Describe "Set-Variable DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{ It "Set-Variable normal variable Name should works"{ Set-Variable foo bar $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } It "Set-Variable normal variable Name with position should works"{ Set-Variable -Name foo bar $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } It "Set-Variable normal variable Name with scope should works"{ Set-Variable -Name foo -Value bar0 Set-Variable -Name foo -Value bar -Scope "1" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -scope "1" $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" Set-Variable -Name foo -Value newValue -Scope "local" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -scope "local" $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "newValue" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" Set-Variable -Name foo -Value newValue2 -Scope "script" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -scope "script" $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "newValue2" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } It "Set-Variable normal variable Name with position should works"{ Set-Variable abcaVar bar Set-Variable bcdaVar anotherVal Set-Variable aVarfoo bogusval Set-Variable -Name "*aV*" -Value "overwrite" -Include "*Var*" -Exclude "bcd*" $var1=Get-Variable -Name "*aVar*" -Scope "local" $var1[0].Name|Should Be "abcaVar" $var1[0].Value|Should Be "overwrite" $var1[0].Options|Should Be "None" $var1[0].Description|Should Be "" $var1[1].Name|Should Be "aVarfoo" $var1[1].Value|Should Be "overwrite" $var1[1].Options|Should Be "None" $var1[1].Description|Should Be "" $var1[2].Name|Should Be "bcdaVar" $var1[2].Value|Should Be "anotherVal" $var1[2].Options|Should Be "None" $var1[2].Description|Should Be "" } It "Set-Variable normal variable Name with Description and Value should works"{ Set-Variable foo bar Set-Variable -Name foo $null -Description "new description" -PassThru:$true -Scope "local" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local" $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be $null $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" } It "Set-Variable normal variable Name with just Description should works"{ Set-Variable foo bar Set-Variable -Name foo -Description "new description" -PassThru:$true -Scope "local" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local" $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" } It "Set-Variable overwrite Constant Option should throw SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException"{ Set-Variable -Name abcaVar bar -Option Constant -Scope "local" try { Set-Variable -Name abcaVar new -Scope "local" -EA Stop Throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "VariableNotWritable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetVariableCommand" } } It "Set-Variable of existing Private variable without force should throw Exception"{ Set-Variable abcaVar bar -Description "new description" -Option Private $var1=Get-Variable -Name abcaVar $var1.Name|Should Be "abcaVar" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "Private" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" Set-Variable abcaVar other -Description "new description" $var1=Get-Variable -Name abcaVar $var1.Name|Should Be "abcaVar" $var1.Value|Should Be "other" $var1.Options|Should Be "Private" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" } It "Set-Variable with Exclude, then Get-Variable it should throw ItemNotFoundException"{ Set-Variable -Name foo1,foo2 hello -Exclude foo2 -EA Stop try { Get-Variable -Name foo2 -EA Stop Throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "VariableNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetVariableCommand" } } It "Set-Variable of existing ReadOnly variable without force should throw Exception"{ Set-Variable abcaVar bar -Description "new description" -Option ReadOnly $var1=Get-Variable -Name abcaVar $var1.Name|Should Be "abcaVar" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "ReadOnly" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" try { Set-Variable abcaVar -Option None -EA Stop Throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "VariableNotWritable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetVariableCommand" } } It "Set-Variable of ReadOnly variable with private scope should work"{ Set-Variable foo bar -Description "new description" -Option ReadOnly -scope "private" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "ReadOnly, Private" $var1.Description|Should Be "new description" } It "Set-Variable pipeline with Get-Variable should work"{ $footest1="bar" ${Get-Variable footest1 -valueonly|Set-Variable bootest1 -passthru} $var1=Get-Variable -Name footest1 $var1.Name|Should Be "footest1" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } } Describe "Set-Variable" { It "Should create a new variable with no parameters" { { Set-Variable testVar } | Should Not Throw } It "Should assign a value to a variable it has to create" { Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value 4 Get-Variable testVar -ValueOnly | Should Be 4 } It "Should change the value of an already existing variable" { $testVar=1 $testVar | Should Not Be 2 Set-Variable testVar -Value 2 $testVar | Should Be 2 } It "Should be able to be called with the set alias" { set testVar -Value 1 $testVar | Should Be 1 } It "Should be able to be called with the sv alias" { sv testVar -Value 2 $testVar | Should Be 2 } It "Should be able to set variable name using the Name parameter" { Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value 1 $testVar | Should Be 1 } It "Should be able to set the value of a variable by piped input" { $testValue = "piped input" $testValue | Set-Variable -Name testVar $testVar | Should Be $testValue } It "Should be able to pipe object properties to output using the PassThru switch" { $in = Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value "test" -Description "test description" -PassThru $output = $in | Format-List -Property Description | Out-String # This will cause errors running these tests in Windows $output.Trim() | Should Be "Description : test description" } It "Should be able to set the value using the value switch" { Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value 4 $testVar | Should Be 4 Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value "test" $testVar | Should Be "test" } Context "Scope Tests" { It "Should be able to set a global scope variable using the global switch" { { Set-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope global -Force } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to set a global variable using the script scope switch" { { Set-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope script -Force } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to set an item locally using the local switch" { { Set-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope local -Force } | Should Not Throw } } }