# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Import-Module HelpersCommon Describe "Enable-ExperimentalFeature and Disable-ExperimentalFeature tests" -tags "Feature","RequireAdminOnWindows" { BeforeAll { $pwsh = "$PSHOME/pwsh" $systemConfigPath = "$PSHOME/powershell.config.json" if ($IsWindows) { $userConfigPath = "~/Documents/powershell/powershell.config.json" } else { $userConfigPath = "~/.config/powershell/powershell.config.json" } $systemConfigExists = $false if (Test-Path $systemConfigPath) { $systemConfigExists = $true Move-Item $systemConfigPath "$systemConfigPath.backup" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $userConfigExists = $false if (Test-Path $userConfigPath) { $userConfigExists = $true Move-Item $userConfigPath "$userConfigPath.backup" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $testModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "assets" $originalModulePath = $env:PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath = $testModulePath } AfterAll { if ($systemConfigExists) { Move-Item "$systemConfigPath.backup" $systemConfigPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($userConfigExists) { Move-Item "$userConfigPath.backup" $userConfigPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $env:PSModulePath = $originalModulePath } AfterEach { Remove-Item $systemConfigPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $userConfigPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Enable-ExperimentalFeature will enable Experimental Feature for scope: " -TestCases @( @{ scope = "AllUsers" }, @{ scope = "CurrentUser" } ) { param ($scope) if (!(Test-CanWriteToPsHome) -and $scope -eq "AllUsers") { return } $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Get-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne $feature.Enabled | Should -BeFalse -Because "All Experimental Features disabled when no config file" $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Enable-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne -Scope $scope -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $feature | Should -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "No object is output to pipeline on success" $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Get-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne $feature.Enabled | Should -BeTrue -Because "The experimental feature is now enabled" } It "Disable-ExperimentalFeature will disable Experimental Feature for scope: " -TestCases @( @{ scope = "AllUsers" ; configPath = $systemConfigPath }, @{ scope = "CurrentUser"; configPath = $userConfigPath } ) { param ($scope, $configPath) if (!(Test-CanWriteToPsHome) -and $scope -eq "AllUsers") { return } '{"ExperimentalFeatures":["ExpTest.FeatureOne"]}' > $configPath $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Get-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne $feature.Enabled | Should -BeTrue -Because "Test config should enable ExpTest.FeatureOne" $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Disable-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne -Scope $scope -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $feature | Should -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "No object is output to pipeline on success" $feature = & $pwsh -noprofile -output xml -command Get-ExperimentalFeature ExpTest.FeatureOne $feature.Enabled | Should -BeFalse -Because "The experimental feature is now disabled" } It " will output warning message" -TestCases @( @{ cmdlet = "Enable-ExperimentalFeature" }, @{ cmdlet = "Disable-Experimentalfeature" } ) { param ($cmdlet) & $cmdlet ExpTest.FeatureOne -WarningVariable warning -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $warning | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "A warning message is always given indicating restart is required" } It "Multiple features enabled will only output one warning message for " -TestCases @( @{ cmdlet = "Enable-ExperimentalFeature" }, @{ cmdlet = "Disable-Experimentalfeature" } ) { param ($cmdlet) Get-ExperimentalFeature | & $cmdlet -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warning $warning | Should -HaveCount 1 } }