfigName $Session.PSVersion | Should BeExactly 5.1 } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration -startupscript parameter" -Pending { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -path $LocalConfigFilePath -StartupScript $LocalStartupScriptPath -Force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute "return `$script:testvariable" -ExpectedOutput "testValue" -ExpectedError $null } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration -AccessMode parameter" { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -path $LocalConfigFilePath -AccessMode Disabled -Force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute $null -ExpectedOutput $null -ExpectedError "RemoteConnectionDisallowed,PSSessionOpenFailed" } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration -ModulesToImport parameter" -Pending { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -ModulesToImport $LocalTestModulePath -Force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute "return IsTestModuleImported" -ExpectedOutput $true -ExpectedError $null } It "Validate Register-PSSessionConfiguration with ApplicationBase, AssemblyName and ConfigurationTypeName parameter" -Pending { $null = Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -ApplicationBase $script:TestAssemblyDir -AssemblyName $LocalTestAssemblyName -ConfigurationTypeName "PowershellTestConfigNamespace.PowershellTestConfig" -force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute $null -ExpectedOutput $true -ExpectedError $null } } Context "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration" { BeforeAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { $TestSessionConfigName = "TestSetPSSesionConfig" Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -Force -NoServiceRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } AfterEach { Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -Force -NoServiceRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } BeforeEach { Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration -name -path -MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB -MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB -UseSharedProcess -ThreadOptions parameters" { $pssessionthreadoptions = "UseCurrentThread" $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb = 20 $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb = 20 $UseSharedProcess = $true Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb -MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb -UseSharedProcess:$UseSharedProcess -ThreadOptions $pssessionthreadoptions -NoServiceRestart $Result = [PSObject]@{Session = (Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName) ; Culture = (Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\Plugin\microsoft.powershell\lang -ea SilentlyContinue).value} $Result.Session.Name | Should be $TestSessionConfigName $Result.Session.PSVersion | Should BeExactly $expectedPSVersion $Result.Session.Enabled | Should be $true $Result.Session.lang | Should be $result.Culture $Result.Session.pssessionthreadoptions | Should be $pssessionthreadoptions $Result.Session.psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb | Should be $psmaximumreceivedobjectsizemb $Result.Session.psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb | Should be $psmaximumreceiveddatasizepercommandmb $Result.Session.UseSharedProcess | Should be $UseSharedProcess } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration -PSVersion" { Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -PSVersion 5.1 $Session = (Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName) $Session.Name | Should be $TestSessionConfigName $Session.PSVersion | Should BeExactly 5.1 } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration -startupscript parameter" -Pending { $null = Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -StartupScript $LocalStartupScriptPath ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute "return `$script:testvariable" -ExpectedOutput "testValue" -ExpectedError $null } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration -AccessMode parameter" { $null = Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -AccessMode Disabled ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute $null -ExpectedOutput $null -ExpectedError "RemoteConnectionDisallowed,PSSessionOpenFailed" } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration -ModulesToImport parameter" -Pending { $null = Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -ModulesToImport $LocalTestModulePath -Force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute "return IsTestModuleImported" -ExpectedOutput $true -ExpectedError $null } It "Validate Set-PSSessionConfiguration with ApplicationBase, AssemblyName and ConfigurationTypeName parameter" -Pending { $null = Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $TestSessionConfigName -ApplicationBase $script:TestAssemblyDir -AssemblyName $LocalTestAssemblyName -ConfigurationTypeName "PowershellTestConfigNamespace.PowershellTestConfig" -force ValidateRemoteEndpoint -TestSessionConfigName $TestSessionConfigName -ScriptToExecute $null -ExpectedOutput $true -ExpectedError $null } } } } finally { if ($endpointCreated) { Get-PSSessionConfiguration $endpointName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration } } Describe "Basic tests for New-PSSessionConfigurationFile Cmdlet" -Tags @("CI", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { It "Validate New-PSSessionConfigurationFile can successfully create a valid PSSessionConfigurationFile" { $configFilePath = join-path $TestDrive "SamplePSSessionConfigurationFile.pssc" try { New-PSSessionConfigurationFile $configFilePath $result = get-content $configFilePath | Out-String } finally { if(Test-Path $configFilePath){ Remove-Item $configFilePath -Force } } $resultContent = invoke-expression ($result) $resultContent.GetType().ToString() | Should Be "System.Collections.Hashtable" # The default created hashtable in the session configuration file would have the # following keys which we are validating below. $resultContent.ContainsKey("SessionType") -and $resultContent.ContainsKey("SchemaVersion") -and $resultContent.ContainsKey("Guid") -and $resultContent.ContainsKey("Author") | Should Be $true } } Describe "Feature tests for New-PSSessionConfigurationFile Cmdlet" -Tags @("Feature", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { It "Validate FullyQualifiedErrorId from New-PSSessionConfigurationFile when invalid path is provided as input" { try { $filePath = "cert:\foo.pssc" New-PSSessionConfigurationFile $filePath throw "No Exception!" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "InvalidPSSessionConfigurationFilePath,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewPSSessionConfigurationFileCommand" } } } Describe "Test suite for Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile Cmdlet" -Tags @("CI", 'RequireAdminOnWindows') { BeforeAll { if ($IsNotSkipped) { $parmMap = @{ # values for PSSessionConfigFile PowerShellVersion = '3.0' SessionType = 'Default' Author = 'User' CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation' Copyright = 'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.' Description = 'This is a sample session configuration file.' GUID = '73cba863-aa49-4cbf-9917-269ddcf2b1e3' SchemaVersion = '' # The scope of the test is to validate that a valid SessionConfigurationFile can be validated # The test does not register the session configuration from the created session configuration file. # The SCRATCH location is not validated. EnvironmentVariables = @{ PSModulePath = '$Env:PSModulePath + ";$env:SystemDrive\ProgramData"'; SCRATCH = "\\SomeValidRemoteShare\SharedLocation" } # The scope of the test is to validate that a valid SessionConfigurationFile can be validated # The test does not register the session configuration from the created session configuration file. # The AssembliesToLoad are not loaded by this test. The Test only validates that the supplied data # is used to create a valid Session configuration file. AssembliesToLoad = 'SomeValidBinary.dll' # The same explanation as above holds good here. ModulesToImport = 'SomeValidModule' AliasDefinitions = @( @{ Name = "gh"; Value = "Get-Help"; Description = "Gets the help"; Options = "AllScope"; }, @{ Name = "sh"; Value = "Save-Help"; Description = "Saves the help"; Options = "Private"; }, @{ Name = "uh"; Value = "Update-Help"; Description = "Updates the help"; Options = "ReadOnly"; } ) FunctionDefinitions=@( @{ Name = "sysmodules"; ScriptBlock = 'pushd $pshome\Modules'; Options = "AllScope"; }, @{ Name = "mymodules"; ScriptBlock = 'pushd $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'; Options = "ReadOnly"; } ) VariableDefinitions = @( @{ Name = "WarningPreference"; Value = "SilentlyContinue"; }, @{ Name = "datahome"; Value = "\\fileserver\share\data"; }, @{ Name = "allusershome"; Value = '$env:ProgramData' } ) # The scope of the test is to validate that a valid SessionConfigurationFile can be validated # The test does not register the session configuration from the created session configuration file. # The existance of the files supplied as input to TypesToProcess, FormatsToProcess, ScriptsToProcess # are not validated while creating a valid session configurtation file. # The Test only validates that the supplied data can be successfully used to create a valid Session configuration file. TypesToProcess = '$env:SystemDrive\SampleTypesFile.ps1xml' FormatsToProcess = '$env:SystemDrive\SampleFormatsFile.ps1xml' ScriptsToProcess = '$env:SystemDrive\SampleScript.ps1' VisibleAliases = "c*","g*","i*","s*" VisibleCmdlets = "c*","get*","i*","set*" VisibleFunctions = "*" VisibleProviders = 'FileSystem','Function','Registry','Variable' VisibleVariables = "*" LanguageMode = "RestrictedLanguage" ExecutionPolicy = "AllSigned" } } } It "Validate FullyQualifiedErrorId from Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile when invalid path is provided as input" { try { Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile "cert:\foo.pssc" -ErrorAction Stop throw "No Exception!" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "PSSessionConfigurationFileNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestPSSessionConfigurationFileCommand" } } It "Validate FullyQualifiedErrorId from Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile when an invalid pssc file is provided as input and -Verbose parameter is specified" { $configFilePath = join-path $TestDrive "SamplePSSessionConfigurationFile.pssc" "InvalidData" | Out-File $configFilePath Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile $configFilePath -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop | Should Be $false } It "Test case verifies that the generated config file passes validation" { # Path the config file $configFilePath = join-path $TestDrive "SamplePSSessionConfigurationFile.pssc" $updatedFunctionDefn = @() foreach($currentDefination in $parmMap.FunctionDefinitions) { $createdFunctionDefn = @{} foreach($currentDefinationKey in $currentDefination.Keys) { if($currentDefinationKey -eq "ScriptBlock") { $value = [ScriptBlock]::Create($currentDefination[$currentDefinationKey]) } else { $value = $currentDefination[$currentDefinationKey] } $createdFunctionDefn.Add($currentDefinationKey, $value) } $updatedFunctionDefn += $createdFunctionDefn } $updatedVariableDefn = @() foreach($currentDefination in $parmMap.VariableDefinitions) { $createdVariableDefn = @{} foreach($currentDefinationKey in $currentDefination.Keys) { $createdVariableDefn.Add($currentDefinationKey, $currentDefination[$currentDefinationKey]) } $updatedVariableDefn += $createdVariableDefn } try { # Create Config file New-PSSessionConfigurationFile ` -Path $configFilePath ` -SchemaVersion $parmMap.SchemaVersion ` -Author $parmMap.Author ` -CompanyName $parmMap.CompanyName ` -Copyright $parmMap.Copyright ` -Description $parmMap.Description ` -PowerShellVersion $parmMap.PowerShellVersion ` -SessionType $parmMap.SessionType ` -ModulesToImport $parmMap.ModulesToImport ` -AssembliesToLoad $parmMap.AssembliesToLoad ` -VisibleAliases $parmMap.VisibleAliases ` -VisibleCmdlets $parmMap.VisibleCmdlets ` -VisibleFunctions $parmMap.VisibleFunctions ` -VisibleProviders $parmMap.VisibleProviders ` -AliasDefinitions $parmMap.AliasDefinitions ` -FunctionDefinitions $updatedFunctionDefn ` -VariableDefinitions $updatedVariableDefn ` -EnvironmentVariables $parmMap.EnvironmentVariables ` -TypesToProcess $parmMap.TypesToProcess ` -FormatsToProcess $parmMap.FormatsToProcess ` -LanguageMode $parmMap.LanguageMode ` -ExecutionPolicy $parmMap.ExecutionPolicy ` -ScriptsToProcess $parmMap.ScriptsToProcess ` -GUID $parmMap.GUID # Verify the generated config file using the Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile $result = Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path $configFilePath -Verbose } finally { if(Test-Path $configFilePath) { Remove-Item $configFilePath -Force } } $result | Should Be $true } } } finally { $global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues $WarningPreference = $originalWarningPreference }