Describe "Tab completion bug fix" -Tags "CI" { It "Issue#682 - '[system.manage' should work" { $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript "[system.manage" -cursorColumn "[system.manage".Length $result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 1 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "System.Management" } It "Issue#1350 - '1 -sp' should work" { $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript "1 -sp" -cursorColumn "1 -sp".Length $result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 1 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "-split" } It "Issue#1350 - '1 -a' should work" { $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript "1 -a" -cursorColumn "1 -a".Length $result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 2 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "-and" $result.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be "-as" } It "Issue#2295 - '[pscu' should expand to [pscustomobject]" { $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript "[pscu" -cursorColumn "[pscu".Length $result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 1 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "pscustomobject" } It "Issue#1345 - 'Import-Module -n' should work" { $cmd = "Import-Module -n" $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $cmd -cursorColumn $cmd.Length $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 3 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be "-Name" $result.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be "-NoClobber" $result.CompletionMatches[2].CompletionText | Should Be "-NoOverwrite" } Context "Issue#3416 - 'Select-Object'" { BeforeAll { $DatetimeProperties = @((Get-Date) | Sort-Object -Property Name } It "Issue#3416 - 'Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ' should work" { $cmd = "Get-Date | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty " $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $cmd -cursorColumn $cmd.Length $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be $DatetimeProperties.Count $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $DatetimeProperties[0].Name # Date $result.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be $DatetimeProperties[1].Name # DateTime } It "Issue#3416 - 'Select-Object -ExpandProperty ' should work" { $cmd = "Get-Date | Select-Object -ExpandProperty " $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $cmd -cursorColumn $cmd.Length $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be $DatetimeProperties.Count $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be $DatetimeProperties[0].Name # Date $result.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be $DatetimeProperties[1].Name # DateTime } } It "Issue#3628 - 'Sort-Object @{' should work" { $cmd = "Get-Date | Sort-Object @{" $result = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $cmd -cursorColumn $cmd.Length $result.CompletionMatches.Count | Should Be 3 $result.CompletionMatches[0].CompletionText | Should Be 'Expression' $result.CompletionMatches[1].CompletionText | Should Be 'Ascending' $result.CompletionMatches[2].CompletionText | Should Be 'Descending' } }