Describe 'build.psm1 and powershell.exe' { Context '$env:DEVPATH assemblies loading' { It 'has $env:DEVPATH set' { $env:DEVPATH | Should Not Be $null } It 'loads System.Management.Automation.dll' { [psobject].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH System.Management.Automation.dll) } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll' { [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll) } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll' { [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.UtilityResources].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll) } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll' { [Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleShell].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll) } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll' { [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SecurityDescriptorCommandsBase].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll) } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore.dll' { workflow wfTest {}; wfTest ## Trigger the loading of ServiceCore.dll [Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.PSWorkflowJob].Assembly.Location | Should Be ( Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore.dll) } } } Describe 'Modules for the packge' { Context '$env:DEVPATH Modules loading' { $originalPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath try { # load all modules only from $env:DEVPATH !!! $env:PSModulePath = "$($env:DEVPATH)\Modules" It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts' { try { Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts -ErrorAction Stop Get-LocalUser | Should Not Be $null } finally { Remove-Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts } } It 'loads Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive' { try { Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts -ErrorAction Stop Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\1.txt -Value '' Compress-Archive -Path TestDrive:\1.txt -DestinationPath TestDrive:\ Get-ChildItem -Path TestDrive:\ | Should Not Be $null } finally { Remove-Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive } } It 'loads PsScheduledJob' { try { Import-Module PsScheduledJob -ErrorAction Stop New-ScheduledJobOption | Should Not Be $null } finally { Remove-Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PsScheduledJob } } } finally { $env:PSModulePath = $originalPSModulePath } } }