Describe "Export-FormatData" { Context "Check Export-FormatData can be called validly." { It "Should be able to be called without error" { { Get-FormatData | Export-FormatData -Path "outputfile" } | Should Not Throw Remove-Item "outputfile" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Context "Check that the output is in the correct format" { It "Should not return an empty xml file" { Get-FormatData | Export-FormatData -Path "outputfile" $piped = Get-Content "outputfile" $piped | Should Not Be "" Remove-Item "outputfile" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Should have a valid xml tag at the start of the file" { Get-FormatData | Export-FormatData -Path "outputfile" $piped = Get-Content "outputfile" $piped[0] | Should Be "<" Remove-Item "outputfile" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } }