// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT License. #if !UNIX using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Internal; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure; using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options; using Microsoft.Win32; using Dbg = System.Management.Automation; // FxCop suppressions for resource strings: [module: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1703:ResourceStringsShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", Scope = "resource", Target = "ComputerResources.resources", MessageId = "unjoined")] [module: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1701:ResourceStringCompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly", Scope = "resource", Target = "ComputerResources.resources", MessageId = "UpTime")] namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands { #region Restart-Computer /// /// This exception is thrown when the timeout expires before a computer finishes restarting. /// [Serializable] public sealed class RestartComputerTimeoutException : RuntimeException { /// /// Name of the computer that is restarting. /// public string ComputerName { get; } /// /// The timeout value specified by the user. It indicates the seconds to wait before timeout. /// public int Timeout { get; } /// /// Construct a RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// /// /// /// /// internal RestartComputerTimeoutException(string computerName, int timeout, string message, string errorId) : base(message) { SetErrorId(errorId); SetErrorCategory(ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout); ComputerName = computerName; Timeout = timeout; } /// /// Construct a RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// public RestartComputerTimeoutException() : base() { } /// /// Constructs a RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// /// /// The message used in the exception. /// public RestartComputerTimeoutException(string message) : base(message) { } /// /// Constructs a RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// /// /// The message used in the exception. /// /// /// An exception that led to this exception. /// public RestartComputerTimeoutException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } #region Serialization /// /// Serialization constructor for class RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// /// /// serialization information /// /// /// streaming context /// private RestartComputerTimeoutException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { if (info == null) { throw new PSArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); } ComputerName = info.GetString("ComputerName"); Timeout = info.GetInt32("Timeout"); } /// /// Serializes the RestartComputerTimeoutException. /// /// /// serialization information /// /// /// streaming context /// public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new PSArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); } base.GetObjectData(info, context); info.AddValue("ComputerName", ComputerName); info.AddValue("Timeout", Timeout); } #endregion Serialization } /// /// Defines the services that Restart-Computer can wait on. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1027:MarkEnumsWithFlags")] public enum WaitForServiceTypes { /// /// Wait for the WMI service to be ready. /// Wmi = 0x0, /// /// Wait for the WinRM service to be ready. /// WinRM = 0x1, /// /// Wait for the PowerShell to be ready. /// PowerShell = 0x2, } /// /// Restarts the computer. /// [Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Restart, "Computer", SupportsShouldProcess = true, DefaultParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet, HelpUri = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2097060", RemotingCapability = RemotingCapability.OwnedByCommand)] public class RestartComputerCommand : PSCmdlet, IDisposable { #region "Parameters and PrivateData" private const string DefaultParameterSet = "DefaultSet"; private const int forcedReboot = 6; // see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa394058(v=vs.85).aspx /// /// The authentication options for CIM_WSMan connection. /// [Parameter(ParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet)] [ValidateSet( "Default", "Basic", "Negotiate", // can be used with and without credential (without -> PSRP mapped to NegotiateWithImplicitCredential) "CredSSP", "Digest", "Kerberos")] // can be used with explicit or implicit credential [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] public string WsmanAuthentication { get; set; } /// /// Specifies the computer (s)Name on which this command is executed. /// When this parameter is omitted, this cmdlet restarts the local computer. /// Type the NETBIOS name, IP address, or fully-qualified domain name of one /// or more computers in a comma-separated list. To specify the local computer, type the computername or "localhost". /// [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1819:PropertiesShouldNotReturnArrays")] [Alias("CN", "__SERVER", "Server", "IPAddress")] public string[] ComputerName { get; set; } = new string[] { "." }; private List _validatedComputerNames = new(); private readonly List _waitOnComputers = new(); private readonly HashSet _uniqueComputerNames = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); /// /// The following is the definition of the input parameter "Credential". /// Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. Type a /// user-name, such as "User01" or "Domain01\User01", or enter a PSCredential /// object, such as one from the Get-Credential cmdlet. /// [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Credential] public PSCredential Credential { get; set; } /// /// Using Force in conjunction with Reboot on a /// remote computer immediately reboots the remote computer. /// [Parameter] [Alias("f")] public SwitchParameter Force { get; set; } /// /// Specify the Wait parameter. Prompt will be blocked is the Timeout is not 0. /// [Parameter(ParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet)] public SwitchParameter Wait { get; set; } /// /// Specify the Timeout parameter. /// Negative value indicates wait infinitely. /// Positive value indicates the seconds to wait before timeout. /// [Parameter(ParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet)] [Alias("TimeoutSec")] [ValidateRange(-1, int.MaxValue)] public int Timeout { get { return _timeout; } set { _timeout = value; _timeoutSpecified = true; } } private int _timeout = -1; private bool _timeoutSpecified = false; /// /// Specify the For parameter. /// Wait for the specific service before unblocking the prompt. /// [Parameter(ParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet)] public WaitForServiceTypes For { get { return _waitFor; } set { _waitFor = value; _waitForSpecified = true; } } private WaitForServiceTypes _waitFor = WaitForServiceTypes.PowerShell; private bool _waitForSpecified = false; /// /// Specify the Delay parameter. /// The specific time interval (in second) to wait between network pings or service queries. /// [Parameter(ParameterSetName = DefaultParameterSet)] [ValidateRange(1, short.MaxValue)] public short Delay { get { return (short)_delay; } set { _delay = value; _delaySpecified = true; } } private int _delay = 5; private bool _delaySpecified = false; /// /// Script to test if the PowerShell is ready. /// private const string TestPowershellScript = @" $array = @($input) $result = @{} foreach ($computerName in $array[1]) { $ret = $null $arguments = @{ ComputerName = $computerName ScriptBlock = { $true } SessionOption = NewPSSessionOption -NoMachineProfile ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } if ( $null -ne $array[0] ) { $arguments['Credential'] = $array[0] } $result[$computerName] = (Invoke-Command @arguments) -as [bool] } $result "; /// /// The indicator to use when show progress. /// private readonly string[] _indicator = { "|", "/", "-", "\\" }; /// /// The activity id. /// private int _activityId; /// /// After call 'Shutdown' on the target computer, wait a few /// seconds for the restart to begin. /// private const int SecondsToWaitForRestartToBegin = 25; /// /// Actual time out in seconds. /// private int _timeoutInMilliseconds; /// /// Indicate to exit. /// private bool _exit, _timeUp; private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancel = new(); /// /// A waithandler to wait on. Current thread will wait on it during the delay interval. /// private readonly ManualResetEventSlim _waitHandler = new(false); private readonly Dictionary _computerInfos = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // CLR 4.0 Port note - use https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/system.net.networkinformation.ipglobalproperties.hostname(v=vs.110).aspx private readonly string _shortLocalMachineName = Dns.GetHostName(); // And for this, use PsUtils.GetHostname() private readonly string _fullLocalMachineName = Dns.GetHostEntryAsync(string.Empty).Result.HostName; private int _percent; private string _status; private string _activity; private Timer _timer; private System.Management.Automation.PowerShell _powershell; private const string StageVerification = "VerifyStage"; private const string WmiConnectionTest = "WMI"; private const string WinrmConnectionTest = "WinRM"; private const string PowerShellConnectionTest = "PowerShell"; #endregion "parameters and PrivateData" #region "IDisposable Members" /// /// Dispose Method. /// public void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); // Use SuppressFinalize in case a subclass // of this type implements a finalizer. GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// /// Dispose Method. /// /// public void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (_timer != null) { _timer.Dispose(); } _waitHandler.Dispose(); _cancel.Dispose(); if (_powershell != null) { _powershell.Dispose(); } } } #endregion "IDisposable Members" #region "Private Methods" /// /// Validate parameters for 'DefaultSet' /// 1. When the Wait is specified, the computername cannot contain the local machine /// 2. If the local machine is present, make sure it is at the end of the list (so the remote ones get restarted before the local machine reboot). /// private void ValidateComputerNames() { bool containLocalhost = false; _validatedComputerNames.Clear(); foreach (string name in ComputerName) { ErrorRecord error = null; string targetComputerName = ComputerWMIHelper.ValidateComputerName(name, _shortLocalMachineName, _fullLocalMachineName, ref error); if (targetComputerName == null) { if (error != null) { WriteError(error); } continue; } if (targetComputerName.Equals(ComputerWMIHelper.localhostStr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { containLocalhost = true; } else if (!_uniqueComputerNames.Contains(targetComputerName)) { _validatedComputerNames.Add(targetComputerName); _uniqueComputerNames.Add(targetComputerName); } } // Force wait with a test hook even if we're on the local computer if (!InternalTestHooks.TestWaitStopComputer && Wait && containLocalhost) { // The local machine will be ignored, and an error will be emitted. InvalidOperationException ex = new(ComputerResources.CannotWaitLocalComputer); WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "CannotWaitLocalComputer", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null)); containLocalhost = false; } // Add the localhost to the end of the list, so we will restart remote machines // before we restart the local one. if (containLocalhost) { _validatedComputerNames.Add(ComputerWMIHelper.localhostStr); } } /// /// Write out progress. /// /// /// /// /// private void WriteProgress(string activity, string status, int percent, ProgressRecordType progressRecordType) { ProgressRecord progress = new(_activityId, activity, status); progress.PercentComplete = percent; progress.RecordType = progressRecordType; WriteProgress(progress); } /// /// Calculate the progress percentage. /// /// /// private int CalculateProgressPercentage(string currentStage) { switch (currentStage) { case StageVerification: return _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.Wmi) || _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.WinRM) ? 33 : 20; case WmiConnectionTest: return _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.Wmi) ? 66 : 40; case WinrmConnectionTest: return _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.WinRM) ? 66 : 60; case PowerShellConnectionTest: return 80; default: break; } Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(false, "CalculateProgressPercentage should never hit the default case"); return 0; } /// /// Event handler for the timer. /// /// private void OnTimedEvent(object s) { _exit = _timeUp = true; _cancel.Cancel(); _waitHandler.Set(); if (_powershell != null) { _powershell.Stop(); _powershell.Dispose(); } } private sealed class ComputerInfo { internal string LastBootUpTime; internal bool RebootComplete; } private List TestRestartStageUsingWsman(IEnumerable computerNames, List nextTestList, CancellationToken token) { var restartStageTestList = new List(); var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), CancellationToken = token }; foreach (var computer in computerNames) { try { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } using (CimSession cimSession = RemoteDiscoveryHelper.CreateCimSession(computer, Credential, WsmanAuthentication, isLocalHost: false, this, token)) { bool itemRetrieved = false; IEnumerable mCollection = cimSession.QueryInstances( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.CimQueryDialect, "Select * from " + ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_OperatingSystem, operationOptions); foreach (CimInstance os in mCollection) { itemRetrieved = true; string newLastBootUpTime = os.CimInstanceProperties["LastBootUpTime"].Value.ToString(); string oldLastBootUpTime = _computerInfos[computer].LastBootUpTime; if (!string.Equals(newLastBootUpTime, oldLastBootUpTime, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _computerInfos[computer].RebootComplete = true; nextTestList.Add(computer); } else { restartStageTestList.Add(computer); } } if (!itemRetrieved) { restartStageTestList.Add(computer); } } } catch (CimException) { restartStageTestList.Add(computer); } catch (Exception) { restartStageTestList.Add(computer); } } return restartStageTestList; } private List SetUpComputerInfoUsingWsman(IEnumerable computerNames, CancellationToken token) { var validComputerNameList = new List(); var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), CancellationToken = token }; foreach (var computer in computerNames) { try { using (CimSession cimSession = RemoteDiscoveryHelper.CreateCimSession(computer, Credential, WsmanAuthentication, isLocalHost: false, this, token)) { bool itemRetrieved = false; IEnumerable mCollection = cimSession.QueryInstances( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.CimQueryDialect, "Select * from " + ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_OperatingSystem, operationOptions); foreach (CimInstance os in mCollection) { itemRetrieved = true; if (!_computerInfos.ContainsKey(computer)) { var info = new ComputerInfo { LastBootUpTime = os.CimInstanceProperties["LastBootUpTime"].Value.ToString(), RebootComplete = false }; _computerInfos.Add(computer, info); validComputerNameList.Add(computer); } } if (!itemRetrieved) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartComputerSkipped, computer, ComputerResources.CannotGetOperatingSystemObject); var error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "RestartComputerSkipped", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computer); this.WriteError(error); } } } catch (CimException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartComputerSkipped, computer, ex.Message); var error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "RestartComputerSkipped", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computer); this.WriteError(error); } catch (Exception ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartComputerSkipped, computer, ex.Message); var error = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "RestartComputerSkipped", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computer); this.WriteError(error); } } return validComputerNameList; } private void WriteOutTimeoutError(IEnumerable computerNames) { const string errorId = "RestartComputerTimeout"; foreach (string computer in computerNames) { string errorMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartcomputerFailed, computer, ComputerResources.TimeoutError); var exception = new RestartComputerTimeoutException(computer, Timeout, errorMsg, errorId); var error = new ErrorRecord(exception, errorId, ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, computer); if (!InternalTestHooks.TestWaitStopComputer) { WriteError(error); } } } #endregion "Private Methods" #region "Internal Methods" internal static List TestWmiConnectionUsingWsman(List computerNames, List nextTestList, PSCredential credential, string wsmanAuthentication, PSCmdlet cmdlet, CancellationToken token) { // Check if the WMI service "Winmgmt" is started const string wmiServiceQuery = "Select * from " + ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_Service + " Where name = 'Winmgmt'"; var wmiTestList = new List(); var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), CancellationToken = token }; foreach (var computer in computerNames) { try { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } using (CimSession cimSession = RemoteDiscoveryHelper.CreateCimSession(computer, credential, wsmanAuthentication, isLocalHost: false, cmdlet, token)) { bool itemRetrieved = false; IEnumerable mCollection = cimSession.QueryInstances( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.CimQueryDialect, wmiServiceQuery, operationOptions); foreach (CimInstance service in mCollection) { itemRetrieved = true; if (LanguagePrimitives.IsTrue(service.CimInstanceProperties["Started"].Value)) { nextTestList.Add(computer); } else { wmiTestList.Add(computer); } } if (!itemRetrieved) { wmiTestList.Add(computer); } } } catch (CimException) { wmiTestList.Add(computer); } catch (Exception) { wmiTestList.Add(computer); } } return wmiTestList; } /// /// Test the PowerShell state for the restarting computer. /// /// /// /// /// /// internal static List TestPowerShell(List computerNames, List nextTestList, System.Management.Automation.PowerShell powershell, PSCredential credential) { List psList = new(); try { Collection psObjectCollection = powershell.Invoke(new object[] { credential, computerNames.ToArray() }); if (psObjectCollection == null) { Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This should never happen. Invoke should never return null."); } // If ^C or timeout happens when we are in powershell.Invoke(), the psObjectCollection might be empty if (psObjectCollection.Count == 0) { return computerNames; } object result = PSObject.Base(psObjectCollection[0]); Hashtable data = result as Hashtable; Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(data != null, "data should never be null"); Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(data.Count == computerNames.Count, "data should contain results for all computers in computerNames"); foreach (string computer in computerNames) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsTrue(data[computer])) { nextTestList.Add(computer); } else { psList.Add(computer); } } } catch (PipelineStoppedException) { // powershell.Stop() is invoked because timeout expires, or Ctrl+C is pressed } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // powershell.dispose() is invoked because timeout expires, or Ctrl+C is pressed } return psList; } #endregion "Internal Methods" #region "Overrides" /// /// BeginProcessing method. /// protected override void BeginProcessing() { // Timeout, For, Delay, Progress cannot be present if Wait is not present if ((_timeoutSpecified || _waitForSpecified || _delaySpecified) && !Wait) { InvalidOperationException ex = new(ComputerResources.RestartComputerInvalidParameter); ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "RestartComputerInvalidParameter", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null)); } if (Wait) { _activityId = (new Random()).Next(); if (_timeout == -1 || _timeout >= int.MaxValue / 1000) { _timeoutInMilliseconds = int.MaxValue; } else { _timeoutInMilliseconds = _timeout * 1000; } // We don't support combined service types for now switch (_waitFor) { case WaitForServiceTypes.Wmi: case WaitForServiceTypes.WinRM: break; case WaitForServiceTypes.PowerShell: _powershell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(); _powershell.AddScript(TestPowershellScript); break; default: InvalidOperationException ex = new(ComputerResources.NoSupportForCombinedServiceType); ErrorRecord error = new(ex, "NoSupportForCombinedServiceType", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, (int)_waitFor); ThrowTerminatingError(error); break; } } } /// /// ProcessRecord method. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling")] protected override void ProcessRecord() { // Validate parameters ValidateComputerNames(); object[] flags = new object[] { 2, 0 }; if (Force) flags[0] = forcedReboot; if (ParameterSetName.Equals(DefaultParameterSet, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (Wait && _timeout != 0) { _validatedComputerNames = SetUpComputerInfoUsingWsman(_validatedComputerNames, _cancel.Token); } foreach (string computer in _validatedComputerNames) { bool isLocal = false; string compname; if (computer.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { compname = _shortLocalMachineName; isLocal = true; } else { compname = computer; } // Generate target and action strings string action = StringUtil.Format( ComputerResources.RestartComputerAction, isLocal ? ComputerResources.LocalShutdownPrivilege : ComputerResources.RemoteShutdownPrivilege); string target = isLocal ? StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.DoubleComputerName, "localhost", compname) : compname; if (!ShouldProcess(target, action)) { continue; } bool isSuccess = ComputerWMIHelper.InvokeWin32ShutdownUsingWsman(this, isLocal, compname, flags, Credential, WsmanAuthentication, ComputerResources.RestartcomputerFailed, "RestartcomputerFailed", _cancel.Token); if (isSuccess && Wait && _timeout != 0) { _waitOnComputers.Add(computer); } } if (_waitOnComputers.Count > 0) { var restartStageTestList = new List(_waitOnComputers); var wmiTestList = new List(); var winrmTestList = new List(); var psTestList = new List(); var allDoneList = new List(); bool isForWmi = _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.Wmi); bool isForWinRm = _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.WinRM); bool isForPowershell = _waitFor.Equals(WaitForServiceTypes.PowerShell); int indicatorIndex = 0; int machineCompleteRestart = 0; int actualDelay = SecondsToWaitForRestartToBegin; bool first = true; bool waitComplete = false; _percent = 0; _status = ComputerResources.WaitForRestartToBegin; _activity = _waitOnComputers.Count == 1 ? StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartSingleComputerActivity, _waitOnComputers[0]) : ComputerResources.RestartMultipleComputersActivity; _timer = new Timer(OnTimedEvent, null, _timeoutInMilliseconds, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); while (true) { int loopCount = actualDelay * 4; // (delay * 1000)/250ms while (loopCount > 0) { WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); loopCount--; _waitHandler.Wait(250); if (_exit) { break; } } if (first) { actualDelay = _delay; first = false; if (_waitOnComputers.Count > 1) { _status = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.WaitForMultipleComputers, machineCompleteRestart, _waitOnComputers.Count); WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); } } do { // Test restart stage. // We check if the target machine has already rebooted by querying the LastBootUpTime from the Win32_OperatingSystem object. // So after this step, we are sure that both the Network and the WMI or WinRM service have already come up. if (_exit) { break; } if (restartStageTestList.Count > 0) { if (_waitOnComputers.Count == 1) { _status = ComputerResources.VerifyRebootStage; _percent = CalculateProgressPercentage(StageVerification); WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); } List nextTestList = (isForWmi || isForPowershell) ? wmiTestList : winrmTestList; restartStageTestList = TestRestartStageUsingWsman(restartStageTestList, nextTestList, _cancel.Token); } // Test WMI service if (_exit) { break; } if (wmiTestList.Count > 0) { // This statement block executes for both CLRs. // In the "full" CLR, it serves as the else case. { if (_waitOnComputers.Count == 1) { _status = ComputerResources.WaitForWMI; _percent = CalculateProgressPercentage(WmiConnectionTest); WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); } wmiTestList = TestWmiConnectionUsingWsman(wmiTestList, winrmTestList, Credential, WsmanAuthentication, this, _cancel.Token); } } if (isForWmi) { break; } // Test WinRM service if (_exit) { break; } if (winrmTestList.Count > 0) { // This statement block executes for both CLRs. // In the "full" CLR, it serves as the else case. { // CIM-WSMan in use. In this case, restart stage checking is done by using WMIv2, // so the WinRM service on the target machine is already up at this point. psTestList.AddRange(winrmTestList); winrmTestList.Clear(); if (_waitOnComputers.Count == 1) { // This is to simulate the test for WinRM service _status = ComputerResources.WaitForWinRM; _percent = CalculateProgressPercentage(WinrmConnectionTest); loopCount = actualDelay * 4; // (delay * 1000)/250ms while (loopCount > 0) { WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); loopCount--; _waitHandler.Wait(250); if (_exit) { break; } } } } } if (isForWinRm) { break; } // Test PowerShell if (_exit) { break; } if (psTestList.Count > 0) { if (_waitOnComputers.Count == 1) { _status = ComputerResources.WaitForPowerShell; _percent = CalculateProgressPercentage(PowerShellConnectionTest); WriteProgress(_indicator[(indicatorIndex++) % 4] + _activity, _status, _percent, ProgressRecordType.Processing); } psTestList = TestPowerShell(psTestList, allDoneList, _powershell, this.Credential); } } while (false); // if time is up or Ctrl+c is typed, break out if (_exit) { break; } // Check if the restart completes switch (_waitFor) { case WaitForServiceTypes.Wmi: waitComplete = (winrmTestList.Count == _waitOnComputers.Count); machineCompleteRestart = winrmTestList.Count; break; case WaitForServiceTypes.WinRM: waitComplete = (psTestList.Count == _waitOnComputers.Count); machineCompleteRestart = psTestList.Count; break; case WaitForServiceTypes.PowerShell: waitComplete = (allDoneList.Count == _waitOnComputers.Count); machineCompleteRestart = allDoneList.Count; break; } // Wait is done or time is up if (waitComplete || _exit) { if (waitComplete) { _status = ComputerResources.RestartComplete; WriteProgress(_indicator[indicatorIndex % 4] + _activity, _status, 100, ProgressRecordType.Completed); _timer.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } break; } if (_waitOnComputers.Count > 1) { _status = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.WaitForMultipleComputers, machineCompleteRestart, _waitOnComputers.Count); _percent = machineCompleteRestart * 100 / _waitOnComputers.Count; } } if (_timeUp) { // The timeout expires. Write out timeout error messages for the computers that haven't finished restarting do { if (restartStageTestList.Count > 0) { WriteOutTimeoutError(restartStageTestList); } if (wmiTestList.Count > 0) { WriteOutTimeoutError(wmiTestList); } // Wait for WMI. All computers that finished restarting are put in "winrmTestList" if (isForWmi) { break; } // Wait for WinRM. All computers that finished restarting are put in "psTestList" if (winrmTestList.Count > 0) { WriteOutTimeoutError(winrmTestList); } if (isForWinRm) { break; } if (psTestList.Count > 0) { WriteOutTimeoutError(psTestList); } // Wait for PowerShell. All computers that finished restarting are put in "allDoneList" } while (false); } } } } /// /// To implement ^C. /// protected override void StopProcessing() { _exit = true; _cancel.Cancel(); _waitHandler.Set(); if (_timer != null) { _timer.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } if (_powershell != null) { _powershell.Stop(); _powershell.Dispose(); } } #endregion "Overrides" } #endregion Restart-Computer #region Stop-Computer /// /// Cmdlet to stop computer. /// [Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Stop, "Computer", SupportsShouldProcess = true, HelpUri = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2097151", RemotingCapability = RemotingCapability.SupportedByCommand)] public sealed class StopComputerCommand : PSCmdlet, IDisposable { #region Private Members private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancel = new(); private const int forcedShutdown = 5; // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa394058(v=vs.85).aspx #endregion #region "Parameters" /// /// The authentication options for CIM_WSMan connection. /// [Parameter] [ValidateSet( "Default", "Basic", "Negotiate", // can be used with and without credential (without -> PSRP mapped to NegotiateWithImplicitCredential) "CredSSP", "Digest", "Kerberos")] // can be used with explicit or implicit credential [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] public string WsmanAuthentication { get; set; } = "Default"; /// /// The following is the definition of the input parameter "ComputerName". /// Value of the address requested. The form of the value can be either the /// computer name ("wxyz1234"), IPv4 address (""), or IPv6 /// address ("2010:836B:4179::836B:4179"). /// [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1819:PropertiesShouldNotReturnArrays")] [Alias("CN", "__SERVER", "Server", "IPAddress")] public string[] ComputerName { get; set; } = new string[] { "." }; /// /// The following is the definition of the input parameter "Credential". /// Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. Type a /// user-name, such as "User01" or "Domain01\User01", or enter a PSCredential /// object, such as one from the Get-Credential cmdlet. /// [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Credential] public PSCredential Credential { get; set; } /// /// Force the operation to take place if possible. /// [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Force { get; set; } = false; #endregion "parameters" #region "IDisposable Members" /// /// Dispose Method. /// public void Dispose() { _cancel.Dispose(); } #endregion "IDisposable Members" #region "Overrides" /// /// ProcessRecord. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling")] protected override void ProcessRecord() { object[] flags = new object[] { 1, 0 }; if (Force.IsPresent) flags[0] = forcedShutdown; ProcessWSManProtocol(flags); } /// /// To implement ^C. /// protected override void StopProcessing() { try { _cancel.Cancel(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } catch (AggregateException) { } } #endregion "Overrides" #region Private Methods private void ProcessWSManProtocol(object[] flags) { foreach (string computer in ComputerName) { string compname = string.Empty; string strLocal = string.Empty; bool isLocalHost = false; if (_cancel.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } if ((computer.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || (computer.Equals(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { compname = Dns.GetHostName(); strLocal = "localhost"; isLocalHost = true; } else { compname = computer; } if (!ShouldProcess(StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.DoubleComputerName, strLocal, compname))) { continue; } else { ComputerWMIHelper.InvokeWin32ShutdownUsingWsman( this, isLocalHost, compname, flags, Credential, WsmanAuthentication, ComputerResources.StopcomputerFailed, "StopComputerException", _cancel.Token); } } } #endregion } #endregion #region Rename-Computer /// /// Renames a domain computer and its corresponding domain account or a /// workgroup computer. Use this command to rename domain workstations and local /// machines only. It cannot be used to rename Domain Controllers. /// [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Rename, "Computer", SupportsShouldProcess = true, HelpUri = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2097054", RemotingCapability = RemotingCapability.SupportedByCommand)] public class RenameComputerCommand : PSCmdlet { #region Private Members private bool _containsLocalHost = false; private string _newNameForLocalHost = null; private readonly string _shortLocalMachineName = Dns.GetHostName(); private readonly string _fullLocalMachineName = Dns.GetHostEntryAsync(string.Empty).Result.HostName; #endregion #region Parameters /// /// Target computers to rename. /// [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] public string ComputerName { get; set; } = "localhost"; /// /// Emit the output. /// // [Alias("Restart")] [Parameter] public SwitchParameter PassThru { get; set; } /// /// The domain credential of the domain the target computer joined. /// [Parameter] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Credential] public PSCredential DomainCredential { get; set; } /// /// The administrator credential of the target computer. /// [Parameter] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Credential] public PSCredential LocalCredential { get; set; } /// /// New names for the target computers. /// [Parameter(Mandatory = true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] public string NewName { get; set; } /// /// Suppress the ShouldContinue. /// [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Force { get { return _force; } set { _force = value; } } private bool _force; /// /// To restart the target computer after rename it. /// [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Restart { get { return _restart; } set { _restart = value; } } private bool _restart; /// /// The authentication options for CIM_WSMan connection. /// [Parameter] [ValidateSet( "Default", "Basic", "Negotiate", // can be used with and without credential (without -> PSRP mapped to NegotiateWithImplicitCredential) "CredSSP", "Digest", "Kerberos")] // can be used with implicit or explicit credential [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] public string WsmanAuthentication { get; set; } = "Default"; #endregion #region "Private Methods" /// /// Check to see if the target computer is the local machine. /// private string ValidateComputerName() { // Validate target name. ErrorRecord targetError = null; string targetComputer = ComputerWMIHelper.ValidateComputerName(ComputerName, _shortLocalMachineName, _fullLocalMachineName, ref targetError); if (targetComputer == null) { if (targetError != null) { WriteError(targetError); } return null; } // Validate *new* name. Validate the format of the new name. Check if the old name is the same as the // new name later. if (!ComputerWMIHelper.IsComputerNameValid(NewName)) { bool isLocalhost = targetComputer.Equals(ComputerWMIHelper.localhostStr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.InvalidNewName, isLocalhost ? _shortLocalMachineName : targetComputer, NewName); ErrorRecord error = new( new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "InvalidNewName", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, NewName); WriteError(error); return null; } return targetComputer; } private void DoRenameComputerAction(string computer, string newName, bool isLocalhost) { string computerName = isLocalhost ? _shortLocalMachineName : computer; if (!ShouldProcess(computerName)) { return; } // Check the length of the new name if (newName != null && newName.Length > ComputerWMIHelper.NetBIOSNameMaxLength) { string truncatedName = newName.Substring(0, ComputerWMIHelper.NetBIOSNameMaxLength); string query = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.TruncateNetBIOSName, truncatedName); string caption = ComputerResources.TruncateNetBIOSNameCaption; if (!Force && !ShouldContinue(query, caption)) { return; } } DoRenameComputerWsman(computer, computerName, newName, isLocalhost); } private void DoRenameComputerWsman(string computer, string computerName, string newName, bool isLocalhost) { bool successful = false; int retVal; PSCredential credToUse = isLocalhost ? null : (LocalCredential ?? DomainCredential); try { using (CancellationTokenSource cancelTokenSource = new()) using (CimSession cimSession = RemoteDiscoveryHelper.CreateCimSession(computer, credToUse, WsmanAuthentication, isLocalhost, this, cancelTokenSource.Token)) { var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000), CancellationToken = cancelTokenSource.Token, // This prefix works against all versions of the WinRM server stack, both win8 and win7 ResourceUriPrefix = new Uri(ComputerWMIHelper.CimUriPrefix) }; IEnumerable mCollection = cimSession.QueryInstances( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.CimQueryDialect, "Select * from " + ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_ComputerSystem, operationOptions); foreach (CimInstance cimInstance in mCollection) { var oldName = cimInstance.CimInstanceProperties["DNSHostName"].Value.ToString(); if (oldName.Equals(newName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.NewNameIsOldName, computerName, newName); ErrorRecord error = new( new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "NewNameIsOldName", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, newName); WriteError(error); continue; } // If the target computer is in a domain, always use the DomainCred. If the DomainCred is not given, // use null for UserName and Password, so the context of the caller will be used. // If the target computer is not in a domain, just use null for the UserName and Password string dUserName = null; string dPassword = null; if (((bool)cimInstance.CimInstanceProperties["PartOfDomain"].Value) && (DomainCredential != null)) { dUserName = DomainCredential.UserName; dPassword = Utils.GetStringFromSecureString(DomainCredential.Password); } var methodParameters = new CimMethodParametersCollection(); methodParameters.Add(CimMethodParameter.Create( "Name", newName, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.String, CimFlags.None)); methodParameters.Add(CimMethodParameter.Create( "UserName", dUserName, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.String, (dUserName == null) ? CimFlags.NullValue : CimFlags.None)); methodParameters.Add( CimMethodParameter.Create( "Password", dPassword, Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.String, (dPassword == null) ? CimFlags.NullValue : CimFlags.None)); if (!InternalTestHooks.TestRenameComputer) { CimMethodResult result = cimSession.InvokeMethod( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, cimInstance, "Rename", methodParameters, operationOptions); retVal = Convert.ToInt32(result.ReturnValue.Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } else { retVal = InternalTestHooks.TestRenameComputerResults; } if (retVal != 0) { var ex = new Win32Exception(retVal); string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToRename, computerName, newName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "FailToRenameComputer", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); WriteError(error); } else { successful = true; } if (PassThru) { WriteObject(ComputerWMIHelper.GetRenameComputerStatusObject(retVal, newName, computerName)); } if (successful) { if (_restart) { // If successful and the Restart parameter is specified, restart the computer object[] flags = new object[] { 6, 0 }; ComputerWMIHelper.InvokeWin32ShutdownUsingWsman( this, isLocalhost, computerName, flags, credToUse, WsmanAuthentication, ComputerResources.RestartcomputerFailed, "RestartcomputerFailed", cancelTokenSource.Token); } else { WriteWarning(StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.RestartNeeded, null, computerName)); } } } } } catch (CimException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToConnectToComputer, computerName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "RenameComputerException", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); WriteError(error); } catch (Exception ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.FailToConnectToComputer, computerName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "RenameComputerException", ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); WriteError(error); } } #endregion "Private Methods" #region "Override Methods" /// /// ProcessRecord method. /// protected override void ProcessRecord() { string targetComputer = ValidateComputerName(); if (targetComputer == null) return; bool isLocalhost = targetComputer.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isLocalhost) { if (!_containsLocalHost) _containsLocalHost = true; _newNameForLocalHost = NewName; return; } DoRenameComputerAction(targetComputer, NewName, false); } /// /// EndProcessing method. /// protected override void EndProcessing() { if (!_containsLocalHost) return; DoRenameComputerAction("localhost", _newNameForLocalHost, true); } #endregion "Override Methods" } #endregion Rename-Computer #region "Public API" /// /// The object returned by SAM Computer cmdlets representing the status of the target machine. /// public sealed class ComputerChangeInfo { private const string MatchFormat = "{0}:{1}"; /// /// The HasSucceeded which shows the operation was success or not. /// public bool HasSucceeded { get; set; } /// /// The ComputerName on which the operation is done. /// public string ComputerName { get; set; } /// /// Returns the string representation of this object. /// /// public override string ToString() { return FormatLine(this.HasSucceeded.ToString(), this.ComputerName); } /// /// Formats a line for use in ToString. /// /// /// /// private static string FormatLine(string HasSucceeded, string computername) { return StringUtil.Format(MatchFormat, HasSucceeded, computername); } } /// /// The object returned by Rename-Computer cmdlet representing the status of the target machine. /// public sealed class RenameComputerChangeInfo { private const string MatchFormat = "{0}:{1}:{2}"; /// /// The status which shows the operation was success or failure. /// public bool HasSucceeded { get; set; } /// /// The NewComputerName which represents the target machine. /// public string NewComputerName { get; set; } /// /// The OldComputerName which represented the target machine. /// public string OldComputerName { get; set; } /// /// Returns the string representation of this object. /// /// public override string ToString() { return FormatLine(this.HasSucceeded.ToString(), this.NewComputerName, this.OldComputerName); } /// /// Formats a line for use in ToString. /// /// /// /// /// private static string FormatLine(string HasSucceeded, string newcomputername, string oldcomputername) { return StringUtil.Format(MatchFormat, HasSucceeded, newcomputername, oldcomputername); } } #endregion "Public API" #region Helper /// /// Helper Class used by Stop-Computer,Restart-Computer and Test-Connection /// Also Contain constants used by System Restore related Cmdlets. /// internal static class ComputerWMIHelper { /// /// The maximum length of a valid NetBIOS name. /// internal const int NetBIOSNameMaxLength = 15; /// /// System Restore Class used by Cmdlets. /// internal const string WMI_Class_SystemRestore = "SystemRestore"; /// /// OperatingSystem WMI class used by Cmdlets. /// internal const string WMI_Class_OperatingSystem = "Win32_OperatingSystem"; /// /// Service WMI class used by Cmdlets. /// internal const string WMI_Class_Service = "Win32_Service"; /// /// Win32_ComputerSystem WMI class used by Cmdlets. /// internal const string WMI_Class_ComputerSystem = "Win32_ComputerSystem"; /// /// Ping Class used by Cmdlet. /// internal const string WMI_Class_PingStatus = "Win32_PingStatus"; /// /// CIMV2 path. /// internal const string WMI_Path_CIM = "\\root\\cimv2"; /// /// Default path. /// internal const string WMI_Path_Default = "\\root\\default"; /// /// The error says The interface is unknown. /// internal const int ErrorCode_Interface = 1717; /// /// This error says An instance of the service is already running. /// internal const int ErrorCode_Service = 1056; /// /// The name of the privilege to shutdown a local system. /// internal const string SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeShutdownPrivilege"; /// /// The name of the privilege to shutdown a remote system. /// internal const string SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege"; /// /// CimUriPrefix. /// internal const string CimUriPrefix = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2"; /// /// CimOperatingSystemNamespace. /// internal const string CimOperatingSystemNamespace = "root/cimv2"; /// /// CimOperatingSystemShutdownMethod. /// internal const string CimOperatingSystemShutdownMethod = "Win32shutdown"; /// /// CimQueryDialect. /// internal const string CimQueryDialect = "WQL"; /// /// Local host name. /// internal const string localhostStr = "localhost"; /// /// Get the local admin user name from a local NetworkCredential. /// /// /// /// internal static string GetLocalAdminUserName(string computerName, PSCredential psLocalCredential) { string localUserName = null; // The format of local admin username should be "ComputerName\AdminName" if (psLocalCredential.UserName.Contains('\\')) { localUserName = psLocalCredential.UserName; } else { int dotIndex = computerName.IndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex == -1) { localUserName = computerName + "\\" + psLocalCredential.UserName; } else { localUserName = string.Concat(computerName.AsSpan(0, dotIndex), "\\", psLocalCredential.UserName); } } return localUserName; } /// /// Generate a random password. /// /// /// internal static string GetRandomPassword(int passwordLength) { const int charMin = 32, charMax = 122; const int allowedCharsCount = charMax - charMin + 1; byte[] randomBytes = new byte[passwordLength]; char[] chars = new char[passwordLength]; RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); rng.GetBytes(randomBytes); for (int i = 0; i < passwordLength; i++) { chars[i] = (char)(randomBytes[i] % allowedCharsCount + charMin); } return new string(chars); } /// /// Gets the Scope. /// /// /// /// internal static string GetScopeString(string computer, string namespaceParameter) { StringBuilder returnValue = new("\\\\"); if (computer.Equals("::1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || computer.Equals("[::1]", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { returnValue.Append("localhost"); } else { returnValue.Append(computer); } returnValue.Append(namespaceParameter); return returnValue.ToString(); } /// /// Returns true if it is a valid drive on the system. /// /// /// internal static bool IsValidDrive(string drive) { DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo logicalDrive in drives) { if (logicalDrive.DriveType.Equals(DriveType.Fixed)) { if (drive.Equals(logicalDrive.Name, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true; } } return false; } /// /// Checks whether string[] contains System Drive. /// /// /// /// internal static bool ContainsSystemDrive(string[] drives, string sysdrive) { string driveApp; foreach (string drive in drives) { if (!drive.EndsWith('\\')) { driveApp = string.Concat(drive, "\\"); } else driveApp = drive; if (driveApp.Equals(sysdrive, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns the given computernames in a string. /// /// internal static string GetMachineNames(string[] computerNames) { string separator = ","; RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\International"); if (regKey != null) { object sListValue = regKey.GetValue("sList"); if (sListValue != null) { separator = sListValue.ToString(); } } string compname = string.Empty; StringBuilder strComputers = new(); int i = 0; foreach (string computer in computerNames) { if (i > 0) { strComputers.Append(separator); } else { i++; } if ((computer.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || (computer.Equals(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { compname = Dns.GetHostName(); } else { compname = computer; } strComputers.Append(compname); } return strComputers.ToString(); } internal static ComputerChangeInfo GetComputerStatusObject(int errorcode, string computername) { ComputerChangeInfo computerchangeinfo = new(); computerchangeinfo.ComputerName = computername; if (errorcode != 0) { computerchangeinfo.HasSucceeded = false; } else { computerchangeinfo.HasSucceeded = true; } return computerchangeinfo; } internal static RenameComputerChangeInfo GetRenameComputerStatusObject(int errorcode, string newcomputername, string oldcomputername) { RenameComputerChangeInfo renamecomputerchangeinfo = new(); renamecomputerchangeinfo.OldComputerName = oldcomputername; renamecomputerchangeinfo.NewComputerName = newcomputername; if (errorcode != 0) { renamecomputerchangeinfo.HasSucceeded = false; } else { renamecomputerchangeinfo.HasSucceeded = true; } return renamecomputerchangeinfo; } internal static void WriteNonTerminatingError(int errorcode, PSCmdlet cmdlet, string computername) { Win32Exception ex = new(errorcode); string additionalmessage = string.Empty; if (ex.NativeErrorCode.Equals(0x00000035)) { additionalmessage = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.NetworkPathNotFound, computername); } string message = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.OperationFailed, ex.Message, computername, additionalmessage); ErrorRecord er = new(new InvalidOperationException(message), "InvalidOperationException", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, computername); cmdlet.WriteError(er); } /// /// Check whether the new computer name is valid. /// /// /// internal static bool IsComputerNameValid(string computerName) { bool allDigits = true; if (computerName.Length >= 64) return false; foreach (char t in computerName) { if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z' || t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') { allDigits = false; continue; } else if (t >= '0' && t <= '9') { continue; } else if (t == '-') { allDigits = false; continue; } else { return false; } } return !allDigits; } /// /// System Restore APIs are not supported on the ARM platform. Skip the system restore operation is necessary. /// /// /// internal static bool SkipSystemRestoreOperationForARMPlatform(PSCmdlet cmdlet) { bool retValue = false; if (PsUtils.IsRunningOnProcessorArchitectureARM()) { var ex = new InvalidOperationException(ComputerResources.SystemRestoreNotSupported); var er = new ErrorRecord(ex, "SystemRestoreNotSupported", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); cmdlet.WriteError(er); retValue = true; } return retValue; } /// /// Invokes the Win32Shutdown command on provided target computer using WSMan /// over a CIMSession. The flags parameter determines the type of shutdown operation /// such as shutdown, reboot, force etc. /// /// Cmdlet host for reporting errors. /// True if local host computer. /// Target computer. /// Win32Shutdown flags. /// Optional credential. /// Optional authentication. /// Error message format string that takes two parameters. /// Fully qualified error Id. /// Cancel token. /// True on success. internal static bool InvokeWin32ShutdownUsingWsman( PSCmdlet cmdlet, bool isLocalhost, string computerName, object[] flags, PSCredential credential, string authentication, string formatErrorMessage, string ErrorFQEID, CancellationToken cancelToken) { Dbg.Diagnostics.Assert(flags.Length == 2, "Caller need to verify the flags passed in"); bool isSuccess = false; string targetMachine = isLocalhost ? "localhost" : computerName; string authInUse = isLocalhost ? null : authentication; PSCredential credInUse = isLocalhost ? null : credential; var currentPrivilegeState = new PlatformInvokes.TOKEN_PRIVILEGE(); var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000), CancellationToken = cancelToken, // This prefix works against all versions of the WinRM server stack, both win8 and win7 ResourceUriPrefix = new Uri(ComputerWMIHelper.CimUriPrefix) }; try { if (!(isLocalhost && PlatformInvokes.EnableTokenPrivilege(ComputerWMIHelper.SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, ref currentPrivilegeState)) && !(!isLocalhost && PlatformInvokes.EnableTokenPrivilege(ComputerWMIHelper.SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, ref currentPrivilegeState))) { string message = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.PrivilegeNotEnabled, computerName, isLocalhost ? ComputerWMIHelper.SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME : ComputerWMIHelper.SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME); ErrorRecord errorRecord = new(new InvalidOperationException(message), "PrivilegeNotEnabled", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null); cmdlet.WriteError(errorRecord); return false; } using (CimSession cimSession = RemoteDiscoveryHelper.CreateCimSession(targetMachine, credInUse, authInUse, isLocalhost, cmdlet, cancelToken)) { var methodParameters = new CimMethodParametersCollection(); int retVal; methodParameters.Add(CimMethodParameter.Create( "Flags", flags[0], Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.SInt32, CimFlags.None)); methodParameters.Add(CimMethodParameter.Create( "Reserved", flags[1], Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.SInt32, CimFlags.None)); if (!InternalTestHooks.TestStopComputer) { CimMethodResult result = null; if (isLocalhost) { // Win32_ComputerSystem is a singleton hence FirstOrDefault() return the only instance returned by EnumerateInstances. var computerSystem = cimSession.EnumerateInstances(ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_OperatingSystem).FirstOrDefault(); result = cimSession.InvokeMethod( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, computerSystem, ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemShutdownMethod, methodParameters, operationOptions); } else { result = cimSession.InvokeMethod( ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemNamespace, ComputerWMIHelper.WMI_Class_OperatingSystem, ComputerWMIHelper.CimOperatingSystemShutdownMethod, methodParameters, operationOptions); } retVal = Convert.ToInt32(result.ReturnValue.Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } else { retVal = InternalTestHooks.TestStopComputerResults; } if (retVal != 0) { var ex = new Win32Exception(retVal); string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(formatErrorMessage, computerName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new( new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), ErrorFQEID, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); cmdlet.WriteError(error); } else { isSuccess = true; } } } catch (CimException ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(formatErrorMessage, computerName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), ErrorFQEID, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); cmdlet.WriteError(error); } catch (Exception ex) { string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(formatErrorMessage, computerName, ex.Message); ErrorRecord error = new(new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), ErrorFQEID, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, computerName); cmdlet.WriteError(error); } finally { // Restore the previous privilege state if something unexpected happened PlatformInvokes.RestoreTokenPrivilege( isLocalhost ? ComputerWMIHelper.SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME : ComputerWMIHelper.SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, ref currentPrivilegeState); } return isSuccess; } /// /// Returns valid computer name or null on failure. /// /// Computer name to validate. /// /// /// /// Valid computer name. internal static string ValidateComputerName( string nameToCheck, string shortLocalMachineName, string fullLocalMachineName, ref ErrorRecord error) { string validatedComputerName = null; if (nameToCheck.Equals(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || nameToCheck.Equals(localhostStr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || nameToCheck.Equals(shortLocalMachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || nameToCheck.Equals(fullLocalMachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { validatedComputerName = localhostStr; } else { bool isIPAddress = false; try { IPAddress unused; isIPAddress = IPAddress.TryParse(nameToCheck, out unused); } catch (Exception) { } try { string fqcn = Dns.GetHostEntryAsync(nameToCheck).Result.HostName; if (fqcn.Equals(shortLocalMachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || fqcn.Equals(fullLocalMachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // The IPv4 or IPv6 of the local machine is specified validatedComputerName = localhostStr; } else { validatedComputerName = nameToCheck; } } catch (Exception e) { // If GetHostEntry() throw exception, then the target should not be the local machine if (!isIPAddress) { // Return error if the computer name is not an IP address. Dns.GetHostEntry() may not work on IP addresses. string errMsg = StringUtil.Format(ComputerResources.CannotResolveComputerName, nameToCheck, e.Message); error = new ErrorRecord( new InvalidOperationException(errMsg), "AddressResolutionException", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, nameToCheck); return null; } validatedComputerName = nameToCheck; } } return validatedComputerName; } } #endregion Helper } #endif