Describe "Format-Custom" -Tags "CI" { Context "Check Format-Custom aliases" { It "Should have the same output between the alias and the unaliased function" { $nonaliased = Get-FormatData | Format-Custom $aliased = Get-FormatData | fc $($nonaliased | Out-String).CompareTo($($aliased | Out-String)) | Should Be 0 } } Context "Check specific flags on Format-Custom" { It "Should be able to specify the depth in output" { $getprocesspester = Get-FormatData | Format-Custom -depth 1 ($getprocesspester).Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } It "Should be able to use the Property flag to select properties" { $CommandName = Get-Command | Format-Custom -Property "Name" $CommandName | Should Not Match "Source" } } } Describe "Format-Custom DRT basic functionality" -Tags "CI" { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" public abstract class NamedItem { public string name; } public abstract class MyContainerBase : NamedItem { public System.Collections.Generic.List children = new System.Collections.Generic.List (); } public sealed class MyLeaf1 : NamedItem { public int val1 = 0; } public sealed class MyLeaf2 : NamedItem { public int val2 = 0; } public sealed class MyContainer1 : MyContainerBase { public string data1; } public sealed class MyContainer2 : MyContainerBase { public string data2; } "@ It "Format-Custom with subobject should work" { $expectResult1 = "this is the name" $expectResult2 = "this is the name of the sub object" $testObject = @{} $ = $expectResult1 $testObject.subObjectValue = @{} $ = $expectResult2 $testObject.subObjectValue.array = (0..63) $testObject.subObjectValue.stringarray = @("one","two") $result = $testObject | Format-Custom | Out-String $result | Should Match $expectResult1 $result | Should Match $expectResult2 $result | Should Match "one" $result | Should Match "two" } It "Format-Custom with Tree Object should work" { $expectedResult=@" class MyContainer1 { data1 = data 1 children = [ class MyLeaf1 { val1 = 10 name = leaf 1 } class MyLeaf2 { val2 = 20 name = leaf 2 } ] name = container 1 } class MyContainer2 { data2 = data 2 children = [ class MyLeaf1 { val1 = 10 name = leaf 1 } class MyLeaf2 { val2 = 20 name = leaf 2 } ] name = container 2 } class MyContainer2 { data2 = data 2 deep children = [ class MyContainer1 { data1 = cx data children = [ class MyLeaf1 { val1 = 10 name = leaf 1 } class MyLeaf2 { val2 = 20 name = leaf 2 } ] name = cx } ] name = container 2 deep } class MyContainer1 { data1 = cx data children = [ class MyLeaf1 { val1 = 10 name = leaf 1 } class MyLeaf2 { val2 = 20 name = leaf 2 } ] name = cx } "@ $leaf1 = New-Object MyLeaf1 $ = "leaf 1" $leaf1.val1 = 10 $leaf2 = New-Object MyLeaf2 $ = "leaf 2" $leaf2.val2 = 20 $c1 = New-Object MyContainer1 $ = "container 1" $c1.data1 = "data 1" $c1.children.Add($leaf1) $c1.children.Add($leaf2) $c2 = New-Object MyContainer2 $ = "container 2" $c2.data2 = "data 2" $c2.children.Add($leaf1) $c2.children.Add($leaf2) $cDeep = New-Object MyContainer2 $ = "container 2 deep" $cDeep.data2 = "data 2 deep" $cx= New-Object MyContainer1 $ = "cx" $cx.data1 = "cx data" $cx.children.Add($leaf1) $cx.children.Add($leaf2) $cDeep.children.Add($cx) $objectList = @($c1,$c2,$cDeep,$cx) $result = $objectList | Format-Custom | Out-String $result = $result -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $expectedResult = $expectedResult -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $result | Should Be $expectedResult } It "Format-Custom with Empty Data Tree Object should work" { $expectedResult=@" class MyContainer1 { data1 = children = name = } "@ $c= New-Object MyContainer1 $ = $null $c.data1 = $null $c.children = $null $objectList = @($c) $result = $objectList | Format-Custom | Out-String $result = $result -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $expectedResult = $expectedResult -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $result | Should Be $expectedResult } It "Format-Custom with Back Pointers Tree Object should work" { $expectedResult=@" class MyContainer1 { data1 = children = [ class MyContainer1 { data1 = children = [ class MyContainer1 { data1 = children = [ MyContainer1 ] name = ROOT } ] name = ROOT } ] name = ROOT } "@ $root= New-Object MyContainer1 $ = "ROOT" $root.children.Add($root) $objectList = @($root) $result = $objectList | Format-Custom | Out-String $result = $result -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $expectedResult = $expectedResult -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $result | Should Be $expectedResult } It "Format-Custom with Leaf Only Data should work" { $expectedResult=@" class MyLeaf1 { val1 = 10 name = leaf 1 } class MyLeaf2 { val2 = 20 name = leaf 2 } "@ $leaf1 = New-Object MyLeaf1 $ = "leaf 1" $leaf1.val1 = 10 $leaf2 = New-Object MyLeaf2 $ = "leaf 2" $leaf2.val2 = 20 $objectList = @($leaf1,$leaf2) $result = $objectList | Format-Custom | Out-String $result = $result -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $expectedResult = $expectedResult -replace "[{} `n\r]","" $result | Should Be $expectedResult } }