param( [switch]$Bootstrap ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../build.psm1 -Force Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/packaging -Force # This function retrieves the appropriate svg to be used when presenting # the daily test run badge # the location in azure is public readonly function Get-DailyBadge { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)][ValidateSet("Pass","Fail")]$result ) $PASS = "" $FAIL = "" if ( $result -eq "Pass" ) { $BadgeUrl = $PASS } else { $BadgeUrl = $FAIL } $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BadgeUrl if ( $response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) { throw "Could not read badge '$BadgeUrl'" } $response.Content } # This function uses Azure REST api to update the daily test pass results # it relies on writing a specific SVG into a constant location so the # README.MD can report on the status of the daily test pass # it also relies on two environment variables which need to be set in the # Travis-CI config which is the account name and key for the azure blob location # # the best way to do this would be if travis-ci supported a webcall to get # the status of cron_job builds, but it doesn't, so we have this function Set-DailyBuildBadge { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)]$content ) $method = "PUT" $headerDate = '2015-12-11' $storageAccountName = $Env:TestResultAccountName $storageAccountKey = $Env:TestResultAccountKey # this is the url referenced in README.MD which displays the badge $Url = "" $body = $content $bytes = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)) $contentLength = $bytes.length $now = [datetime]::UtcNow.ToString("R", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) $headers = @{ "x-ms-date" = $now "cache-control" = "no-cache" "x-ms-blob-type" = "BlockBlob" "x-ms-version" = "$headerDate" } $contentType = "image/svg+xml" # more info: $sb = [text.stringbuilder]::new() # can't use AppendLine because the `r`n causes the command to fail, it must be `n and only `n $null = $sb.Append("$method`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("$contentLength`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("$contentType`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("`n") $null = $sb.Append("x-ms-blob-type:" + $headers["x-ms-blob-type"] + "`n") $null = $sb.Append("x-ms-date:" + $headers["x-ms-date"] + "`n") $null = $sb.Append("x-ms-version:" + $headers["x-ms-version"] + "`n") $null = $sb.Append("/" + $storageAccountName + ([System.Uri]::new($url).AbsolutePath)) $dataToMac = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($sb.ToString()) $accountKeyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($storageAccountKey) $hmac = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256]::new($accountKeyBytes) $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($hmac.ComputeHash($dataToMac)) $headers["Authorization"] = "SharedKey " + $storageAccountName + ":" + $signature if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$signaturestring")) { # if this fails, it will throw, you can't check the response for a success code $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Method $method -headers $headers -Body $body -ContentType "image/svg+xml" } } # # TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE: Indicates how the build was triggered. # One of push, pull_request, api, cron. $isPR = $env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'pull_request' # For PRs, Travis-ci strips out [ and ] so read the message directly from git if($env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'pull_request') { # Get the second log entry body # The first log is a merge for a PR $commitMessage = git log --format=%B -n 1 --skip=1 } else { $commitMessage = $env:TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE } # Run a full build if the build was trigger via cron, api or the commit message contains `[Feature]` $hasFeatureTag = $commitMessage -match '\[feature\]' $isDailyBuild = $env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'cron' -or $env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'api' $isFullBuild = $isDailyBuild -or $hasFeatureTag if($Bootstrap.IsPresent) { Write-Host -Foreground Green "Executing travis.ps1 -BootStrap `$isPR='$isPr' - $commitMessage" # Make sure we have all the tags Sync-PSTags -AddRemoteIfMissing Start-PSBootstrap -Package:(-not $isPr) } else { $BaseVersion = (Get-PSVersion -OmitCommitId) + '-' Write-Host -Foreground Green "Executing travis.ps1 `$isPR='$isPr' `$isFullBuild='$isFullBuild' - $commitMessage" $output = Split-Path -Parent (Get-PSOutput -Options (New-PSOptions)) # CrossGen'ed assemblies cause a hang to happen intermittently when running powershell class # basic parsing tests in Linux/OSX. The hang seems to happen when generating dynamic assemblies. # This issue has been reported to CoreCLR team. We need to work around it for now because # the Travis CI build failures caused by this is draining our builder resource and severely # affect our daily work. The workaround is: # 1. For pull request and push commit, build without '-CrossGen' and run the parsing tests # 2. For nightly build, build with '-CrossGen' but don't run the parsing tests # With this workaround, CI builds triggered by pull request and push commit will exercise # the parsing tests with IL assemblies, while nightly builds will exercise CrossGen'ed assemblies # without running those class parsing tests so as to avoid the hang. # NOTE: this change should be reverted once the 'CrossGen' issue is fixed by CoreCLR. The issue # is tracked by $originalProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' try { ## We use CrossGen build to run tests only if it's the daily build. Start-PSBuild -CrossGen:$isDailyBuild -PSModuleRestore } finally{ $ProgressPreference = $originalProgressPreference } $pesterParam = @{ 'binDir' = $output } if ($isFullBuild) { $pesterParam['Tag'] = @('CI','Feature','Scenario') $pesterParam['ExcludeTag'] = @() } else { $pesterParam['Tag'] = @('CI') $pesterParam['ThrowOnFailure'] = $true } # Remove telemetry semaphore file in CI $telemetrySemaphoreFilepath = Join-Path $output DELETE_ME_TO_DISABLE_CONSOLEHOST_TELEMETRY if ( Test-Path "${telemetrySemaphoreFilepath}" ) { Remove-Item -force ${telemetrySemaphoreFilepath} } Start-PSPester @pesterParam if (-not $isPr) { # Run 'CrossGen' for push commit, so that we can generate package. # It won't rebuild powershell, but only CrossGen the already built assemblies. if (-not $isDailyBuild) { Start-PSBuild -CrossGen } $packageParams = @{} if($env:TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER) { $version = $BaseVersion + $env:TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER $packageParams += @{Version=$version} } # Only build packages for branches, not pull requests $packages = @(Start-PSPackage @packageParams) $packages += Start-PSPackage @packageParams -Type AppImage foreach($package in $packages) { # Publish the packages to the nuget feed if: # 1 - It's a Daily build (already checked, for not a PR) # 2 - We have the info to publish (NUGET_KEY and NUGET_URL) # 3 - it's a nupkg file if($isDailyBuild -and $env:NUGET_KEY -and $env:NUGET_URL -and []::GetExtension($package) -ieq '.nupkg') { log "pushing $package to $env:NUGET_URL" Start-NativeExecution -sb {dotnet nuget push $package --api-key $env:NUGET_KEY --source "$env:NUGET_URL/api/v2/package"} -IgnoreExitcode } } try { # this throws if there was an error Test-PSPesterResults $result = "PASS" } catch { $resultError = $_ $result = "FAIL" } if ( $isDailyBuild ) { # now update the badge if you've done a full build, these are not fatal issues try { $svgData = Get-DailyBadge -result $result if ( ! $svgData ) { write-warning "Could not retrieve $result badge" } else { Write-Verbose -verbose "Setting status badge to '$result'" Set-DailyBuildBadge -content $svgData } } catch { Write-Warning "Could not update status badge: $_" } } # if the tests did not pass, throw the reason why if ( $result -eq "FAIL" ) { Throw $resultError } } Start-PSxUnit }